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Women ebooks

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Category: Relationships, Women

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Title: How To Make Him Desire You
Author: Alex Carter

This is a dating & relationship program for women which reveals how to access the impulsive part of any man's mind & make him go crazy for you.

2 Weird ways to make him feel impulsive love for you

Step 1 - Become emotionally in-tune with him.

If you ever want a man to feel a deep intense, almost addictive love for you, then you need to become emotionally in-tune with him.

I’ll show you a ridiculously easy way to do it in a moment, but before that let me give you the second step.

Step 2 - Establish yourself as a valuable asset in his mind.

The fact is, diamonds are valuable because they’re rare and not easy to acquire. They’re perceived as something very valuable.

You need to position yourself in a way, that he would be absolutely scared to lose you and would even fight to keep you for as long as possible.

3 Ridiculous tricks to make him ache will pure love for you

Step 1 – Trigger a sense of positive discomfort in his mind.

Well, there is an age old psychological concept which states that as humans we value the very thing we have to work hard for.

In fact, this concept works so well that he will actually enjoy chasing you and will get a special kind of feeling which will get him

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Category: Beauty, Women

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Title: The Beauty Food Bible: Feed Yourself 20 Years Younger
Author: Tracy Patterson

Your body WANTS to create firm, taut, smooth, flawless, glowing and radiant skin for the rest of your life.

It is TRYING TO. And ANYONE can unlock your skin's natural ability to slow down the clock, if not reverse it, by following this secret.

Now, The Good News Is You Can Learn How Reverse Any Skin Condition, In Just A Few Steps, With Foods That Are Probably In Your Fridge Right Now.

You’ll learn in the "The Beauty Food Bible: Feed Yourself 20 Years Younger" are the most potent foods for creating incredible skin, where to find them, and how to prepare them.

  • I’ve also listed other foods that detoxify the fluids under the dermis… (that important layer of skin under the surface) …which help new skin cells receive the nutrition to start growing rapidly and make their way to the surface.
  • The types of foods that maintain elasticity and firmness past the age of 30. Some of them help maintain the natural oils in your skin that stop it from getting too dry…and other foods that dramatically boost collagen levels which leads to younger, smoother and finer skin.
  • Next I’ll show you the secrets to deep skin repair by providing your cells with the most powerful antioxidants in nature. Unlike pills, and supplements, actual foods are completely bioavailable — meaning your body and skin cells soak up many times more than any antioxidant supplement out
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Category: Fitness, Women

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Title: Pole Dancing Lessons

Get Instant Access To more than 130 video’s, that will teach you to love your body and love your life!

Home Pole Dancing Lessons For The Everyday Women

Transform yourself from out-of-shape and awkward “Jane” into a fit, sexy, and confident vixen in a few short months

Dancing connects a woman to her natural inner sexuality, renewing her inner confidence and helps her to feel genuinely sexy from the inside. I want to offer those benefits to every woman through my pole dancing lessons while simultaneously helping them get in the best toned shape of their lives!

Using my lessons, you’ll be able to:

  • See the results of your hard work -- in the mirror
  • Get in the best shape of your life
  • Have some serious fun!
  • Build health, strength, and energy!
  • Feel genuinely sexy, young and vibrant from the inside out
  • Renew your inner confidence
  • Be surprised to learn you wish you could work out all the time!
  • Connect to your natural femininity, intuition and sensuality
  • Pique men's (or women's) curiosity.
  • Feel completely comfortable in your own skin
  • Open the door to infinite possibilities and take more chances in life

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Ebook Type: Video
Category: Beauty, Women

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Title: Natural Beauty: 14 Days to Rejuvenated Skin

The Answer to Naturally Clear Skin is Here

An Easy to Follow Plan

  • Easily create your own healthy skin care products.
  • Learn how you can naturally rejuvenate your skin.
  • Discover healthy diet secrets that speed your recovery.
  • Identify the supplements you need for healthy skin.

Get the true facts on how to get the healthiest skin possible with proven results. I will help you renew your confidence so you can handle any skin care issue you are facing. See improvements in just days by including an easy to follow system designed to give you the best results!

If you want clear and radiant skin... THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!

  • Take control of your health from the inside out by learning which supplements (vitamins, minerals, and herbs) are ideal for achieving healthy skin.
  • Learn how to identify your skin type and develop your own healthy skin care products.
  • Implement simple lifestyle changes that can greatly speed your recovery and help you achieve beautiful and vibrant skin.
  • Eliminate spoiled, contaminated, and unhealthy skin care products that may be harming your skin.


  • Three Rejuvenating Skin Care Treatments
  • The Best Facial Cleanser Recipe
  • Renewal Wrinkle Eye Cream
  • Repairing Facial Moisturizer

Recover your youthful skin’s elasticity and visibly fade the

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Category: Relationships, Women

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Title: Drama Method
Author: Aaron Fox

This program shows any woman some extremely outrageous, illogical and even downright brutal tactics to trigger so much love in a man, that he will find her to be the most tempting and irresistible woman he’s ever come across.

Does Your Program Cater To All Kinds Of Women and Relationships?

Yes, absolutely! You could be young, middle aged, or old, it doesn’t really matter. You could be single, in a relationship, married or going through a breakup.

  • You will find yourself buzzing with a confident energy the moment you go through the first few sections of this course, because now you will finally see how easy it is to trigger hardcore attraction within any man, in any situation.
  • You will get so much unbelievable power over men that they will start to follow you around just like how a tiny puppy dog loyally follows its owner.
  • You will be giving yourself an astonishing advantage over every woman out there.
  • You will get extremely detailed, and practical advice on how to deal with men from every little, big, to even strange situation. The advice given is explained so clearly, that you won’t have to struggle with confusion, doubts, or fears any longer about your situation.

Men love desperation
Desperation attracts men
Men love needy women

Neediness repulses men, right?

Truth is

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Category: Relationships, Women

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Title: That's Not How Men Work
Author: Marni Kinrys

If you want to be the kind of woman who holds the attention of EVERY man in the room...

And have the kind of control over a man's feelings that he will do almost ANYTHING to please you..

This comprehensive guide that teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know about what really goes on inside the minds of men... and how to make him literally putty in your hands.

You're going to learn the truth of how a man's mind really works, and what he wishes you knew, and what will compel him to single YOU out and ask you on a date!

This book uses a crazily simple secret technique that no other woman has ever heard before... until now.

And I must warn you it has a 'dark side'...

But used correctly, this is going to get you INSANE results with men once you learn what goes on, deep inside his mind.

Just imagine being able to see deep inside a man's being, and having the power to make ANY MAN feel an obsessive compulsion to approach you and impress you.

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Category: Women

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Title: Pole Dancing Course

"Instant Access To Over 100 Video Lessons, 6 Hours of One-On-One Coaching With Amber's Ultimate Pole Dancing Course... Dance Your Way To Health & Fitness From Home! "

Go From Beginner To Expert With Over 100 Step-By-Step Videos With Private Coaching That Beats All Other Pole Dancing Classes!

The entire program consists of over 100 videos with a total runtime of 6 hours, systematically teaching all major types of pole dancing moves and combinations that leaves nothing to the imagination. It's the most jam-packed and intensive pole dancing course you'll ever experience.

  • Step-by-step pole dance instruction program presented in an easy-to-follow format
  • 100 videos with a total running time of 6 hours of in-depth lessons
  • 3 different teachers covering 3 major routines including fitness workouts
  • Suitable for BOTH beginners and seasoned dancers.
  • Get intensive pole dance workouts! Not only do you get a full body workout, you have a chance to discover a sexier side of you.
  • Learn over 50 isolated moves, each visually demonstrated and verbally described, with on-screen visual aids, plus combinations that tie different moves together
  • Clearly see all movements from multiple viewing angles, including full-body & up-close views. Then perform fluid combinations of the moves you've learned!

Take a closer look at what you'll learn in this high-caliber multimedia

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Ebook Type: Video
Category: Relationships, Women

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Title: Addict Him: Attract your Ideal Man

The number 1 secret to making a man love you

Don't miss this.

  • If you've ever lacked confidence in attracting and keeping your ideal man...
  • If you've ever wished that men would stop pushing you away...
  • If you've ever been confused by men's seeming unexplained behavior...
  • If you've ever wished to connect with a man at a level where he wants to open up to you...

Then make sure you watch this right away:
The number 1 secret to making him love you
This secret is going to change everything about the way you experience love.
You see, there is a secret he's never going to  tell you to your face.
But knowing it will change everything about  how you relate to your man.
And if you don't learn it now, another guy is  going to dump you for the same reason.

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Category: Family, Women

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Title: The Maternity Miracle
Author: Zelie Ream

Here's a sneak peak of what you'll discover

  • The one type of specialist you must consult! This will be one of the most important things you'll ever learn to help you get pregnant.
  • 1 simple yet very powerful fertility remedy. For some women this is the key that will finally get them pregnant!
  • How foods you are eating right now are RUINING your chances of having a happy and healthy baby. What VITAMINS you must WATCH OUT FOR and NEVER overdose on them before pregnancy.
  • Discover how to pinpoint ovulation with 100% accuracy! You'll never miss the golden window of opportunity to get pregnant again.
  • The reason why some women's fertility is 2 times greater than other women's ...and how to be one of them so you can get pregnant faster! AMAZING!
  • REVEALED! The hidden truth behind everyday activities & their impact on your fertility. Learn how to stop sabotaging your chances of getting pregnant!
  • Your secret weapon for fighting a daily fertility foe. Master this to increase your chances of getting pregnant and to enjoy the journey along the way.
  • How to detect early signs of pregnancy. Learn how to avoid false positives and negatives result!
  • The little-known way to turn anovulatory cycles into ovulatory ones. Turning 'no-chance' cycles into cycles that give you a real chance to get pregnant.
  • 10 proven steps to getting pregnant. Finally a step by step, cover all your bases, a
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Category: Relationships, Women

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Title: Mind Makeover: How Inner Game Gets the Guy
Author: Amy Waterman

Learn the Men's Seduction Secret They've Kept from Us Women UNTIL NOW Dramatic Secrets Revealed Below - Keep Reading!

Imagine what it will feel like when you...

  • Regain your sense of personal power around men, even the ones that leave you weak at the knees. Men love strong women, and you'll be fearless!
  • Give off the kind of good energy men crave. It's like wearing an irresistible perfume that men can't resist!
  • Feel in control, desirable, confident, and the star of your own romantic destiny. You'll also learn to avoid the bad vibes that put men off or make them see you as "just" a friend.
  • Master the art of first impressions. Learn to convey the "right" messages to men and correct any "wrong" messages you may have been sending.
  • Weed out the flakes, jerks, and playboys in favor of a quality man who loves you for who you are.
  • Try the ultimate "beauty cream." You'll look younger, more radiant, and simply stunning if you make this a priority in your life.
  • Feel great about yourself, even if you don't like your looks or the way your life is going right now. Beating up on yourself never helps, and I'll help you banish that critical voice for good.
  • Say goodbye to nerves or anxiety in social situations. You don't have to work at making men like you, because this simple technique will have them looking for any excuse to meet you.
  • Get excited about your love life! Worrying won't help
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