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John F. Kennedy

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Title: In the South, the Wheel of Fire – The Fourth Book of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc

Short description: Before they become events, revolutions exist in the minds of men; and it is therein that they survive long after their political demise. Such is the nature of ideas, but when one is brought up Graecian, an idea never comes alone: she is the property of a goddess and the reflection of an archetype; she looks like a star, a precious stone or an element; she becomes a certain woman - one grows up with her. Such exchanges are not without provisions. Gods incarnate, demigods, reincarnate; and the civil servants of revolutionary states reinvent themselves by their own means: ambiguity, dissimulation and a knack for weathering logical contradictions.

About the series: In the South, the Wheel of Fire - The Fourth Book of Evlampia is the fourth book in the tetralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.

This e-book is available for purchase for $8.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.

Short excerpt from Chapter 1 - Permanent revolution and revolving permanence: I. One morning in the summer of 1789, the 15th of July, the benevolent King Louis woke up to tumult of the street. The previous day had been recorded by the unfortunate monarch as yet another undistinguished sunrise,... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fiction, History

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Title: The Calendar and the Republic
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc

Short description: When the empire came to its foretold end, Patriarch Ieremias took it upon himself to designate a ruler for the times to come; when the preordained number of years was concluded, he forbade discussions on new calendars. The tasks that lay ahead were daunting, their hardships unimaginable; yet his directions could not have been any simpler. And for all the simplicity, the centuries that followed came ripe with complications, mistaken paths, preventable catastrophes and unstoppable repetitions. Such was their cruelty that, every time one cared to look back, the question had to be raised again whether all that had happened was real or simply dreamt of.

About these cycles is the Calendar and the Republic. Naturally, it is a study of the attributes of Time - of such parts of the mystery as can be understood - and is intended to demonstrate the logical merging of History with the greater continuity of things. But if it portrays the distinct characters and types of a certain era, with all their unique reflections and fears, and unusual conditions that prompted extraordinary actions, it also brings up a very baffling riddle: the one of their seamlessly unvaried return.

About this e-book: This e-book is available for purchase for $9.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.

Short excerpt from Chapter 1: a. The... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fiction, History

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Title: “Go West,” They Told Themselves and Took to Troubled Waters – The Third Book of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc

Short description: No one sets out to test the borders of sanity, no one wants to challenge the limits of fate; but it happens, and when one arrives there he seldom realizes it. One say, measure, proportion and reason have suddenly evaporated; resolve has given way to abandonment. And it turns out it was surprisingly easy: a few years of disturbed sleep, a season of postponed happiness, a line of unheeded signs - and one false step.

About the series: "Go West," They Told Themselves and Took to Troubled Waters - The Third Book of Evlampia is the third book in the tetralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.

This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.

Short excerpt from Chapter 1 - A day like a thousand years: Saturday, the twenty-seventh of August 1922, on Saint Poemén's Day, a Turkish army began marching unto Smyrna. Days before, the last Greek regiment had been ordered out. The French, Italian and British Allied Forces stationed in Smyrna had already made sure there would be no escape routes - and where was one to go anyway? The bloodiest week of the twentieth century was about to begin; another one followed, and then another. These were... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Adventure, Science Fiction, Mystery

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Title: From Here to Forever
Author: Ellen G. White
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Spirituality, Adventure, Mystery

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Title: The Great Controversy (Revised)

The Great Controversy as a historical drama covers the Reformation, Enlightenment and Awakening, culminating in modernity. All humanity is embattled in the conflict between good and evil, regarding God's identity, character and sovereignty. Originating in heaven with Lucifer, who in self-exalting pride became Satan, this chief Adversary deceived the angels, introducing the spirit of rebellion. This fall from grace provoked the disorder of creation and the perversion of man's nature. To many, the roots of evil are a source of great perplexity. They question how it can exist under One who is infinite in wisdom, power and love. However, the greatest delusion comes with the Antichrist. Packed with riveting and ennobling biographies, this text equips all to combat the counterfeit and stand fast for truth. With shocking developments that will stir the mind and awaken the embers of the soul, The Great Controversy gives a panoramic insight into the invisible world and unlocks the mystery of good and evil. 

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Category: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction

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Title: The Great Controversy (Original)
Author: Ellen G. White

The Great Controversy traces from ancient times the great conflict between good and evil and its universal compass. This book succinctly responds to questions of infinite love, human nature, generational curses and life's journey. Taking the reader behind the curtain to unearth the mysteries of the past that even prefigure the future. It probes into the characters of men and women birthed in bleak circumstances, embroiled in boiling and bloody disputes and tried in arduous crucibles through which are revaled tragic flaws and worthy virtues. Time and again, supernatural intervention dynamically shapes their courses while their choices, for better or for worse, make an ineffaceable impress on their offspring and societies. It distintuishes persons in expectation of a future hope and tenaciously embracing life-changing promises. The identity and character of God has been in much doubt since the beginning of time. Who is Lucifer, the archenemy, who has spent millenia warring against God and men? In this book, the great conflict is shown in the progress of the centuries, in which are evidenced the subtle attacks in our enlightened time. The reader would catch a clearer understanding of eternal issues at stake, the truth about heaven and hell and the great forever. 

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Category: Spirituality, Religion, Mystery

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Reviewed by Bibliomania777 on 2021-05-15
My Rate 5
The Truth about Angels presently stands out as an essential and enlightening truth. Not only satisfying curiosity, it radiates with hope. . .

Reviewed by Bibliomania777 on 2021-03-14
My Rate 5
This is a truly eye-opening novel. It inspires the reader with life-changing views of the supernatural.

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Title: The Truth about Angels
Author: Ellen G. White

This book, The Truth about Angels, describes these heavenly messengers who execute God's will on earth. It dispels some of the misconceptions regarding their nature and role in human affairs. Angels are commissioned with critical responsibilities on which hands the lives of humanity. Myriads of angels sing and surround the throne of God. Lifting the veil between the seen and the unseen world, this text sets forth the truth about angels and their involvement in events on earth. Beginning with Lucifer's rebellion in heaven and continuing to the work of angels after the beginning of chaos, this volume provides a behind-the-scenes view of the existence and activities of angels as they go about the work of heaven as well as the powers of darkness. Best of all, it would enable the reader to appreciate the mission, fellowship and companionship of angels. Multitudes believe that angels are spirits of the dead who are "ministering spirits" sent to help mankind in peril; however this book explains the truth about angels, both good and evil. 



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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Fiction, History

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Title: Evlampia – The Complete Series
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc

Evlampia - The Complete Series contains all four of the Evlampia e-books. The tetralogy is a view on the early days of the ascendancy of the New Times. The decisive but impossible to consummate rupture with the past, the pedantic search for new principles, and a desperate life that seeks to grow roots someplace beyond the soil of continuity are examined through the eyes of four different people at four different times. Their stories span the length of nine centuries and the width of three continents, yet their lives are intrinsically connected in ways they would have never imagined. The tetradic form of the four basic elements - air, earth, water, fire - is applied to the sequence of their individual narrations to underscore the dominant trait of their ordeals. Each one is guided by a singular spirit, by a natural element which upbringing and circumstances brought to preeminence, but in the end, they will all arrive to the same realization: the constant and uninterrupted primacy of a fifth one.

This e-book is available for purchase for $17.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Nature, Nonfiction, Science

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Title: Battery Technology for the Future
Author: antonio patrick

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Category: Computers, Entertainment, How To

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Title: Under $500 Gaming PC Setup - Step by Step
Author: antonio patrick

We dealt with everyone burning questions, about what the best PC at $499.

We talked throught the part told you our reasoning and sent it to the wilds of the internet.

However we are not done yet, we just dont recommend the part and call it a day.

Pretty excited we are not, we just dont recommend a full PC of a parts and call it a day.

Just like i expecting that its not that easy to choose the best part for $499 PC.

We share our idea to our comrade, and we dont expected how much ideas we got from.

Because i have my own reasoning and so it not just about rehasing.

Its also about building it getting it up and running and playing some games to see this little beast.

Regardless of how it look and im throwing some cables extensions to make it look b-roll.

Because even through is, its even i saying that CPU and GPU were the most critical here with the GPU being most important.

A lot of the parts had quickly gone out of stock now, i've added additionals link in the stock.

But these are volatiles time.

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