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Joseph Addison

Poetry ebooks

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Category: Poetry

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Title: When You Feel & Don't Know How to Say
Author: Estefania Crespo

This award winning collection takes you on a powerful poetic journey. "When You Feel & Don't Know How to Say" are poems that grab you straight in the soul and allow you to journey through a sense of personal reflection. Encompassing feelings and emotions; Whenever you feel trapped without anywhere to escape, take a trip through your mind and make your pit stop on some paper. The world is a beautiful place if you let it be, even at your darkest moments...

"Crespo is a talented poet. She successfully communicates her feelings through her art. In her poetry she bravely bares her soul. She paints a word picture sure to please the most discriminating reader. Do not miss this exceptional book of poetry." -Readers Favorite

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Poetry, Nature, Humor

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Title: Modern Day Japanese Haiku
Author: Denise Morgan

Besides painting and writing fiction, another of my passions is poetry... especially raw, free verse, without rhyming. However, I just love writing haikus! Traditional Japanese Haiku, pronounced high-koo, or, some language connoisseur of accents actually pronounce it, 'ha-ku', is a short poem of seventeen syllables in three lines of five, seven, five, usually inspired by the observation of the natural world. Modern Day Japanese Haiku has kept close to the structure and essence of a traditional haiku but in some of the haiku poems, stray away from the natural world as its main subject. Modern Day Japanese Haiku, give meaning to the insignificant and the mundanities of everyday life which provokes an emotional reaction. Of the one-hundred-and-seventy-two or so haikus in this amazing and tantalizing poetry book, some are thought provoking, comical, sensual, erotic, silly... a few mind-blowing.

Here are a few below for you to sample and enjoy.

Inflated by love

Deflated by rejection

Heart's fluctuation.


He and I are one,

the other face of the mask-

Standing back to back.


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Ebook Type: ePUB
Category: Philosophy, Poetry, Religion

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Title: Ponder Awhile
Author: Mohit.K.Misra

A collection of 48 poems on enlightenment, spirituality and God.

Award Winning Finalist 2009 USA Book News Spirituality General

Ranked 1 in Religious ebooks for 2010 and 2011 Franklin ebooks


Ranked in Top 10 Poetry, Body, Mind and Spirit and Philosophy Best Book Buys 2011/2012 ans 2013.


Poet shares his god knowledge gained via enlightenment in order to unite religions.


There are many misconceptions regarding enlightenment and spiritual truths which the author aims to clarify in simple language which can reach out to all.

Poems such as Religions is bound to benifit humanity and unite them as the expound on essence of religions, the similarities which are identical.

 Poems range on various topics such as Mom,Religions, Truth, Death, Eternity etc


An athiest who encountered God in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean while working as a Navigating Officer in the Merchant Navy refelects his change of thinking and life which took a drastic turn after the experience of enlightenment.

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Category: Christian Books, Poetry, Spirituality

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Title: Sing to me of words
Author: Kimberly DuBoise

My poetry book, Sing to me of words, is a very emotional, introspective look into faith, love, spiritual growth, self growth/ My poems are about seeking the divine and finding your own personal truth. It is like a chronicle of exploration. This book of poems defintiely has a devotional aspect to it. I do have ten 5* reviews on amazon which really makes me feel blessed. I want my writing to touch others, to impact their understanding of themselves. I aim to inspire and awaken with my writing. This book is very much a reflection of awareness of how sacred we are and life is. I hope this book reaches those who feel inspired by words and quotes, who resonate with self-reflection and growth. I am planning to write a second poetry book which I hope to have out this year. However, this collection comes from part of my life journey whichlead me to becoming an author. I think the poems in this book will touch many people and offer inspiration as well as be a source of uplifting. The favorite poems in this book from reviewers have also been mine!

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Category: Cats, Photography, Poetry

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Title: Our Pride & Our Joy
Author: Richard Nurse

Our Pride & Our Joy, is a story in verse, accompanied by numerious candid photographs about the feral cat community that had adopted us, as we have adopted them in return.  A true two-way street story, as we provide them with food and shoulder, and in return, they have given us back hours of joy, laughter, and from some love returned.

Led by an Alpha male, who looked more like a small lion than a domestic cat, and his primary mate of over 4 years, simply known as Mommy. The community suddenly blossomed in size last year, as every one of the cats from Mommy's litters the year before were female.  

The story begins in April of 2014, as we were treated to the first two of at least six different litters of at least 5 kittens each. It was like we had been transported from a normal surban US location onto the site of wild kingdom.  The pride's interactions were almost exactly like a pride of lions in the wild.  

Read the story to experience the workings of this pride of feral cats, and their leader. Street Fighter, a battle scared vetren, and his band of girls, who truly cared for him, treating him when wounded in a fight, and greeting him when he approached or lounged close to me on my porch.  

A pride of cats, that I call my children, many of whom are more interested in being petted by me in the morning than diving into the food bowl that I have brought them.  I consider my home a cat ranch now, with 7 living... Click here to read the full description!

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