Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Business ebooks

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Category: Business

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Title: How Anyone Can Start a Hair Salon in 90 Days
Author: Don Steele

Greatest Gold Mine Of "Easy Start Your Own Hair Salon" Advice Ever Crammed Into One Product

What would it be like if you could get your Hair Salon up and running in 90 days. What if you had all the information at your fingertips...that you need to do just that.

Some of the Benefits You Will Get From "How Anyone Can Start A Hair Salon In 90 Days":

  • You will know what always to look for in selecting a location.
  • You will know the one Insurance policy you don't want to be without.
  • You will know that you have the ability to start your own Hair Salon
  • You will know how to get your Salon started...what to do...and when to do it.
  • You will know how to get more bang for your advertising buck.
  • You will know 3 things offered by your product manufacturer that most Salon owners don't take advantage of.
  • You will have the information you need to determine whether to buy a existing Salon or start your own.

You Will Also Get The Following Tips To Get Your Salon Up And Running And Profitable:

  • Which licenses and permits are required.
  • What to look for when hiring Stylists.
  • Training tips
  • Tips on negotiating the lease.
  • Pay tips
  • List of taxes and when they are due.
  • How to interview Stylists.
  • Hiring tips.
  • Advice on retail products.
  • A list of other
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Category: Business, E-Business, Spirituality

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Title: I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams.
Author: Thomas Pauley, Penelope Pauley

The method behind the magic, how one family recovered from two bankruptcies to a rich, abundant life.

I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. How to Get Everything You Want in Life.

Tom and Penelope Pauley tell their personal success story, imparting along the way the secrets of the simple system they used to take them from a life of desperation to a life of abundance, beyond their wildest dreams.

This groundbreaking ebook and the system Tom and Penelope teach has been used by countless people around the globe to live their rich dreams. Their story is the story of so many, and could be yours too.

Experience the phenomena! Learn the system! Live the rich, abundant life of your wildest dreams!

Get the ebook today!

I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. How to Get Everything You Want in Life.

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Category: Business, E-Business, Spirituality

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Title: Living Rich Now!
Author: Bob Doyle

From living in his car to becoming on the world's most predominant metaphysical money makers, Dr. Joe Vitale shows you how to be

Living Rich Now!

In a never before released ebook, Joe Vitale shares his own personal rags to riches and riches and riches story, doling out the secrets that helped him to not only attract money, become a successful author and an expert on hypnotic marketing, but a leading voice worldwide on the Law Of Attraction.

In this exclusive ebook, Joe Reveals:

How Doing What You Love Will Unlock Your Power

The Hidden Secret Known As Karmic Marketing

How To Change Your Own Mental Software

How To Read And Redirect Your Internal Compass Toward Success

How To Empower Through Your Own Example

His Hands Down, Best Advice For Attracting The Things You Want In Life

So how did Dr. Joe Vitale do it? From his making his home in his car to making himself a household name? From buying Saturns to buying a $90,000 custom made BMW?

The secrets are all there and more. Get this remarkable ebook today, and let Dr. Joe show you how can be

Living Rich Now!

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Category: Business

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Title: How to Open Your Own Unique Boutique

Our step by step ebook will lead you by the hand and show you how to open the Boutique business of your dreams.

We will show you step-by-step how to open a boutique.

We will give you practical advise, information, and resources on everything from:

  • Where to go for outside funding.
  • Where and how to find and establish relationships with suppliers.
  • The importance of knowing your market.
  • The importance of creating a business plan.
  • Getting the best price.
  • Finding your ideal location based on your market.
  • Design and merchandising tips.
  • Creative ways to find inexpensive display fixtures.

We'll teach you all the lessons we had to learn the hard, and sometimes, expensive way, so that you won't need to make any of the mistakes we did.

You'll be able to answer questions like

  • What kinds of tax savings and incentives can I look forward to?
  • What is the best and easiest way to track inventory?
  • Should my boutique be a sole proprietorship, or a corporation?
  • How do I tap into the power of the Internet to boost sales?
  • How do I establish an inexpensive merchant account?

At some point, leveraging the time and energy of employees will be a key to freeing up your time and energy - which is better spent building your business or enjoying the rewards of entrepreneurship.

You'll eventually want... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business

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Title: Hidden Business Ideas
Author: Dien Rice

Proven, Low-Cost, and Low-Risk Businesses You Can Start...

Here are some of the money-making business ideas that you'll soon discover...

  • How to make driving dollars (and it's not by driving a taxi)
  • A business which has huge potential - some people get very wealthy doing just this
  • How to create cash by helping charities
  • How to make dollars from fun-loving dog-owners
  • How to profit by delivering an awkward message
  • How to make "luggage lucre"
  • How to break into blogging (without writing a single word of your own blog)
  • How to make profits from the pregnant
  • How to make diamonds from dating do's and don'ts
  • How to make sterling from seeds
  • How there's money in inventory
  • Making funds from freight
  • How to make legal profits from crime
  • How to make moolah from plans - some people make up to $10,000 per plan
  • How to turn gossip into gold
  • How to get dough from debt
  • How to make a slice of treasure from little tasks
  • How to "clean up" while cleaning up the streets
  • How to profit by locating hard-to-find items
  • How to profit from comics
  • How to make money by dressing funny
  • A great business for those who are good with their hands
  • How to profit from boats, even if you don't own one
  • How to entertain for fun and profit
  • How to
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Category: Business

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Title: Teleseminar Basics
Author: Jeanette Cates

"Here Are Just Some Of The Insider Secrets You'll Find In This Course!"

  • When to record your teleseminars to maximize their value for your listeners as well as ensure a profitable product later. This tip can double your profits.
  • The best days to offer teleseminars for your target audience to increase attendance and earn maximum dollars on the call. You can easily double your attendance with this.
  • The bare bones budget that allows you to do a call for as little as $1 - including marketing! You won't find a less expensive way to offer a call. So you can get started this week!
  • Simple techniques to put your business on autopilot so you can take a vacation - and still earn money!
  • Profitable tips to find free telephone lines - and when to move to a paid line. You'll save money at the beginning and leverage this information into even more profitable calls as you gain experience.
  • How you can avoid shipping product yourself, while still providing great customer service. And you can use this for all of your products!
  • How to warm up your audience before the call even starts to get them in a buying mood so that you can turn every teleseminar into a profit generating machine.
  • How to presell your product before you even create it so you don't waste any time creating something no one wants to buy and every product you make is a winner the first time out of the gate.
  • How to keep your call on... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business

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Title: How to Start Your Own Quilt Shop
Author: Chuck Smith

Here is a summary of the benefits you receive


1) Comprehensive machine quilting business guide

General business books don't go into enough detail about the specifics of opening, running, and marketing a successful machine quilting business. This ebook delivers the step-by-step instructions you need to get your machine quilting business up and running in the least amount of time.

2) Written with the novice in mind

Never run a business before? You don't have to worry about getting bogged down with over-complicated terms or unnecessary information. This ebook provides an easy-to-read primer to help guide you through some difficult concepts of starting a machine quilting business and running it effectively.

3) Excellent marketing section

Without customers, your machine quilting business will quickly die. That's why there's an entire section dedicated to marketing your new business. You'll see which advertising and promotional techniques will be the most useful and effective methods of getting the word out about your new machine quilting business.

4) Industry statistics and demographics

It's tough to market your machine quilting business unless you know what your average customer looks like. Discover some interesting facts about the quilting market, and how you can get involved in this $21 billion plus market.

5) Packed with valuable

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Category: Business

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Title: Millionaire Cash Sources

Here's What You Get...Right Now:

With your paid order you will go instantly to our web site giving you access to some of the hottest, most profitable cash sources. That's right, start instantly!! No need to wait. You've already waited long enough!

  • Want to start today? We have the the sources to get you started now!
  • Looking to purchase property? We have the sources!
  • Do you want money for personal reasons? We have the sources!
  • Afraid your credit will disqualify you? Don't worry, we have the sources!

If you are ready to raise your standard of living and stop living from paycheck to paycheck, follow the link below and stop dreaming about the good life...Start living it!

Frequently asked questions:

  • Why do they give away money? They are mandated by laws in order to keep their corporate incentives.
  • Who are these companies? Some of the largest and most profitable organizations in the world!
  • Which company should I contact? We've identified the top 100 or so.
  • How often can I apply for money? You can apply to as many companies as you want as often as you want.
  • How long does it take to get money? That depends upon the guidelines set by the individual companies. Some companies process requests each day. Each company sets their own rules regarding money giveaway programs.
  • How do I get started? Once you place your order, you will be instantly
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Category: Business, Home, How To

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Title: Contraction Your Own Home
Author: Bill Edwards

Benefit from 30 years of professional building experience...

Learn How to Contract Your Own Home and Save 30% - 40% off the Cost of Buying it From a Builder!

Take control of your home and your financial future!
Gain an insider's knowledge that builders rarely reveal!

Here are just a few of the things you'll learn:

  • Choose a home design that saves you the most money without sacrificing your "must have" features. Learn the secrets of effective home design that can you save thousands on the same size home.
  • thousands or cost you thousands if not done right!
  • Save between 30% to 40% of the cost of a new home by contracting it yourself without having to do any of the hands-on work. Save even more if you plan to do a few jobs yourself.
  • Learn all the construction terminology you need to know to understand the process and talk effectively with bankers, subcontractors and suppliers.
  • Finance your building project to maximize your profit potential. Learn the strategies for getting lenders to give you construction and permanent financing.
  • How to develop a construction management system to keep your project on time and on budget.
  • Find the best location to build your home. Discover the major land traps and how to avoid them.
  • Build your own home without quitting your job. Even with a full
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business

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Title: Website Development Tool
Author: Bob Sherman

How can this website development tool help you?

  • Works with existing websites -- Lets you build content pages within your current website.
  • Unlimited number of pages -- Add new content, keywords, and page names whenever you get a new idea. The more ideas you have the bigger your website will be.
  • Provides relevant information to visitors -- Provides information that corresponds to the page name requested to both human visitors and search engine spiders.
  • Multiplies the value of your efforts -- You multiply the value of your efforts by building individual content files and using them over and over. You work smarter -- not harder.
  • Helps build traffic -- With hundreds or thousands of pages, each with a relevant heading and relevant content, search engines will value your content and drive visitors to your site.
  • Delivers the same content to search engines as to human visitors -- This is a content delivery system that will not get you banned for cloaking.
  • Delivers content rich pages to every visitor -- Your web site will be delivering valuable content to every visitor.
  • Cleanly integrates RSS news feeds -- RSS news feeds are fully integrated into your web pages. RSS data is displayed in plain HTML so search engines can index their content.
  • Build new content-rich websites -- Concentrate on building valuable content rather than on building web pages.
  • Add Pages in Minutes The menu
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