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Business ebooks

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Category: Marketing, Business, Arts

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Title: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Logo – How to Prepare & Print It Perfectly

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Logo - How to Prepare & Print It Perfectly is a eBook that breaks down the fundamentals of what and how your logo should be and look. It describes everything from the acutal font you should use, to the size it should be, to the colors it should be, all the way to what format it should be created and saved in.

All of these play an immense role in creating the PERFECT brand logo. Fonts that are too big or squished together will be harder to read and might turn someone seeing it for the first off immediately. Colors are EXTREMELY important in not only your logo, but anything to do with your brand. There are countless studies on colors and how they affect the human thought process; some signal negative effects and others positive ones, so this is one of the most important parts of your logo creation process.

The format part of it is for when you are trying to enhance or enlarge your logo, which could be the case for various reasons. Using the wrong format will cause your logo to appear pixilated and blurry when trying to increase the size of it. You may not think that's a major concern becuase when would you need to make it bigger, right? Well one example would be when printing it, or having it printed, for promotional or marketing events, maybe like a booth at a trade show.

These are just some of the items touched on in this eBook. There are plenty of other things that go into

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Finance, How To

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Title: The KANJItrader Method

The Fibonacci Sequence is an ancient pattern that occurs naturally throughout the natural world!

This powerful new manual shows step-by-step the PROPER application of this ancient strategy to financial markets.  

Easily the greatest path for low risk and massive profits.

You will see:

  • How to determine the direction SHIFTS in markets
  • When to apply the Fibonacci Sequences, and to which charts
  • Why trailing stops are a LOSING proposition
  • How to ride a trade wave to the maximum profit


Conventional wisdom has much to say about the business of trading.  You have probably heard things like:

  • Trading is difficult
  • Trading requires a large capital
  • Trading takes years to master

The KANJItrader Method will show you that this is not necessarily so!  You will find out what really works year after year, decade after decade.  While this book introduces the KANJItrader BASIC Method, it is NOT  basic manual about the FOREX or financial markets.  This is probably the most valuable e-book you will find in your lifetime!


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Marketing, Business, Management

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Title: Publicidade: o jeito weasel de ser.
Author: Gino Giacomini Filho
Language: Other

O livro "Publicidade: o jeito weasel de ser" tem o propósito de retratar a propaganda comercial e alguns de seus recursos persuasivos que podem interagir com o consumerismo.

Aborda o uso de expressões weasel que conferem ambiguidade ao discurso publicitário.

Discute o emprego de notas remissivas em anúncios, algo materializado pelo uso do sinal de asterisco em peças de propaganda, recurso esse que tem se mostrado desvantajoso para o consumidor no âmbito das relações de consumo. Esse estudo inclui pesquisa com anúncios publicados em jornais e revistas brasileiras em 2018.

Trata também de analisar o emprego de elementos e recursos irreais em anúncios, recurso publicitário legítimo, mas com potencial de trazer danos consumeristas. Baseia-se em pesquisa com comerciais veiculados na televisão brasileira em 2019, algo que ajudou a construir um modelo axiomático para a análise de conteúdos irreais em anúncios publicitários.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Crafts, Home Business

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Title: Woodworking Hobby Into A Business
Author: Danny Cooper

Learn how to have more control and financial freedom in your life by following the 7 practical and actionable things to turn your woodworking hobby into a full-time business.

No more boss yelling at you! No more political intrigue from your co-workers! No more worrying about money anymore!

But you know what the best thing is?

You will be able to earn money by doing what you already like to do. The dream that everyone has, the "work is more fun than fun", is definitely within your reach.

Keep in mind that this is just a roadmap. You still have to be the one who act and work hard to achieve it.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, E-Business, Self Help

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Title: Paid Surveys Blueprint
Author: David Richard

Make money online with paid surveys is easy but you can lose money and time if you didn't do enough research. Paid Surveys Blueprint will tell you what to be aware of and provide real example of how to make real money with paid surveys.


The Author started passive income entrepreneur more than 10 years, experience failure, failing into traps and losing. After trial and error for many years, now he can be able to earn active income through passive income portfolio.


He would lilke to put one of his passive income source - paid surveys into a ebook, Paid Survey Blueprint to provide advise on how to make money through paid surveys but still need to be aware of any traps and losing money.


Success is difficult, so this ebook is not teach you how to earn income fast but to take steps to choose a paid survey company carefully and start to earn passive income.


Hope you all enjoy the ready. The most important is to take action. Study takes time but most important is to take action fast!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Computers, Marketing

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Title: The Top 34 Tools for Managing Your Virtual Team
Author: My Virtual Workforce

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, E-Business, E-Marketing

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Title: Free eBook for Starting an Online Newspaper
Author: Mike Fak

Free eBook for starting an online newspaper. Grab a free copy of online newspaper success guide to kick-start your online news business. Download complete guide to start a successful online newspaper.

This eBook will help you choose;

  • right newspaper host
  • choosing a proper online newspaper template
  • business model for a successful online newspaper business
  • revenue generation from online newspaper
  • setting up your organization
  • marketing strategies for your online publications

If you want to start an online newspaper business and need guidance for setting-up successful newspaper publishing business then this is a right guide for you. Read the real story of Mike Fak who started his newspaper business. You will find many helpful tips In this complete guide to start online newspaper.

Now starting an online newspaper has become easier like never before with the help of TechCruiser Newspaper CMS. So take your first step and download this complete guide right now for free at  

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, E-Business, E-Marketing

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Title: 39 Powerful Reasons To Use Email Autoresponders
Author: Eleanor Lancaster

A list building guide for online marketers, infopreneurs and affiliate marketers that helps you understand the nuances of email marketing and makes a compelling case for why you should get an email autoresponder right now.

The money is in the list - so start building one today. In this report you will see why the best marketing specialists focus on building their list and managing email autoresponders.

To download your copy, click on the ecover below and open the PDF document on your computer, tablet, or mobile reading device.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Marketing

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Title: Cultivating Customer Loyalty: Seven Sound Strategies for Your Business
Author: Jon J. Cardwell

Discover some helpful marketing strategies for cultivating customer loyalty in order to be the business in your local area when your field of expertise comes to mind. By cultivating customer loyalty, you not only retain a valued client, you instill in their hearts and minds the trust they have already gained from you after having made a purchase, whether it is a product or service. Thus, you promote more than just a word-of-mouth campaign; you create a team of eager evangelists who laud your business to others. 

Customer retention is the goal of every business. Your current clientele are your recurring profit base. They also provide the greatest ROI for your advertising dollar. If you're not aiming toward customer loyalty and client retention as your endgame, you'll lose at least 20 percent of your business and have to work 80 percent harder while spending much, much more than you'd have to in order to produce new customers.

The tips and tactics contained in this eBook are proven marketing strategies you can apply immediately to your business.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Management, Marketing

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Title: Comunicação organizacional: externa, responsável, multidisciplinar.
Author: Gino Giacomini-Filho; Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves
Language: Other

Este livro, editado pela Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (Brasil) discute a comunicação organizacional focando seus aspectos externos, responsáveis e multidisciplinares.

Os aspectos externos são dedicados aos públicos ou stakeholders externos à organização e que impactam ou são impactados por essa comunicação.

A obra contém diversos textos que mostram ser a comunicação organizacional algo atrelado, atualmente, a uma atuação responsável, ética.

A multidisciplinaridade é também algo típico da comunicação organizacional, pois como mostram os textos da obra, há interfaces importantes com outras áreas do conhecimento como informação, psicologia, sociologia, direito, meio ambiente.

São 13 textos que conferem uma ampla abordagem da comunicação organizacional priorizando a realidade brasileira e atual.

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