A man ought to read just as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good.
Samuel Johnson

Business ebooks

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Category: Business, E-Business, How To

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Title: How To Write Blog Comments That Affects The Success Of Your Blog
Author: Andrew M. Warner

In blogging, people put a lot of emphasis on blog comments .. for good reason. WHen a person leaves a comment on your blog post, it symbolizes that (1) they have an opinion of what they just read and (2) opens up the possibility for conversation.

The only thing you hate to see, as a blog owner, is when someone has no opinions and leave a generic comment. Those type of commenters are usually not welcomed and if you're the type of person that leaves those type of comments, you need to stop immediately. 

Do you know that the way you choose to write comments on someone elses blog posts can ultimately affect the success of your own blog?

That's why, in this post, I do over the very reasons that you should comment on other people's blog, how to do it and why it's just so important. 

If your ultimate goal is to build a blogging community, then the first thing you need to start working on is how you choose to comment on other blogs. It very well could affect your success.



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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business

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Title: The truth about Factoring Invoices
Author: Neebo Capital.com

Are you a business owner? Our staff over at Neebo Capital.com created this for all of the small business owners we speak to who are looking for knowledge on alternative financing. Sometimes getting a line from the bank can take months, and getting approved is almost impossible for start-ups. However by factoring invoices your businesses finances are not important, the financial strength of your customers is...
If you are interested in factoring invoices for your growing business, then this is a good read for you, because this e-book was created to show business owners the pros and cons of a growing financial strategy called factoring. Many business owners are unaware of the benefits of factoring invoices. They are also equally unaware of the red flags to avoid when looking for a factoring company.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business

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Title: New Product Launch Spent - Medical Affairs Only in US Market
Author: Christopher Bogan

This is a summary of the original report published by Best Practices, LLC on New Pharmaceutical Drug Launch Spend and What it takes to Win in the U.S. Market.

The summary includes table of content and an overview of key insights and metrics discussed in the full report.

Pharmaceutical new product launches require many different activities and levels of investment. It is critical for launch teams to understand the right level of resources required for the key activities that give a new product its best chance for gaining a market foothold.

This study provides the current data on the funding levels of the key activities necessary to bring a new product into the U.S. market. Data are presented not only for launch year but also for each of the three years preceding product introduction. Brand and marketing leaders can use the results of this study to identify shifts in launch activity spending priorities across the industry and to compare spending levels for their own launch preparation programs against industry averages. 

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Marketing, Management

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Title: Comunicação orgânica na sociedade
Author: Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves; Gino Giacomini Filho
Language: Other

A comunicação orgânica é um termo recente e que veio agregado à comunicação organizacional. Seu intento é criticar a comunicação funcional, setorizada, hierarquizada e, a partir de uma visâo mais ampla, encarar a comunicação como algo interativo, coletivo e valorativo.

Ao se transportar esse conceito para a comunicação na sociedade como um todo, a expressão passa a contar com uma abordagem enquanto comunicação orgânica social.

A comunicação é um organismo vivo, em que as relações entre seus atores e os processos de mediação oferecem uma rede de fenômenos e experiências que fazem a comunicação ganhar sentidos vitais, algo que este livro, de forma parcial e indicial, pretende oferecer.

Cabe destacar que todos os trabalhos aqui apresentados são produções de dois grupos de pesquisa certificados pelo CNPq: Estudos de Comunicação e Linguagem - COLING vinculado ao POSCOM/UMESP e Novas Responsabilidades Sociais da Comunicação pertencente ao PPGCOM/USCS, cada qual sob a liderança de um dos organizacores desta obra.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Mind

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Title: Microempreendedor Individual
Author: Henrique Souto
Language: Other

Este livro é um dos resultados da minha experiência dos últimos 13 anos em minha busca contínua pela facilidade e praticidade na vida.

O que você vai aprender neste livro?

Você aprenderá como se tornar um empreendedor, ou seja, aprenderá a criar uma empresa e ser um Microempreendedor Individual.

Vai aprender a força de quatro variáveis que vão construir a sua estratégia de empreendedorismo: passos iniciais, início da vida, gestão de sucesso e capacitação empreendedora.

Estas quadro  variáveis vão lhe dar uma base sólida, e que já são utilizados pelos empreendedores mais bem sucedidos do mundo.

Este e-book é totalmente gratuito. 

Você pode presentear seus amigos, distrituibuir ou mesmo postar no seu blog ou site. 

Por ser um livro grátis, confira se esta é a versão mais atualizada no website: www.sucessoefeliz.com.br

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Self Help

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Title: Enlarge Revolutionary Conversations- Tools for successful communication skills.
Author: Mark H. Fowler, Noal McDonald, Barbara Gaughen-Muller

Who would image that one wor dcould change youe life? Introducting the S.H.A.R.E. Tools, which tohether spell the word that leads to positive connections and the success of Revolutionary Conversations. Developed over the course of 25 years by business re-engineering specialist Mark Fowler and refined with human resources professional Noal McDonald and the noted public relations authority and NGO leader Barbara Gaughen- Muller, The S.H.A.R.E Tools are five simple flexible pathways to lead to productive constructive conversations by creating an exceptional connection between two or more people.

You can use the tools to solve problems, improve hiring and training, promote employee engagement, develop and implement marketing initiatives, unite a group around a common purpose, and anything else that requires interaction for superior success. The book is packed with examples showing how the Tools fit easily into every conversation, fro the boardroom to the shop floor; from high-stakes negotiations to staff meetings; from water-cooler conversations to job interviews.

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Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Category: Business, E-Business, Jobs

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Title: Virtual Assistant Startup Kit - what you must know
Author: Paul Hafalla

Tired of waking up early in bed or sleeping late at night doing the routine 8-hour work during weekdays? Are you always stress out or annoyed with office politics? Looking for options before quitting your day job? Or simply wanna learn new skills to earn cash in order to pay bills or stretch out your budget. Then this simple eBook is the one you really need.

'Virtual Assistant Startup Kit - what you must know' is a proven basic building blocks on how to startup your own home business THE RIGHT WAY. It comprises of 9 chapters that will guide you on how to setup your own VA business. Following this simple step-by-step guide will surely empower you with the basic knowledge that you must know when starting out. Not only that! This eBook includes FREE forms that you can use on a daily basis when doing a task or when dealing with clients.

So if you want to earn extra simply to stretch your budget, if you want to learn new skills or simply just looking for options before quitting your day job YOU NEED TO HAVE THIS EBOOK NOW.

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Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Category: Business

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Title: Cultural Challenges

This  book  is  about  organization  culture,  according  to  the  comparison  between  Chinese  work  culture  and  German  culture,  the  success  and  failure  of  international  projects  are  clear.  In  fact,  in  the  international  investment  culture  is  the  most  important  factor,  not  only  investors  but  also  team  workers  must  avoid  the  risk  of  culture  and  find  the  same  goals,  in  this  way,  everyone  could  be  winner,  so  this  book  will  give  readers  deep  analysis  of  culture  and  bring  a  new  idea  of  connecting  history  and  reality.


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Category: Business, E-Marketing, Marketing

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Title: How to Make Money Online: The Ultimate Money Making PlayBook for Success
Author: Adella Pasos

Are you looking to Make Money Online? Tired of getting sucked into "Get-Rich-Quick Schemes"? This book is a strategic guide that explains multiple ways to start making money online today. It explains in detail the same exact strategies million dollar companies use to generate revenue. The book provides you with a complete resource list that is guaranteed to boost your sales and drive cash into your pocket. No matter if you are a college student, a small business or large enterprise, this book will help you exceed your goals fast. 

Chapter 1: Learn how to make money by promoting others products

Chapter 2: Learn how to earn royalties from selling your own merchandise and starting your own brand

Chapter 3: Learn how to sell digital products and make instant cash flow

Chapter 4: Learn how to get paid for content you create

Chapter 5: Learn how to get paid for skills you already have and sell your services online

Chapter 6: Learn how to buy and sell advertisements through online marketplaces

Chapter 7: Learn how to monetize your videos

Chapter 8: Learn how to setup subscription payment models and membership services


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Category: Business, Home Business, Self Help

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Title: Don't Quit Your Day Job...: 7 Steps To Discover & Launch Your Passion Into Profits While You're Still Employed
Author: Shyra Smith

If you have always wanted to set off your own business but are not sure of where to begin, this short, clear cut ebook will give you some fundamental, practical and foundational insight on what it takes to get there in reality- while you are still employed. It will assist you shifting out of your employee mindset into an entrepreneur's mindset, uncovering your natural potencial; and giving you some nitty-gritty on the behind scenes activity that needs be done so as to get your business up and running.

You will discover...

- How to bring your joy anc cultivate passion in a way that it fuels your life.

- Why having aims is not sufficient unless you have this single driving factor.

- You can really create a standard of living around your business.

This e-book was written for the aspiring entrepreneus; individuals with a burning desire to make a lifestyle beyond the everyday 9-5 grind. This ebook will reverberate with you if are driven to accomplish something great in life and identify there is a higher calling for you. You will defelitely enjoy reading it.

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