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Poetry ebooks

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Category: Poetry

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-26
My Rate 3
The author's only collection of prose poems owes something - though not much - to Baudelaire, and is pretty philosophical.

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Author: John O'Loughlin

The sixteen prose poems in this little collection signify a marked improvement, both stylistically and thematically, over the handful of such poems included in 'Dosshouse Blues', John O'Loughlin's first volume of poetry, and attain to something approaching a philosophical consistency and logical certitude that would be more unusual in any other form of poetry.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (3 after 1 votes)
Category: Poetry

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-26
My Rate 3
Mixed bag of mostly free verse crowned by a poem of epic proportions.

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Author: John O'Loughlin

Despite the nominal commitment of the opening poems in this volume to rhyme, this collection of poems by John O'Loughlin soon gravitates towards free verse, and does so with a philosophical vengeance, so to speak, which tends to gather momentum as one progresses through the poems, culminating in one of the author's best.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (3 after 1 votes)
Category: Poetry, Relationships

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Title: As I See (A Collection of Poems, Photographs, And a Short Insightful Piece)
Author: R. Joseph Reece

"As I See" is a departure from the norm for Reece. Most of his work has focused on Gothic/suspense. This addition to his works, could be claimed from Reece's softer side
The poetry spans form 1985, up to the present, in chronological order.
The sample of photography comes from Reece's own choosing.
The closing story delves deep into Reece's psyche. As the story begins, you find a man on the brink of ending his life. The story follows as he searches, not only the country, but also his soul for answers to choices he needs to make.

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Category: Poetry

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Title: The Suffering of Being Kafka
Author: Sam Vaknin

A second volume of short stories and poetry in English and Hebrew - stories about family, love, childhood, abuse, healing, incraceration, gambling, or life in the fringes of society and at its center.


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Category: Philosophy, Poetry, Spirituality

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Title: Gifts with No Giver, A Love Affair with Truth
Author: Nirmala

A collection of free spiritual poetry written by Nirmala, a spiritual teacher in the tradition of Nonduality or
Advaita. This heartfelt poetry attempts to capture the eternal presence of love in all of its limitless forms. Let yourself be deeply touched by the words of a lover drunk with a passion for the deepest truth.

Here is one reader's review: "I usually delete books once I have read them, but this one I am definitely keeping. The poems are so beautiful and uplifting, and the language was so easy to understand. Absolutely loved it! "

Here is a sample poem from the ebook:

pure unadulterated longing
tears at the chest with such force
it seems the soul might leave
just to find relief

bittersweet taste of emptiness
weighs on the shoulders
like a burden
too heavy to bear

swallowing all pride
collapsing from all effort
only to find rest again
in the depths of pain itself

why was I running from this profound
silent joy

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Entertainment, Humor, Poetry

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Title: Fringe Fantastic
Author: Chas Stramash

Fringe Fantastic is a collection of poetry and photography about the author's experience at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Humorous, satirical and irreverent, it contains 91 pages of photographic images and dozens of poems written on the ancient cobbled streets during the month-long festival.

This ebook blows holes in anyone who thinks poetry is purely for stuffy intellectuals and each one comes personally signed by the author.

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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included, Video Included,
Category: Humor, Poetry, Religion

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Title: Help for Hysterical Humans who Hope to Be Happy in Heaven
Author: James Sterngram

Help for Hysterical Humans (etc.) is a slender PDF densely packed with music, magic, meditation, and humor. Author James Sterngram is a poet for the Associated Individuals Desiring Enlightenment (Sometimes). AIDE(S) is a global prophet-making organization currently boasting roughly seven billion members.

A shorter sample poem:

True Discipline

Perfect discipline is this:
never waiting till you're done
with this task, this life, this sun
before you take it all in fun.

I'm still 'working' on this one,
but I have learned that, deep within,
my somber psyche has a friend
who never lacks for discipline.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Poetry, Spirituality, Christian Books

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Title: Inspirations from Heaven's Gate
Author: Lisa C. Miller

This book may be small but please do not overlook it. This is a book of hope and encouragement for the human spirit.


This a book of poetry and the beauty and simplicity of life.

Writing is a language of the heart. 

Through the written word the beauty of life can be shown to the lost and broken souls of humanity. Everyone needs a little dignity and beauty everyday. 

If you let this book it will take you on a journey of the soul of which when you return you will be a more complete person. You will understand yourself. You will understand your unique role and what a  treasure you are to your life. 

Through this book you will develop a greater insight and change toward yourself and others. 

This book can help you overcome life's roadblocks to help you become a more joyful person. 

This book will help you overcome the shadows of your past so you can look forward to a more joyful future. 

Hopefully with the help of this book you may begin to understand your place in this world. 

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Ebook Type: Kindle
Category: Christian Books, Poetry, Fiction

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Title: Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection
Author: Edited by Kim Bond

Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection will help you draw near to Christ with beautiful praise in the form of elegant poetry. This collection includes twenty poems by a variety of authors like Jan Allison, Jeanne Beaumont, Faye Gibson, Jay Harding, Judy K. Haught, Joyce Johnson, Richard Lamoureux, Robert Lindley, Antonty Mark, Stephan Mcbride, Liam Mcdaid, Brenda Meier-Hans, Casarah Nance, Kimmy Nelson, Regina Riddle, Isaac Thomas, Leon Wilson, Dave Wood and more! These gifted poets have contributed their talent to communicate their joy, grief, triumph, and devotion with readers like you. Glorify God by reading this free Christian literature that will enrich your soul. God is our Creator. He is worthy of our adoration and so much more. Which poem will be your favorite? "The Crying Candle"? "God Sends Promises and Love"? "Mary Magdalene"?  "Rising Within Your Pages"? This book is a free gift to anyone who wants to read it—even for those who doubt God's existence or are skeptical of His goodness. All are welcome. 

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Philosophy, Poetry, Spirituality

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Title: One Hundred Poems of Tukaram
Author: Chandrakant Kaluram Mhatre

One Hundred Poems of Tukaram is a collection of selected peosm of Sant Tukaram, the greatest poet from India whose poetry finely blends worldly wisdom with spirituality. It is translated into English from original Marathi by Chandrakant Kaluram Mhatre, a bi-lingual poet and writer of short fiction. The book also contains an extensive introduction byt the translator which contextualises and elaborates upon Tukaram's poetic art. The range of the poems in this collection will delight readers of all ages and all dispositions, but that's the least what this book does to its readers: it illuminates their lives by giving them new perspectives on life hitherto unknown to them; it feels them with an optimism that strives for the well-being and happiness not only of the humankind but of the life in its entirety; it shows them the path towrds Oneness with the entire creation. Tukaram's poems hold a distinct charm over their readers by lingering in their mind long after the book has been read and kept aside, thus nurturing their soul and maturing their mind.

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