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Title: Eye Floaters No More
Author: Daniel Brown

“Doctors Predicted I Would Never Cure My Eye Floaters. But Contrary To Their Prediction, I Cured My Floaters Using a Simple Fool-Proof Method, After Years of 'Trying' You Can Too! Here's How...”

Soon, you'll finally free yourself from eye floaters - by following a safe, easy and natural method..

What are exactly Eye Floaters?

  • They are caused by degenerative changes of the vitreous humour - the clear gel that fills the eyeball.
  • Eye Floaters (Also known as Eye Flashes) are deposits of various sizes and shapes that float within the eye.
  • Eye infections, inflammation, wounds and damage to the eye can lead to eye floaters.
  • As one gets older, the number of eye floaters tends to increase.
  • A sudden increase in floaters can be one of the first signs of retinal detachment or other severe eye conditions.
  • Even very young people can develop eye floaters.

I finally stumbled upon a natural way to cure (or drastically reduce) eye floaters - without the need of any expensive and harmful surgical procedures or products.

In "Eye Floaters No More™", you'll discover:

  • Eliminate your annoying eye floaters from the comfort of your home.
  • How to finally get rid of your stressful eye floaters, blocks of vision, the flashing lights - using a safe, natural and easy system.
  • How to prevent more eye floaters from forming.
  • Easy, natural
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Category: Mystery, Nonfiction, Science

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Title: In the Beginning

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Category: Nonfiction, Science, Spirituality

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Title: From Eternity Past

Focusing on the time from the Earth's Creation until the last days of King David, From Eternity Past delves into the mysteries of Creationism and the Divine Design theory versus the evolutionary theory. It chronicles the battle between light and darkness, as the conflict transferred to Earth, while illustrating how faithful people have fought the good fight of faith through the ages. As the first of a five-part series. This text describes the historical foundation for what we see in our world today and gives principles on how to take to firmly decide for the right. In sum, the reader gains an opportunity to penetrate into the true character and identity of God, his operations from eternity past and his benevolent plan for each one of his children. The author's straightforward style and plain, direct language seizes the interest from beginning to end. Without fail, this book holds infinite inspiration for all interested in sacred history and perplexed by the strange mixture of good and evil in the natural world and in human hearts. 

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Category: Beauty, Mystery, Spirituality

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Reviewed by Perry Martin on 2025-02-27
My Rate 5
Heaven is a beautifully uplifting book that offers readers a profound look into the eternal realm awaiting those who are redeemed. The author weaves together carefully selected descriptions and statements from various sources over the years, all pointing to heaven as a real and radiant place filled with peace, joy, and the glorious presence of God. The book’s central message is one of hope, vividly painting heaven as a sanctuary untouched by pain, sorrow, or death.

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Title: Heaven
Author: Ellen White

Did you ever wonder what Heaven was like? And what happens when we die? Do you want to go to heaven but not sure how? This book, titled, Heaven radiates with bright glimpses of heaven, a real celestial place populated by angelic beings and God himself. It gathers the choicest statements and descriptions provided over the years about heaven - the future home of the redeemed in glorious terms which would awaken new joy, peace and hope, even on the brink of death. Heaven is full of joy. It resounds with the praises of Him who made so wonderful a sacrifice for the redemption of the human race. In heaven, in the company of heavenly angels, in a pure harmonious heaven, there is no discord, only peace. All is health, happiness and joy. Pain cannot exist in the atmosphere of heaven. There will be no more tears, no funeral trains, no badges of mourning. There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying. Language fails to express the value of the immortal inheritance. The glory, riches and honour offtered by God are of such infinite value that is beyond the power of men or even angels to give any just idea of their worth, their excellence, their magnificence. 

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Category: Nonfiction, History, Military

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Title: El Gran Conflicto
Author: Ellen White
Language: Spanish

Se recrudece una guerra espiritual y cósmica en los cielos y la Tierra. Embatallados en El Gran Conflicto, desde la eternidad pasada hasta los tiempos actuales, se están luchando dos fuerzas una contra la otra por la soberania universal. Este libro se explica como inicio la guerra global, como llegará el punto culminante y como se terminará. Con desarrollos muy chocantes que pican la mente y despiertan las ascuas del alma, tambien la obra ilumina la visión y da revelación acerca de la manipulación espiritual en un mundo religiopolitico, con regimenes represivos, los movimientos religiosos, los derechos y las libertades amenazados y la decodificación del misterio de la unión de poderes mundiales. Se vislumbra un gran conflicto internacional. Sin embargo, los siglos habian estado marcado a fuego por el conflicto armado y tambien mas silencioso per subtil, practicamente incesante a lo largo y ancho del planeta. Estos fueron los grandes conflictos mundiales que generaron millones de muertos y desplazados durante la Media Edad, el Renacimiento y la Iluminación, con anos interminables de creciente competitividad entre las grandes potencias europeas por hegemonia en el Viejo y el Nuevo Continente. 

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Category: Spirituality, Science, Action

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Title: Last Day Events

Last Day Events discusses the current crises, pestilences, diseases and calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war which are signalling strange developments for the future. They forecaset approaching events of the greatest concern and magnitude. The forces of good and evil are clashing everywhere around us. We are amid the perils of the last days, and trying times are before us. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that those things that cannot be shaken may remain. Drought, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, casualties by land and sea will multiply. Life will be unsafe anywhere, only as the life is hid in God. Now while the angels are holding the four winds, a golden opportunity presents itself to seek God fervently and earnestly. We do not realise our peril which would come upon us as stealthily and suddenly as a thief in the night. Whatever it may cost to recover faith, it is better to deny self and make any sacrifice than to live without God's presence and loving favour. It is vain to gain the whole world and lose the very soul. 

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Category: Nonfiction, Religion, Self Help

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Title: Confrontation

This book, Confrontation, ventures into the gruelling temptation of Jesus who faced off Satan in a lonely desert, over the course of forty days. The fate of the world hung in the balance. Weakened and emaciated by days of fasting, He faced the most enticing sophistries but met each seductive argument with the words from Scripture, "It is written...." Confrontation explains the secret to Jesus' victory in the wilderness of temptation and how it can be yours today. At some point in life, we must confront our worst enemy, we must face our keenest temptations. This text provides spiritual strength and courage to overcome in your own struggles with self, lust, and the pride of life. Satan who was once an honoured angel in heaven had been ambitious for the more exalted honours which God had bestowed upon His Son. He became envious of Christ, and represented to the angels, who honoured him as covering cherub, that he had not the honour conferred on him which his position demanded. He asserted that he should be exalted equal in honour with Christ ... After he and his angels were expelled from heaven, he was more successful in his objective to precipitate the fall of man in the garden of Eden through Adam and Eve. However, in the desolate wilderness, Christ was not in so favourable a position to endure the temptations of Satan as was the first parents. Yet, Jesus humbled himself and took man's nature... Christ in the wilderness, stood in Adam's place to bear the test he failed to

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Category: Fiction, History

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Title: East, A Mighty Gale Is Blowing – The First Book Of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc

Short description: When M.E. de Valois was appointed private secretary to the living legend of politics Prince Talleyrand, little could he have guessed about the purpose of his work. His employer called the work "the mysterious strength of legitimacy," but others had already described it as "the present mystery of lawlessness." Its regime was one of curious ambitions. It claimed clarity and justice as its reasons, but ambivalence was its fashion and duplicity its condition; and while allegiance was its first command, treason appeared to be its rite of passage.

About the series: East, A Might Gale Is Blowing is the first book in the tetralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.

This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and/or MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.

Short excerpt from Chapter 1 - Tale of a civil servant: Names, names of all sorts, and their legitimacy and relevance are my trade. Their examination had always absorbed a great deal of my working time, and now that I retired, it remains a source of occasional surprise. A demanding but thankless calling it is, as names these days are known to be able to move mountains, and yet too little attention will be spent on their... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fiction, History

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Title: North, Far North of Gethsemane, God Spared a Tear for the Promised Land – The Second Book of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc

Short description: Discussions between an emperor and a heresiarch run predictable courses: the one's curiosity will slowly but surely give way to suspicion, the other's audacity will eventually grow uninhibited to outright encroachment. Bit when it becomes evident to both of them that the reasons for their encounter are not simple and that the outcome of their deliberations is not for them to decide, they resort to extraordinary measures: one puts on a disguise to find facts, the other reveals secrets in order to better serve a secret faith.

About the series: North, Far North of Gethsemane, God Spared a Tear for the Promised Land - The Second Book of Evlampia is the second book in the tetralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.

This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.

Short excerpt from Chapter 1: It must have been Hippocrates who first recorded, centuries ago, the influence that external conditions exert on character and breeding, and how significantly they contribute to the long and arduous shaping of a political conscience. (a) Having lived too early, the famed physician did not enjoy the opportunity, amply afforded to our generation, to... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fiction, History

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Title: “Go West,” They Told Themselves and Took to Troubled Waters – The Third Book of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc

Short description: No one sets out to test the borders of sanity, no one wants to challenge the limits of fate; but it happens, and when one arrives there he seldom realizes it. One say, measure, proportion and reason have suddenly evaporated; resolve has given way to abandonment. And it turns out it was surprisingly easy: a few years of disturbed sleep, a season of postponed happiness, a line of unheeded signs - and one false step.

About the series: "Go West," They Told Themselves and Took to Troubled Waters - The Third Book of Evlampia is the third book in the tretralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.

This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.

Short excerpt from Chapter 1 - A day like a thousand years: Saturday, the twenty-seventh of August 1922, on Saint Poemén's Day, a Turkish army began marching unto Smyrna. Days before, the last Greek regiment had been ordered out. The French, Italian and British Allied Forces stationed in Smyrna had already made sure there would be no escape routes - and where was one to go anyway? The bloodiest week of the twentieth century was about to begin; another one followed, and then another. These were

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