A man ought to read just as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good.
Samuel Johnson

Spirituality ebooks

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Category: Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Up From Down

Up From Down is the story of my 14 year addiction to drugs, and my 35 years in recovery.

It is a journey of awakening. The reader will see what drug treatment programs are like as well as prison.

The genesis of addiction is explained as well as the solution.

This ebook is valueable for anyone suffering from an addiction or has a loved one who is suffering.

Expect a real story with real solutions and not the usual pablum.

There are chapters on a synanon based Therapeutic Community and the bizarre "treatment" efforts. There is also an overview of my experience with 12 step programs which exposes many of the flaws.

My various battles with bureaucrats in two states is also described as I detail my fight to be able to make an honest living.

This is the raw hard truth of what recovery is like.


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Category: Nonfiction, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Your Natural State of Being
Author: Scott Zarcinas

Do you have a Natural State of Being? Ever wondered what it was?

At our core we are all Joyous, Secure, Worthy, Peaceful and Free. Problems arise, however, when our Natural State of Being is covered and hidden by reactive feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Dr. Scott Zarcinas helps you to reveal the inherent Goodness, Truth and Beauty that is Your Natural State of Being.

The Author:
Scott Zarcinas is a doctor, writer, husband, father, public speaker, and very average soccer player. He lives in Adelaide with his wife and daughters.

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Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Title: Dios en nosotros
Author: WITTEK Gabriele
Language: Spanish

Somos seres cosmicos, la manera mas natural de vivir es conectados con todo el universo,abrirse a Dios es abrirse a todas las fuerzas del universo abastecerse de ellas trabajar con ellas, dar del universo al que lo necesita, directamente de su corazón al espiritu universal, sin intermediarios, tu eres el templo de Dios, tu, yo y todas las personas somos el templo en el cual vive el espiritu de Dios, la vida, y a nuestro alrededor Dios es Todo en Todo, parte el tronco y me encontraras, levanta la piedra y ahí estoy Yo, en las estrellas, en las plantas, en todos y cada uno de los animales, en todos y cada uno de los elementos de la naturaleza, y podemos construir una relación unica partiendo de esto. Dios envio a la humanidad en todas las epocas en todas las culturas y pueblos, misticos y videntes para que trajeran su mensaje para que nos fuera bien el la tierra, para tener las herramientas para vivir felices y volver a la casa del Padre despues de la muerte, si ves, lees estos mensajes en tucorazon conoceras los que tienes que seguir ahora para desarrollarte ahora para evolucionar en el camino, el unico camino de aquel que dijo YO SOY EL CAMINO LA VERDAD Y LA VIDA. Busca y encontrarás!!!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Philosophy, Poetry, Spirituality

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Title: One Hundred Poems of Tukaram
Author: Chandrakant Kaluram Mhatre

One Hundred Poems of Tukaram is a collection of selected peosm of Sant Tukaram, the greatest poet from India whose poetry finely blends worldly wisdom with spirituality. It is translated into English from original Marathi by Chandrakant Kaluram Mhatre, a bi-lingual poet and writer of short fiction. The book also contains an extensive introduction byt the translator which contextualises and elaborates upon Tukaram's poetic art. The range of the poems in this collection will delight readers of all ages and all dispositions, but that's the least what this book does to its readers: it illuminates their lives by giving them new perspectives on life hitherto unknown to them; it feels them with an optimism that strives for the well-being and happiness not only of the humankind but of the life in its entirety; it shows them the path towrds Oneness with the entire creation. Tukaram's poems hold a distinct charm over their readers by lingering in their mind long after the book has been read and kept aside, thus nurturing their soul and maturing their mind.

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Category: Christian Books, Fiction, Spirituality

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Title: Spiritual Citizens: A Christian Fiction Anthology
Author: Edited by Kim Bond

Spiritual Citizens: A Christian Fiction Anthology includes short stories from the following authors: Jan Ackerson, Michael Austin, Joseph Courtemanche, Voni Harris, Judy Haught, Nancy LaRonda Johnson, John Mark Miller, Tolulope Popool, Esther and Richard Provencher, Chong Shipei, Charles W. Short, Gerald Shuler, and Lynn Wehmeyer. From literary to adventure, these fifteen short stories were selected based on the power of their inspirational message, the depth of their emotional connection, and their clear depiction of skillful storytelling. Spiritual Citizens reminds Christians we are fellow citizens with God's household (as in Ephesians 2:19), but you do not have to be a Christian to enjoy these entertaining fictional tales. Read about a knight's call to arms in "The Battle Cry." Read how a pastor resolves the serpentine trespasser in "Snakes Alive!" Enjoy a story about angels and demons in "Stolen Apples." Christian fiction has the power to inspire change in the lives of its readers.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Spirituality, Religion, Health

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Title: Radical Revolution: A Conversation with God
Author: Shady Srour

This is a profound look into the deepest realms of spirituality, philosophy, religion, and life.  The book delves into issues of ecology, environmentalism, alternative medicine, spiritual truth, inner wisdom, and happiness. 

This is no less than a guide to the right way to live a full life.  It is inspirational and controversial at times.  It values simplicity above all else.  This is a moral wake-up call to the lost world we live in today. 

Plunge into this search for the deepest levels of spiritual truth and wisdom.  Radical Revolution: A Conversation with God is a unique book whose time has come.  It touches the soul and moves the spirit toward action in our world. 

This book will transform your life.  The flowing words and deeply profound wisdom will move your emotions and lift your soul to action.  Leaving no stone unturned, it covers life, death, birth, careers, family, morals, health, environmental devastation, happiness, disease, and many other aspects of the human experience. 


For a limited time: Coupon Code XC59Z gives you a free copy from https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/488107 until November 11th, 2014.  I kindly ask for an honest review of this book. 


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Mind, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Prevail: Seven Keys to Create a Personal Victory
Author: Betty Withrow

"Prevail" tells my story of rising from extreme abuse as a child, desperate poverty as a young adult, to living a life that is full, happy, and rewarding.  It moves from my story into yours.  The focus of the book is on YOU, the reader, making the most of your life and getting more of what you want happening.  You can take any experience you have had, or are having now, and put it to work making your life better.In "Prevail", I offer tools to help with disconnect, lack of motivation, or low self-worth.  The book is all about taking what is going on right now and using it to create a better life.

The seven keys are the qualities within you that can get you through anything.  They can be cultivated and put to work using your experiences as leverage for making the most of your life both now and in the future.  They are: Cheerfulnees, Patience, Friendliness, Creativity,  Fortitude, Perseverance, And Completion. 

Quotes from great thinkers of all times weave through the book to create a deeper perspective.


If you feel that simply surviving is not enough to have in your life, and you want to take control of your inner forces, this book is for you.  Step forward and cultivate a perspective that gives you the quiet victory within you of knowing that you have made the most of what you were given.  Reclaim the juice of your life!

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Category: Health, History, Spirituality

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Title: The Hidden Realm of God: The Historical Jesus and His Healing Philosophy
Author: James Gaither

The Hidden Realm of God presents a case for understanding the historical Jesus as a philosopher and healer.  It explores the teachings of Jesus in comparison to popular 1rst century philosophies and 21rst century holistic health research.  

The teachings of the historical Jesus discussed in this work are identified based on the work of New Testament history scholars.  The teachings are arranged thematically to reveal the scope and primary ideas found in the words of the historical Jesus.  Those primary ideas are related to recent scientific studies on effects of mental attitudes, meditation and other spiritual practices.  

The relationship of Jesus' teachings to Cynic, Stoic, Pythagorean, and other philosophies is examined. There are also sections exploring the most probable biography of Jesus, based upon modern scholarship. The book reveals the sophistication of Jesus' philosophy and the humor found in his parables and sayings.

The Hidden Realm of God also provides ways to apply the basic healing ideas in Jesus' philosophy. 

The author has been a minister for over 30 years and a professor of Church history, philosophy, and world religions for over 20 years.  Through his extensive knowledge of biblical scholarship, spiritual practices, philosophy, and holistic health research, he brings a fresh perspective to the life and teachings of Jesus.

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Category: Health, Home, Spirituality

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Title: Ancient Secrets for a Healthy Home
Author: Mallory Neeve Wilkins

Non fiction, reference, Feng Shui, Vaastu Shastra. Ancent Secrets for a Healthy Home.

Everyone carries the mystcal movement of Earth's, energy from their birth year, throughout their whole life. The teachings of the ancient masters and sages who mapped the path of the earth's energy over 5000 years ago, are finally written for all to read. These secret studies that were once passed on by word of mouth are now passed on by the written word with all the calculations for everyone to read and comprehend. 

When there has been a change in health, creativity, relationships, career or prosperity... then it is time to make corrections within you environment. All the medications, yoga, healing remedies, mantras, etc will only work to the level of a healing environment. You need to be situated in your personal best location environment possible to achieve the topmost results. Correct your environment, then you can take your treatments or cures, and the results will be considerably better and longer lasting. It has been written that if you 'Control the forces of nature, you can control your life.'

Ancient Secrets talks about the ways and means of calculating your personal energy charts and applying corrections to your environment and home, room by room.

The sacred studies of China and India have endeavored to bring harmony and well-being to people, buildings and the environment. At one time or another, everyone

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Category: Home, Mystery, Spirituality

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Title: House of the Caduceus
Author: Mallory Neeve Wilkins

Mystery and spirituality come together in the novel 'House of the Caduceus' when the building of a Feng Shui house, in the mountains on the Pacific west coast, is threatened by a dynamic meeting of Eastern and Western cultures. Everything vibrates and has motion, but a house carries energy from the land, the architect, the builder and everyone who works on it or lives in it.

When a powerful negative energy affects the mood, health and lifestyle of the Architect, Maria Powers, Interior Designer, Karme Chan and their team as they begin one of Canada's most difficult and dangerous construction feats, kundalini's mystical movement opens their path to enlightenment.

Before construction can commence, the land must be cleansed of its negative energy and a group of inspired people must be selected. Guided by a persceptive Shaman and his own intuition, the land owner, Airik Alcadinho, encounters conflicts and mysteries that lead him to Oatman, Arizona.

'Caduceus' carries the energy of kundalini, throughout history, as a healing symbol of power and health by indicating the knowledge of keeping in balance. Without it, death and chaos occur. As they each struggle to complete the retreat home in a harsh environment, the mystical movement of energy controls their fate.

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