I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like being taught.
Winston Churchill

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Title: Disaster Preparedness Kit
Author: Rod Purnell

An EXCELLENT Disaster Planning Guide!

In this ebook:



  • Do you have sufficient food, water and clothing to survive for several days if necessary?
  • Do you even have one?
  • Are you prepared to administer first aid?
  • What is your Disaster Preparedness Plan?

Answers to these questions and much more are outlined for you in precise detail in the Disaster Preparedness Kit. Learn about The Four Steps To Safety, Children and Disasters, Your Disaster Preparedness Kit, Special Needs For Seniors and People With Disabilities, Consideration For Your Pets, and includes Resources. You are free to pass this Disaster Preparedness Kit on to your friends and family!


Bonus to the "Disaster Secrets - Save your familys way of life!"

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Category: Health, Home, Spirituality

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Title: Ancient Secrets for a Healthy Home
Author: Mallory Neeve Wilkins

Non fiction, reference, Feng Shui, Vaastu Shastra. Ancent Secrets for a Healthy Home.

Everyone carries the mystcal movement of Earth's, energy from their birth year, throughout their whole life. The teachings of the ancient masters and sages who mapped the path of the earth's energy over 5000 years ago, are finally written for all to read. These secret studies that were once passed on by word of mouth are now passed on by the written word with all the calculations for everyone to read and comprehend. 

When there has been a change in health, creativity, relationships, career or prosperity... then it is time to make corrections within you environment. All the medications, yoga, healing remedies, mantras, etc will only work to the level of a healing environment. You need to be situated in your personal best location environment possible to achieve the topmost results. Correct your environment, then you can take your treatments or cures, and the results will be considerably better and longer lasting. It has been written that if you 'Control the forces of nature, you can control your life.'

Ancient Secrets talks about the ways and means of calculating your personal energy charts and applying corrections to your environment and home, room by room.

The sacred studies of China and India have endeavored to bring harmony and well-being to people, buildings and the environment. At one time or another, everyone

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Category: Home, Mystery, Spirituality

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Title: House of the Caduceus
Author: Mallory Neeve Wilkins

Mystery and spirituality come together in the novel 'House of the Caduceus' when the building of a Feng Shui house, in the mountains on the Pacific west coast, is threatened by a dynamic meeting of Eastern and Western cultures. Everything vibrates and has motion, but a house carries energy from the land, the architect, the builder and everyone who works on it or lives in it.

When a powerful negative energy affects the mood, health and lifestyle of the Architect, Maria Powers, Interior Designer, Karme Chan and their team as they begin one of Canada's most difficult and dangerous construction feats, kundalini's mystical movement opens their path to enlightenment.

Before construction can commence, the land must be cleansed of its negative energy and a group of inspired people must be selected. Guided by a persceptive Shaman and his own intuition, the land owner, Airik Alcadinho, encounters conflicts and mysteries that lead him to Oatman, Arizona.

'Caduceus' carries the energy of kundalini, throughout history, as a healing symbol of power and health by indicating the knowledge of keeping in balance. Without it, death and chaos occur. As they each struggle to complete the retreat home in a harsh environment, the mystical movement of energy controls their fate.

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