Business ebooks
Title: Business Forms, Spreadsheets & Templates
Two of the key financial statements of a business are the profit and loss (operating) statement and the balance sheet. The operating statement shows the financial result of operating over a stated time period and the balance sheet shows the distribution of capital and liabilities as well as any surplus of funds. You not only should summarize these two statements regularly - usually monthly - but you should regularly analyze them carefully to learn essential things about your business you might otherwise not know.
Email etiquette is necessary and important for good service. Follow best practices and learn how to save time with these templates.
Create your own TOS with ease using the examples of sales policies provided with this software.
Bonus to the''Advanced Power Selling ''
Title: Wholesale Directory
This is a real list of genuine wholesale distributors including web site addresses and phone numbers with most companies in business for over 5 years or more. It was assembled through contacts made at tradeshows, online, and is the product of years of painstaking research and networking. There are over 200 listings of wholesale merchants who allow both large and small orders, some have no minimum, there are drop-shippers, and credible wholesale portals listed as well. This is a comprehensive directory, with answers to frequently asked questions, a glossary of industry terms, industry associations and other helpful links.
Bonus to the "Advanced Power Selling ''
Title: Machine Quilting Business Directory
This valuable resource offers a list of fabric suppliers, fabric and notion distributors, a list of the top quilting magazines, the best quilting sites on the Internet, and other helpful resources.
Bonus to the''How to Start Your Own Machine Quilting Business''
Title: Butterfly Marketing 2.0 EXPOSED!
Author: Andrew Seltz
Learn the TRUTH behind why Mike Filsaime 'Gave Away" his best selling product - and discover how much of a risk he was really taking...
This detailed case study looks at the marketing strategy and hard numbers behind this infamous giveaway promotion from one of the Internet Marketing world's best known players.
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Building Your Online Presence For Success For Local Business
Author: eCommerce Business Solutions
Get The Inside Scoop On How Local Businesses Can Increase Their Sales Online. This 46 page ebook report valued at $39.95 reveals the steps you need to take to get your business online and to make it succeed by increasing your business profits. Do you know that approximately 68% of businesses online do not profit, because they just do not know what to do? Don't be one of them. Get this ebook report free today and you will be ahead of the rest.
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Ice Breakers for Direct Sales Parties
Author: Susan Whitehead
Ice Breakers for Direct Sales Parties is a way to get your party guests having fun without spending any of your own money! These free games get everyone talking and laughing and having fun!
Bonus to the "50+ Business Building Games"
Title: Calculators
"After re-tooling my listing strategy I not only saved hundreds of dollars in listing fees... I increased my sell-through rate by 55% in just one week! You must get this software! "
"Armed with this new data, I was able to make small adjustments in my selling strategy, and I'm already seeing positive results in the first 24 hours! Highly recommended."
As with the balance sheet, the operating statement has its own definite role. It tells you whether you made or lost money during the period, and how much. It has far greater value when its details are examined over a time period. These tools are invaluable in helping you to work the numbers for your eBay and Internet business.
Bonus to the''Advanced Power Selling ''
Title: Course on Making Money with Quilting
Course on Making Money with Quilting
This email mini-course, "7 Unique Ways to Make Money with Your Quilting" is offered at via email. I've compiled the course and am giving it to you all in one convenient document.
Bonus to the ''How to Start Your Own Machine Quilting Business''
Title: Quilting Business Primer
Quilting Business Primer
I've collected 15 of the best articles from the article archive at, the only web site dedicated to helping you make money with your quilting, no matter if you own a quilt shop, a machine quilting business, or just want to sell your quilts.
Bonus to the ''How to Start Your Own Machine Quilting Business''
Title: The Psychological Keys To Persuasion Power
Author: Simon Hazeldine
I am lucky to be one of only four members of an exclusive 'behind closed doors' research group. Our group meets regularly in private meetings to share the very latest research into persuasion, sales, marketing and wealth creation. We then go and use what we have learned to make more money from our businesses.
I managed to persude the other 3 members of our group to let me 'spill the beans' and to reveal some of the most powerful persuasion secrets we have recently discovered. However, I nearly didn't manage to do this...
You see our secretive group has a golden rule that what is discussed behind closed doors is never revealed to anyone outside the group. However, on this one occasion I have persuaded the group to allow an exception.
I have taken some of the most powerful psychological keys to persuasion that our group has discovered from our research and created a powerful new Ebook called "The Psychological Keys To Persuasion Power"
However I have had to agree to restrict the circulation of this ebook to only 300 people. Once I have sold number 300 I have agreed withdraw it from circulation.
So you will need to act now if you want to discover:
- How to use a secret "foot in the door persuasion" technique
- 3 psychological models of persuasion that you can use instantly to get your way
- The inside track on persuasion and advertising
- How to change people's attitudes and
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