Business ebooks

Blog In A Box
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(priced for $12.95 or less).
Title: Blog In A Box
- Be Successful No Matter What Your Skill Level Is
- Write About Virtually Any Topic That Interests You
- Have All The Necessary Tools Right At Your Fingertips Whenever You Need Them
- Change The Look Of Your Blog With Minimal Effort
It's True!
Even if you haven't ever heard the word blog before, our toolkit makes it completely possible for you to not only create one easily, but to even earn money from it without the need to sell anything at all!
It really doesn't matter whether you use your new blog as a personal instrument of self discovery or as an additional marketing tool for your existing online business, using Blog In A Box you can create a blog that stands apart from all others, and you can do it within a matter of minutes!
Blogging is little more than an electronic version of something many of you have most likely had and used earlier in your lives, and some of you may still be using to this very day. What is it? See on to find out.
What The Heck Is A 'Blog' Anyway and Why Do I Care?
Plain and simple a blog, or weblog as some refer to it, is nothing more than an electronic journal or diary you use to enter your thoughts or ideas using web-based programs. But, a blog can be so much more than this. It can also be used to enhance your online business or personal site. It can be used to offer up tutorials or free

Get Paid To Shop
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Title: Get Paid To Shop
Author: Peter Allan
Most mystery shoppers start because it's fun, they enjoy eating out, they like to get free food and other supplies, they enjoy having free holidays, wearing expensive clothes, and even being paid to collect all this fabulous FREE stuff!
They enjoy the variety of their 'working' day, the fact that no two 'jobs' are ever the same, the certainty of more than enough opportunities existing to ensure they never run out of jobs themselves, the simple truth that as business becomes more competitive the number of opportunities and rewards will continue to grow.
Mystery shoppers are required all over the world, by companies large and small, who will pay you to shop, eat in top restaurants, visit major theme parks, drive high-performance cars, enjoy all-expenses paid holidays and cruises, or simply shop for everyday items, make a few quick and easy telephone calls, analyze junk mail arriving through your letterbox every day, or just stay home and buy goods on the Internet, items you might buy anyway and which you get to keep totally FREE of CHARGE!
...You Can Earn Handsome Payments, Plus Bonus Items!
Mystery shoppers can easily earn a full time income for part time hours, sometimes much more. You could even work your way around the world, eating, living and traveling FREE of charge, while enjoying all-expenses paid visits to worldwide leisure resorts, and you'll be paid to answer a few simple questions about your
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Be Your Own Boss
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Title: Be Your Own Boss
Author: Robert Smith
Grow Your Own Home Based Business
I don't know about you, but I don't have the time on inclination to see long sales letters. I think they are better suited for people who have too much time on their hands.
I wrote "Be Your Own Boss" for self-starters who live with a sense of purpose. If this sounds like you, you have come to the right place.
The Facts
"Be Your Own Boss" is an e-book about inventing your own successful home-based business based on your own individual strengths and your passion. It covers over 80 topics related to growing your home-based business online.
I have integrated "Be Your Own Boss" into an archive of almost 2,000 articles written by well known, full time Internet marketing professionals. In addition, I included access to over 60 months archives to the Internet Marketing Newsletter.
In less than 3 minutes, you can l have full access to everything it took me five years to discover. It's not more of the hype you see all over the net, it's the really important stuff you really need to understand in order to develop your own unique selling position.
I don't expect you to blindly follow in my footsteps either. I I back up everything with my searchable archive consisting of hundreds of pages of Internet marketing information written by the web's most respected and successful authors.
I will not make any outrageous claims about how much you will earn using this
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

The Buy Impulse
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Title: The Buy Impulse
Author: Danny Wall, Clifford Mee
26 Mind Control Tools
See Every Word On This Site
Because I'll Show You How To Get The Power of 26 Secret Mind Controlling Tools That Will Give You: More Customers Who Spend More Money More Frequently
Dear Friend,
Aren't you just sick and tired of struggling to find enough money to cover your bills every single month? Don't you want to finally end the worrying over your bills?
Don't you finally want success to come to you?
The sad fact of the matter is that fewer than 5% of the entire population of this country will retire in financial security. The other 95% will find themselves dependent on family, friends, and the federal government (and then on a program which no one is sure how long it will be around for).
I mean think about it. Right now, your business is stuck and so are you. You desperately want your business to do better, to make you more money. And you lack something, and you know it.
I'll plug you into a process for implementing each and every one of the 26 mind controlling techniques on every single sales message you have. This process will be easy to do, and will allow you to add these mind controlling techniques quickly and without effort, helping you to make more money.
- How Would You Like To Become One Of The People That Everyone Talks About?
- How would you like to become one of the 5%?
- To Become One Of The "Internet... Click here to read the full description!

Residual Income Through Real Estate
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Title: Residual Income Through Real Estate
If You Want To Join The Thousands Of People Making A Fortune In Residual Income From Investing In Real-Estate, Keep Reading Because You Are About To...
"...Find Out Everything You Need To Know To Start Investing In Real Estate And Set Up A Comfortable Residual Income That Will Give You The Freedom To Do What
You Love!"
Don't want to work 9 - 5 for the rest of your life? Keep reading and find out exactly how thousands of people just like you are becoming fanatically free by investing in Real-Estate.
Dear Friend,
Linear income, it's what keeps most of us from having the free time to do things we love, spend time with our friends and family and just plain enjoy time off any time we like. For most of us, linear income keeps us from trying new things and realizing our dreams.
So what exactly is linear income?
Linear income is the type of income where you get paid an X amount of dollars per every hour you work. It's the most common type of income among average income persons.
What's wrong with this?
First, working 40 hours a week does not give you a lot of time to commit yourself to something you might want to do. Second, if you want a roof over your head and food on the table you can't simply stop working because if you have a linear income, you would
Ebook Type: PDF

UK-Traders UK Wholesale guide
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Title: UK-Traders UK Wholesale guide
Author: Richard Grady
The directory is current and I update it regularly. The last update was completed in June 2002. I am confident that all of the businesses contained within the list are still trading and if you find otherwise, please let me know.
This e-Book was originally written in 2001 and was based on my experience as a seller on online auctions - I have been trading on online auctions since 1998. Since publishing the first edition, the manual has been updated several times and is now used by all manner of different traders, from online auction sellers, to market traders to car-boot fair sellers to traditional retail outlets. The e-Book is packed full of UK wholesalers, many of whom I have used or do use on a regular basis. If you want to buy stock to sell at a profit, then this e-Book is for you.
There is no doubt that considerable profit can be made by selling on online auctions such as eBay or at markets and car boot fairs - if you are prepared to apply the necessary effort. I have traded successfully since 1998 and with particular stock lines I have managed to make sales of over ?500 per week consistently, working just a couple of hours per day. Don't get me wrong, selling on the internet is not a way of getting rich quick (regardless of what others may tell you), but with a bit of effort, you can make regular and worthwhile profits. Many of the product lines sold by wholesalers in this e-Book can be sold at 100% mark up, so you can double your
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

The Secret Of Wealth Revealed!
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Title: The Secret Of Wealth Revealed!
At Last, Learn How to Quickly Build Wealth and Achieve Your Financial Dreams!
This is Your Chance to Discover The Most Powerful Wealth Building Technique Ever Devised!
Dear Fellow Marketer
If you have ever dreamed of acquiring true wealth and receiving all the benefits that accompany it, such as:
- Having total job security
- Being able to take vacations to wherever you want, whenever you want, for as long as you want
- Being able to determine how much money you make instead of relying on a boss
- Being able to escape the competitiveness, the backstabbing and the long hours of the rat race
- Being able to decide what your work hours are. Want to knock off early one day? It's your decision.
- Being able to spend much more time with your family
... It's Time to Stop Dreaming and Make It All a Reality!
Keep Reading to Find Out How!
According to respected author and financial expert Franklyn Hobbs, the secret of wealth is really no secret at all - and it isn't new.
As he points out, "for more than 2,000 years, it has been understood that the person who was poor and let it be known, and made little or no effort to rise above poverty, was largely responsible for his own unhappy condition."
That's right, you don't have to win... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

How to Earn $200 or more Every Day
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Title: How to Earn $200 or more Every Day
Author: David W. Ashley
Installing Ornamental Address Signs
"A trainload of money-making ebooks is worthless if it doesn't give you a simple, straight-forward system to improve your life. On the other hand, a postcard with one short paragraph can be worth millions of dollars if those words reveal a valid pathway to wealth. "The information printed in this guide has changed many people's lives. It is proven, time tested, and easy to follow. In short, it NEVER fails."
Address America Is the Proven, Stress-Free Way to Enjoy the Satisfaction of Making $200 or more Per Day - With No Face-to-Face Selling.
If you're like many of the people I talk to each day, you may be searching for the perfect balance of extra income, enjoyable work and a feeling of satisfaction from what you do.
If you're becoming frustrated in your search for the Ideal Home Business, I may have the perfect solution for you.
My company, Address America, offers a program which provides everything you need to make $100-$300 cash every day, starting within the next 48 hours!
But more than being just highly profitable, this unique business allows you to work when it fits your schedule doing something you'll be proud to tell your friends and neighbors about.
Imagine having $100-$300 extra cash money in your pocket every day! With that kind
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

9 Hidden Success Barriers Revealed
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Title: 9 Hidden Success Barriers Revealed
Author: Shawn Nelson
Learn Which of The 9 Hidden Success Barriers You Must Overcome To Succeed In Life!
I bet you're wondering, "Do I suffer from the 9 Hidden Success Barriers?" Let's find out!
How often do you ask yourself "Why is my life the way it is? Where did I go wrong? Why am I not successful yet?"
Does this sound like you?
- Worked hard to get good grades and to improve your skills
- Went to college or a trade school
- Got a job with a very good salary and benefits
- You feel as though life and success is passing you by
- Now you are tired of your job and the long hours
- Trying to figure out what success barriers are blocking your efforts
Do you feel you are still in the same position you were five or ten years ago? You could be suffering from the 9 Hidden Success Barriers.
Sure, you may have a car, home, wonderful children, investments, and take vacations. Yet, you are still unhappy with where you are in life. It seems as though success has skipped you!
Turn Your Success Barriers Switch Off
How would you like to get rid of the sleepless nights, indigestion boiling up in your throat, eyes open, staring at the ceiling worrying about:
- Paying for the kids education
- Paying bills
- Losing your job
- How to find more time to spend with family
- Not having enough money
- Your... Click here to read the full description!

Creative product creation
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Title: Creative product creation
Author: Pam Renovato
Unlocking your creativity:
How to be a whole brained person:
Creativity is a powerful, unlimited resource that each one of us has. The only problem is that not all of us know how to tap into it.
As business people we are predominantly people who make the most use of the left side of our brain. Our logical side. Because of this entering into the creativity of creating our own products may seem uncomfortable at first. These are things that we need the right side of our brain for also. The creative side.
But we are smart people so these these things do not stand in our way. Just the fact that you have taken the initiative to start a business online- shows that you have creativity!
Don't tell anyone I told you this. I don't wish to offend. I have always found that it is much easier for a creative person to be logical than it is for a logical person to be creative. Would you you agree? :-)
You will find, as I have, that coming up with product ideas and Internet is the perfect union between your right brain and your left. A perfect marriage between logical reasoning and creative tendencies. It is only when we can make use of both sides that we can be a well rounded person. You are more than half there.
Smart people like us are excellent candidates for such a bond. Once we harness the power of both brains, there is nothing we cannot do. This is why I have chosen to discuss this issue with you. If you are not familiar with... Click here to read the full description!
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