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Women ebooks

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Category: Wedding, Women

Wedding Speeches for the Bride

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Title: Wedding Speeches for the Bride

Stuck for words with your bride's speech?

"How Would You Like To Choose From 10 Pre-written Inspiring, Sentimental and Funny Bride Speeches That Will Surely Be Memorable..."

These 10 Wedding Speeches Can Be Downloaded To Your Computer Within Minutes From Now!

Dear Bride to be,

  • Are your stressed about what to write?
  • Are you frustrated and stuck for words?
  • Are you worried about whether your bride's speech will be good or not?

Giving the bride's speech is no easy task. After a long and emotional day, you'll be ready to drink some champagne, enjoy your dinner, and dance.

But before you can do this, you must contribute to one of the most anticipated parts of the whole reception: you must deliver the bride's speech.

Now, you can choose to "wing it" if you want. You can spend a few minutes thinking about what you're going to say, put nothing down on paper, and then let it all come out during the speech. But I don't recommend this. The bride's speech is simply too important and too big a part of the ceremony to wing.

After your father and the best man speak, your friends and family members will have already heard charming anecdotes, funny stories, and tear-filled memories. If you want your speech to add anything at all to

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Parenting, Women

Advice to a Mother on the Management of her Children

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Title: Advice to a Mother on the Management of her Children


Infant and suckling.-I. SAMUEL
A rose with all its sweetest leaves yet folded.-BYRON.
Man's breathing Miniature!-COLERIDGE.


1. I wish to consult you on many subjects appertaining to the management and the care of children; will you favour me with your advice and counsel?

I shall be happy to accede to your request, and to give you the fruits of my experience in the clearest manner I am able, and in the simplest language I can command-freed from all technicalities. I will endeavour to manual you in the management of the health of your offspring;-I will describe to you the symptoms of the diseases of children;-I will warn you of approaching danger, in order that you may promptly apply for medical assistance before disease has gained too firm a footing;-I will give you the treatment on the moment; of some of their more pressing illnesses-when medical aid cannot at once be procured, and where delay may be death;-I will instruct you, in case of accidents, on the immediate employment of remedies-where procrastination may be dangerous;-I will tell you how a sick child should be nursed, and how a sick-room ought to be managed;-I I will use my best energy to banish injurious practices from the... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Wedding, Women

Wedding Speeches for the Maid of honor and Bridesmaids

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Title: Wedding Speeches for the Maid of honor and Bridesmaids

Stuck for words with your Maid of Honor/Bridesmaid speech?

"Give The Best Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid Speech That Will Surely Be Remarkable Using Any of These 10 Ready-Made Speeches..."

These 10 Wedding Speeches Can Be Downloaded To Your Computer Within Minutes From Now!

Dear Maid of Honor/Bridesmaid,

  • Are you frustrated and stuck for words?
  • Are your stressed about what to write?
  • Are you worried about whether your bridemaid's speech will be good or not?

You might not realize it, but the maid of honor-or even a bridesmaid-can play an important role in a wedding ceremony. Next to the bride and the groom (and possibly their parents), everyone is looking at you and paying attention to what you do.

In fact, it has become common for the maid of honor and even bridesmaids to give speeches at weddings. And if you find yourself in this position, then you must make an effort to prepare, so that you can do an excellent job on your friend's special day.

Giving a Maid of Honor's/Bridesmaid's Speech is Different...

When it comes to the maid of honor 's speech or to a bridesmaid's speech, there are a couple of things you want to keep in mind. The first is that you will typically be giving a toast, rather than delivering a speech

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Home, Women

The American Woman's Home

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Title: The American Woman's Home


The chief cause of woman's disabilities and sufferings, that women are not trained, as men are, for their peculiar duties Aim of this volume to elevate the honor and remuneration of domestic employment Woman's duties, and her utter lack of training for them Qualifications of the writers of this volume to teach the matters proposed Experience and study of woman's work Conviction of the dignity and importance of it The great social and moral power in her keeping The principles and teachings of Jesus Christ the true basis of woman's rights and duties.
Object of the Family State Duty of the elder and stronger to raise the younger, weaker, and more ignorant to an equality of advantages Discipline of the family The example of Christ one of self−sacrifice as man's elder brother His assumption of a low estate His guide labor His trade Woman the chief minister of the family estate Man the out−door laborer and provider Labor and self−denial in the mutual relations of home−life, honorable, healthful, economical, enjoyable, and Christian.
True wisdom in building a home Necessity of economizing time, labor, and expense, by the close packing of conveniences Plan of a model cottage Proportions Piazzas Entry Stairs and landings Large room Movable Screen Convenient

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Women

Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally

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Title: Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally

Are Premenstrual Tension Symptoms Wrecking Your Well Being and Relationships?

Are you tired of the mood swings, headaches, muscle, diarrhea, cramps, bloating, acne, breast sensitivity, food cravings and over all pain and misery that occurs in the days that lead up to the arrival of your period every month?

Do you want to do something about this misery (also sometimes known as PMS - for premenstrual syndrome) but are leery of taking the birth control pills or antidepressants usually prescribed for premenstrual tension symptoms?

Then you need to read:

Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally

Deal with your symptoms without drugs or isolating yourself during the days leading up to your period!

Stop Upsetting Yourself and Others When You have Your Period and Feel Better Within Days!

Dear Friend,

If you are reading this page then it is very likely that you are already experiencing some of the more uncomfortable symptoms associated with premenstrual tension.

Although getting your monthly period is supposed to be a natural occurrence it is clearly distressing for many women to go through.

Normally a condition that causes the following symptoms might have you worried that you are suffering from a

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Beauty, Health, Women

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Reviewed by Elizabeth on 2020-01-08
My Rate 5
This is very educational and helpful for those struggling to grow long hair. Highly recommended for African and New Guinean hair types.

Reviewed by Marcelo on 2019-01-22
My Rate 4
Perfect ebook for anyone who wants to stay with long healthy hair and in complication. It drives all the techniques to leave your long hair of an extreme beauty.

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-22
My Rate 4
i find that this ebook its very helpful,thank you for sharing with us,

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Title: How to Grow Hair Long
Author: Engy Khalil

How to Grow Hair Long eBook by Beauty Therapist and general nutrition expert Engy Khalil, the same author of the very successful book Hair Grow Secrets.

How to Grow Hair Long eBook is a complete program works for people who want to grow their hair long fast.

  • You will learn how to grow your hair longer and faster naturally in very short time. At least you will double your natural hair growth rate.
  • Also, you will learn how to prevent damaged hair like; hair breakage, split ends, frizz, dry hair and scalp.
  • You will get many hair recipes and fast hair growth formula which grows afro hair quickly.
  • a Complete diet and a list of foods that stimulate hair growth.
  • Daily routine you should to follow to get the hair you wants.
  • And much much more!

Simply you will get anything you need to know to grow healthier, thicker, stronger and longer hair fast.

Here’s Just Some Of The Secrets This Book Reveals

  • You will get natural remedies to treat scalp problems like scalp dandruff, fungus and more which causes hair loss and slow growing in less than a week.
  • Learning the causes of hair loss, how to avoid them and how to get rid of hair loss.
  • You will get important tips on what can you do if you have imbalance hormones like High Testosterone or if you have PCOS, which are the main reason of thinning hair.
  • You will learn how you can lose
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Rating: (4.5 after 4 votes)
Category: Relationships, Romance, Women

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Reviewed by Jaya Chahal on 2018-01-29
My Rate 5
This book is very helpful for those who want to date an Asian girl .

Reviewed by Matthew on 2010-11-17
My Rate 5
Got this book and found it extremly helpful. I am now daing a very beautiful Asian girl with hopes for a future.

Reviewed by Jerome on 2009-01-28
My Rate 5
Truthful and honest. Tells it like it is.

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Title: How to Date an Asian Woman

Have you dreamed of making love to an Asian Woman?
Stop DREAMING and make that fantasy come true!

"How to Date an Asian Woman" is a 75 page ebook that tells you everything you need to find, attract and seduce an exotic female from the Far East including:

Where to find enchanting and eligible Asian women in your neighborhood
What you need to know about her culture so that she not only accepts you as a lover but grows to need you to be your partner
What gifts to give her right down to the kinds of flowers and perfumes she would appreciate the most
The names of the top ten cities in the U.S.A. (and counties) where you are likely to meet a smart, attractive and ambitious Asian woman
The Dos and Don't of interracial dating and most importantly ...
How to write and compose the perfect online dating profile or letter so that she starts chasing you and not the other way around
How to get to know her as well as the back of your hand BEFORE you even think of asking her out
How to earn her admiration without looking like you are trying to hard
How to dress to impress her
How to convince any Asian woman, in any country at any time to go out with you! This ebook also teaches you the secrets of coming onto her without appearing like a player or a racist including advice on:

What the absolute basics are of everything that you need to know about Asian culture so that you will never have to ask her a

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 3 votes)
Category: Relationships, Women

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-01
My Rate 5
What causes women to have "blind spots" -- and make them clueless as to what men want and what drives men away.

Reviewed by selam on 2011-01-18
My Rate 5

Reviewed by Terri Tucker on 2010-11-12
My Rate 2
didn't ever get book online

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Title: How Do I Get Him Back
Author: Bob Grant

"How to Get Your Man Back -- and Keep Him Devoted to You For Good"

Here's a sneak peek at some of the nuggets contained in the Ebook:

  • How to avoid the knee-jerk actions that your fears compel you to do -- even though those actions may make perfect sense -- because they're usually the least effective ways of getting your man back.
  • How to differentiate between the insight problems and motivation problems involved in your breakup, and how to deal with each type correctly. 
  • How to identify signals in a man's voice that tell you his guard is down, he's willing to let you get closer to him, and it's the best time to talk about the previous issues in your relationship. 
  • What causes women to have "blind spots" -- and make them clueless as to what men want and what drives men away. 
  • How to know how much you should be giving to your man -- too little and he won't know how much you care about him; too much and he is going to feel like you are competing with him. 
  • How to get your man back by tapping into the very thing that caused him to date you in the first place. 
  • How to avoid putting your man on the defensive with your well-meaning opinions. 
  • Why a man's imagination is the best thing you have going for you -- and how to use it to make him crave to be with you again. 
  • How to affect a man on an emotional level to maximize the... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (4 after 3 votes)
Category: How To, Spirituality, Women

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Reviewed by Heather on 2011-11-22
My Rate 5
Everything that I read in your book it was like, "Yes, Yes, YES!". I am practicing some of the things in your book and will try some of your other techniques! It's all about the practice! Thanks you so much for writing such a book!!

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Title: How To Give Yourself Psychic Readings In 3 Days
Author: Noelani Rodriguez

What if you could discover your psychic abilities, right now? Psychic Reader and Best-Selling Author Noelani Rodriguez shows you how you can learn to be psychic right away, without years of training.

In this ebook she goes over the 8 keys of psychic awareness and 12 key exercises to get started doing psychic readings for yourself right away.

The result is a comprehensive coverage in a fun breezy style for an increasingly "hot topic," psychic awareness--a must read for psychic enthusiasts.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Relationships, Women

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Reviewed by sally on 2009-02-01
My Rate 1
how to handle calls,with your man

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Title: All About Calling Men
Author: Mimi Tanner

The Way You Handle Calls, Emails, and Text Messages Will Seriously Affect How Much Your Man Wants You!


  • Have you ever made a phone call to a man and later regretted it?
  • Have you ever hesitated before you dialed his number?

We've all been there!

Inside "Calling Men" You Will Find Out:

  • Why you are putting yourself in a lower power position when you initiate the calling
  • When and how you benefit from NOT calling him - and how your relationship benefits
  • What to do about text messages and instant messages
  • What to do about emailing - does email count as a phone call?
  • What should you do when you can plainly see that he's "online"?
  • What goes through a man's mind when you call him
  • What a man won't tell you, but will tell others - find out how he really feels about the woman who calls him when he's not even calling her
  • The negative messages your call can be sending him
  • How the way you handle calls and emails will make him want you more!
  • How can you get him to ask for your number?
  • By the way - what are the real reasons that men don't call??

But those are far from the only problems and questions women have!

  • What should you do when he tells you to call him?
  • What if he hasn't been calling you for ages, then finally gets around to it?
  • What if he calls... Click here to read the full description!

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