Restlessness and discontent are the necessities of progress.
Thomas Alva Edison

Spirituality ebooks

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Category: Nonfiction, Science, Spirituality

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Title: From Eternity Past

Focusing on the time from the Earth's Creation until the last days of King David, From Eternity Past delves into the mysteries of Creationism and the Divine Design theory versus the evolutionary theory. It chronicles the battle between light and darkness, as the conflict transferred to Earth, while illustrating how faithful people have fought the good fight of faith through the ages. As the first of a five-part series. This text describes the historical foundation for what we see in our world today and gives principles on how to take to firmly decide for the right. In sum, the reader gains an opportunity to penetrate into the true character and identity of God, his operations from eternity past and his benevolent plan for each one of his children. The author's straightforward style and plain, direct language seizes the interest from beginning to end. Without fail, this book holds infinite inspiration for all interested in sacred history and perplexed by the strange mixture of good and evil in the natural world and in human hearts. 

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Spirituality, Adventure, Mystery

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Title: The Great Controversy (Revised)

The Great Controversy as a historical drama covers the Reformation, Enlightenment and Awakening, culminating in modernity. All humanity is embattled in the conflict between good and evil, regarding God's identity, character and sovereignty. Originating in heaven with Lucifer, who in self-exalting pride became Satan, this chief Adversary deceived the angels, introducing the spirit of rebellion. This fall from grace provoked the disorder of creation and the perversion of man's nature. To many, the roots of evil are a source of great perplexity. They question how it can exist under One who is infinite in wisdom, power and love. However, the greatest delusion comes with the Antichrist. Packed with riveting and ennobling biographies, this text equips all to combat the counterfeit and stand fast for truth. With shocking developments that will stir the mind and awaken the embers of the soul, The Great Controversy gives a panoramic insight into the invisible world and unlocks the mystery of good and evil. 

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Category: Psychology, Spirituality

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Title: Manifestation And Healing
Author: Robert Bruce

"Who Else Wants An In-Depth, Behind-The-Scenes, Fast-Track Education In Manifestation And Healing... COMBINED With An Intensive "$10,000 Value" Training With Step-By-Step Techniques For Overcoming Physical Illness, And Getting Optimal Health And Wellness..."

Here are just a few of the other things you'll learn:

  • Why healing TOO MANY clients is a bad thing... and how to double your chances of success by picking and choosing
  • An awesome way to stimulate your chakras that gets them healing your body FOR you
  • The special signal nearly all chakras give you that tells you exactly when they are in overdrive and kicked into the "next gear".
  • How to completely reprogram your subconscious and turn yourself into a "machine" that manifests healing in any body... anytime... in ANY situation... without even thinking about it
  • How to INSTANTLY have a different affect on you energy body than any other healer ever has... so you're energy body learns to react to your INTENT faster...
  • The real "genetic" reasons almost all practitioners are clueless about energy work (When you know what they are, it is almost too easy to dispel this ignorance FOR EVER.)
  • The "universal signal" ALL Higher Selves give off when they are ready to communicate to their Lower Selves (a surefire way to know when it's "ON")
  • A silly way to "play" with your energy
... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: Audio Included, Video Included,
Category: Psychology, Spirituality

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Title: The Art of Stage Hypnosis
Author: Jason Gold,

Here's just some of what you're about to learn in The Art of Stage Hypnosis

  • How to hypnotize people in less than 7 minutes. Forget long, drawn out hypnotic inductions, this is stage hypnosis - not hypnotherapy.
  • Precisely how to hypnotize volunteers in any situation, and how you can hypnotize between 1-20 people, on stage, in less than 7 minutes total!
  • Instant RAPID inductions. Learn how to hypnotize people in a matter of seconds, even as an absolute beginner.
  • How stage hypnosis works. Learn the foundations of stage hypnosis, how it works, why it works, the various methods used to put people in trance, and all the foundational information you need to know.
  • Word for word scripts to get you started. If you follow these precise scripts, word for word, you're practically guaranteed success.
  • Suggestibility tests. Discover how to lock your volunteers hands together, as well as a host of other tests to find out who can be hypnotized, and who the stars of your show will be.
  • How to put on a show. You'll learn how to structure a stage show, the set up, organisation, and everything that goes with it.
  • Advanced inductions. All the extra tricks, ways and means of perfecting your skills once you've learned how to hypnotize people.
  • Stage hypnosis show routines. Every routine and skit I ever had on hand when performing stage shows. Plus, instructions on how to perform, how to add comedy, how to... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Religion, Spirituality

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Title: A Spoonful of Revelation
Author: Bill Brinkworth

It will help you obtain a general understanding of what the Bible teaches from a pre-millenial and pre-tribulation rapture view! It can also be used as a handout for any class that is studying "The Revelation".

Times spoken of in the Bible's book of "The Revelation" are getting closer each day. Some of the events spoken of in "The Revelation" are just around the corner; yet so few understand what the book teaches.

"I want to know what will happen in the last days, but I don't want to spend a lot of time reading and studying Revelation".

"Then Spoonful of Revelation is your answer. By reading this book less than ten minutes a day for at least 22 days you will understand:

  • Who will go through the terrible prophesied tribulations
  • How God revealed ahead of time the spiritual conditions of church-ages, and what they were and are generally like
  • What the two witnesses will do during the tribulation, and what will happen to them
  • Who the 144,000 that will go about the earth are, and what will happen to them
  • What the anti-Christ will do
  • How will the mark of 666 be used in those days and what will happen to those that receive it
  • Who will be the great spiritual deceiver in those days
  • What will be the judgments that God will direct to those on the earth in those days
  • What will happen at the Battle of Armageddon
  • What will the New Jerusalem look... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Reviewed by Chuck Boney on 2015-11-10
My Rate 5
I kust love reading anything religous,God and my Saviour are my heroes and I just love anything taht talks about things in the and of this world.

Reviewed by Gordon de Souza on 2015-09-19
My Rate 5
Good potpourri of funny facts and rituals followed the world over.

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Title: Weird Beliefs

In this ebook you can read about many strange subjects, including:

  • Weird Cults ...
  • Devil Worship ...
  • Head Shrinkers ...
  • Witch Smellers ...
  • Hungry Ghosts ...
  • Human Sacrifice ...
  • the Dance of Death ...
  • Sacred Mushrooms ...
  • Snake Handlers ...
  • Demonic Possession ...
  • Zombies ...
  • the Antichrist ...
  • the Temple of Rats ...
  • Golems ...
  • Weeping Statues ...
  • the Wandering Jew ...
  • Crucifixion Re-enactments ...
  • Incorruptible Bodies ...
  • Baby Tossing ...
  • the Grim Reaper ...
  • Pillar Saints ...
  • the Black Stone of Mecca ...
  • Death Worms ...
  • Temple Virgins ...
  • the Devil's Mark ...
  • Idol Worship ...
  • the Ghost Dance ...
  • and many more.

The ebook also contains many interesting images, including reproductions of some well-known works of art.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Religion, Self Help, Spirituality

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Reviewed by CathAngela Hobbs on 2024-02-25
My Rate 5
Well written full of positivity. Deals with the divine self, and the manifestation of spirit. Read this book if you get a chance

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Title: Radiance: Experiencing Divine Presence
Author: Gina Lake

This free ebook shows how to experience the divine in simple ways in your daily life by being very present. One reader has this to say: "This is a wonderful, heart-opening and inspiring gift of a book. It was the first ebook I encountered of Gina's, and it helped me more deeply experience the beauty and wonder of life, in little things and in everything. Since then, I've read all of Gina's books and have loved them all. An energy comes through the words that is very precious and reminds me of how special life is. Very uplifting--a real gift. "

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Philosophy, Spirituality

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Reviewed by on 2008-07-24
My Rate 5
Very interesting topics throughout the book.

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Title: Living Universe
Author: Imre von Soos

"Mind Over Matter" series, volume 1 of 3. Blending well the science of today along with the logics of observed Reality, Imre von Soos presents in this first volume the foundations for the following two books. Beginning with the natural order of the Universe, "Living Universe" methodically enters the topics of energy and matter, space time, micro-macro cosmic development, parallel universes, time structuring, species evolution, plus numerous other subjects relating to the evolution of our Universe.

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Self Help, Spirituality

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Reviewed by Tina on 2010-01-08
My Rate 5
Wonderful, informative, truely an amazing book carrying the message of love and compasion

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Title: The Pleiadian Mission, A time of Awareness
Author: Randolph Winters

In a remote area of Switzerland contact is made with ET's from a small cluster of stars called the Pleiades. they bring with them the wisdom of the Universe to help Earth make the transition into the New Age of spiritual awareness.

The Pleiadian Mission is based on the 1800 pages of Contact Notes accumulated by Billy Meier with his meetings with the Pleiadians.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Reviewed by sandra on 2018-01-28
My Rate 5
A very inspiring and uplifing book!When you have Troubles open your heart

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Title: Wings Like Eagles: A Prayer Book
Author: Kim Bond

Many Christians want to devote more time to prayer and personal devotion to God, but they soon realize they have a hard time finding the right words to say. Wings Like Eagles: A Prayer Book provides over thirty penned prayers ready for you lift up to our Almighty Father in prayer. Each one is introduced with the prayer focus and a corresponding New International Version Bible verse. The prayers in Wings Like Eagles are relevant to modern life and applicable to nearly everyone. This free ebook includes a variety of prayers like personal appeals, intercessory prayers, and worshipful praise. Unlock your potential to impact the world around you with powerful and inspirational prayer. Bless your children. Bless your friends. Pray for the future of scientific advancements. Pray for your community. Pray for your spouse (or future spouse). 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray continually. Wings Like Eagles: A Prayer Book is one way to perform an act of obedience in answer to that call for prayer.

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
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