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Publilius Syrus

Business ebooks

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Category: Business

The Insiders Guide to Time Management

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Title: The Insiders Guide to Time Management
...The ultimate time management handbook!

Chapter 1

Warming up to the concept of Time.

"Now go on and enjoy yourself, dance to your heart's content and win the Prince's heart. But remember, you have to be back before the clock strikes twelve at midnight."

We all are familiar with the words of the Fairy God Mother in the evergreen fairy tale 'Cinderella'. It's these words that probably made us aware-for the first time in our lives-of the value of time. We all sympathized with Cinderella when all her splendid gown and other finery turned to rags at the stroke of midnight. Our first acquaintance with the villainous Time!

But then, is time such a villain, who should always be painted in black? We have heard the proverb that says "there are no wounds that time cannot heal."

Here of course we get the image of a wizened old woman who comes hobbling up to us with a pitcher full of balm and gentle fingers that soothe away all our pains and sorrows.

But that's enough! This ebook was not written to eulogize time. There is no need of the romance of Cinderella or the soothing finger of an old lady when we are talking about time. And do you know why? It's because we do not have the time for it.

We are going to try and understand time in its many faces. No, I was not referring to the faces of watches or clocks. I was referring to the many meanings that time has. Oh yes it does! You thought that time meant the same to everyone. Well think again; or maybe you could try to... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business, E-Business

How to Suck Up Hungry Customers Faster Than a Vacuum Cleaner on Steroids!

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Title: How to Suck Up Hungry Customers Faster Than a Vacuum Cleaner on Steroids!
Author: Sydney Johnston

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • What KIND Of Business Can Use Auctions?
  • Why YOU Should Be Using This Almost-Unknown Marketing Method
  • Always Advertise Your Other Treasures
  • Stop Throwing Away Your Profits!
  • ALWAYS Let Them Know About Your Website
  • Becoming an Expert
  • Focus on Becoming a Friend
  • Creating an Autopilot System
  • Putting It All Together or How to Make This Simple, Easy and (Almost) Effortless
  • How to Multiply Your Profits
  • Addendum: That All-Important Copy
  • About the Author



Are you interested in ...

  • Thus attracting large numbers of hungry customers?
  • GUARANTEED placement on some of the internet's top sites?
  • With money to spend?
  • For a very low price (or even free)?
  • Who are perfectly targeted to your products or services?
  • Spending only a few minutes a month, once your system is running smoothly?
  • And - perhaps best of all - your competition knows nothing about this?

No, you haven't entered fairy land or the Emerald City of Oz! It's all true, and we'll prove it to you.

Speaking of Traffic ...

Consider this:

1. Today on, the most heavily trafficked internet sites... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business, E-Business

5 Ways to Kill Your Business

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Title: 5 Ways to Kill Your Business
Author: Brian Schaeffer, Brenda Schaeffer

Many internet marketers and "online gurus" are still using made up numbers to scare new business entrepreneurs into purchasing their business building products.

They state that over 95% of small businesses fail and they have the "secrets" to being in the other 5%, but this 95% number was actually picked out of the hat as a marketing ploy and is in no way approaching reality.

I n fact, we were recently investigating one such site touting four sure-fire business strategies for a successful business. This particular author cited the same old 95% scare tactic in his online sales letter webpage.

Our first reaction was that if he got this statistic wrong (or perhaps deliberately using it), what else in his eBook is incorrect or misleading?

By the way, he was selling his eBook for $97 - a guaranteed waste of money for new-to-the-net folks, but a whopping money earner for him!

Was it an incorrect statistic or an immoral duplicity?

Only the author can answer for sure, but our best educated guess is that it was a "scare-them-into-buying-my-product" marketing scam; something that is unfortunately quite prevalent online these days.

The Real Deal -

According to the U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the real number of small business failures, over a period of the first five years of business life, and sustained by the most current and rigorous scientifically based research studies, indicate that the failure rate

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Category: Business, How To

Turning Their Trash Into Your Profits

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Title: Turning Their Trash Into Your Profits
Author: Maria Vowell
Sell Arts & Crafts Items Without Making A Single Project!

Making Money From Arts & Crafts Products Has Never Been Easier!

Even if you are not into making arts and crafts, you can still profit in this market and this special report shows you how!

If you can't paint, sew, crochet, knit or cross-stitch, that's perfectly ok, you can still make money by selling original handcrafted arts and crafts related items without sewing a single stitch or painting a single brush stroke.

This Special Report Shares With You

  • How used clothing and a pair of scissors can prove to be quite profitable
  • Ways to locate handcrafted items dirt-cheap that you can resell for huge profits
  • How to obtain free used clothing where you can begin with absolutely no start up costs
  • How to assemble quick kits that can be resold for as much as $10.00 each, using materials that costs you only pennies
  • Why one person's ignorance can help increase your own profits
  • How a 50 cent item can be resold for as high as much as $25.00
  • A tip where you could make as much as $250.00 from old furniture like sofas and chairs that others have thrown away, as well as providing a guaranteed buyer if a certain type of fabric is used on this furniture.
  • How to turn an old bedspread into over $500 cash or more

Although this report is just 10 pages long, you'll find the information contained in it will help you make money no matter what skills you... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business, E-Marketing

Instant Product Profits

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Title: Instant Product Profits
Author: Simon Hodgkinson
Discover The Easy Way To Instantly Generate Hundreds Of Hot Selling Digital Products

And Squeeze Out 100% Maximum Profits Every Time!

Dear Fellow Marketer,

If you're promoting and selling any kind of digital product online then this information is especially for you. . . .

. . . In the next few minutes I'll reveal the number one online marketing 'MUST DO' strategy that can literally make or break your online success. . . this information will effect your online profits FOREVER!

In this brand new report 'Instant Product Profits' I'm going to show you step by step how to:

  • Create Instant Products With The Minimum Of Effort.
  • Generate Hundreds Of Hot Product Ideas That Will Sell.
  • Add MASSIVE Value To Your Products and Increase Your Profits In Just Minutes.
  • Legally Protect These Killer Products From Would Be Thieves.

Introducing . . .

"Instant Product Profits"

By the time you've finished reading this incredible report you'll have the ability to churn out product after profitable product and in less time than you ever thought possible.

Here are just some of the amazing secrets you'll learn:

  • An Amazingly Powerful Way To Create Hot Products From Simple Ideas.
  • The Little Known Online Resources With Valuable Free Content.
  • How To Use Public Domain Works Without Any Risk.
  • A Really Simple Technique To Improve The Attractiveness And Perceived Value Of Your Products That Will Get Your Customers
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Category: Business

101 Tips To Becoming Successful

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Title: 101 Tips To Becoming Successful
Author: Dennis Lively, Gene Barry
Starting A Business Right

Most people want to be successful in life. There are goals set and then the hard work begins to reach those goals. The question is what is success? Actually, success can mean different things to different people.

For example, a person that owns their own oil changing service for vehicles might set their level of success at servicing 50 cars a day while someone who loves music might consider success as cutting their own CD. In addition, success does not always have to involve money. Success could be getting a good grade in a difficult class or learning how to bake the perfect chocolate cake.

Success comes in all different shapes and sizes with one common denominator. Success is important and it takes work to reach.

Regardless of what your specific success is, there are ways to surpass your goal. We have put together 101 tips that can be used for any success. These are ways to better yourself as a person, proven methods you can apply to reach success.

Table of Contents:

  1. Don't Look Back
  2. Realize your Potential
  3. Dare to Dream
  4. Don't Give Up
  5. Business Plan
  6. Have an Unstoppable Attitude
  7. Focus on Something you Like
  8. Stop the Complaining
  9. Change your Circumstances
  10. Accept Responsibility
  11. Have a Plan
  12. Be Happy
  13. Have Courage
  14. No Shortcuts
  15. Be Excited to
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Category: Business, E-Business

Niche Profit Streams

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Title: Niche Profit Streams
How to use red-hot niche information products to create several income streams that will generate profits for months and years into the future.


Welcome to Niche Profit Streams - before moving onto the ways that you can create streams of income using niche products I want to introduce myself and leave you with a few ways of thinking that, just perhaps, may influence your life in a positive way.

A quick word about myself now - My name is Tuks and I'm just a regular 30 year old guy from jolly old London. My greatest invention in life to date has been the Digital Resale Rights Club - I set it up because I wanted two things. The was first to provide people like your good self with access to everything needed to set-up profitable income streams in high demand niche areas. The second was (obviously) to create a livable income for myself in the process. Incidentally, to keep your finger right on the pulse of niche marketing, resale rights and how to use these powerful concepts to create recurring floods of cash, do check out my BLOG if you have the time. I'm sure you'll find it well worth your while!

What I'm about to tell you now is no exaggeration - this ebook could easily have cost you $49 or even $97 because it reveals some very high level ways of profiting from niche markets. And of course, at the end of it I'm going to give you access to a site with lots of fresh niche products for you to go away and profit from. WHY am I doing this? It's simple - I believe that if you give things freely and in good spirits, you will receive many multiples of it back...and I'm not just talking... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business, Home Business

Hot New Business

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Title: Hot New Business
Author: K. A. McCall

How Would You Like NOT To Have To EVER Go Back To Your Present Job Again... BY CHOICE!!

Why? Because you will now have the power and the means to decide to quit your job when you are ready... and tell your boss 'bye-bye' without looking back and have absolutely no regrets!

Dear Hard-Working Friend,

Total financial freedom is every man and woman's desire...
and it was mine, too. I'm just a regular person with big dreams, hopes and goals - probably very much like you.

Wouldn't you love being able to wake up whenever you want, instead of hearing your alarm and returning to the 'daily grind' like you have for so long?... Very soon, you could be free to choose how you spend your time. Sounds fantastic, huh?

Yes, I have long forgotten the alarm clock and forgotten about commuting to that job I despised for 14 l-o-n-g years, because I now own my own business - and you can do the same, exact thing in less time than you think it's possible!

And I get up when I feel like it, I watch the news and sip a hot cup of Columbian coffee, and then I take a shower... some days I work for only a few hours, and then I goof-off if I want to. Most days I take my dogs for a walk, and often I go for a few rounds of golf with my buddies.

It definitely wasn't always like this...

There was a time

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business

The Golden Book of Proof

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Title: The Golden Book of Proof
Author: Brett McFall
Discover the amazing secrets that have made $28,900 in just 9 days ... $289,500 in 3 weeks ... $360,544 in just 7 weeks, and more - for the Western Sydney nerd who failed English in high school!

Whether you're trying to sell something online or off ...

Take 5 minutes out now to learn the little known secrets that 9 out of 10 business owners don't know - but which could change the advertisements for your business into cash generating machines - EVEN if you know NOTHING about marketing

Dear Friend,

If you've ever wanted to get higher returns than shares ... make more money than real estate, WITHOUT a fraction of the risk or the effort, then:

  • You must know HOW to market that business
  • You must be in business for a start, and

That's why this could be the most important message you ever see, because in the next 5 minutes you're going to find out about 7 cash keys that'll turn your "crappy" advertising results into money in the bank.

So let me ask you:

  • Have you ever mailed a promotion that got little or no response?
  • Have you ever run an ad that absolutely bombed?
  • Have you ever wondered how the competition gets people flocking to their business instead of yours?
  • And how much money have you wasted on so called "experts" and "trial and error" in the past, just trying to find out what really works? Thousands of dollars? Tens of thousands???

To be honest, you could be sending yourself broke by NOT knowing the simple cash keys that expert marketers know. Experts like Brett McFall. He's Australia's top copy

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Category: Business

The Wonderful World of Podcasting

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Title: The Wonderful World of Podcasting
Author: Victor Pryles
A Broadcaster Shows You How To Use Your Voice & Personality To Win On The Internet!

". . .small town doctor learns that the population of his community is being replaced by alien duplicates!" And so it began.

"Everything YOU Need to Know to Become a Pod Person!"

Unlike "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," the popular 50's sci-fi flick, this is one invasion that shouldn't frighten you. Getting bitten by the pod casting bug will harmlessly catapult you into the online stratosphere if you are willing to make the leap!

Dear Entrepreneur,

If you've been trying to figure out the latest online "buzz" you need to discover more and discover it fast!

If you listen very carefully I'll tell you how you can "podcast" your way into making truly insane profits, whether you are just beginning your online business or are a seasoned veteran who wants to catapult your business to the next level.

First things first!

What is podcasting? According to Wikipedia, a podcast is simply a web feed of audio files that is placed on the Internet for anyone to download.

Now, you can drop that term into any search engine and find out HOW to set up a podcast, although there is some information in our manual that gives a brief explanation.

What we hope to teach you isn't "how" but "WHY" you should add podcasting to your marketing arsenal. Why?

Because it works!

As of this writing, if you run a Google search on the term podcast you will receive 80,400,000 results for the term podcast. Sure, some

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