Mark this well, you proud men of action! You are, after all, nothing but unconscious instruments of the men of thought.
Heinrich Heine

Business ebooks

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Category: Business, E-Business

The Marketing Guide That SCREAMS Success!

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Title: The Marketing Guide That SCREAMS Success!
Author: Debbie Solomon, Sara Hardy
  • Creative Techniques
  • Success in Business
  • Running your Business
  • Affordable Promotion
  • Enthusiastic Training
  • Marketing Manual to Success


  • Introduction
  • About The Authors
  • Setting Up Your Company
  • Essential Ingredients For Success
  • Tax Preparation
  • Creative Marketing
  • Networking Package
  • Running Your Business
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping Course
  • Instructional Library


Welcome to the World Of Internet Marketing. This ebook has been designed in order to take you step by step into the world of marketing.
There is a lot involved in doing business online. It entails in-depth information and knowledge in order to achieve a successful business.
This manual will show you all the principles that are involved from setting up your business to successfully marketing it on the internet.
It is essential that you take every detail into consideration in this course. Running a business online is not just based on good networking and marketing. There are also detailed legalities that are involved. Many of us question these while setting up in business. Here, we provide you with all the answers.
Only you can put this knowledge into practice. We are here to provide you with the necessary tools that are required of you to be successful in your

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Category: Business

How to Turn Your Fax Machine into a Money Machine

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Title: How to Turn Your Fax Machine into a Money Machine
Author: Don Lapre

Info Reports From Self Made Millionaire!


Fax technology has been one of the greatest innovations since the telephone. Sometimes called "telecopying," a fax is the telephonic transmission of scanned-in printed material (text or images), usually to a telephone number associated with a printer or other output device. The original document is scanned with a fax machine, which treats the contents (text or images) as a single fixed graphic image, converting it into a bit map (digital image format). In this digital form, the information is transmitted as electrical signals trough the telephone system. The receiving fax machine reconverts the coded image and prints a paper copy of the document.

Another alternative to using a fax machine to send and receive faxes is a fax/modem. Fax modems allow users to send and receive faxes just like they were sending and receiving with a regular fax machine.

Almost all modems manufactured today are capable of sending and receiving fax data. Fax/modem software generates fax signals directly from disk files or the screen. Even if a document is text only, it is treated by the computer as a scanned image and is transmitted to the receiver as a bit map. Faxing a message on-line works well if the recipient wants only to see the message. However, if the document requires editing, it must be converted into ASCII text (most common file format for text) by an OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

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Category: Business

Get Paid to Take Online Surveys

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Title: Get Paid to Take Online Surveys

Get Paid to do What you Already do for Free!

  • Get Paid up to $3200/month to Drive a Free New Car.
  • Get Paid $5 to $100 per Free Online Survey.
  • Get Paid to Shop and Eat Out.
  • Get Paid to See Emails.
  • Get Paid to Give-Away Free Samples.

Over 300 companies are willing to pay you to do the things listed above. You already do them for free, so why not get paid for it?

Get Paid To Give Your Opinion!
Just in the United States, companies spend over 250 billion dollars a year trying to convince consumers to buy their products and services. The majority of that is spent on advertising, but a significant portion is spent on research. Understanding consumer behavior, like how people think and shop and why they buy certain products, ultimately helps companies improve their products and services and make them more money. Your participation in giving your opinions on different research surveys directly influences the way companies develop products, services and policies, to better meet the needs of consumers. Knowing that they won't get your help for free, companies are willing to pay people like you good money for their opinions, because they know they will generate even more profits for themselves.

Companies will pay you $5 to $100 just to fill out simple online surveys from the comfort of your own home! Get paid $50 to $150 for participating in focus group panels for 30

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Category: Business

Borrower's Bible

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Title: Borrower's Bible
Author: Jon Murray
How To Turn Your Life Around & Be Out Of Debt Forever!)


SECTION ONE : Credit Secrets

  • The Secrets of Obtaining a First Class Credit Rating
  • Save £000s Off The Cost of Your Mortgage
  • How to Have CCJ'S Legally Removed
  • A Guaranteed Income of £100,000 In a Year
  • Raising Thousands in a Matter of Days
  • All the Credit Cards You Could Ever Want
  • Finance for Your Business - 100%!
  • Virtually Unlimited Finance from Your Credit Cards
  • "Borrow" Money - That You Don't Need To Repay
  • Huge Profits from Property Deals - Using Other Peoples' Money
  • A Loan Which is Guaranteed by the Government

SECTION TWO : When Credit Becomes A Problem

  • The Need To Plan
  • When Thing Get Out of Hand - The Problems of Repayment
  • Don't Make Enemies of Your Creditors
  • What's The Worst That Can Happen
  • Are You Entitled to Help From the State
  • What About The Future?
  • Bankruptcy, The Very Last Resort (And How To Avoid It)
  • Professional Help

SECTION THREE: Special Supplement: Credit With No Credit Checks

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Category: Business, E-Business

Private Label Rights & Master Resell Rights... Explained!

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Title: Private Label Rights & Master Resell Rights... Explained!
Author: Joesy
The lazy guide to "understanding" and "profiting" from Private Label Rights & Master Resell Rights

Now YOU Really Can $Profit From Private Label Rights & Master Resell Rights EVEN if You Are A Complete "Newb" to Resale Rights

EVEN if You've Never Been Able to Make a Red Cent From Any Resale Rights Before!

Dear Marketer,

Have you ever wanted to get in on the "hype" of Private Label Rights & Master Resell Rights... But just found it too confusing to figure out what your actual rights are?


Maybe you've even taken a dig at it and couldn't pull a dime from it...

Well... I come with good and bad news. The bad news is, I've been in your situation before - many wasted dollars with little to no results.

The good news?

You get to take advantage of all my mistakes and also discover by "how" I made my Private Label Rights & Master Resell Rights actually "profit" for me.

Allow me to introduce myself.

I am Joesy.

And you and I share the same passion... We both want to create a better life for ourselves. We want more time to do the things we love, we both want more time with friends and family and we both want financial freedom.

Internet marketing is the closest thing I've found to achieve all the above - Time is precious - And thats where Private Label Rights & Master Resell Rights can help us "create" more time for the things we love.

It takes time to create your own products (A lot of TIME!)... That's why I **LOVE** cashing in on other people's

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Category: Business

Work Place Warrior

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Title: Work Place Warrior
Author: Simon Hodgkinson
The Ultimate Guide To Finding The Perfect Job and Earning The Salary You Want

If You're Stuck In Rut . . . Looking For A New Job . . Or Need To Earn More Money Then This Web Site Is The Most Important One You'll Visit All Year . . .

Dear Friend,

When you wake up each morning do you dread the idea of spending another day in a mind numbingly boring job, slowly stagnating for not enough pay?

Are you unemployed and nothing you seem to do is working to find the job you need?

Maybe you love your job but can't afford the lifestyle you want on the money you earn?

Whatever reason that brings you to this web site let's get one thing straight. . . . You deserve better.

Simply taking the time to find this page is proof of that. But you're far from alone in your plight, hundreds of thousands of people feel just like you do. It's one of the mazes of modern life . . .

. . . However you have just discovered the way out. . . .

Work Place Warrior is a brand new guidebook that puts you firmly in control.

So whether you're looking for a new job, seeking a more than average (and quite frankly pitiful) 'in rise with inflation' pay rise or your looking to change your life for the better - then you'll find out how to with this ebook.

Here are just some of the areas covered in detail in the ebook:

  • How To Learn Great Jobs: A little known tactic that could lead you to the job of your dreams.
  • How To Mentally Prepare Yourself For Job Hunting:
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Category: Business

Shop Management

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Title: Shop Management
Author: Frederick Winslow Taylor

Shop Management (1911)

Through his business in changing the methods of shop management, the writer has been brought into intimate contact over a period of years with the organization of manufacturing and industrial establishments, covering a large variety and range of product, and employing workmen in many of the leading trades.

In taking a broad view of the field of management, the two facts which appear most noteworthy are:

(a) What may be called the great unevenness, or lack of uniformity shown, even in our best run works, in the development of the several elements, which together constitute what is called the management.

(b) The lack of apparent relation between good shop management and the payment of dividends.

Although the day of trusts is here, still practically each of the component companies of the trusts was developed and built up largely through the energies and especial ability of some one or two men who were the master spirits in directing its growth. As a rule, this leader rose from a more or less humble position in one of the departments, say in the commercial or the manufacturing department, until he became the head of his particular section. Having shown especial ability in his line, he was for that reason made manager of the whole establishment.

In examining the organization of works of this class, it will frequently be found that the management of the particular department in which this master spirit has

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Category: Business

15 Mail Order Reports

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Title: 15 Mail Order Reports

These Reports are sold as information only. The contents of these reports were correct at time of publication. Purchase of these reports includes full reproduction rights and the right to resell this information in any manner desired. If You come across any information that is out-dated please let me know. I will be happy to send you the next edition free when published.

STOP PAYING REAL ESTATE TAXES FOR FOREVER. No more property tax, no school, sewer or other local civic taxes--avoid ALL these taxes by simply LIVING ON THE WATER in your own boat. The Chinese have been living aboard their boats for many generations so this is nothing new! You can buy a 40 foot houseboat with two 220 HP engines for a little as $11,000 on terms. Get more information by sending a SASE to: H.C WILSON, BOX 177, RIVERSIDE, NJ.08075.

GET AN EXCLUSIVE OFFICE WITH NO RENT. The way you do this is become a "Rental Manager." Many office complexes have vacant spaces because there is no on-the-premises manager to show the space and answer questions. Find out which complexes are having vacancy problems and locate the owner. he will normally be glad to offer you an office if you answer calls, and show off the spaces to prospective clients.

GET $20,000 WORTH OF FREE FURNITURE. You can obtain free furniture and a lot of other merchandise by starting up a
"freebie Newspaper." What you do is contact store owners and merchants who normally advertise in regular local papers and

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Category: Business

Fast Cash - The Quickway

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Title: Fast Cash - The Quickway
Author: Andy Brocklehurst


I've put together a lot of ebooks and courses that show how just about anyone with the willpower can get their own Internet business up and running even with little or no money.
When 'Internet Profits the Quick way' came out I thought that nearly everyone who bought it would put it to work, after all it was a simple and direct system. But for many even that blueprint was too much work.
Another product I have 'Info Product Magic' is a detailed manual to creating your own hot selling information products, it has a very low refund request rate, so on the odd times I did get asked to refund someone's money, I refunded right away and then emailed them and asked if they would mind telling me what they didn't like about it (I did stress they were under no obligation to even reply to the email). Some of those who did reply surprised me.
"I wanted something more step by step". Now personally I think Info Product Magic covers all the bases and then some, but it did show there was still a need for something even easier for some people.
It was also apparent that creating a product really wasn't for some people. It's not that they couldn't do it if they followed the ebook - it was more they WOULDN'T.
It was also obvious that no matter how easy creating a web page became, some people just wouldn't put a page together.
But I knew there were people working the Internet, making a good profit and they were doing it without

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Category: Business

Million Dollar Sales Letters

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Title: Million Dollar Sales Letters
For Your Own Use and Profit


Selling by mail can be the easiest and least expensive method of selling your services or commodities. It can also be the most difficult and the most expensive method of doing the job. It all depends on the method you use in presenting your offering to your prospects; it depends on the kind of a letter you send to them.

To write such a letter, a message that explains concisely yet completely and in an action-compelling manner what you have to offer, is a job that demands the services of an expert versed in every one of the thousand phases of selling and one with many years of successful mail order experience at his command.

If you would choose the one man in the United States who could write for you a sales letter that would produce the results you desire, you would probably ask Robert Collier to do the job. Backed by many years of success in the field of selling by mail, selling every commodity from trench machinery to fertilizers, ebooks and raincoats, stocks and bonds and services, he has placed hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of the clients for whom he has written his master sales letter. As a consequence, he is today, America's premier writer of successful selling letters.

We asked Mr. Collier to select from the many thousands of sales letters considered the best of them all. It was a difficult job to pick fifteen of the best from a list of ten thousand of the best. but the job is finished and here are the

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