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Business ebooks

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Category: Business, E-Business

Small Business Success Secrets

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Title: Small Business Success Secrets
Author: Tim Knox
An Insider's Guide To Small Business Success


About The Author
Chapter Previews
Start Your Business The Right Way

  • How To Tell If Your Amazing Idea Is Really Worth Gambling On
  • There Are No Dumb Business Questions, Not!
  • Choosing A Business That's Right For You
  • Starting Your Business By The Ebook
  • What's In A Name? When It Comes To Your Business, Plenty!
  • Protect Your Ideas With Copyrights and Patents
  • Investing In Son's Business Could Cause A Real Family Feud

Take Your Business To The World Wide Web

  • What Does Your Website Say About Your Business?
  • If You Build It, Will They Come?
  • Does Your Website Induce Seizures?
  • Navigating the Internet Sales Tax Laws
  • Maintaining Your Business Website

Make Money As An Online Entrepreneur

  • Cut Start-Up Costs By Using a Dropshipper
  • The Secrets Of Starting A Successful Ebay Business
  • What Is The Easiest Product To Sell Online
  • Turnkey Dropship Websites Save You Time, Trouble and Money
  • Build A High Profit Business With Affiliate Programs

Business Operation and Management

  • Writing The Ebook On Great Customer Service
  • If It Was Easy Everybody Would Do It
  • Business Lessons Learned At The Mall
  • How To Handle The Occasional
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Category: Business, Jobs

Profitable Crafts v3

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Title: Profitable Crafts v3
Author: Maria Vowell
Now You Too Can Design Your Own Projects And Patterns Like A Professional!

Provided by a published designer with over 15 years experience!

Designing your own arts and crafts projects just got easier than you could have ever imagined!

If you've ever wanted to design your own projects and patterns, for publications or just to provide unique gifts for your loved ones, then this issue of Profitable Crafts will have you designing wonderful new products in no time.

It doesn't matter if you've never designed a single crafts product, the methods covered in this guide are easy enough for any beginner to understand and follow.

Even if you are a professional designer, you'll still find methods and techniques included in this guide to help improve your designing skills.

You Will Quickly Discover How To

  • Design wonderful products using normal every day household objects
  • See things with a different perspective to help make designing easier
  • Design crocheted dresses for dolls quickly and easily without using a pattern
  • Use things in nature like sticks to create wonderful gifts for your loved ones
  • Make sewn clothing for dolls that fit perfectly
  • Brainstorm so that you can come up with many different designs from just one object
  • Improve your designing skills by using something as simple as a spoon, can and pencil
  • Use nature to help get your creative juices flowing
  • Design in crochet quickly and easily following just a... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business, Self Help

101 Golden Keys to Success and Fulfillment In Life

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Title: 101 Golden Keys to Success and Fulfillment In Life
Author: Bryan Winters
Your Personal Guide to Succeeding...At Anything!

Dear Friend,

Most people want to be successful in life. There are goals set and then the hard work begins to reach those goals. The question is what is success? Actually, success can mean different things to different people.

For example, a person that owns their own oil changing service for vehicles might set their level of success at servicing 50 cars a day while someone who loves music might consider success as cutting their own CD. In addition, success does not always have to involve money. Success could be getting a good grade in a difficult class or learning how to bake the perfect chocolate cake.

Success comes in all different shapes and sizes with one common denominator. Success is important and it takes work to reach.

Regardless of what your specific success is, there are ways to surpass your goal. I've put together 101 tips that can be used for any success. These are ways to better yourself as a person, proven methods you can apply to reach success.

So let's get started, shall we?...

101 Golden Keys to Success!

Realize your Potential

In order to succeed at anything, you need to see that you have the potential to reach your goals. For example, if you want to be a recording artist but have no singing ability, having success in this field is not likely. However, if you love working on cars and have a real talent for fixing engines and transmissions, and to you, success would mean working for... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Arts, Business, Decorating

How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business

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Title: How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business
Are You Ready To Start Your Career In The Interior Design Industry?

I don't even know you...

...but I know your type. I bet you love to rearrange the furniture in your house. Even if it's only in your head. You say to yourself...

"I bet that'd look good over there. And this over here!" And you know what, you're probably right. You have it in your blood to be an interior designer.

Right now, you may not believe me. You may have never considered a career as an Interior Designer. But if you're already doing the work in your head for free...

...why not get paid for it! You're just doing what comes natural.

Being an Interior Designer can be well worth your time - and yes I am talking money. How would you like to work for yourself doing something that you enjoy?

Well you can. And I can show you how. It's something I call...

"How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business"

Greetings Friend,

If you are interested in Interior Design, you can start your own career with just a little guidance.

Has anyone ever told you that you have an eye for design? The last time you helped someone move, did people ask your opinion when trying to situate furniture? Maybe you just enjoy rearranging and decorating rooms in your head.

All the same... if you have the itch, or even an interest, you have already taken the first step to becoming an Interior Designer.

How would it feel to do something that you love... and get paid for it? Not many

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Category: Business, Jobs

Profitable Crafts v4

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Title: Profitable Crafts v4
Author: Maria Vowell
Have literally hundreds of sales people selling your crafts for you!

Provided by a published designer with over 15 years experience!

Discover exactly how you can increase your craft sales and profits by creating your very own product catalogs, and by recruiting others to sell your products for you!

If you have a hard time selling, but still enjoy making arts and crafts related items, then why not have all the fun you want while letting others do the selling for you? In this issue of profitable crafts you discover exactly how to do just that.

You can even obtain orders by passing just one single catalog around. I'm going to show you how this trick can not only increase your orders, but how it will also provide valuable feedback that you can use to improve your products and business!

Even if you don't have much time to devote to making crafts, I show you how you too can profit from catalog sales without needing to produce a single product of your own.

Learn All Of These Wonderful Techniques And More...

  • Learn the best way to layout your catalogs products the first time, to ensure that your catalogs look professional while providing a wide variety of your best selling items.
  • There is one mistake that could be quite costly that you should never make when creating your catalogs. Discover what this mistake is, and how not to make it.
  • Sometimes creating a brochure would be your better choice, discover the reason why.
  • Learn two affordable programs
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Category: Business

Selling Made Easy

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Title: Selling Made Easy
Author: Vlad Slavnic
How To Sell Anything!

Discover how to master the art of professional sales once and for all!

Have you ever wondered why it is that a good salesperson seems to breeze right through and close sales right and left? Well, here's your opportunity to find out how they do it!

Selling Made Easy is a step-by-step manual that unlocks the inside secrets, tips and techniques you need to become a sales pro.

Quickly discover the secrets to start or polish your sales skills by completing the interactive practical exercises contained in each information packed chapter.

Find out what makes a successful salesperson, learn the components of a successful sales process and discover how emotions play a role in the process.

This guide covers it all, and makes it easy for you to discover how successful salespeople are not born, but created.

With Selling Made Easy, you will quickly discover:

  • How to define the sales process
  • How to create your own unique sales identity
  • How to apply the process
  • How to close a sale
  • How to overcome objections
  • How to follow up effectively
  • How to determine buying signals
  • How to recognize a buyer
  • How to sell yourself

Selling Made Easy covers all this and much, much more. You'll even find a daily action plan and 50 sales generating tips. If you are even thinking about a professional sales career, you need... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business, Manuals, Nonfiction

What You Should Know BEFORE You Borrow Money

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Title: What You Should Know BEFORE You Borrow Money
Author: Patty Baldwin, Lori Chambers
Easily Learn How To Understand All The Financial Jargon So You Can Borrow Responsibly!

Hands fisted, knuckles white and angry tears pouring down her cheeks, Carol stormed through her front door and headed straight for the telephone. She tries to compose herself as she dials 911 to report her car as stolen.

The 911 operator takes her information and lets her know that an officer should be there momentarily. When the officer arrives, he takes her statement but also asks if there is any chance the vehicle was repossessed.

Carol jerks her head around at that question and tells the officer that she was 3 days late on her payment to a company that offers vehicle title loans. But, she queries, "surely that couldn't be the problem? It's only 3 days! Isn't there supposed to be a grace period?"

The officer completes the statement and suggests that she contact the company who gave her the loan. After asking her to let the department know if it was indeed repossessed he leaves.

Carol calls the company and gets the bad news! Yes, just 3 days late and her vehicle is repossessed. Yes, she can get it back but in addition to the late payment she will have to pay the towing charge, impound fee and a penalty fee.

This scenario sounds pretty drastic, doesn't it? Well, think again. It happens every single day more times than you would believe!

Carol is not a "bad" person. She did what all of us have probably had to do on occasion. She had an emergency and she required some quick cash. She is young, living on her own for the first

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Category: Business, Jobs

Profitable Crafts v2

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Title: Profitable Crafts v2
Author: Maria Vowell
Selling Your Crafts Is Easier Than You Could Ever Imagine!

Provided by a published designer
with over 15 years experience!

Now you too can rest assured knowing that your craft sales will never slump again!

Gain confidence in yourself, and your products as each day passes once you see your profits explode like you've never seen them explode before. Discover wonderful techniques to increase your overall profits and discover valuable techniques that will help you become the published designer that you've always dreamed of becoming!

Profitable Crafts provides so much information related to maximizing your arts & crafts profits that you'll never have to worry about if your products will sell or not.

You'll gain confidence as you discover how to get other business owners to sell your products for you, and you'll discover creative methods for profiting from your own designs using your own home computer system. If you've ever wanted to get your projects published in national magazines, then look no further because this volume of profitable crafts manuals you step-by-step all the way to acceptance.

You Will Quickly Discover How To

  • Protect yourself by providing the proper type of agreement for consignment sales
  • Approach storeowners and convince most of them to sell your products for you
  • Stand back and let your products sell themselves
  • Determine why sales could be slow in a particular store by just looking at yards
  • Sell your... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business

Mind Your Own Business

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Title: Mind Your Own Business
Author: Debbie Solomon, Sara Hardy
Conditioning Your Mind for Success!



Have you put everything into your business? Do you want to succeed and build a prosperous future? Are you open to changing the way you think about business dealings? Then you have come to the right place! It takes effort, persistence,
and determination, but NOW is the time to start.
Mind your own Business is designed to help condition your mind and business to accomplish the goals you have set forth for yourself. Income and time are the two most valuable assets needed to achieve personal goals. Now you will discover what it takes to create both.
We wish you the greatest of success & good heath to you and your business!
On the whole, businesses and countries are run by purely materialistic principles.
Throughout the world there are a number of businesses that are purposefully built on higher principles. Many people do not realize the great power of wealth built on such values.
Sharing and giving builds wealth, not just for the privileged few, but for everyone, and that is the principle behind this program. Everyone who puts these suggestions into practice can become wealthy, and not just in the materialistic point
of view. Wealth is NOT only money, but the means to share your power of knowledge and to put them to use to build your dreams and ambitions.
How to set your own financial targets and also how to obtain the maximum benefit from

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Category: Business, Jobs

Profitable Crafts v1

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Title: Profitable Crafts v1
Author: Maria Vowell
Proven techniques to help your craft sales soar!

Provided by a published designer
with over 15 years experience!

Now you too can rest assured knowing that your craft sales will never slump again!

Gain confidence in yourself, and your products as each day passes once you see your profits explode like you've never seen them explode before. Discover wonderful techniques to increase your overall profits and receive top selling project patterns for some of today's best selling items.

Profitable Crafts provides so much information related to maximizing your arts & crafts profits that you'll never have to worry about if your products will sell or not.

You'll create your crafts with confidence knowing before hand that you're providing items that people will buy, and pricing them perfectly for maximum profits without ever having to lower your prices just because you think lowering your prices will help your products sell better.

You Will Quickly Discover How To

  • Create products that sell so fast that you can barely keep up with your orders
  • Price your products for maximum profits without confusion
  • Ensure that your booth stays packed with paying customers
  • Cut costs on your materials without killing the quality of your products
  • Stock your booth effectively to increase sales
  • Provide super fast items, and exactly what they are
  • Cater to the needs of two types of shoppers that are sorely neglected by most
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