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Women ebooks

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Category: Women

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Title: Changing Your Identity Report

Are you interested in learning about how to change an individual's personal identity? This ebook covers reviews on many websites, including online information stores, online/mail order stores that offer you knowledge, techniques and products on changing your identity. I have personally reviewed all the information and products those sites have to offer. I truly believe they come in handy when a transgendered person decides to go stealth by starting a new life under a new name elsewhere. 
After reading my reviews, you will be able to decide which information and product on changing one's personal identity can help you the most.

Bonus to the "World's Best Cross Dressing Guide"

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Category: Women

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Title: French Women's secrets : saving your relationship, winning back your ex
Author: Maryté FANCASTEL

Behavioural method : How to save your relationship, how to win back your ex boyfriend , I want him to come back, do not put yourself in a situation of failure, happiness can be learned, You'll find solutions nobody learned you .

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Category: Women

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Title: Understanding the Phases of The Female Body

Have you ever wondered why some women suffer from PMS? Or, do you want to know more about postpartum depression? What about the changes menopause incurs? If you spend all your time getting one task done just so you can move on to another, you need to make sure you don't waste one minute. Any time spent dilly-dallying is time you don't get to sit back and relax.

If you answered "yes" to these questions, I have a special product for you! "From PMS to PPD: Understanding the Phases of the Female Body" offers up detailed information on anything and everything related to women's bodies!

You'll learn everything you need to know about the phases of the female body with this fantastic ebook. From Menstruation to Menopause and Everything In Between!

Bonus to the "Ovarian Cyst Miracle"

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Category: Fiction, Romance, Women

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Title: Stories Varied - A Book of Short Stories
Author: BS Murthy

'Stories Varied' depict women's dilemmas in the Indian social milieu with ingenuous denouements.

While 'Ilaa's Ire' provides a contrasting picture of the woman of the day and the one of the yore, '201 Qualms' is about her predicament when torn between personal loyalty and public responsibility.

When "?" addresses woman's marital stress in an alien land, 'Cupid's Clue' leads to a rebound on extra marital strain.

Even as 'Autumn Love' enables woman discover the marital void in her life, 'A Touchy Affair' moulds her to accommodate the other woman in her man's life.

Just as 'Love's How's That" inflames woman's old flame, 'A Hearty Turn' brings her innate lesbian leanings to the fore.

If 'Love Jihad' helps woman to bridge religious divide with secular plank, 'Tenth Nook' brings about her marital gulf on the material ground.

While, 'Eleventh Hour' is about woman's lust for love, 'Twelfth Tale' underscores her zest for power.

These twelve stories, indeed all my fictional works, were born out of my conviction that for fiction to impact readers, it should be soulful rendering of characters rooted in their native soil but not the hotchpotch of local and alien caricatures sketched on a hybrid canvas.  

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Category: Self Defense, Self Help, Women

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Title: How to Pickpocket Proof your Purse or Shoulder Bag
Author: JHWhite

Be aware that when you withdraw money from the ATM, especially when you are traveling abroad, pickpockets watch to see where you stash the cash. If it's easy for you to access, it's equally easy for them, and you've just become a target.
And nothing will keep thieves out of your purse if you leave it on the restaurant table, hooked over the chair back, on the grocery cart or any other place where it is not on your person.
In a crowd, your purse or shoulder bag is not even safe if you are wearing it on your body. BUT IT CAN BE. Two small items from the hardware store will do it. You won't even need any tools, a nail file at most. And thieves cannot get into your purse without you knowing it! They know it and don't even try.

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Category: Relationships, Romance, Women

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Title: How to Date a Guy You Like
Author: Nicky Rupers
nhsi4k1z... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Self Help, Women

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Title: 30 Days to a Sexier You! A self help guide for women suffering from low libido
Author: Linda L. Ryan

Studies on female sexuality suggest that over 40% of women suffer from some form of female sexual dysfunction disorder(FSDD).

The intimacy and pleasure that comes from a healthy, satisfying sex life are essential feelings of a loving relationship. The desire to express your unique sexuality into your relationship builds the comfort, security and satisfaction inherent in a healthy sex life.

So when your desire for sexual closeness wanes-or disappeared completely-it can become very distressing and even unhealthy.

The 30 Day to a Sexier You! A self help guide for women with low libido is a daily reminder to make your sexual health a priority. It's easy to read, easy to understand, and most importantly, easy to relate to. It provides daily insights, tips and simple, actions you can take to help re-ignite your passion.

Changing habit patterns is best done by initiating small changes every day. 30 Days to a Sexier You! will help you feel better about yourself, your sexuality, and your relationship.

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Category: Fiction, Romance, Women

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Title: Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth
Author: BS Murthy

If passing through youth was like crossing the mirage of life for Chandra and Nithya, it proved to be chasing the mirage of love for Sathya and Prema though for plain Vasavi, Chandra's pitiable sibling, it was the end of the road.

As life brings Chandra, who suffers from an inferiority complex for his perceived ugliness, and Nithya, who was bogged down being jilted by Vasu, together, they script their fate of fulfillment.

And as poetic justice would have it, Sathya, who caused Prema's heart burn, himself was led down the garden path by Kala, doing a "Sathya on Sathya".

Just not that, life had in store just deserts for Vasu, who preferred Prema for Nithya, owing to the latter's retribution as he tries to stalk her afresh.

Besides, after many a fictional twist and turn, the way the story ends, challenges the perception that fact is stranger than fiction.

Begin now to read the book - Youth is the mirror that tends us to the reality of our looks. The reflections of our visages that insensibly get implanted in our subconscious lend shape to our psyche to define the course of our life.... 

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Category: Young Adult, Fiction, Women

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Title: Diary of a Human Target (Book One)
Author: Isidora Vey

Since early childhood, Yvonne has had plenty of reasons to believe she is different from the others:

She often has strange dreams and metaphysical experiences.

She is gifted with high intelligence and a vivid imagination.

She is eminent for her good character, politeness and innocence.

Probably for this reason, the other people often underestimate her and show it to her at the first oppurtunity.

During adolescence, new problems appear:

Gangs of hostile persons seem to be lurking for her everywhere, terrorizing her without any apparent reason.

She is constantly dogged by negative omens, bad luck and odd coincidences.

Every time things seem to be getting better, finally everything goes wry and she ends up worse than before.

She comes to believe that she is a target of evil forces.

Reaching adulthood, her life takes an unhoped turn for the better. Her wildest dreams seem to be on their way to materialization.

But is it really so?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Also available by Amazon Kindle


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Category: Fitness, Weight Loss, Women

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Title: The Dummies Guide To Burn Calories, Lose Weight, and Look GREAT Naked!
Author: Edyth Cardona

Ever just wanted to lose weight fast, and effectively?

But Never really knew how?

You've tried every diet in the book...

Worked out countless of hours...

Only to find yourself moving onto the next one with no results.

Well my guide is going to show you how to effectively lose weight, and get past those barriers that you find yourself on a consistent basis trying to run through.

I have a quick and easy 10 reasons of what you should do, and how you can get the body that you've always dreamed of.

No fluff, and no more lies.

Your beautiful just the way you are, but this will add the icing on the cake.

Because you deserve it.

You've put enough time, and effort trying to figure out the secret, and it's finally here.

Short, simple, straight to the point.

Anyone can impliment it.

Even if you've never had success before.

Keep in mind though that this will take some effort on your part, and it will take some time, but not much.

And it's 100% worth it.

Imagine... going to the beach, and not being ashamed of your body.

Anyways enjoy,

Edyth Cardona

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