Perpetual modernness is the measure of merit in every work of art.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Women ebooks

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Category: Relationships, Women

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Title: Seduction Genie
Author: Amy Waterman

You're About to Discover How YOU can be the Woman Every Guy Wants... the Woman who gets MORE dates, MORE attention, and MORE fantastic compliments!

The Dating World Won't Ever Look the Same Again...

If you want to know who is the right man for you, and how to attract and keep him, what you really need is a ebook that will teach you:

  • That you can get more mileage out of playing up your best features than by disguising or hiding your less attractive features.
  • That it is usually best if you can make a man feel as if he was the one responsible for approaching you. Discover the easiest way to do this!
  • That certain colors make you more appealing to men. Sounds odd, but it's true! There really are colors that you can wear that are going to draw men to you.
  • Reasons a guy will want to see you again. Find out what the factor is that is going to lead him to ask you on a second date.
  • How to keep the relationship you've got. Yes girls, there are lots of things you can do to keep your relationship hot and spicy!
  • How to keep the relationship you've got. Yes girls, there are lots of things you can do to keep your relationship hot and spicy!
  • How to keep him interested by using something he told you in the conversation a few minutes later. Guys LOVE to know that you are listening and taking an interest in what they are saying.
  • How to deal with rejection and use it as a learning experience.
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Category: Relationships, Women

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Title: Create Your Own Wedding Flowers
Author: Paul Ajao

How to Create Your Own Stunning Wedding Flower Bouquets and Arrangements - Without Paying Expensive Florist Fees

This is your chance to get hold of a brand new tutorial that shows you exactly how to create wonderful floral arrangements - complete with step-by-step photographs of what to do.

Preparing For the Big Day Will be Fun

But it's more than just about saving money. Have a bit of fun in the build up to your wedding day by creating your flowers. Include some of your friends, family or bridesmaids in making the arrangements and make it a 'team effort'.

Once you've learnt the skill of creating eye-catching arrangements, you will be able to make the flowers arrangements for friends' weddings, christenings, birthday parties and other celebrations.

Now, for the first time, there is an ebook resource called "Create Your Own Wedding Flowers" that will show you exactly how to produce fantastic wedding flower arrangements but at a fraction of the price a florist would charge.

Here are just some of the things you'll learn:

  • The easy way to produce perfect orchid and rose wedding boutonnieres (buttonholes) for the groom and the groomsmen.
  • Six simple designs for wedding table centrepieces - these are quick and easy to assemble but look stunning - Just learning how to do this could save you hundreds.
  • Professional tips for transforming ordinary arrangements into
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Category: Self Help, Women

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Title: Pregnancy Miracle
Author: Lisa Olson

"I Thought I Was Infertile But Contrary To My Doctor's Prediction, I Got Pregnant Twice and Naturally Gave Birth To My Beautiful Healthy Children At Age 43, After Years of "Trying".
You Can Too! Here's How..."

Here Is a Small Sample Of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy Of The Pregnancy Miracle™ System Today:

  • The cardinal sin of infertility treatment almost every woman is guilty of, which instead of reversing your Infertility, weakens and destroys your body's natural ability to defend itself, thus putting your health in serious risk and making your reproductive system worse in the long run (and almost everybody's doing it!)
  • The shocking truth about conventional Infertility treatments and the medication trap and how you can finally free yourself and use the natural approach forever
  • REVEALED: The most potent vitamins which improve the quality of your cervical mucus dramatically.
  • Why this "almost magical" combination of three types of herbs will empower your body's self-immune mechanism and cleansing abilities (required to eliminate Infertility) dramatically!
  • Discover 3 simple things that your partner can do right to increase sperm count and motility.
  • Discover How the East and West Differ in Their Views regarding infertility and How It Can Help You Get the Baby You Dream Of. Learn the answer to the controversial question: Does Infertility Even
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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Category: Women

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Title: How to succeed with Women

I am no Adonis!

I have your average size beer gut, I'm going grey and I'm balding.
I am not really wealthy and I was not born with the gift of attracting to women.
I am your average Joe, but I have learned how to be more than averagely successful with women.
This ebook is written for all the other average Joes, Johns And Freds out there who are struggling with

"The Female of the Species"

But before you spend a penny buying this ebook here is a brief list of what you can expect.

A common sense, easy to follow approach
This ebook is written for men, by a man
over 300 women aged between 25 and 50 have been interviewed and revealed EXACTLY "what they like, what they hate!"
This knowledge will give you a HUGE advantage over your competition.

It is aimed at guys who want good honest relationships with women But find it really difficult to make those first and very important steps

This ebook will build your confidence, give you the right approach.

You'll learn things about yourself you didn't know, You'll learn how to attract women, how to behave and how to approach them.

It will get rid of common misconceptions, making you more relaxed with women.

Maybe you won't get to date Britney Spears.
But remember, there is someone for everyone, and this will help you find her.

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Category: Garden, Hobbies, Women

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Title: Help!! Someone Just Gave Me A Bonsai Tree!!
Author: Christine Taylor

Woman Wanted For Murder Escapes 15 Year Sentence By Discovering How To Keep A Bonsai Tree Alive & Well...In Just 7 Simple Steps!

Now You Can Learn Her Secrets And Avoid The Shame Of Becoming A Bonsai Tree Murderer Too!

Here are some of the things you'll learn in "Help! Someone Just Gave Me A Bonsai Tree!!"....

  • The type of soil a Bonsai tree needs, how it's different from ordinary plants and why it's crucial that it consists of these different materials
  • The use of wiring to stabilise your tree and begin to influence the direction of its growth. ( Learning how to do this is one of your first steps to becoming a Bonsai artist....if you want to)
  • The two basic types of Bonsai trees
  • The most important aspect of Bonsai gardening
  • The what, when, why and how to's of bonsai pruning, trimming and pinching
  • Where you should place your Bonsai tree to keep it as healthy as possible
  • What to 'feed' your tree, how often to feed it and what elements must be in the fertilizer you use
  • How to test if your Bonsai tree needs watering and how often you should water it?
  • A glimpse of the advanced skills that you may want to develop further beyond simply keeping your tree me you'll want
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Category: Health, Women

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Title: My Story : One Womans Journey With Multiple Sclerosis

Today Valerie Moffat walks, drives, showers and cooks for herself and no longer suffers constant shaking, trembling, chronic fatigue, double vision or slurred speech...

How does it work?

The normal human body's immune system can easily cope with the many different things it is subjected to in every day life. 'Toxic' substances (so called because they can be toxic to the human body) are found everywhere - in food, the home, at work - everywhere. Most are found is such small amounts that for most people, they aren't a problem - the immune system has it covered. Different people might find different substances more toxic than others.
For people with MS, the story is different. The immune system is working double time. Even the smallest exposure to toxic substances tax the immune system. And since most people don't know where these toxins lie, or which substances are, they can't avoid them.

What if the immune system in MS sufferers DIDN'T have to work double time taking care of these things? Valerie Moffat knows the answer: the immune system, once sufficiently rested, gets to work dealing with the issues brought on by MS. The human body has remarkable healing abilities, and given a chance, it can take care of the symptoms of MS.

Today, Valerie Moffat's quality of life has improved remarkably

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Category: Children, Women

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Title: Baby Bump Pregnancy Fitness System

Demand more out of your pregnancy workout than just a long cardio routine, stretching & some token dumbbell exercises.

Discover the secret behind having a fit, healthy, energized, comfortable pregnancy.

Dear Friend,

  • Do you want more out of your pregnancy?
  • Overcome and reduce energy lows and yawning your way through your 3rd trimester.
  • Feel Fit, Comfortable and Energized on your journey towards delivery while working and caring for your family.
  • Are you sick of seeing magazine pregnancy models perform outdated lateral raises with pink dumb bells?
  • Are you a busy pregnant professional or pregnant mother that has no time to get to a gym?
  • Are you sick of seeing pregnant women bouncing around in traditional aerobics classes?
  • Avoid pregnancy related muscle pain.
  • Do you want the best Energizing, Posture Supporting, Functional strength pregnancy exercises?
  • Feeling fatigued, uncomfortable, bloated and emotional?
  • Tired of the "know all" personal trainer guy trying to explain how an exercise should feel to a pregnant client?
  • Did you know typical fitness pregnancy programs may increase low back pain?


The Baby Bump Pregnancy Fitness System

Don't want another typical gym routine, aerobics class or just going through the motions. A program like

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Category: Women

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Title: Fibroids Miracle
Author: Amanda Leto

Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer Reveals The Only Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How To Permanently Eliminate All Types of Uterine Fibroids Within 2 Months, Reverse All Related Symptoms, And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 3-Step Method No One Else Will Tell You About...

Here Is a Small Sample Of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy Of The Fibroids Miracle™ System Today:

  • How to permanently eliminate the pain and irritation during intercourse using easy to follow step by step protocols.
  • REVEALED! The hidden truth behind your everyday activities and their negative impact on your reproductive system, Uterine Fibroids and fertility.
  • The shocking truth about conventional fibroids treatments and the medication trap and how you can finally free yourself and use the natural approach forever
  • The 2 breathing strategies that significantly help your body to start heal itself , normalize hormonal production and fight uterine fibroids
  • Why this "almost magical" combination of three types of herbs will empower your body's self-immune mechanism and cleansing abilities (required to eliminate Uterine Fibroids)
  • The 5 food elements you need to add to your menu to overcome fatigue and anemia.
  • The most powerful "female herb" that is crucial for shrinking fibroids, balancing
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Women

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Title: Ovarian Cyst Miracle

Former Ovarian Cysts Sufferer Reveals The Only Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How To Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months, Reverse All PCOS Symptoms, And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 3-Step Method No One Else Will Tell You About...

Here Is a Small Sample Of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy Of The Ovarian Cyst Miracle™ System Today:

  • A secret yet very simple technique to eliminating the ovarian cyst pain overnight ( this tactic is ignored by 99% of women )
  • SECRET#27: The Three Part Secret to prevent the recurrence of ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids. This surprising method alone is worth ten times the price of the program.
  • Why no special diet or detox program will ever cure your ovarian cysts or PCOS
  • The 7 most important nutritional foundations to an effective ovarian cyst cure program (ignore these and you'll it will become even more difficult to get rid of your ovarian cysts)
  • SECRET#4: Discover the link between insulin resistance, ovarian cysts and Infertility and how to start fighting this problem right now, reverse it and prevent potential health complications
  • The amazing connection between physical activity and Infertility and why, when, where and how you can start 'exercising' your way to ovarian cyst freedom today!
  • Why this "almost magical"
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Category: Children, Women

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Title: Baby Bump Busy Mom Fitness Program
  • Moms - do you want to do something for yourself?
  • Are you fed up with taking care of everyone else but yourself?

Do not let this get out of control - regain your body, mind and self!
Reveal the secret method to losing body fat, regaining stability in your joints and in your life.
Accomplish something today. Mom, you are WORTH it!

Set backs are inevitable as a new mom undertaking or reintegrating fitness into your busy life. I have solved the most common setbacks moms face.

  • I just cannot do it today. Everyone has days like this, but many mothers suffer from hormonal mood swings and post partum depression that paralyzes their efforts for self improvement. Starting with 30 second to 1 minute mini exercise routines that are outlined in the first 6 weeks of the Baby Bump Busy Mom Fitness program can allow you to feel an immediate sense of accomplishment without being overwhelmed by spending 20 minutes on yourself.
  • Tied to the house. You can complete all these programs form home with minimal space and equipment.
  • I have joint pain and overuse injuries. Your program comes with a bonus guide for Mom to "Trouble Shoot Aches and Pains of Motherhood" Stabilize your joints and avoid setbacks.
  • No Time. Baby Bump Busy Mom Fitness contains short workouts no more than 20 minutes, 3-4 times per week.
  • Where do I start? I have designed a 4 week prep program that moms
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