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Women ebooks

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Category: Health, Medicine, Women

How To Overcome Dandruff And Other Scalp Disorders

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Title: How To Overcome Dandruff And Other Scalp Disorders
Author: Sylvia Sage
Are You Embarrassed By Unsightly Dandruff?

New Hair Care Secrets Leave Your Hair Shiny, Silky And Easier to Manage

This is it! The big night. You waited weeks for him to ask you for a date and the waiting is over. Overcome with excitement, you nervously tap your foot on the pavement watching for his car.

Here he comes. You open the passenger door and slide in quickly. He smiles and nods appreciatively. Making light conversation during the short drive to the restaurant, you know the evening is off to a grand beginning!

He parks the car and walks around to help you out. During the short walk to the restaurant door his arm protectively encircles your waist. Suddenly you're inside and the bright lights reflect off the mirror in the entryway.

As he turns you around to help you remove your coat, you catch his image in the mirror and your blood runs cold. Where there should be sparkling glints of appreciation in his eyes, you see disgust.

Following his gaze you see it. . .telltale white tracks. . .sprinkled across both your shoulders like frozen snowflakes. But it isn't snowing. Your secret is revealed and the evening is over before it's begun. Embarrassed, humiliated and defeated again. . .by dandruff!

Okay, so maybe our story is a bit dramatic. But no less hurtful if you have ever had a similar experience. The truth is, we've all had the problem at some time and to one degree or another.

Maybe you've tried some of the special shampoos and other hair care

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Category: Women

What Did Mama Forget to Teach You?

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Title: What Did Mama Forget to Teach You?
Author: Teresa King
What if You Could Suddenly Take Control of YOUR Life?

Can You Really Improve the QUALITY of Your Life, Simply by Having Access to the "Right Information"?

This e-book will reveal the Secrets to you!

Success Secrets - Discover How To:

  • Control a job interview - and land your dream job!
  • Get what you really want out of life!
  • Define Etiquette and use it to your advantage!
  • See a person like a ebook - Master the secrets of body language!
  • Shake Hands. . .yup. . .there's rules!

For Men Only- Discover How To:

  • Communicate with women!
  • Find out what you must know about women!
  • Meet women!
  • Watch Sports in Peace

Health & Beauty Secrets - Discover how to:

  • How to lose weight the right way - without spending a fortune!
  • Enhance the natural beauty within you!
  • What food you must add to your diet for ultimate health?
  • Dress for Success - Hide whatever you want to hide and still look good!

Relationship Secrets! - Discover How to:

  • Parenting secrets that few people know! A very important subject!
  • Make a house a home! Discover from those who know how!
  • Bring back the romance into your life using a few simple tips!
  • Conquer In-law problems (well almost. . . nobody's perfect)!
  • Cope with Unexpected company? Why me? What'd I
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Category: Education, Parenting, Women

How To Create A Super Baby

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Title: How To Create A Super Baby
Author: Liz Tomey
The vital things you must do in the first year of your child's life!

"Who Else Wants To Make Their Newborn In To A Super Baby? - Discover EXACTLY How To Nurture, Love, And Teach Your Child Starting From Day One"

It starts the day you bring your newborn home...

Every parent wants to make sure they provide for their child the best they can. Every day of their young lives. But infants don't come home from the hospital with a guide.

Loving your child is the easy part. Making sure you raise them to the best of your ability is not. When every person you turn to has an opinion about where to put your baby's cradle, to listen to their crying or to ignore it...

...when to expect your child to start walking and talking...

...it can be difficult to know who to trust.

With so much information out there, it's important for you as a parent to make sure you take the time to discover how to care for a child. You and only you can do this for yourself. But...

...I can help. In fact, I have something that will do just that. And it's called...

"How To Create A Super Baby" - The vital things you must do in the first year of your child's life!

If you are ready to love your child endlessly, I can teach you what you need to know during your infant's first year of life.

When it comes to baby's, everyone seems to have an opinion. And everyone is willing to help. But ultimately, it is up to you to love and care for your child the best that you can.

There are so many things

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Category: Entertainment, Jobs, Women

Profitable Puppets

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Title: Profitable Puppets
Author: John Williams
How To Start Your Own Profitable Business Performing With Puppets!

Do you like people? Is having fun a prerequisite for you? Are you interested in making money?

If you are a stay at home Mom looking for something part time, or a person who is working full time who would like to fire your boss, you've found the right solution.

If you answered with a resounding "yes" to these questions and have ever given any thought to starting your own business, you are in for a treat!

Since you are reading this online, it's a safe assumption that you may have seen some of the outrageous claims for earning an income online.

Profitable Puppets is not another one of those typical work at home schemes, mlm or affiliate programs. Not by a long shot!

In Profitable Puppets, the author teaches you everything you need to know about starting your own profitable business in this segment of the entertainment industry.

Not only will you discover how to create your own puppets, you will be taught how to build your own stage as well as the following:

  • Discover the "business" side of Puppetry
  • How to get bookings
  • How to set up for your shows
  • Give your shows maximum impact on your audiences
  • Free scripts to get started
  • Discover to make your puppets, stage and accessories
  • Presentation "etiquette" to impress your customers

All this and much more is available to you in Profitable Puppets.

Even if your interest... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Beauty, Women

500 Bath and Beauty Recipes!

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Title: 500 Bath and Beauty Recipes!

You deserve to spoil yourself. Feel sexy, save money and pamper away!

You can save money and at the same time know exactly what your bath and beauty products contain by making your own with the simple recipes contained in 500 Bath and Beauty Recipes!

Why take chances with your beauty care when you can easily and quickly make your own products and know that you are not getting a product with harsh chemicals and unknown ingredients? 500 Bath and Beauty Recipes contains recipes for:

  • Body Powders
  • Bath
  • Body Soaps/Scrubs
  • Hair Care
  • Perfumes/Body Sprays
  • Lotions/Creams/Toners
  • Lip Balms
  • Facial Soaps/Cleansers/Masks
  • Deodorants
  • Nail Care
  • Teeth Care
  • Eye Care
  • Massage Oils
  • Injuries & Sore Muscles

If you want to make bath and beauty products yourself using natural ingredients then you need 500 Bath and Beauty Recipes.

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Category: Family, Relationships, Women

Shoestring Wedding

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Title: Shoestring Wedding
Author: Liz Tomey
Learn how to make your big day gorgeous even if you're on a tight budget.

"You Don't Have To Be Rich To Have An Unforgettable Wedding Ceremony! (And No One Will Ever Know You Did It For Less!)"

When times are tight, it doesn't mean you need to settle for anything less than extravagant. (And you definitely don't need to elope to Vegas.)

You can have a beautiful wedding that will be the envy of friends and family. And NO ONE has to know that you didn't pay near as much as most do.

Don't settle. Be creative. And discover how to do both with

"Shoestring Wedding - Discover how to make your big day gorgeous even if you're on a tight budget."

Give me 45 minutes and I'll have you started planning the wedding of your dreams on a string budget!

You don't need to be rich. You don't need to hire an expensive wedding planner. You don't need to pay a fortune to experience the wedding of your dreams.

All you need is a little creativity and some good organization tips put to good use. And it won't take long for you to notice that the wedding you are putting together. The one you didn't think could be this perfect.

Is now coming together just like you've always imagined. And you didn't have to spend a fortune to make your dreams come true.

"See How Easily You Can Throw The Wedding Of Your Dreams On A String Budget"

All it takes is a little thought. A little creativity. And solid planning to pull off a wedding that will have your friends and family weeping tears

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Category: Philosophy, Relationships, Women

How To Be Happy!

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Title: How To Be Happy!
Author: Joseph Miller
A Complete Guide to Rational Living

Don't Worry - Be Happy!

We've all heard that song, haven't we? Chances are you've heard it and thought to yourself, yeah right, I wish it were that simple.

Well, it is that simple. . .however it isn't easy. How would you respond right now to the question, are you happy? If you have to stop and think about it, you could use some work in the happiness department.

Many of us think that happiness is something that you either are. . .or are not and that isn't quite true. Happiness is an emotion and just like other emotions it can be controlled, if you know how.

Which brings us to How to Be Happy: A Complete Manual to Rational Living. Now, you may be thinking, just a minute here are you saying that there is a guidebook that tells me how to be happy?

Yes, that's exactly what we are saying. If you are not experiencing enough happiness in your life, you are missing out on so much. Did you know that your degree of happiness can have an impact on your overall health and well being? It's true.

How to Be Happy: A Complete Manual to Rational Living pinpoints exactly what you need to do to experience more happiness in your life by exploring this chapter list:

  • The ABCs of Happiness
  • How to be Happy - An Overview
  • The Secret of Happiness
  • Characteristics of a Psychologically Healthy, Happy Person
  • Where to Begin Your Quest for Happiness
  • Is... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Sports, Women

Enjoying Baseball

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Title: Enjoying Baseball
Author: Tammy Griffin, Mel Griffin

It happens every spring. Your otherwise normal boyfriend or hubby metamorphoses into something that resembles the zombies in the cult classic "Night of the Living Dead!"

There are several things that take place BEFORE this happens. First, you discover that your cable or satellite television statement has more than quadrupled. Don't worry, it will revert to normal after the World Series in the fall (unless he's a football fanatic as well). After all can't miss a game just because it's on "pay per view."

Second, check out your credit card statement. His recliner must be replaced with a newer, sturdier model. It just has to stand up to the wear and tear created by slamming fists and frequent jumping on the seat.

Third, your pantry fills up with every type of snack food and munchies known to modern man replete with enough carbs, calories and fat to make certain his life insurance premiums are current!

You explain to the kids that Daddy's really okay. . .he just needs rest and all the yelling and screaming will not raise his blood pressure to the boiling over point. . .or will it?

Look ladies, if any of this sounds familiar, you really need to get with the program. Have you ever heard the term, "you can't push a wet noodle, but you can pull it?"

Maybe it's time you threw yourself a lifeline and started pulling your baseball fanatic instead of fighting him. After all, baseball is here to stay and if you've spent any number of

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Category: Relationships, Women

101 Ways To Build Happy Lasting Relationships

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Title: 101 Ways To Build Happy Lasting Relationships
Author: Dennis Lively, Gene Barry

Dating and marriage is different than it was twenty years ago. In today's society, more than 50% of all marriages fail for one reason or another. Just thinking about that makes "commitment" seem scary. It seems that when relationships are faced with challenges, people quit trying. Dating is more like a marathon, trying to date as many people as possible, instead of taking time to get to know someone at a deeper level. For married couples, divorce is not biased. Whether married for thirty years or eight months, the outcome can be the same.

The fact is that relationships, whether dating or married, are hard. Things do not always go perfectly, fighting does occur, and it takes a 100% commitment from both parties to make it a success. Often when people break off a relationship, they feel as though something is missing. The "spark" has gone, leaving one or both people feeling inadequate and unfulfilled.

However, even though the odds are not very good, healthy, and long-lasting relationships are definitely possible and proven by many people. Look at Paul Newman and Joanne Woodard, Danny Devito and Rhea Perlman, or Nancy and Ronald Regan. What secrets do they possess? The answer is that they all work hard at their relationship. They made a decision of choosing to love their mate rather than relying on the "warm and fuzzy" feelings, which everyone knows will fade. By making love a choice you are making a decision that even in the bad times, you stick it... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Women

Women working from home

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Title: Women working from home
Author: Rozey Gean

Who else wants to work from home? Ask that question in any group, and everyone will jump up shouting, "I do, I do, I do."

With corporate downsizing, more people are asking themselves this question every day. It's a wonderful concept in theory, but do You have what it takes?

The answer to that burning question is the springboard that launches this comprehensive exploration of just what it takes to start your own home business.

Women Working From Home is not just for women. It's the definitive practical manual you can use for anyone to establish a solid business operation from your home.

Rozey shows you that Success in your business life requires:

  • A Plan - success modeled
  • A good idea
  • Persistence
  • A commitment to ongoing learning
  • Knowledge
  • A desire to succeed

With these key elements in place, Women Working From Home will teach you everything you need to know to successfully work from home. Everything from discovering the right business for you, to learning how to manage your time in your new working environment.

Discover how to establish a work space of that is conducive to productivity and how to avoid common pitfalls of the home base worker.

Women Working From Home is an absolute "must have" for anyone, men and women alike, who wish to explore the lucrative opportunities enjoyed by the entrepreneur who works at home.

Can you... Click here to read the full description!

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