Restlessness and discontent are the necessities of progress.
Thomas Alva Edison

Home ebooks

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Category: Home, Manuals

The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing

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Title: The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing

Wood finishing can be tricky and after spending hours on building your project you want to be sure that you get the best outcome possible.

In The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing you will learn how to get beautiful, professional results no matter what your project is, even if you have never tried your hand at wood finishing before.

You will learn about every step in the wood finishing process from a professional wood finisher with years of experience. Here are just a few of the chapters you will find inside The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing:


Why take a chance on the woodworking project you have spent hours on when you can own The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing and get professional results the very first time for only $9.95!

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Category: Home, How To

The Miracle Of Vinegar

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Title: The Miracle Of Vinegar

Dear Friend,

You may be forgiven for thinking that these passed down secrets had gone for good, washed away with time and the modern age. . . . But they're not.

You can now own three of the best traditional / did you know style reports that were much loved by our parents and grandparents. And they were pretty smart too because not only will these reports save you time and money but they'll also help you eliminate some of the scourges of modern day living such as harmful chemical usage in the home.

This kind of information is what the big industrial giants don't want you to know. . . Why for instance would you want to spend extra money on your grocery bill buying caustic and harmful cleaners to remove pipe blockages when simply using vinegar works equally well.

In fact vinegar can be used for hundreds of alternative uses, from preventing burn blisters to cleaning your windows.

You'll find sixty plus more great ideas in our report - The Miracle of Vinegar.

But There's more . . .

Rather than charge you extra for more reports we've decided to include them all together for just one low price. So in addition to The Miracle of Vinegar you'll also receive another old time classic report - The Benefits Of Baking Soda'

You'll get an additional sixty quick household tips and ideas including . . .

  • How to easily and quickly remove soap scum and limescale build up from showers, tiles and
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Category: Decorating, Home

Interior Design on a Budget

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Title: Interior Design on a Budget

"Interior Design on a Budget - How to Tips and Tricks"

Nothing shouts "retreat" in the hearts of men (and women) more than the thought of picking up a paint brush and revamping old, tired walls!

Dear Interior Design Wannabe,

Okay, there is no guarantee that you will come out of this manual as the latest and greatest designer to the stars! But, if that is your goal, remember that you have to start somewhere, so why not with your old, dingy and outdated rooms?

First things first!

If you are a natural at creativity and have an eye for artistic design then you don't need this! However, let's take a look at reality. If you drool over those do it yourself shows that you see on TV every weekend and wish you could mimic the results then "Interior Design on A Budget - How to Tips and Tricks" is definitely for you!

Hey, there is no "magic bullet" that will make a professional interior designer out of you overnight. I hope we agree there's no such thing, right? But, even the tiniest of changes in your decor can make a huge difference.

Remember, the only difference between those TV designers and you is a little time and effort. So, why do you need "Interior Design on A Budget - How to Tips and Tricks"?

Because it works!

As of this writing, millions of people are looking for help with

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Home

51 House Cleaning Shortcuts

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Title: 51 House Cleaning Shortcuts

It's time to clean your house-again. Housecleaning can be very overwhelming. Don't know where to begin?

51 House Cleaning Shortcuts can help!

Did you know...

  • Boiling water in your microwave makes cleaning it easier
  • A balled up pair of pantyhose is great for fast pet hair clean up
  • Vinegar makes a great window and mirror cleaner
  • Filling the kitchen sink with hot soapy water before you start cooking can cut cleaning time in half

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Garden, Home

How to Build a Fence

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Title: How to Build a Fence

" Are you looking for the quickest yet best way to build a beautiful fence surrounding your most elegant property, on the smallest shoestring budget?"

Hello There,

My name is Alex I'm coming to you today to talk about my experience fences, the biggest problems with fences is no one ever realizes how much work goes into these small structures around your property. However, I have produced the best ebook on the market to teach you all about fences, why to get a fence, how to build a fence, hiring a professional etc.
My ebook is called FEN 101 ~ How to Build a Fence, I cover every aspect to fence building and throughout the ebook we target a shoestring budget. This is for those who don't want to drop a couple thousand dollars on a simple fence. Come take a look at what is inside with me.

Inside the ebook I break up the topic of fences into many chapters,

  1. Hire a Professional or Do It Yourself Job
  2. Do I really need a fence?
  3. What Type of Fence Should I Install (Fence Types)
  4. Installing the Fence (The Specs)
  5. Tools Needed to Get Started
  6. Additional Good Ebooks

These chapters were designed to give you an easy read away from all the engineer talk. Below I will briefly explain what is inside each chapter.

Do I really need a Fence?
Obviously, this would be your first question

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Home

Clever Cleaning

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Title: Clever Cleaning
Author: Pru Nation
How to Have a Healthier Home Just by Learning How to Clean Cleverly!

Omigosh! What have I done?

It's no surprise that words to that effect are thought hundreds of times each day by folks who are caught unawares by their partners. What you thought was going to be a simple phone call turned into the next in a long list of stress factors plaguing you on this day.

Never mind that your partner 'sez this may make or break the "deal of a lifetime" for him or her. Never mind that all you have in the refrigerator are last nights leftover chicken. Never mind that your home looks like a stampede of buffalo just ran through it.

You have exactly three hours to come up with a miracle menu, transform yourself into a "domestic diva" and turn your house into something straight out of "Home and Garden!"

Aren't you glad you bought your copy of "Clever Cleaning" just a few days ago? You have no problem meeting the demands of this last minute social emergency because of all the tips and tricks you learned and implemented when you got your copy of of this terrific guide.

You truly did learn how to "have a happier, healthier home" just by implementing all the easy to follow suggestions.

One of the first things you will find inside is a complete list of your arsenal of weapons. You might be surprised to find out that some of the most effective cleaning agents don't come out of those expensive bottles you pay a premium for at the supermarket.

That's the first... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Green Products, Home, Nature

Building Your Own Greenhouse 2

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Title: Building Your Own Greenhouse 2

Attention: You Might Just End Up Spending More Time In Planning Your Greenhouse Than Your Home...
Don't Blame Us If Your Wife Gets Mad...!

Don't Be A Conventional Greenhouse Dreamer! Come Out Of The Mould, Build Your Own And Let Your Greenhouse Give A Better Yield Than Any Other In Town! Discover How You Can Start Your Own Greenhouse With Healthier Plants... Anytime Of The Year!

Finally! You Can Now Instantly Discover Some Awesome Tips To Take Greenhouse Growing To The Next Level! Learn How You Can Get A Better Yield, And Even Better Maintenance Ideas! And See Your Buddies' Jaws Drop To The Floor In Sheer Amazement...!


Valuable Information About Everything You Want To Know About Building And Maintaining Your Own Greenhouse. 

Dear Friend,

Have you ever longed to have a greenhouse, but could not because you did not know much about it? The eBook, "Building Your Own Greenhouse," simplifies the task of greenhouse building and maintenance. The tips that this eBook presents not only inform you about the various types of greenhouses, but also about greenhouse equipment. In addition, it offers valuable tips on growing amazing greenhouse plants.

These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Book :

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Green Products, Home, Nature

Renewable Energy: How to Harness the Power and Help the Future

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Title: Renewable Energy: How to Harness the Power and Help the Future

How to Harness the Power and Help the Future


We have come along way in developing societies that have electricity and the power necessary to fuel vehicles and for industry to be successful. All of these efforts though rely upon the use of energy source that comes from fossil fuels.

They are found in the ground and have to be processed in order for us to have that fuel and that electricity. They are known as coal, natural gas, and fuel. We rely on them way too much for our own good and that is why change is so important.

The problem though is that our dependence on it continues to grow. As more people are upon the Earth than ever before we are using more every single day. People are living longer too due to advances in health care. We are certainly a society dependent upon our electronic gadgets as well.

While those are all good things for us to be happy about, the fact that we are depleting the fossil fuel available isn't. This type of energy source isn't one that we will be able to replace. When it is gone it is gone and that is the reality of the situation.

It won't all disappear during our lifetimes, but it is going to pose a problem for future generations. While efforts can be made to conserve fossil fuels, eliminating enough of the use in order to really make a difference isn't going to occur unless we take a close look at some alternative methods.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Home

Bed Bugs

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Title: Bed Bugs

If you're wanting to discover exaclty what bed bugs are and how to prevent and treat them...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

You're About To Learn The Secrets Preventing And Eliminating Bed Bugs, No Matter How Much Time You Have Had To Prepare!

It doesn't matter if you've never experienced bed bugs before, This guide will tell you everything you need to know, without spending too much brainpower!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on getting bed bugs soon or in the near future? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to have the most successful, bed bug killing career that will bring a smile to your face, then this book is definitely for YOU!

I myself have been a exterminator for 15 years, but it wasn't easy my first two times! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on bed bugs!

This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Book On Bed Bugs You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Family, Home

A Guy's Guide to the Delivery Room

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Title: A Guy's Guide to the Delivery Room

"Worried About Missing The Birth Of Your Child Because Your Nervous About The Delivery Room? Now You Can Witness The Miracle of Your Son or Daughter Being Born!"

Don't Let That Fear Keep You From Experiencing A Literally Life-Changing Event. Be Prepared With Information To Take Away The Mystery of Childbirth Away So You Can Witness This Miracle For Your Self!

Dear Expectant Father:

You're expecting a baby! Congratulations! This is a very exciting time in your life - one that will be filled with more joy than you could ever imagine!

Maybe you're not the father, but a supportive friend helping the new mother through her pregnancy. Either way, having a baby is not only a monumental task for the mother, but for you too! She needs you to be there with her and for her not only during the pregnancy, but in labor and delivery as well.

Many men are reluctant to be present during the birth of a child. Some might feel they're too squeamish to witness the actual birth. Others are afraid they won't be able to effectively provide support to their partners. Most of the time, the hesitation these men feel stems from the possibility that they are basically clueless when it comes to the miracle of childbirth.

That's Why This Book Is So Valuable To You!

With "A Guy's Guide to the Delivery Room",

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