A man ought to read just as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good.
Samuel Johnson

Women ebooks

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Category: Health, Remedies, Women

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Title: How to Reverse PCOS & Increase Fertility
Author: Sally Burns

FREE- 7 Steps to Help you REVERSE PCOS and increase your fertility naturally, effectively, and without the expense and discomfort of costly medical procedures and drugs.

Did you know you can actually stop suffering from PCOS, increase your fertility, and return your body back to its normal, healthy balance naturally? There is no longer a need to continue to take hormones, have medical procedures, gain weight, be pre-diabetic, have thinning hair, or, even worse, have hair growing where it never should in a woman!

Stop suffering now. I've been where you are. I successfully reversed my PCOS, after suffering from it silently for over 15 years, and now have a beautiful, healthy child that I never dreamed I would be able to conceive. You have nothing to lose by accessing this free pdf report.

For your FREE report on the steps you can start taking NOW to change your life and have that family you've always dreamed of, don't hesitate.

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Category: Novels, Romance, Women

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Title: Benign Flame
Author: BS Murthy

Benign Flame: Saga of Love is a plot and character driven literary novel in the classical mould set in the Indian middle-class setting. This romantic fiction interspersed with eroticism endeavours to nuance man-woman chemistry on one hand and woman-woman empathy on another and at another level it delves into many a facet of human psychology.

It's absorbing story encompasses the twists and turns in Roopa's life brought about by Sandhya her friend in lesbian love, Sathyam her apathetic husband, Raja Rao, Sandhya's man, whom she madly loves, Prasad, Sathyam's friend, who desperately woos her, Tara who tries to tempt her into the world of vice.

The denoument of Roopa's life wherein she finds herself in laision with Raja Rao is best described by Spencer Critchley, an American critic thus - "It's a refreshing surprise to discover that the story will not trace a fall into disaster for Roopa, given that many writers might have habitually followed that course with a wife who strays into extramarital affairs"

Who said the novel is dead, Benign Flame raises the bar 

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Category: Nonfiction, Novels, Women

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Title: Monique
Author: Fox Emerson

Monique is a memoir based on a true story about a north London prostitute and drug mule.

The story follows the life of Kelly-Anne who is forced into prostitution at a young age and abused by many men and women.

When Kelly-Anne becomes pregnant, she must make a life-changing decision that will change her life. Her boyfriend/Pimp has other ideas, he wants to continue to control Kelly-Anne and will stop at nothing to keep her on his short leash.

As Monique, Kelly-Anne becomes addicted to cocaine and pot and trafficks drugs and money across European borders. She continues to be used by people.

But does she have the courage to break free from her past? Can she break the cycle that is forever keeping her a prisoner?

When her daughter is born, Kelly-Anne knows that her child's father will do everything he can to get her back. Her new partner Cookie has other ideas. For the first time, Kelly-Anne has found someone who isn't using her and wants her to have happiness. She begins to dream of a future that will make her and her daughter happy.

Can she break free?


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Category: Beauty, Women

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Title: Skincare Magic: Natural Skincare Recipes That Work Wonders On Your Skin
Author: Tracy Patterson

This is really a treat.

I interviewed dozens of women, and got them to open up about what stopped them from using completely natural solutions to beautiful skin even when they produce the same results.

These interviews revealed that women think it is more expensive or too hard to do.

So show you how easy it is for you to clear away dying skin cells, nourish and reveal healthy new perfect skin…

…I compiled recipes of my famous home-made scrubs and masks.

You can control of what you put on your skin.

There are no artificial “rare” chemicals that companies try to make you feel you need to pay and arm and a leg for.

You will know exactly what you’re putting in. And they are all superfoods.

No more artificial fragrances, colors, preservatives.

Masks like the Firming Face Mask, that is pennies to make, and tightens and firms your skin in as little as 15 minutes…

…the Anti-wrinkle mask that speed up the process of your vanishing facial lines.

For those of you who might be suffering from adult or hormonal acne, there is the Acne Clearing Mask in there as well.

And I haven’t even gotten into the scrubs that exfoliate your skin and keep it plump, fresh and bright.

Bonus to the "The Beauty Food Bible"

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Category: Fiction, Romance, Women

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Title: Marrying For Fame
Author: Carol D. Styron

This fast-paced intercultural/interracial romance story is about two ambitious singers, David Villa, a Hispanic man and Janet Ashby, a African-American woman. They both love to sing and believe that becoming famous will help them obtain the success they seek. In order to fast-track their careers, their talent agent, Charlie Wilson, suggested they get married. Charlie felt that if they worked together as a married duo, they would obtain the success they wanted.

Agreeing to Charlie's proposal, they get married. According to Charlie, everything should run smoothly, but David has a possessive girlfriend, and Janet has a meddling father, who could expose their faux marriage to the world and ruin their chances of obtaining the success they are seeking.

Will David and Janet survive this marriage of convenience and obtain the fame they so desperately want, or will outside influences ruin their chances for success? or will they fall in love, overcome all obstacles and marry for love?




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Category: Fiction, Romance, Women

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Title: Jewel-less Crown
Author: BS Murthy

This fascinating saga of life exemplifies the material raise and moral fall of Gautam and Sneha and also the poignant end of the latter and the spiritual rise of the former that is after the fall. Besides, this piquant story depicts the tragic life of their son Suresh Prabhu and his eventual redemption through love for and of Vidya. If ever chapter headings could be pointers to the story of a novel, as it unfolds, perhaps this is the case.

Book One, Artha and Kama, is about conflict and resolution arising out of ambition and achievement, intrigue and betrayal, compulsion and compromise, sleaze and scandal, trial and sentence and regret and remorse spread over eighteen chapters - Party Gone Sour, Trauma at Tihar, Mind of the Maligned, Twist at Tis-Hazari, Trial in Camera, Dilemma of Qualms, Moment of Reckoning, End within end, Vestiges of Prestige, High on Rebound, Bellows of Delhi, Dicing with Life, Spidering Spadework, Loss to Order, Daring the Fate, victims of Deceit, baring the Soul and Garland of Guilt.

Book Two, Dharma and Moksha, portrays the possibilities of life through repentance and recompense, hope and love, and compassion and contribution leading to the spirituality of materialism in twelve chapters - Bliss of Being, Collage of Crime, Domain of the Devil, Renaissance of Life, Sprouts of Love, Despair of Hope, Turn at the Bend, Amity of Empathy, Day to Remember, Spirituality of Materialism, Sense of Reincarnation and Epilogue.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Holidays, Romance, Women

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Title: A Life Exposed: The true story of shame, triumph and love
Author: Beverly Schlechter

This is an amazing kindle book written by Beverly Schlechter. You will laugh, cry, learn, and feel the author's sky's the limit spirit which is infectious. After reading 'A Life Exposed,' one comes away with wanting to absorb how to live a fuller, richer, more exciting life. It doesn't matter that the author isn't a celebrity (maybe it's even better that she isn't), but after reading "A Life Exposed," I wouldn't be surprised if this story brings her fame. This book is a surprisingly descriptive, moving, well-written page-turner -- at times even laugh-out-loud and throughout well worth the download.

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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Category: History, Nonfiction, Women

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Title: World War ll London Blitz Diary Series 1939-1945
Author: Ruby Side Thompson

Ruby Side Thompson and ordinary woman living in London during World War ll. This diary is volume ! in series of 4. It encompass's 1939 and 1840. It is her diary written in her own words and is authentic.

This is important documentation and will have appeal to those who are interested in the effect war has on the average citizen. 

"Friday 9-1-1939 - War started today. After another week of lies and duplicity, Hitler launched into actual warfare this morning."

So begins the diary of my great grandmother Ruby Side Thompson, a middle aged Londoner in a very dissatisying marriage who lived through the blitz and recorded it in daily entries in her diary. She writes about the horrors and bombings and raids that occured every day. Her diary was a place to release her frustrations both with the war and her marriage. 

 This is very heady stuff for history buffs to read what happened written by someone actually there. Her point of view is often politically incorrect and meant for just herself. 

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Category: Novels, Romance, Women

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Title: A Choice For Claire
Author: AJ Harmon

"A Choice For Claire" by USA Today Bestselling Author AJ Harmon is her way of adding to the discusion about domestic violence.

Claire believes money can buy happiness and when she meets the handsom and wealthy Brent Cooper she believes her dreams have come true.

He give her everything; shoes, clothes and jewelry, but at what cost?

Claire must choose between having everything or having it all. Are things more valuable than self-esteem, love, career or family? 

Follow Claire as she makes the most difficult choice of her life.

Will she find the strength to survive?

Can she learn to love herself?

Will she ever find real love or will it always be a transaction?

AJ Harmon takes you deep into the darkness of intimate partner violence  with graphic depictions of real life situations and then leads you to the light of hope, love and happiness in this inspiring tale of a young womens struggle to free her self from domestic violence. 

AJ shows how a true friend can be a hero to a woman trapped in the cycle of abuse. A must read for all women.  

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Category: Relationships, Romance, Women

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Title: The Chase: Double XX Series
Author: Xyla Turner

Xavier is a strong alpha male, a bit overbearing and non-compromising at times. Xena is very strong-will as well, but wants a real relationship that includes marriage, kids and a man. Xavier owns many businesses, building and has tes around the country. He gets what he wants and Xena is just that.

Xena feels drawn to him, but Xavier can get quite possessive and although she loves it at times, it gets suffocating. Xena left the country to bring distance, but this draws Xavier to the edge, as he continues to pursue her relentlessly. Matthew, Xavier's brother encourages him to find real love, as he was not a fan of Xena when he though she was breaking his heart. After a few interactions, she grew on him, which caused another bond between the family.

Xavier and Xena are both strong characters, but entertaining and The Chase is definitely a page turner. Xavier is determined to get Xena and he will do anything for that to happen. She runs but he is relentless, but to what point. Does he cross the line?

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