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Hobbies ebooks

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Category: Arts, Hobbies

How To Become A Professional Drawing Artist

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Title: How To Become A Professional Drawing Artist

Realize Your Dream of Becoming a Professional Pencil Drawing Artist. Discover The Art of Pencil Drawing From The Experts!

A Complete Manual On The Qualities of A Pencil Drawing Artist

Dear Artist,

If you have the desire and knack for pencil drawing, but don't have the time to attend extensive drawing classes...then this letter brings you a lifetime opportunity to turn your dreams into reality.

You may be gifted by an inborn quality to draw beautifully but you require an ace artist to sharpen your skills and help you out with the nitty-gritties of the art. You need an expert who will manual you step by step to discover and master the art of pencil drawing.

So, what's the solution....?

Keeping this requirement and the time constraint of today's fast life in mind, I have brought together all the essential tips, qualities, and requirements of a professional artist and composed an ebook called "How To Become A Professional Drawing Artist".

Now, you have the key to become a talented professional artist yourself and also be able to teach others. The ebook offers a step by step manual to discover pencil drawing. It also tells you about the qualities required in a professional drawing artist.

In short, the ebook offers you extensive training directly from the guru of

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Crafts, Hobbies

A Newbies Guide to Woodworking

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Title: A Newbies Guide to Woodworking

"Wonder No Longer About Things Like Designs, Tools And Safety. These Problems Among Others Will Be Covered In This E-Book. You Will Be Creating Great Wooden Works Of Art In Very Little Time At All!"

For The Beginning Woodworker, The Construction of Handcrafted Wood Creations Can Be a Daunting And Overwhelming Experience. Well, Not Anymore!

Dear Friend:

Furniture is all around us. Whether we're in school, in a hotel, or in our own homes, just look around. There are pieces of furniture that someone made.

Years ago, before Wal-Mart and furniture conglomerate stores, people crafted their own furniture at home using the tools and methods that have been passed down through generations.

Today, a good piece of furniture can cost a lot of money. And there's little personal satisfaction in knowing all you had to do was write a check for your coffee table. You'd be amazed at how easy it is to make not only furniture, but other piece of beautiful woodwork to put in your home. But what if you don't know how?

Well, That's Why You Need This Ebook!

Most beginners get overwhelmed by the vast information needed to create stunning woodworking pieces. If you're one of them, we're coming to your rescue.

Finally, there's a breakthrough new ebook made just for people who want to explore the hobby of woodworking. Exclusively... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Hobbies

A Beginners Guide to Coin Collecting

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Title: A Beginners Guide to Coin Collecting

"A Beginner's Manual to Coin Collecting"

You are standing in the checkout line at the grocery store. Your turn rolls around, you pay the clerk and patiently wait for your change. As she places the change in your hand suddenly your heart leaps to your throat and for an instant you even forget to breath!

There in the palm of your hand is what appears to be a "Mercury Dime!" You quickly contain yourself and slip the change in your wallet. When you return home you are able to confirm that you do have a somewhat rare find!

The Mercury Dimes were produced on and off during the 20th century and have a market value of $50 a piece. Aren't you glad you caught the coin collecting bug a few months ago?

Okay, maybe that was a bit over the top but make no mistake this story unfolds across the country very frequently. Just a little bit of knowledge and you, too, can discover how to distinguish the occasional rare find.

"A Beginner's Manual to Coin Collecting" can give you the information you need to find that rare coin and determine if this is a hobby you would like to pursue.

Learn this:

  •  Where to find coins - some places are better than others
  •  Becoming a Numismatic - the fancy word for a coin collector
  •  What you should look for in a coin - shiny isn't always better
  •  What affects the value of a coin - is it all about... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Garden, Hobbies, Home

Bonsai Trees: Growing, Trimming, Pruning, and Sculpting

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Title: Bonsai Trees: Growing, Trimming, Pruning, and Sculpting

The Art Of Trimming Sculpting And Pruning Bonsai Trees Is Becoming One Of The Fastest Growing Hobbies In America For People With A "Green Thumb". Don't Be Left Out Of The Bonsai Sculpting Craze And Discover How To Make Many Beautiful Bonsai Trees And Have Fun Also!"

Even If You Think You Have a "Black Thumb", You Can Grow a Bonsai Tree And Amaze Your Family And Friends! Discover And Master The Art Of Bonsai And Find Out Why The Japanese Revere This As a True Art Form!

Dear Future Bonsai Master:

The art of bonsai has been around for years. Its culture is deeply rooted in the Asian culture and it adds not only a touch of class to your garden and home, but it also can provide a beautifully sedate focus for relaxation and meditation - right in your own home!

The Japanese believe in simplicity when it comes to aesthetics. What could be more beautiful than a simply crafted tiny version of a normal sized tree? An old Chinese proverb says

"The Man Who Removes A Mountain Begins By Removing A Few Small Stones."

This is the art of bonsai. You take a tree that is meant to grow many feet tall and allowing it only to grow a foot or two.

Many people new to bonsai are daunted by the task that awaits them. After all, growing bonsai takes time. It takes patience and diligence to craft your own bonsai work of art, and in a world of

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Hobbies

The Art of Making Perfume

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Title: The Art of Making Perfume


  • Understanding Notes When Making Perfume
  • What to Look for When Buying Essential Oils for Making Perfume
  • Tips to Successfully Making Perfume
  • Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Making Perfume
  • Making Great Smelling Perfume the Simple Way
  • Simple Perfume Recipes You Can Make at Home
  • Helpful Tips When Making Your Own Perfume
  • Making Perfume at Home
  • Helpful Tips to Remember When Making Perfume
  • Learning about Making Your Own Perfume
  • Creating Your Own Perfume Fragrance
  • Why So Many People are Making Their Own Perfume
  • Making Perfume for Scented Spray
  • Getting the Desired Fragrance when Making Perfume
  • Learning the Benefits of Ingredients When Making Perfumes
  • Making Your Own Perfume
  • Making Perfumes for Holistic Healing and Well Being
  • Making Perfume for a Unique Gift Idea
  • Methods of Making Perfume
  • Making Your Own Signature Scent
  • Perfume You Can Make For Your Dog
  • Making Aromatherapy Perfume at Home
  • Simple Perfumes You Can Make With Your Child
  • The Art of Making Perfume from Scratch
  • The Simplicity of Making Solid Perfume

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Arts, Hobbies

Getting Introduced to Oil Painting

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Title: Getting Introduced to Oil Painting

Get Introduced to the World of Oil Painting by the Masters!!!

Attention All Oil Painting Enthusiasts!!! - Before You Get Started

Let Experts Teach You about Origin And Basics of Oil Paintings

Dear Artist,

If you have always wanted to be a professional oil painter but never got the opportunity to join a class or get guidance by an expert, then pay attention...You are reading the most important letter of your life. This letter will open for you the door to success; it will not only take you to the world of Oil Painting but give you more than you could ever ask for! This is just the beginning.

Getting Introduced to Oil Painting

The most important thing in every art form is to grasp the basics. One, who tries to discover an art form without knowing the basics and the origin of it, gets no success as their foundation is weak. Oil painting is an interesting form of art, but it must be understood to appreciate it and understand it well.

Keeping this in mind I present to you the ebook 'Getting Introduced to Oil Painting' where in I have included carefully selected chapters which with take you step by step into the world of Oil Painting. You will not be alone; you will be directed to the oil painting world by the experts themselves.

'Getting Introduced

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Hobbies

A Beginners Guide To Antique Collecting

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Title: A Beginners Guide To Antique Collecting

Learn How To Make Huge Profits By Buying And Selling Antiques Online

Dear Fellow Antiques Enthusiast

You don't have to look far these days to find someone who says they can make you rich.

Work from home, Pyramid Schemes, Chain Letters, Catalogue Delivery. You'll find all these jobs advertised in your local newspaper all the time.

Do they work? Well yes for some people.

But for most people, they just end up getting burned. Paying a joining fee and never making any money out of it at all.

Frustrating isn't it?

Well This Is 21century!

This is the information age now you know! Everything you need is right in front of you on the internet. You now have the ability to buy and sell things online, without having to leave your own home.

What can you sell online?

Well take a look around your home. You're sure to have lots of things that you have stored away either in the attic or in a dark cupboard somewhere. Maybe you've put something away thinking it will come in handy in the future. But how long ago was that? Have you used it?

Just take a quick look online at eBay for instance. Go and have a look at what people are buying on there. If you are not a regular visitor to eBay, you're in for a real shock. People will literally buy anything!

One Man's Junk Is Another Man's

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Hobbies

A Beginner's Guide to Coin Collecting

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Title: A Beginner's Guide to Coin Collecting

"Did You Know That Nearly 11.4% of ALL People That Carry Change Are Throwing Away Potentially Thousands of Dollars Unknowingly, Because They Didn't Know Coins Can Be Worth More Than Their Face Value?"

The Best Way You Can Find Out Is To Delve Into The World of Coin Collecting. You May Be Surprised What Might Be Hiding In Your Coin Jar! One Coin Could Pay For Whatever It is You've Been Saving For!

Dear Future Numismatist:

That's what they'll call you once you start into the fascinating and possibly profitable world of coin collecting - numismatist. You would be surprised what you can find out about coins, their value, and their history.

There are thousands of coin collectors all over the world. If you've ever wondered what coin collecting is all about, this is a very important letter for you to read!

People collect all sort of things - stamps, beanie babies, snow globes, phone numbers! What do they get from collecting these items? Many reasons. For some it's the quest toward finding a new addition to their trove. For others, it's completing a set by locating that elusive item. And still others get enjoyment just knowing that they are doing something that pleases them and gives them purpose

It's the same with coin collecting. However, with coin collecting, you can discover a lot more than just what coins you need to complete a set. You discover

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Hobbies

The Beginners Guide to Stamp Collecting

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Title: The Beginners Guide to Stamp Collecting

The Beginners Manual to Stamp Collecting!

Do you have a partially filled stamp album stored away at the back of the closet just gathering dust? Was it a gift from a favorite aunt or grandparent that seemed like a good idea when you were 12?

Has that album always remained a "someday" thing? Maybe it is something that you are always going to do "someday" when you have time. Well, drag that dusty album out of the closet because "someday" is here.

Chances are you are just like the rest of us these days. Stressed out and stretched thin. No time for fun, leisure or recreation. Let me tell you that Stamp Collecting can be good for your health and well being!

That's not a joke. It's the truth. Read every ebook or article on stress and a common denominator is to find a relaxing past time. Well, getting caught up in the enthusiasm of collecting stamps can be just what the doctor ordered.

There is no better hobby to help you relax and tune out the daily stress factors than collecting stamps. That dusty album combined with our "The Beginners Manual to Stamp Collecting" can provide you with hours of fun and relaxation either by yourself or teaming up with a friend.

In fact, you couldn't find a better hobby to share with a child or another loved one. Re-capturing the excitement you felt when that family member first introduced you to the hobby and sharing those feelings with your

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Adventure, Hobbies, Nature

Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches

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Title: Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches
Author: Theodore Roosevelt

When we became a nation in 1776, the buffaloes, the first animals to vanish when the wilderness is settled, roved to the crests of the mountains which mark the western boundaries of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas. They were plentiful in what are now the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. But by the beginning of the present century they had been driven beyond the Mississippi; and for the next eighty years they formed one of the most distinctive and characteristic features of existence on the great plains. Their numbers were countless−−incredible. In vast herds of hundreds of thousands of individuals, they roamed from the Saskatchewan to the Rio Grande and westward to the Rocky Mountains. They furnished all the means of livelihood to the tribes of Horse Indians, and to the curious population of French Metis, or Half−breeds, on the Red River, as well as to those dauntless and archtypical wanderers, the white hunters and trappers. Their numbers slowly diminished, but the decrease was very gradual until after the Civil War. They were not destroyed by the settlers, but by the railways and the skin hunters.

After the ending of the Civil War, the work of constructing trans− continental railway lines was pushed forward with the utmost vigor. These supplied cheap and indispensable, but hitherto wholly lacking, means of transportation to the hunters; and at the same

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