Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.
Aldous Huxley

Business ebooks

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Category: Business

Low-Ticket Profits

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Title: Low-Ticket Profits

"Who Else Wants To Learn How To Create and Sell Small $10 Products and Sell Truck-Loads of Them?"

Low-Ticket Products Are The Easiest To Sell Because Your Prospects Hardly Need To Think Twice About Making A Buying Decision...

Dear Friend,

Before you start selling a high-ticket product you need to first create a low-ticket product so that your customer can move down your sales funnel.

It's important to price your low-ticket product as low as possible, but at the same time not devaluate the product. This will ensure that you'll get as many qualified customers in your system so ultimately you'll make more profits per customer.

The problem is coming up with ideas and generally creating a low-ticket product.

  • What price should you put?
  • What topic should you base it around?
  • What types of low-ticket products can you create?
  • How do you write a salesletter for a low-ticket product?

These types of questions appear all so often so I've written a special report to teach you the concepts of low-ticket products.


"Low-Ticket Profits"

This special report will detail:

  • How to write a salesletter for your low-ticket item
  • The types of low-ticket
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Home Business

How Sell Niche Products

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Title: How Sell Niche Products

How To Sell Non-Marketing Niche Products

Table Of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • How To Sell Music
  • How To Sell Jewelry
  • How To Sell Video Games
  • How To Sell Movies
  • How To Sell Sports Equipment
  • How To Sell Cosmetics
  • How To Sell Electronics
  • How To Sell Furniture
  • How To Sell Appliances
  • How To Sell Software
  • How To Sell Exercise Equipment
  • How To Sell Baby Products
  • How To Sell Books And Magazines
  • How To Sell Toys
  • How To Sell Clothes
  • How To Sell Diet Products
  • How To Sell Home Improvement Products
  • How To Sell Pet Products
  • How To Sell Lawn And Garden Products
  • How To Sell Party Supplies
  • Conclusion:


This ebook will give you the ins and outs of selling niche products outside the Internet
marketing industry. It will give you ideas for targeted sale letters, promotional e-mails, web
site content, list building and traffic generation.

Once you combine all these tools and strategies together you'll have an arsenal of marketing
weapons at your disposal. It doesn't matter if you are selling niche products as a business,
affiliate or auction seller. They will give you

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, E-Business, Home Business

999 Great Business Ideas

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Title: 999 Great Business Ideas

Are you stuck for a moneymaking idea?

Have you been racking your brains out for a part time lucrative business venture that you can build on?

If so, then this quick manual could just be what you are looking for.

With 999 different money making ideas there's bound to be some to suit you. All can lead to lucrative projects and most can be operated from home in your spare time without leaving your current employment.

"999 Different Money Making Ideas" is 63 pages of brief descriptions of different money making ideas. Some requiring little capital; some requiring no capital. Some requiring little effort; some requiring hard work! Some risky; some not so risky. Some tried and tested traditional methods of making money; some quite brilliant business concepts for the aspiring entrepreneur. A complete cross section of different business ideas to suit people with or without any special skills.

Here are just the first 20 in this fantastic ebook

  1. Make money from renting out expensive children's toys. The toys you rent out will include remote controlled models and computerised games. Use a little van to deliver the toys to customers. Paint in toy town colour scheme. Call the van a toy mobile or similar suitable name.
  2. Produce Christmas cards
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Finance

The Ultimate Salesman

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Title: The Ultimate Salesman

"Learn With This Step By Step Manual How To Perfect The Art of Being A Good Salesman!"

Revealed Below: The Top Tactics To Conquer All Your Fears and Seal The Sale When Approaching Your Customer"

Are YOU The Ultimate Salesman?

Dear Fellow Salesman:

Are you frustrated and tired of facing rejection? Do you hear "no" more than you hear "yes"? Do your sales pitches sound as worn out as you feel giving it? Maybe you're just getting started in sales and you'd like some direction and pointers on how to make slam-dunk sales.

I am of the opinion that a sales career is the best line of work. Whether you need to add more spunk to your pitch, or you just want help getting a firm footing in your new sales career, I can help you.

Are You Memorable? Do You Make A Lasting Impression On Each And Every One Of Your Customers?

Regardless of what product you sell, there is a key ingredient that must be factored into the equation to secure each sale. You must sell yourself, not just the product! Most people buy a product simply because they liked the salesman-NOT necessarily because they wanted the product!

People will remember you years from now if you are unique. If you walk through the door with the same hum-drum message coming from every other salesman, chances are you'll not only... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business

The One-Two Punch That Will Have Your Customers Raving!

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Title: The One-Two Punch That Will Have Your Customers Raving!

"Learn A Jealously Guarded 'One-Two' Punch That Spellbinds Customers And Has Them Raving About Your Business!"

First and foremost, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for registering for this free e-course. I know you're really gonna enjoy it.
Today, in our first lesson, I'm going to reveal to you exactly what this incredibly effective "ONE-TWO" punch is... and also demonstrate to you why it's detrimental to your sales that you immediately begin implementing this technique into your everyday sales efforts.

Plus we'll also discuss exactly what you'll need to do to begin taking advantage of this ultra-profitable sales tool immediately.

Rest assured, if you're not using these ingenious "stealth" profit nuggets on your website, you're letting a huge percentage of sales fly by the wayside.

As you know... every customer that land's on your website is yet another opportunity for you to make a sale... so don't waste the opportunity. Take advantage of every round in your sales revolver and fire away!

So, what are you loading into your sales revolver?

Well, I'm here to tell you that several of the rounds that should be cocked and ready to fire are...

Those powerful, un-ignorable, stealth-like CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS!

YUP! They're magical in every sense of the word!

Let me ask you two important questions...

Do you already sell

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Category: Business

How To Start Your Own Coaching/Consulting Business!

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Title: How To Start Your Own Coaching/Consulting Business!

Secrets of starting a fast-paced, freedom filled career in the consulting/coaching business!

If You Are A Smarty-Pants On Any Topic, You May Find Yourself With Money, Freedom, And A Great Career...

...In Just A Few Months! Finally Tell Your Bosses You Won't Be Needing Their Services Any Longer.

Hundreds of thousands of people make a living doing one thing and one thing only...

...telling other people what to do.

Right now, you get up early every day. You survive the commute to your work. You take orders from someone else - and then you get a paycheck.

One that's probably a lot smaller than your boss' check - even if you know a lot more about what's going on than he or she does.

But you know what? If you've taken the time to discover your trade... If you've gained experience in the real world...

You may be able to find people who will PAY YOU to tell them what to do. In fact, they probably need your help, badly!

Consultants and coaches are everywhere. And there may be nothing stopping you from starting your new life as one. You just need to know where to start.

Stop looking, because I've found it for you. It's called...

How To Start Your Own Coaching/Consulting Business!

Greetings Future Consultant Or Coach,

Who else would love to start their own business in the coaching/consulting

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Category: Business

Headlines Exposed

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Title: Headlines Exposed

Headlines Exposed: 100 Attention-Grabbing Headline Ideas & Templates!


1) How To...
An "How To.." headline grabs your prospect's attention because it tells their brain they are about to discover something new that could benefit their lifestyle. The headline should get their attention and explain how to get their benefit faster, cheaper, easier, etc.
"How To Get Out Of Debt In 1 Year Or Less!"

2) Unlock...
An "Unlock..." headline grabs your prospect's attention because when something is locked-up it's perceived as being more valuable. Your product would of course be the key that will unlock the benefit for them.
"Unlock The Secrets Of Selling High Ticket Items!"

3) Learn...
A "Learn..." headline grabs your prospect's attention because it gives your prospects a sense of adventure. It's just like in a story when someone discovers a treasure chest or a lost artifact.
"Learn 3 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Unwanted Wrinkles!"

4) ...Exposed
An "...Exposed" headline grabs your prospect's attention because it sounds as if somebody was trying to hide something. Your prospects will want to know what was being covered up and why.
"Used Car

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business

Sell Annuity

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Title: Sell Annuity

Essential Guide to Discover When It's Time To Sell Your Annuity!

Do you have annuity you don't want?

Discover When is it Time to Sell Your Annuity?

Dear Friend,

What can I do? Where can I get the money I need? I have an annuity, but I don't know that I can sell it. Is there a good time to sell my annuity? I already have a home improvement loan, but it was used before the roof needed replacing. I don't know if I can get another loan. I just don't know where else to get the money. If the insurance company had been able to cover a bigger chunk of the cost of replacing the roof the wind ripped off, but they didn't. Now if I don't replace that roof before it rains we will have buckets for the water sitting all over the house. I think there is a whole in the roof just above our bed. We can't sleep with a bucket in the middle of their bed!

Can I sell my annuity? The person who sold it to me made it sound like I would be stuck with it for life. How can I find out for sure? You are going to need help selling that annuity. Do you even know how to start? What information do you need to know? Do you know if there are other options other than selling your annuity to help you out?

Your annuity could help you get the extra money you need to fix that roof or pay for medical emergencies. How much do... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Finance

Economic Recession An Overview And Comprehensive Case Study

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Title: Economic Recession An Overview And Comprehensive Case Study

Economic Recession An Overview And Comprehensive Case Study

Is The Economic Recession Weighing You Down? Know How To Become The Fittest To Survive During The Tough Times

Secret To Stay Recession-Proof!!!

Economic Recession - 'An Overview And Comprehensive Case Study'

Dear Friend,

There has been much said and discussed about the economic slowdown of the economy and the credit crunch. Recession has affected almost every sector of business, slowing down the profits and increasing debts. And this in turn took its toll over the common man and his day-to-day life. Company close downs, job losses, layoffs, salary cuts....are common during an economic recession.

The other day I heard an incident where a man and his wife committed suicide because they both lost their jobs. It moved my heart to see how the pangs of economic recession is making lives of people miserable as the big companies continue to closedown, layoff their employees or sometimes ask their employees to take a salary cut back.

What's The Answer To Recession?

To survive in the recession, you need to be the fit and strong. So, what the secret to be the fittest among the rest? In order to help small business and common man understand, comprehend and survive in the time of an economic recession, I have

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, E-Business, Home Business

Virtual Plastic

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Title: Virtual Plastic

"The Definitive Manual To Accepting, Setting Up & Processing Online Payments Overnight On A Shoe String Budget"

Through This New Report You Can Discover How To Quickly & Easily Start Accepting Online Payments With No Head Aches!

If you've been interested in starting your own web business but are worried about how you are going to be able collect payments on the Internet, this manual will show you the easy road to making it all possible.

And best of all, it's so easy and fast to put into action, it may very well shock your pants off.

It's time you started collecting your income on the Internet the easy way, with your own merchant account!...

Dear Friend,

Firstly, I want to congratulate you for making it to this website. Most people just have no clue where to start when it comes to accepting payments on the Internet.

You should be very excited right now because before you leave this website you are going to be armed with ALL of the information you could ever need to accept payments right from your very own website!

You may have seen a few of the potential payment options out there and when you started reading into the terms of the service just got plain confused.

I'll level with you, I've been there.

The fact is, you MUST accept credit cards on

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