Perpetual modernness is the measure of merit in every work of art.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Home ebooks

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Category: Garden, Home

Guide To Landscaping

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Title: Guide To Landscaping
How would you like to save a ton of money and increase the value of your home by as much as thirty percent!

If your homes landscape is designed properly it will be a source of enjoyment for your entire family, it will enhance your community and add to the resale value of your property. Landscape design involves much more than placing trees, shrubs and other plants on the property. It is an art which deals with conscious arrangement or organization of outdoor space for human satisfaction and enjoyment. In Homeowners Guide To Landscaping you will learn how to:

  • Create a visual relationship between the house and the site and
  • Organize and developing your yard for maximum use and pleasure.
  • Reduce landscape maintenance to a practical level.

Americans spend tremendous amounts of money landscaping their homes. Much of this money is wasted, however, because of little or no planning. Homeowners Guide To Landscaping will guide you every step of the way, from creating a base plan to choosing plants and trees and landscaping for energy savings. Here are the chapters you will find inside this comprehensive manual:

  • The Base Plan
  • Planning The Home Landscape
  • Planning For Your Needs
  • Landscaping Materials
  • Studying The Site
  • Placing Your Plants
  • Landscape Construction
  • Choosing And Planting Your Plants
  • Terracing
  • Landscaping For Energy Savings
  • Backyard Ponds

You can discover the joy and beauty of having a wonderfully

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Category: Business, Home

Get Paid To Shop

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Title: Get Paid To Shop
Author: Peter Allan
Or Even Start Your Own Mystery Shopping Business

Most mystery shoppers start because it's fun, they enjoy eating out, they like to get free food and other supplies, they enjoy having free holidays, wearing expensive clothes, and even being paid to collect all this fabulous FREE stuff!

They enjoy the variety of their 'working' day, the fact that no two 'jobs' are ever the same, the certainty of more than enough opportunities existing to ensure they never run out of jobs themselves, the simple truth that as business becomes more competitive the number of opportunities and rewards will continue to grow.

Mystery shoppers are required all over the world, by companies large and small, who will pay you to shop, eat in top restaurants, visit major theme parks, drive high-performance cars, enjoy all-expenses paid holidays and cruises, or simply shop for everyday items, make a few quick and easy telephone calls, analyze junk mail arriving through your letterbox every day, or just stay home and buy goods on the Internet, items you might buy anyway and which you get to keep totally FREE of CHARGE!

...You Can Earn Handsome Payments, Plus Bonus Items!

Mystery shoppers can easily earn a full time income for part time hours, sometimes much more. You could even work your way around the world, eating, living and traveling FREE of charge, while enjoying all-expenses paid visits to worldwide leisure resorts, and you'll be paid to answer a few simple questions about your

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Category: Business, Home, Jobs

Crafty Selling

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Title: Crafty Selling
Author: Wal Shermann
How to Cash In With Crafts & Build Your Own Cash Cow!

Are you a "crafty" person? Do you get rave reviews from family and friends after gifting them with your own creations? Is your hobby something that you love to do? Are you sick and tired of being stuck in a dead end job?

Every marketing book or report on the Internet tells you that you will only prosper when you actually create your own product to sell. Well, if you answered yes to those four questions above, you are more than half way there!

Yep, in order to truly succeed online, you need to have your own product. If you have a hobby that you love it's time to take a serious look at how to generate a business from your own creations.

The reason why we say that you are more than half way there is because you already have a product so you're way ahead of the game. Most folks have trouble coming up with something of their own to sell. You already have it!

Now all you need to do is fine tune it and set up your business and "Crafty Selling" is just what the net doctor ordered to help you do just that! An eye-opening read, "Crafty Selling" will give you all the information you need to take your hobby and launch that business that you've always dreamed of.

"Crafty Selling" is jam-packed with answers to every question you may have about turning your passion for crafts from a hobby to a full time, viable business. Discover things like:

  • Taxes and the Legal Stuff
  • First Steps from a Hobby to a... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Home, Nonfiction

Real World Sustainability

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Title: Real World Sustainability
Author: Andy MacDonald

Our Responsibility Reduce, Re-use and Recycle

We see the effects everywhere we look. Rain forests are being decimated; land fills choking the landscape; polluted lakes, rivers and oceans. And we won't even discuss global warming.

The planet is systematically being destroyed at all levels. Yes, as a society we are finally beginning to address some of the problems with regard to big business. But that doesn't mean we can ignore the situation individually.

Many people ask what difference can one person make? Singularly they feel that their efforts couldn't amount to much when looking at the problem on a global scale. But what we do personally does have an impact.

As a society, we have to believe that what we do individually does make a difference. Multiply the efforts of one by the thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of people on earth and together we can make a difference.

It may be the most blatant form of optimism but we must believe that if people "knew better" they would "do better." And, therein lies the problem. Regardless of the headlines most of us just don't know where to begin.

That's where "Real World Sustainability" comes in. You can consider it a primer for everything you need to know about how to do your part. While your mantra should become "Reduce, Re-use and

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Decorating, Home

Budget Home Decorating Tips

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Title: Budget Home Decorating Tips

Now You Can Redecorate With Amazing Styles at Bargain Basement Prices.

Don't waste tons of money on a professional interior decorator... Instead, grab the only source of quality information for doing it yourself for pennies on the dollar!

The Budget Manual to Home Decor

2 Of The Main Benefits to Do-It-Yourself Home Redecorating

1) Extremely Cost Effective

An interior decorator will charge tons of money just to TELL YOU what they think. It gets even more expensive if they are overseeing everything!

By doing it yourself, you have complete control over every facet of the project...including your budget. You can create things out of your old belongings, or decide to buy just small pieces of new furnishings. It's completely up to you!

2) You Will Have Created Something that ONLY You Can...and You'll be Much More Proud of it!

Sure, hiring someone else is easier, but it doesn't give much sense of accomplishment. Doing it yourself saves the money, it saves the hassle of dealing with a designer...but it also allows you to creatively express exactly what you want your room to look like. A designer will take your thoughts, and create what THEY THINK you want...

Here is what you will discover inside this manual....

  • The 11 low or no cost things you
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Home, Real Estate

Avoid Foreclosure Hell

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Title: Avoid Foreclosure Hell

"More and More People Are Facing The Prospect Of Foreclosure. Do Not Become Another Statistic, Avoid Foreclosure Hell & Get Your Life Back!"

Dear Friend,

Chances are that you, like other people, are aware of the problems in the real estate market. Foreclosures are at a record high. You may even have been suffering from foreclosure fever a little yourself. Perhaps you have a loan with an adjustable rate that has gone up sky high? If that's the case, then you may be struggling to make your mortgage payments and wondering if you will soon be joining the dismal statistics of those who are in foreclosure. In some states, such as California, Florida and Nevada, foreclosures run into the hundreds of thousands.

Perhaps you recently lost your job and are having a hard time finding another job. The unemployment rate has been sky high lately. If you are one of the unlucky people who has found themselves out of work and is now struggling to make the mortgage payments, you may be worried about foreclosure and looking for ways to avoid foreclosure.

Or perhaps you are one of the folks who was preyed upon by lenders who wanted to give you a loan that you really couldn't afford but took after some smooth talking. Now the rate of the loan has gone up and you are scrambling to try to make the payments.

Like you, I struggled to pay... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Home, Self Defense, Self Help

How to Improve Your Home Security

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Title: How to Improve Your Home Security
Keep Out Unwanted Intruders

Now YOU Can Finally Learn How to Improve Your Home Security WITHOUT Spending a Fortune.

Don't become a victim and risk your important possessions and, more importantly, your family...Instead, grab the only source of information that teaches you how you can quickly and inexpensively make your home unattractive to burglars!

How to Improve Your Home Security And Keep Out Unwanted Intruders

The Top 2 Benefits to "Burglar-Proofing" Your Home:

1) Simple, yet effective ways of securing your home

There's no need for a high-tech alarm system that's difficult to operate, and expensive to purchase. With the tips shown in this book, you'll find out what burglars look for, and how you can quickly and easily become an unattractive option for them.

2) Save money...and secure your family

Not only does this book offer ways of saving money WHILE making your home a burglar's nightmare, but it also helps ensure that those burglars won't have access to your family and yourself. Possessions are one thing, but having your life at risk is something no person should have to worry about.

Here is what you will learn inside this guide....

  • Other ways to prevent break ins. We'll look at certain types of equipment and other low-cost things you can do to make a burglar's life... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Garden, Home

Lawn Care

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Title: Lawn Care

"The Secret of A Great Lawn Without Needing a Professional - You Can Do It And I Can Show You How!"

A Great Looking Lawn Doesn't Have To Cost Hundreds Of Dollars Or Require The Use Of A Professional Lawn Care Service. All You Need Is This Incredible Book!

Dear Homeowner:

I know what it's like to take pride in your home. From the moment I moved into my very first home, I spent a lot of time considering the shape of the lawn and what I could do to make it look better.

As I stood on my new front porch, I saw clumps of grass that didn't match the rest of the grass, dandelions, and weeds. It was just grass - it wasn't a lawn. I had visions of a beautiful green carpet lying out before me as I looked out over my "kingdom". What I saw was much less than that.

But I knew I could change that if I wanted to - and I really wanted to! I started doing research and was simply overwhelmed at the vast amount of information on the Internet alone regarding lawn care and landscaping. There wasn't anyplace that put it together for me in one place. I thought my dream was dead.

Then I Found This Book!

From the moment I read it, I knew I had found the answer to all my lawn care questions. In fact, I loved it so much; I obtained the rights to it and am now eager to share it with you. There's just no other

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Home

Distilled Vinegar for Cleaning

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Title: Distilled Vinegar for Cleaning

White Distilled vinegar is best for cleaning

Maybe the oldest use for vinegar yet (besides as a food). Cleaning with vinegar is much safer than using commercial products.

Table of Contents:

  • Tarnished Copper
  • Window Cleaner
  • Dishes
  • Carpet Spot and Stain Remover
  • Floor Cleaner
  • Coffee Maker
  • Waxing a Floor
  • Grease Cutter
  • Oven Cleaner
  • Remove Staining Flower Pots
  • Remove Water Stains
  • Clean Raw Wood
  • Cheap Cleaning Solution
  • Whirlpool Tub
  • Hard Water Deposits
  • Furniture Polish
  • Microwave
  • Brassware
  • Rust off Cast iron
  • Steam Vac
  • Antique Appliances

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Category: Home, Self Defense, Self Help

The Supreme Guide To Home Security Systems

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Title: The Supreme Guide To Home Security Systems

If you are looking for ways to protect and improve your home security without wasting much money then this will be the most important letter you'll read for today...

"Finally, You CAN Stop Living In The Fear Of lowlife criminals With Environmental Protection And Discover How To Attain full Control Of Your Family's Safety By Transforming Your insecure Home Into A Great Wall That grosses Out Trespassers And Burglars permanently!"

If You Have ever Wanted To Know All About Protecting Your Home With The Right Home Security Systems, Then This Guide Is About To Show You All You Need To Know About Home Security Systems.

Dear Home Owner,

Do you realized this days, more and more home owners are having a risk on their home security issues and they could become one of the victim from an intruder that might challenge their family if their home do not equipped with a good home security system?

Yes, I know, the criminals are getting smarter day by day...

As in their minds, the so called "Low Hanging Fruits" and the easy money for them is home burglaries.

So, what do we need to do?

Is our life is being on a risk while we stay in a home that do not equipped with a home security system?

Of course, Yes...that's why I am about to show you and I will show you how to choose the right security... Click here to read the full description!

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