Home ebooks

Energy Saving Tips
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Title: Energy Saving Tips
Discover How You Can Make Simple And Easy Changes That Can Save Our Environment!
Saving Energy Is Something That We All Can Do...
All It Takes Is A Determined Changed Mind.
Saving energy is NOT hard, it's something that everyone can start doing right now in their everyday lives. You can change the future of the environment if you follow the tips in this report.
This report will walk you through many different ways which you can help to save energy and save some of your money in the process.
Help Save Energy For A Cleaner Tomorrow!
In "Energy Saving Tips" you will learn;
- You may not think that saving the environment is your problem... but there are some very good reasons why you should do your part.
- Why it is so important that we understand what we are doing in our everyday lives that can have adverse effects on our earth.
- 25 small changes that you can make right now to help conserve energy in your home!
- Our everyday outdoor activities can be doing more harm then good. You will learn 10 ways to protect the environment outdoors.
- Why we must reduce toxins, and 10 easy ways to do it!
As well as...
- Landfills are becoming a real issue worldwide! You will read 15 different ways that you can help to reduce... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: ZIP

DIY Secrets
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Title: DIY Secrets
Table Of Contents:
- So you want to do a Textured Ceiling!
- Secrets to Installing Laminate Flooring
- Copper Bathroom Sinks Add an Easy Elegant Touch
- Easy Installation of Vinyl Replacement Windows
- Do It Yourself Home Sprinkler System
- Installing a Drop Ceiling
- Making Your Own Kitchen Cabinets
- Hang an Oval Bathroom Mirror
- Making a Faux Metal Ceiling
- Building a Home Swimming Pool
- Painting a Bathroom
- Decorating Those Small Box Rooms
- DIY Remodeling on a Budget
- DIY Projects To Increase The Value of Your Home
- Caring For Your Wooden Floor
- Using tiles to brighten your home
- Things to Consider
- Home Renovation Survival
Ebook Type: PDF

200 Problem Solving Tips For Your Home and Your Health
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Title: 200 Problem Solving Tips For Your Home and Your Health
How would you like to have the fast, economical and easy solutions to 200 home and health problems at your fingertips?
Now you can, with this money-saving and time-saving household reference!
In 200 Problem Solving Tips For Your Home and Your Health, you will find dozens of tips to save you money, reduce your stress and save you time in your home. You will get great advice like:
- How To Remove A Stubborn Screw.
- How To Remove A Broken Key From A Lock.
- How To Keep Nails From Splitting Wood.
- How To Keep Fish Hooks From Rusting.
- How To Remove Oil From Your Driveway.
- How To Make Sandpaper Last Longer.
- How To Cut Glass Without A Glass Cutter.
- How To Revive Old Razor Blades.
- How To Get Water Out Of Your Watch.
- How To Loosen Those Tight Shoes.
- How To Open That Stuck Zipper.
- How To Eliminate Odors From Disposal.
- How To Remove Grease From Rugs.
- How To Prevent Flowers From Fading.
- How To Destroy The Desire For Nicotine.
- How To Keep A Burn From Blistering.
- How To Make A Pantyhose Last Longer.
- What To Do If You Oversalt Food.
- How To Boil A Cracked Egg.
- How To Destroy Onion Smells.
- How To Eliminate Popcorn Duds- FAST.
- How To Clean Carved Furniture.
- How To Keep Windshields Frost Free!
- How
Ebook Type: PDF

51 Ways To Organize Your Home
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Title: 51 Ways To Organize Your Home
Do you have too much clutter in your home? Is your closet a danger zone? Do you keep everything in your garage except your car?
51 WaysTo Organize Your Home can help!
You'll learn...
- How to control the paper flow
- How to make an effective to-do list
- How to make the most of your attic
- How to organize your closets
- How to manage your kids' rooms
Find all these ideas and more! Start organizing today!
Ebook Type: PDF

Winterizing Your Home
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Title: Winterizing Your Home
Discover How You Can Save Money On Your Heating Bills From Now On!
Dear Friend,
As the fall season has ended, the brown and orange leaves disappear and a cold chill invites its way in your area. That is, if you reside in an area where winter weather is guaranteed every year. For those of you who are fortunate enough not to have winter weather, good for you. However, for those of us that do, and that's most of us, we have to brace for the frigid and freezing temperatures as we make our way out the door to our various destinations.
We also have to brace ourselves for those humungous utility bills that we look forward to because of cranking up the heater in order to stay warm. Of course, most people dread getting those bills because they know that the amount is usually a whopper. This alone can cause a person major, major stress.
However, that stress factor can be temporary. One of the best ways to get those heating bills down is to winterize your home. Of course, the best time to do this is prior to the cold setting in. You want to be ready and prepared when that cold winds start to hit. By then, you will have everything in place to keep you and your family warm and save money at the same time.
So, now you are stumped. You are really stumped when they tell you that you are most likely having an anxiety attack. What?? Yes, they did not stutter. You are having an anxiety attack.
Ebook Type: PDF

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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Table of Contents
- Choosing A Contractor
- Do It Yourself Bathroom Remodeling
- Pollution and Remodeling
- Do It Yourself Kitchen Remodeling
- Tips for Installing Leak-proof Showers
- Installing Kitchen Cabinets
- Adding A Bedroom
- Choosing Countertops
- Basement Problems Turned Around
- How To Lay Indoor-Outdoor Carpet
- Options for Lighting Your Home
- Tips for Installing A Tile Floor
- TV Stand Design Ideas
- How To Prepare to Install Moulding
- Home Air Conditioning Maintenance Made Easy
- Insulation
- How To Diagnose Central Heating Systems
- Fixing Your Sink
- Replacing Screens
- Fixing Clogged Pipes and Drains
- Replacing Doors
- Three Steps To Refinish Your Decks
- Six Tips For Decks Built to Last
- Installing Your Hot Tub
- Low Hassle Roof Repair
- Low Hassle Exterior Painting
- Gardens for Profit and Beauty
- Judging Construction - Ground and Walls
- Judging Construction
- Choosing An Alarm System, Hardware AND People
Ebook Type: PDF

Solar Power For Energy!
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Title: Solar Power For Energy!
"Save Money & At The Same Time Save The Environment By Powering Up With Solar Power For Energy!"
"It's Time To Do YOUR Bit For The Planet!"
Dear Friend,
You have probably heard about solar power and how it is the new and upcoming alternative energy source of the future. It's just not a buzzword anymore. It is a viable way for you to save time and money, while at the same time make a conscious effort to save the environment and the planet. Solar power has been revolutionized and new technology is allowing it to not only power your home, but to power personal devices such as cell phones, personal entertainment systems, and other electronic devices that you could use in virtually any situation.
Whether you are a first responder to an emergency situation, you want to go camping, or you just want a radio on your next boating trip to work without batteries, personal solar power is the new-age way to get the power without using batteries or other environmentally damaging power sources.
Solar power is now affordable to everyone and is available in a variety of ways to help save the environment.
Where solar power used to be laughed at by skeptics, it is now being embraced as the alternative energy source that rivals hydrogen, hybrids, and other forms of alternative energy. As we try to break our addiction to fossil fuels,... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Retirement Planning: The Online Retirement Guide
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Retirement Planning: The Online Retirement Guide
"No More Worries About Your Future Or The Future Of Your Investments."
Let Us Show You How To Secure Your retirement As Well As your Investments In This Easy To Read Ebook.
Dear Friend:
The average life expectancy of a human being today is set at an average of 78 years old. When you consider that most people retire at age 65 that leaves 13 years of life still left to live. Many more people are living into their 80's and 90's as well. That's even more life to live! How exciting!
When was the last time you thought about what you would be doing in 10 years, 20 years, even 30 years? Probably not very often, huh? That's alright, it's normal. We don't really think about retirement when we're young, but the truth is that is the exact time we need to think about it. Why? So you can plan!
The thought of retirement planning probably isn't the most fun activity in the world. You probably have your head filled with visions of spreadsheets and figures that even a high school calculus whiz would have problems with. But planning for your retirement involves so much more than just money. You need to consider:
- What you want to do when you retire
- Where you'll live
- What you will live on
- How you'll pay your bills
And more!
It can be confusing and even a little overwhelming. I mean, really, how will you... Click here to read the full description!

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs
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Title: How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs
If you seriously want know how to get rid of bed bugs, then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!...
"Learn How To Solve Your Dilemma In What You Thought To Be Your Dream Vacation And Easily Taking The First Step To Conquer The Bed Bugs Trauma You May Have At This Moment!"
It doesn't matter, if you have never have any ideas on how to getting rid of bed bugs and how to banish it quickly in the shortest time possible, then this golden manuals will show you everything steps you need to take against bed bugs banishing!
Dear Internet Friend,
Are you planning on getting bed bugs soon or in the near future? If so, pay attention!
There's finally a new, breakthrough ebook created just for people like you!
And, if you really want to have the most successful, bed bug killing career that will bring a smile to your face, then this ebook is definitely for YOU!
I myself have been a exterminator for 15 years, but it wasn't easy my first two times! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive ebook on bed bugs!
This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Ebook On Bed Bugs You Can Find In Any Store..
Ebook Type: PDF

The American Woman's Home
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Title: The American Woman's Home
The chief cause of woman's disabilities and sufferings, that women are not trained, as men are, for their peculiar duties Aim of this volume to elevate the honor and remuneration of domestic employment Woman's duties, and her utter lack of training for them Qualifications of the writers of this volume to teach the matters proposed Experience and study of woman's work Conviction of the dignity and importance of it The great social and moral power in her keeping The principles and teachings of Jesus Christ the true basis of woman's rights and duties.
Object of the Family State Duty of the elder and stronger to raise the younger, weaker, and more ignorant to an equality of advantages Discipline of the family The example of Christ one of self−sacrifice as man's elder brother His assumption of a low estate His guide labor His trade Woman the chief minister of the family estate Man the out−door laborer and provider Labor and self−denial in the mutual relations of home−life, honorable, healthful, economical, enjoyable, and Christian.
True wisdom in building a home Necessity of economizing time, labor, and expense, by the close packing of conveniences Plan of a model cottage Proportions Piazzas Entry Stairs and landings Large room Movable Screen Convenient
Ebook Type: PDF
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