When you take stuff from one writer, it's plagiarism; but when you take it from many writers, it's research.
Wilson Mizner

Spirituality ebooks

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Category: Business, E-Business, Spirituality

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Title: Get the Money! Get the Money! Get the Money!
Author: Tom Pauley, Penelope Pauley

Rich Dreams invites you start your rich, abundant life today with their all time, best selling product,

Get the Money! Get the Money! Get the Money!

  • Would you like to become a magnet for money?
  • Would you like to have opportunity thrust itself upon you?
  • Would you like to stop seeking out wealth and have it actually find you?
  • Would you like to Get The Money, Get The Money, Get The Money?

Stop working long hours for little pay! This remarkable ebook reveals the secret to bringing wealth, abundance, and opportunity into your life!

Sharing the secrets they've learned, Tom and Penelope Pauley show you how to move far away from struggling and into attracting. Through stories and experience from their own lives, this dynamic duo of attraction offers unique tools and exercises to help you draw money, success, love, fun, happiness and so much more to you once and for all.

  • Finally Understand Money For What It Is!
  • Learn The Secret!
  • Learn The EASIEST Way To Deliver Money To You!
  • Start Living Your Abundant Life Today!
  • Image, Draw, And Initiate The Endless Flow Of Money To You!
  • Unlock The Door! Open The Floodgates Of Money TO YOU!
  • Never Be Intimidated By Money Again!


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Category: Christian Books, Spirituality

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Title: Becoming God's Masterpiece

Yearning For More of God's Spirit In Your Life?

Open The Door For God To Transform Your Life In Just 10 Short Weeks...

  • Find out why Satan doesn't want you to feel forgiven, and how to truly see yourself as righteous (Week 8).
  • Find out how to force your thoughts and emotions into submission to the Holy Spirit of God and His will for your life (Week 10).
  • Learn the names of God used in the Bible, and what each one reveals about His desires for you and your destiny in Him (Week 3).
  • Learn why Satan would rather have you try to hide life's pains deep inside your heart than confront them head on (Week 7).
  • Discover the two fastest ways to enter into the presence of God (Week 6).


Invite God's Spirit Into Your Life - And Be Transformed!
"...let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God-truly righteous and holy" (Ephesians 4:23-24 NLT).

How This Program Can Change Your Life...

  • Discover what it really means to be a living sacrifice, and exactly how to do it (Conclusion).
  • Discover the true purpose of your
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business, E-Business, Spirituality

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Title: I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams.
Author: Thomas Pauley, Penelope Pauley

The method behind the magic, how one family recovered from two bankruptcies to a rich, abundant life.

I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. How to Get Everything You Want in Life.

Tom and Penelope Pauley tell their personal success story, imparting along the way the secrets of the simple system they used to take them from a life of desperation to a life of abundance, beyond their wildest dreams.

This groundbreaking ebook and the system Tom and Penelope teach has been used by countless people around the globe to live their rich dreams. Their story is the story of so many, and could be yours too.

Experience the phenomena! Learn the system! Live the rich, abundant life of your wildest dreams!

Get the ebook today!

I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. How to Get Everything You Want in Life.

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Category: Business, E-Business, Spirituality

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Title: Living Rich Now!
Author: Bob Doyle

From living in his car to becoming on the world's most predominant metaphysical money makers, Dr. Joe Vitale shows you how to be

Living Rich Now!

In a never before released ebook, Joe Vitale shares his own personal rags to riches and riches and riches story, doling out the secrets that helped him to not only attract money, become a successful author and an expert on hypnotic marketing, but a leading voice worldwide on the Law Of Attraction.

In this exclusive ebook, Joe Reveals:

How Doing What You Love Will Unlock Your Power

The Hidden Secret Known As Karmic Marketing

How To Change Your Own Mental Software

How To Read And Redirect Your Internal Compass Toward Success

How To Empower Through Your Own Example

His Hands Down, Best Advice For Attracting The Things You Want In Life

So how did Dr. Joe Vitale do it? From his making his home in his car to making himself a household name? From buying Saturns to buying a $90,000 custom made BMW?

The secrets are all there and more. Get this remarkable ebook today, and let Dr. Joe show you how can be

Living Rich Now!

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing, Spirituality

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Title: Living Rich Now! with Bob Doyle
Author: Tom Pauley, Penelope Pauley

The Law Of Attraction comes alive with Bob Doyle!

Learn the rhyme and reason to it all, the science that underlies the
Universal Laws.

Living Rich Now! with Bob Doyle

In this exclusive ebook, world renowned metaphysics expert Bob Doyle dives in the Law Of Attraction, getting down to the heart of the matter, the scientific force driving it all. Of course the Law Of Attraction works, but why does it work?

In remarkable detail, Bob Doyle breaks down the how and why of this worldwide phenomena into its basic core elements, translating the theories into physical evidence, and offering a wealth of information to apply in your life.

Bob Doyle shows you how to:

Finally seize the moment and take full advantage of your own point of attraction

Move from fear to success, with a unique vibrational shifting exercise that lifts you above the "real world"

Reveal the true keys to the Law Of Attraction, and discover how to move beyond resisting money to truly attracting it

From the ancient tradition of science and physics to the complete domain over your physical presence, experience the Law Of Attraction like never before with

Living Rich Now! with Bob Doyle

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Category: Body, Health, Spirituality

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Title: Why Angry? Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul
Author: James Pang

"Is your emotional stress causing your deteriorating health and unhappy relationship with your family?"

Here's what you'll discover in "Why Angry?" ebook.

Chapter 1: Why Stop Angry Now?

  • What's the finding of a German cancer specialist regarding the link between cancer and emotional stress.
  • What are the four overlooked reasons for not getting angry.
  • How a tiny matter caused a father to burst out in anger, caused her small daughter's disability and eventually committed suicide.
  • How a mother indirectly and unknowingly caused the death of her two babies with another common emotional problem.
  • How a 40-year-old woman got breast cancer even though she didn't inherit any cancer gene from her parents or grand parents. She seldom got angry, took great care of her diet and exercised regularly. But this one emotional problem caused her cancer and eventually took her life away. And this particular emotional problem is responsible for many other cancer cases too.
  • Can forgiveness really heal cancer? Read this actual story on how a man found the answer for his lung... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Mind, Philosophy, Spirituality

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Title: Fighting Fear and Doing Discipline
Author: Keith Hill Jr.

Fighting Fear and Doing Discipline will motivate you from behind the fears that hold you back from your goals and dreams. It will then teach you how to maintain and grow your success through self-discipline.

Keith Hill, Jr.’s style is both comedic and knowledgeable, and it allows for an entertaining and informative read. With age-old wisdom and personal insight, “Fight and Do” can speak to the book-smart and the street-smart person alike; it is useful for everyone from young students to seasoned entrepreneurs.

Excerpts from the book:

“…to live in fear is doing yourself and those who love you a great disservice, because to die as someone who was hindered by fear means a part of you never fully lived.”

“The word ‘discipline’ has a negative connotation for many people; they think of discipline synonymously with punishment. But, discipline...is about improvement and not punishment…whether it is to become better, to improve your condition, or to gain something.”

“But why fear and self-discipline combined, you might wonder – are they co-dependent in accomplishing a goal? …think of success as a relay race. As the first runner, courage must explode off the blocks; then hand the baton to talent. Knowledge then runs and passes the baton to the anchor leg,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Spirituality

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Title: Prophecy: A History and How to Guide
Author: Martin K. Ettington

Have you ever had a dream that came true? Or a vision of something that seemed very real and it later came to pass? If so you may already be sensitive to the future.

This ebook covers the History of Prophecy, famous prophets, popular divination methods, then concepts about how Prophecy may work.

The Author has experienced many visions and dreams of the future and uses his experience and insight to help you see yours.

The user is then given concepts and instructions on how to learn to do predictions and prophecies themselves, and how to use this ability in their daily lives.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Spirituality, Science, Action

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Title: Last Day Events

Last Day Events discusses the current crises, pestilences, diseases and calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war which are signalling strange developments for the future. They forecaset approaching events of the greatest concern and magnitude. The forces of good and evil are clashing everywhere around us. We are amid the perils of the last days, and trying times are before us. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that those things that cannot be shaken may remain. Drought, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, casualties by land and sea will multiply. Life will be unsafe anywhere, only as the life is hid in God. Now while the angels are holding the four winds, a golden opportunity presents itself to seek God fervently and earnestly. We do not realise our peril which would come upon us as stealthily and suddenly as a thief in the night. Whatever it may cost to recover faith, it is better to deny self and make any sacrifice than to live without God's presence and loving favour. It is vain to gain the whole world and lose the very soul. 

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Beauty, Mystery, Spirituality

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Title: Heaven
Author: Ellen White

Did you ever wonder what Heaven was like? And what happens when we die? Do you want to go to heaven but not sure how? This book, titled, Heaven radiates with bright glimpses of heaven, a real celestial place populated by angelic beings and God himself. It gathers the choicest statements and descriptions provided over the years about heaven - the future home of the redeemed in glorious terms which would awaken new joy, peace and hope, even on the brink of death. Heaven is full of joy. It resounds with the praises of Him who made so wonderful a sacrifice for the redemption of the human race. In heaven, in the company of heavenly angels, in a pure harmonious heaven, there is no discord, only peace. All is health, happiness and joy. Pain cannot exist in the atmosphere of heaven. There will be no more tears, no funeral trains, no badges of mourning. There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying. Language fails to express the value of the immortal inheritance. The glory, riches and honour offtered by God are of such infinite value that is beyond the power of men or even angels to give any just idea of their worth, their excellence, their magnificence. 

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