When you take stuff from one writer, it's plagiarism; but when you take it from many writers, it's research.
Wilson Mizner

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Category: Entertainment, Nonfiction

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Title: The Mismade Bill: Cash In with This Classic Magic Trick
Author: Joe Libby

The mismade dollar bill is a true classic of close-up and platform magic.

The usual way of performing the trick is to borrow a dollar bill, magically turn it inside out, restore it, and return the restored bill. But this seems a bit anticlimactic.

Thanks to new innovations, the effect can now be improved and have more magical impact!

Imagine giving the mismade bill to the person who loaned it as a souvenir (an impossible object, at that). They will almost certainly keep the bill forever and show it to everybody they know!

Imagine making extra money every time you do the trick! This can happen even when you are being paid by the venue that booked you.

It's certainly possible.

In the new ebook The Mismade Bill: Cash In with This Classic Magic Trick, author and entertainer Joe Libby explains how to do these. But that's not all.

You'll find out about a secret source for the special dollar bills.

You'll find out how to get the bills at better-than-retail price.

And more!

Get your free copy of the ebook today so that you can begin wowing your audiences with the up-to-date version of the mismade dollar bill trick.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Nonfiction, E-Marketing

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Title: How to Pick a Shopping Cart System That Makes You Money
Author: Joe Libby, Tom Antion

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Category: Science Fiction, Humor, Novels

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Title: Alpha Bots
Author: Ava Lock

In this trilogy starter of the Womanoid Diaries, AI housewife Cookie Rifkin leaves her husband and learns what it means to be a real woman.

Her simple life in New Stepford may be a bit too simple for such a brilliant learning machine. Even so, Cookie just wants to smoke weed, bake banana pudding, and read novels with her book club friends. But after a not-so-chance encounter with AI Officer Margaret Rouser at the grocery store, she finds herself leading a life of crime. The two women find themselve embroiled in a provocative rivalry for the heart of Wayne Dixon and leadership of the pink army of paper dolls. If someone doesn't stop them, they might very well wind up killing all the men.

Global Book Award GOLD medal for Satire 2022.

Kirkus called it a "tongue-in-cheek look at male-female relations."

Part Stepford Wives, part Fight Club, part Breaking Bad, this story will make you think outside the box.

After downloading, reading, and enjoying this book, please be so kind as to leave a review on Amazon.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: SEO and Promotion

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Title: 13 best financial services marketing strategies in 2022
Author: Abdussalam Chughtai

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Relationships, Men, Romance

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Title: The Female Mind Control Hand Book - Learn How To hack into any woman brain and make her yours forever
Author: Katty Spring

This book would teach men how to hack into the minds of women and make them to like, lust and desire them. 

This is a perfect read for any man that want to learn how to attract any girl or woman of their dream.

Woman are psychologically wired, and any man that master the mind of woman would not find it hard to attract any women they wish to date or have a relationship with.

The Female Mind Control Hand Book also contain in it a Secret body language that make you turn girl on instantly without saying a word, ''YES'' We would teach you a simple dating strategy to make women lust for you, desire you and instantly wants to be with you even if that woman has a boy friend, so make sure to check the video in this book as you read.

So if as a man, you have been akward in dating, trying to get any girl to like you, date you, have an affair with you, attracting females, then make sure you read this guide today and watch the video in the book as well to start dating as an alpha male.



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Ebook Type: Video Included,
Category: Marketing, Education

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Title: Discover How to Build Your YouTube Authority with this Comprehensive Guide
Author: Maria

Discover how to build your Youtube Authority
whith this comprehensive guide.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Fitness, Weight Loss

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Title: Quick Wellness
Author: Chin

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Education, Finance

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Title: The 18 Types of Outsourcing Service Bangladesh - We Helps to Choose the Right Service?
Author: Enroute International Limited

There are many fifferent types of outsourcing services. Some common ones are information technology (IT) outsourcing, human resources (HR) outsourcing, and business process outsourcing (BPO). Each type of outsourcing service has its own benefits and drawbacks. Enroute outsourcing can help a ccompany reduce its IT costs, while HR outsourcing can help a company save on employee benefits costs. However, BPO can be more expensive than other types of outsourcing services.


Outsourcing has become a popular way for organization to reduce costs, imporove efficiency, and focus on heir core business. While Outsourcing can offer many benefits, it is important to choose the right type of outsourcing service to ensure that the organization get the most value for their money. There are 18 types of outsourcing services, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Get the most out of your outsourcing services. Learn about the different types of outsourcing services and how they can benefit your business. Find the right outsourcing company for you.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Relationships, Self Help, Romance

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Title: Make Him Fall in Love with You
Author: Laudiaann Sylvest

How would you like to find your soul mate. This ebook will draw the right mate for you. If you already have one you can be sure this free e-book will help you better your relationship with your mate, spouse, boyfriend. I Love helping people and as the Author of my ebook I hope you like it. Hi! My name is Laudiaann Sylest. I Love to write ebooks and create them. I Thank you so much for reading my free download ebook and there will be more from me. Everyone need to get more educated when it involves in relationships.You have to be treated with respect and you also must learn to respect others and who you love. Treat others as how you want to be treated. You must learn to love one another unconditionally and must be selfless and caring. You see it is how you approach someone. Gifting is giving Love and respect. Showing and caring is an action and steps that you need to learn. Learning to love the proper way I believe in my heart that your man will adore you and Love you as a queen THANKS!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Self Help

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Title: Recession Profit Secrets
Author: Richard Pierce

Make More Money or Lose Everything
You MUST Decide TODAY!

You can protect your money and grow your wealth.

I’m here to show you a simple way to do it and it’s a lot easier than you think!

In fact, I’m sharing some of my $1,000,000 (ONE MILLION DOLLAR) tips with you in just a moment.

First, let me show you how it’s possible to predict the future of the economy and make money-generating decisions based on those predictions.

K-Waves: The Economic Secret to Predicting the Market’s Future…

Let me tell you about the genius who first identified the market crash pattern you’re about to suffer from…

Which he predicted almost 100 years ago!

Nikolai Kondratiev was the first to recognize that our global markets go through waves of Growth… and Depression.

He called it… K-Waves.

Of course… what he discovered was NO ACC

The Recession Profit Secrets Gives You Everything You Need to:

  • Turn your “burning dollars” into REAL WEALTH that actually grows and multiplies, even during a massive recession.
  • Understand exactly how the Fed and the Big Banks are working to trick you into giving them all of your wealth… so you can
... Click here to read the full description!

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