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Business ebooks

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Category: Business

Video Marketing Profits

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Title: Video Marketing Profits

Discover all about how to increase profits using Video Marketing!

"Now YOU Can Grab Your Share of Internet Profits Using the Most Powerful Secrets of Online Video!"
...Whether you're making money online yet or not, these secrets are guaranteed to boost your earnings!

Did you know that using video on your websites can increase sales 50%, 100%, even 500% or more? How would you like to discover the secrets to multiplying your online income using videos that are very easy to create?

The fact is, there are thousands of online marketers using video to explode sales and skyrocket their earnings, and they're doing it because they have discovered some very powerful, yet simple secrets... If you think adding video to your web pages is tough, you're in for a treat! You can actually get setup in just a few hours with great videos that "force" your visitors to buy. Want to know all of the secrets? Here they are...

Introducing, "Video Marketing Profits: 10 Steps to Explode Your Online Profits Using the Power of Video!"

Here is what you'll discover and how you'll benefit from this revealing, tell-all manual...

Here is just some of what you'll discover:

  • Who uses Video Marketing to promote business?
  • How Video
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Category: Business, Jobs


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Title: Teenpreneur
Author: Stacy Fox


  • How Teenagers Become Successful in Life?
  • How Teenagers Can Start Their Own Businesses?
  • And, How They Can Have a Ball Doing it?

Are you sick and tired of hearing how bad teenagers are? Every time you pick up a newspaper or listen to the news there's another story about a gang or how an out of control teen has behaved badly.

We never hear about the kids who excel at their studies. We never hear about the kids who donate their time to help others. We never hear about the kids who hold down jobs plus doing well in school.
There's also another segment of the teen world that we rarely hear about and that's teens that are also entrepreneurs, or as we prefer to call them "Teenpreneurs."

These teens are very special. They have the foresight to see into the future and understand that having their own businesses is the key to their higher education and a prosperous future.

But, we're about to give you a picture of a few teens that are just like that. Reading their stories is inspirational. But that's not all. "Teenpreneurs" is really all about helping a teen of your own realize their dreams and live up to their potential.

Not only do we tell you all about teens who have done it, we also teach the readers how to do it themselves. That's right. There are tons of businesses that are geared for teens and "Teenpreneurs" teaches you everything you

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business

Top Telesales Techniques

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Title: Top Telesales Techniques
Author: Jenny Cartwright
How to Make a Fortune Selling By Phone!

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your business life is thinking you never have to telemarket.

HUGE mistake....

Because truth be told you telemarket every single day of your life and don't even know it! Every conversation you have is an example of marketing and someone always wins!

The secret is to make certain that you are the one winning.

If you're not satisfied with the income you make pay close attention to the rest of this message

It's quite possible that you believe that you already know everything there is to know about telesales. However, you will discover some crucial twists and turns that will make your existing expertise even more powerful.

Take the time needed to really absorb and understand the strategies revealed within "Top Telesales Techniques". Because it will be a powerful, and worthy investment in yourself and your business.

Put these strategies to use and you will see incredible results.

"Top Telesales Techniques" is available to download now in pdf format.

And when you do, you'll discover the exact way you can take control of the conversation when speaking to a "gatekeeper." You will learn simple, but powerful methods that you can put to use over and over.

Never again be left holding the phone receiver wondering what just happened!

There is so much to learn in this powerful report and because it contains no fluff you will read it quickly and

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Category: Business

Business Goldmine

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Title: Business Goldmine

Business Goldmine: 100 Low Risk, High-Return Internet Business Models! 


Online Publications:


1. Author A Publication - You can write your own publication about any topic. You should do research first so as to fill a want in an audience or market with money to spend. Otherwise you can waste a lot of time. You can sell it yourself and keep all the profits or deal through other distributors and share the profit.

2. Co-Author A Publication - You can write a publication along with another author. You could sell it separately or both sell it and split the profits. You could also have multiple co-authors.

3. Compile A Publication - You could allow other authors and experts to write the publication for you in exchange for free publicity or other incentives. You would simply contact the authors and experts you want and ask them to donate some content.

4. Start An Affiliate Program For The Publication - You could allow other people to sell your publication for a percentage of the profits. You could eventually have literally thousands of people promoting your product with very little work on your part and no out-of-pocket expenses.

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Category: Business

Make Your Mark with Multi-level Marketing

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Title: Make Your Mark with Multi-level Marketing
Author: Steven James
Multi-level Marketing THE RIGHT WAY!

This is a test.  How many people reading this have ever been invited to a social gathering at the home of friends only to find that you were really being roped in to viewing a business proposition?

Yeah, it was a trick question.  Either you are young enough to have never been subjected to the "old" methods of MLM or you are old enough to know that this was a rhetorical question.

I doubt that there is anyway in the "boomer" or slightly pre-boomer category who didn't respond with a resounding yes and a good dose of bad taste in their mouth.

Sadly, that was the way many people chose to operate their mlm business.  Well, that was then, and this is now.

Steven Jones has put together what should be considered the modern-day
"bible" for mlm.  All too often, people lose site of the fact that mlm is a business.  Because it is usually a home-based business folks have a tendency to treat it more like a social enterprise rather than give it the importance they should.

Steven takes away the blinders and teaches the reader how to begin and operate their own business using mlm as the business model.  See, that's really what it is. . .just another model for doing business.

He shows you how having this model for business bring you many percs and benefits that would otherwise escape you under the model of a brick and mortar style of operation.

He takes you by... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business

A Beginner's Guide to Outsourcing

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Title: A Beginner's Guide to Outsourcing

Dear Reader,

Do you have a project that you needed to complete yesterday?

If this sounds like you, don't worry, you are not alone. But why be one of those companies that are always missing deadlines because you do not have enough employees to handle the workload? There is a way to beat this problem, and it is actually quite simple...

The answer is Outsourcing

But I don't know anything about Outsourcing

Again, you are not alone! There are thousands of people that don't know anything about outsourcing, yet they find a way to meet every deadline, while also saving money.

If you want to be one of these people, you need to buy a copy of A Beginner's Guide to Outsourcing right away. This e-book is easy to read, and will put you on the fast track to outsourcing success.

We Give you Want you Need to be Successful

This e-book is not simply a long definition of the word outsource. A Beginner's Guide to Outsourcing dives deep into this business solution in order to ensure that when you are done that you can hire a provider within a couple of minutes! That's right; read this e-book, and by the time you are finished you will be fully ready to take the steps necessary to start your first outsourced project...

What will I learn?

The answer to this question is quite simple; EVERYTHING! There is not one area of outsourcing that is not covered in A Beginner's Guide to Outsourcing. This book is written for... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business

The Windfall Profits Paradox

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Title: The Windfall Profits Paradox
Author: Jay L. Abraham
How You Can Build Tremendous Long Term Business Wealth and Success

Using Short Term "Windfall-Generating Opportunity" Thinking

Dear Business Owner, Entrepreneur or Start-Up,

Building a long term growth-oriented business as an enduring wealth generating asset is every business owner's dream.

But making it through the business "growing pains" usually poses quite a dilemma for the entrepreneur. Although your vision should and must be long term, you can't usually do that easily because too many short term challenges, obstacles and problems need to be handled--first.

After studying the problem for the last few years, although I've always focused on marketing problems, but what really a lot of quality business people around the world usually struggle with is frankly---a cash flow problem.

They need more cash. They need more profit. They need more sales. They need more high yielding revenue.

And most importanfly, they usually need it right away.

It's great to have your financial income set for next year and the year thereafter, but for people to be able to go the distance, for them to be able to build the growth- oriented enterprise they want---they have to be able to get through the short- term, temporary cash crunches and the demanding financial constraints of the moment.

There is nothing wrong with this. It is sometimes part of being an entrepreneur. It is just very stressful--when it doesn't have to be that way--at all. Once you know how to generate all the cash you

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Category: Auto, Business

How To Start a Car Detailing Business

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Title: How To Start a Car Detailing Business

See how easily you can start your own mobile car detailing business from home!

Who Else Wants To Control Your Own Income Potential, Set Your Own Hours, And Enjoy Extra Freedom With A Business In Car Detailing?

Tell me if you know this person.

He or she always seems to have money. Works when she wants (if at all) and can take off for vacation on a whim. And never feels guilty for buying as many "toys" as desired.

Let me guess, this person has their own business!

Do you want to be the one who decides how much money you can make? How many hours you're going to work? When you want to take that Hawaii vacation? Then you need to be in business for yourself.

One of the hottest business opportunities out there is the car detailing business. The market for car detailers is a growth market. And if you're looking for a low cost, big return (without backbreaking labor) business opportunity, then look no further.

Because now you can discover...

How To Start A Car Detailing Business!

Greetings Friend,

You don't have to be a business major to start your own car detailing business!

If you own a car, you already know your target market well. You know where your car needs the most work. The hidden cracks that haven't seen a vacuum in years!

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Category: Business

101 Ways to Help You Get Organized and Stay Organized!

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Title: 101 Ways to Help You Get Organized and Stay Organized!
Are You Pulling Your Hair Out Because Your Life Is A Disorganized Mess?

Feel like a chicken running around with your head cut off?

Is your house a mess? Papers piling up on your kitchen counter. You can no longer see what color the top of your desk is. And it's getting harder and harder to feel comfortable in your own home with the mess. The hectic schedule. And the unorganized life.

There comes a point when you must say, "Enough! I need to get organized now if it kills me!"

Sometimes all it takes is a little push in the right direction to get started. To make just a few changes to a busy life that makes it more manageable.

Where can you get that push? Let me help you with my guide...

...101 Ways to Help You Get Organized and Stay Organized!

Greetings Friend,

Give me 45 minutes and I'll teach you to dump your old frantic habits and get organized once and for all!

If you spend all your time getting one task done just so you can move on to another, you need to make sure you don't waste one minute. Any time spent dilly-dallying is time you don't get to sit back and relax.

(It feels great to relax, doesn't it?)

The truth is, sometimes you're so busy with life you don't have time to sit down and make a plan to get organized. Well help is here. Now you can...

Get Rid Of The Bad Habits That Keep Your Life An Unorganized

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Category: Business, E-Business, E-Marketing

How To Sell In Any Market Manual

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Title: How To Sell In Any Market Manual


Dear Internet Marketer,

A national CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released on Thursday, March 20th, 2008 found that rising prices and declining home values have left Americans strapped for cash. Of the more than 1,000 American adults surveyed in the poll, 59% said they have cut back on clothing purchases, 75% have spent less on leisure activities, and 61% have postponed major purchases such as furniture or appliances.

Americans are feeling the pinch of the economic recession and are expected to drastically cut back on discretionary purchases over the next several months.

So what does that mean for those of us whose livelihoods depend on online sales to the American market? Are we doomed to see our sales fall and our income dry up?

Not if we change our marketing strategies to match these economic changes!

Introducing "How To Sell In Any Market Guide"!

 In This Guide You Will Discover:

Chapter One: What Does Recession Really Mean?

  • How Does A Recession Affect Consumer Buying Habits?
  • What is a Recession?
  • How Long Will The Recession Last?
  • So What Does That Mean For Me?

Chapter Two: The

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