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Business ebooks

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Title: Sea Change
Author: Mike Dixon

Author, Mike Dixon, started his working life as an astrophysicist, became a government officer, moved to public relations and entered the tourism industry via scuba diving. He made more money out of tourism than any of his other ventures but it wasn't easy. In this free ebook he gives advice on how to make the SEA CHANGE from a salaried job to tourism. PDF/1.40MB/20pp.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Education, Finance

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Title: The 18 Types of Outsourcing Service Bangladesh - We Helps to Choose the Right Service?
Author: Enroute International Limited

There are many fifferent types of outsourcing services. Some common ones are information technology (IT) outsourcing, human resources (HR) outsourcing, and business process outsourcing (BPO). Each type of outsourcing service has its own benefits and drawbacks. Enroute outsourcing can help a ccompany reduce its IT costs, while HR outsourcing can help a company save on employee benefits costs. However, BPO can be more expensive than other types of outsourcing services.


Outsourcing has become a popular way for organization to reduce costs, imporove efficiency, and focus on heir core business. While Outsourcing can offer many benefits, it is important to choose the right type of outsourcing service to ensure that the organization get the most value for their money. There are 18 types of outsourcing services, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Get the most out of your outsourcing services. Learn about the different types of outsourcing services and how they can benefit your business. Find the right outsourcing company for you.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Finance, Investing

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Title: Rewriting the Rules: Telling Truths About Women And Money
Author: Diane Bourdo and Hallie Kraus

"Women lack confidence in their financial decisions."

Sound familiar to you? It's just one of the many stereotypes that have long-defined conversations about women and money. For decades, these stereotypes have conditioned all of us to believe that women aren't interested in investing. That they don't have the knowledge needed to handle their finances independently. That finance is a "man's world."

But the truth? These are complete myths - at least, that's what the research says. It tells us that women are the primary breadwinners in almost half of American households and control about 60% of the nation's personal wealth - a number that's on the rise. And what's more, 70% of major financial decisions are made by women, while 85% of consumer spending is controlled by women.

In "Rewriting the Rules: Telling Truths About Women and Money," authors Diane Bourdo and Hallie Kraus put these myths to rest once and for all. From the confidence gap to risk awareness, Bourdo and Kraus talk about the relationship between women and money in an unapologetic, unabashed way. At its core, the book is designed to address the unique challenges women face, encourage them to venture outside their comfort zone and empower them to recognize the strenghts they already possess, in finance and beyond.

In each of the myths they explore throughout the book, Bourdo and Kraus make powerful observations, share new perspectives and provide recommendations to inspire real,

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Internet, Marketing

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Title: How To Get Massive Server Crashing Traffic From Facebook

Discover how to generate hordes of traffic from the world's biggest social media site. This guide contains the best and latest tips and tricks to siphon traffic from Facebook to your business. Facebook is a monster when it comes to how much traffic you can get from that website so if you ever needed to know how to drive quality traffic from this website now you will finally get to know. In this guide we uncover everything from how to properly create your facebook page to how to properly optimize it. We also teach you how to use the paid advertise it and optimize for maximum results.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, E-Marketing, E-Business

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Title: 10 Ways Advertising Your Businesses Can Increase Your Productivity

Be seen by customers while they're browsing the web. Whether your goal is to bring in more website visitors, improve online sales, we can help!

The internet in teeming with marketing platforms that don't cost a dime---you just need to know where to look.

You may not have wads of cash to spend on marketing in the early stages of your startup, but that doesn't mean that there aren't effective ways to get your brand out there.

Before the Internet, small businesses only had a few ways to market their products cheaply, through methods like printing out fliers or sponsoring little local events. Now there are all kinds of opportunities out there on the Web--you just need to know where to look.

Here are 10 ways to promote your business online that won't cost you a dime:


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Ebook Type: MS Word
Category: Marketing, SEO and Promotion, Business

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Title: Statistics that will make you think again over your social media strategy
Author: by the experts.

Costumers nowadays have adopted the technology in their buying process as well. Everybody reserch online about the thing they are looking for before going in to the physical market. That Creates a great oportunity for the online marketers like us to identify the perspective online customer.  

Every user research ina different way but there are some common factor affecting every online user's mindset. That is "Social Media" Today we are going to talk about the biggest community and how it can help you to skyrocket your business outcomes.

Social Media community is made of the different online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Plus and many more. We have conducted the market research to find out how these different platforms affect the online marketing strategy from the beginning of ear 2014. Here is the result of the research as an ebook evolving some of the social media facts that might surprise you. You can also find some quick tips to boost your marketing campaing from the industry experts at the end of each segment. We are pretty sure that you will be amazed by the facts revealed and the tips by the experts. 

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Affiliates, Business, E-Marketing

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Title: Computta Business Insights
Author: Thomas Huff

Computta Business Insights was written for cryptocurrency interested people. As the title says, you get an insight into the business model of Computta. More specifically, the Computta Mining Application. The ebook contains a complete guide. You will learn how to download, install and use the Computta Mining App. Usefull troubleshooting tips help with the installation and complete the introduction to the topic.

An important part deals with the secure storeage of cryptocurrencies. Find out, which types of cryptocurrency wallets are available and get some resources to help you choose.

You want to use the Computta Affiliate Program to increase the BTC generation rate?

Computta Business Insights describes the possibilities of Internet Marketing in one of the biggest chapter of this ebook. Learn about the tools you can use to build a Lead Capture Page, how to connect your website to an autoresponder, and how to lead visitors to your website.

The goal of this ebook is, to empower you to build up a profitable Mining Business with Computta.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business

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Title: The Complete Guide on How to Optimize Your End-to-End Sales Process to Maximize Value and Drive Successful Sales Behavior
Author: bpm'online

This is business e-book 'The complete Guide on How to Optimize Your End-to End Sales Process to Maximize Value and Drive Successful Sales Behavior' that provides professional guidance on how to organise sales process in the way to achieve sustainable success and maximaze company's profit. We'll learn detailed information about the main stages of sales pipeline and it's ideal structure, find out how to align your sales business process to the reference one and what actions are foreseen on each business process stage. This helpful tips will be useful for different companies despite of size and business type.

Comprehensive approach towards sales stratedy described in the e-book will show you great advantages of reference process implementation and additional opportunitis you may get from it.


Key takeaways from this e-book: why sales process management in vital to your organization, how pipeline for enterprise level looks like, what is structure of an ideal sales process.




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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, How To

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Title: Improve Your Credit Score In 24 Hours
Author: L. K. Hughes

Credit Specialist L. K. Hughes tells all about the subject of fast credit repair; how you can raise your credit score in as little as 24 hours and save thousands. An informative read on how to clear credit quickly. Over 70,000 copies sold.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, E-Business, E-Marketing

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Title: How Creative Marketing Tactics Can Keep You Out of Trouble

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Ebook Type: MS Word
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