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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hobbies ebooks

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Category: E-Business, Hobbies

The Newbies Guide To Online Hobby Profits

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Title: The Newbies Guide To Online Hobby Profits

Turn your hobby into a regular monthly income!

Dear Hobbyist,

Many people are passionate about their hobbies. They make time in their lives for them, spend lot of money on them, and even sometimes move their homes, families and jobs just to be closer to their hobbies!

But even if you just enjoy your hobby and perhaps wouldn't class yourself as a fanatic, wouldn't it be great if you could earn money online - possibly even a full-time income, from simply telling others people about your passion?

Well it's not just a dream - it's VERY possible.

More and more people are starting 'hobby blogs' to tell the world about their particular interest.

And with just a few tweaks and a little technology, it's relatively easy to make a solid income from your hobby.

Hpw To Make Money Online By Blogging About Your Hobby!

Think about it this way - most people are already experts in one or two areas, and usually it's connected with their hobby.

For example, the fisherman will be able to identify different species of fish, where to find them, which lures to use to catch them and so on.

The sailing enthusiast will know all about nautical terms, knots, how to sail a boat, navigation and so on.

But did you know that there are tens of thousands of... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Hobbies

Paddle Your Own Kayak

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Title: Paddle Your Own Kayak

A Guide to the Art of Kayaking!

Are you one of the many people who want to go kayaking but don't know the basics? Here are some useful tips for a kayak first timer!

Do you ever envy those adventurous people that take across great white rapids, kayaking with heart stopping thrill and adventure?

Without the right tools and information, it could take you years to figure out the secrets to successful kayaking. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to learn how to kayak the way you've always dreamed.

I have always had an interest in kayaking and when I moved near some great rapids, I couldn't wait to give it a try myself. More than once I tried; however, and all with dismal results.

I didn't understand what I was doing wrong but I was determined to find out!

What I discovered completely changed the way I approached kayaking! Now I kayak all the time and love every minute of it.

How did I do it?

I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on kayaking does just that!

Introducing ...
Paddle Your Own Kayak!

Everything you need to know about the success coaching is included in this special

... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Adventure, Hobbies, How To

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Reviewed by david robert williams on 2010-09-07
My Rate 5
very interesting reading, hard going but good

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Title: The Successful Treasure Hunter's Secret Manual
Author: David Villanueva

There is nothing new about the discovery that buried metals give off an aura that can be captured by certain cameras. Louis J Matacia has been promoting a Polaroid camera for years as a major tool for finding treasure, which was great, The author found treasure himself using just such a tool. The problem now is that the camera is obsolete, although still readily available on the previously enjoyed market and competition from digital cameras forced Polaroid to stop making the film in 2005. The last original film pack the author bought was two years out of date and cost $60.

With the prospects of obtaining Polaroid film apparently worsening the author set about trying to find a solution and came up with two! The first is that there is a suitable Polaroid film readily available.

The second solution that the author describes in great detail is - wait for it - YOU CAN CAPTURE TREASURE AURAS WITH DIGITAL CAMERAS! Not collector's items like the Polaroid, mind you, but recent models that you can buy anywhere tomorrow.

And the digital camera works brilliantly. Auras can be obtained on gold down to a quarter of an ounce or less - that's a single coin or nugget! The camera can even discriminate between different metals- all from a distance and can be used anytime during daylight hours.

By definition, instruments that can reveal hidden treasure from a distance are long-range locators. But the author does not discuss expensive commercial long-range... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Hobbies, Home, How To

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Reviewed by Paul Wade on 2011-11-22
My Rate 5
Great information!!! I am a DIY upholsterer myself. Have done two antique sofas fairly well but had to figure it all out on my own and what I could find on the web. This will help tremendously. Thanks again.

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Title: Do It Yourself Upholstery Instructions

You'll be show exactly how to do your own DIY upholstery with this step-by-step guide. It shows you how to strip your piece of furniture down and completely reupholster it back to perfection. It shows you upholstery techniques so you'll be able to do all the re-upholstery yourself.

Inside you'll discover:

  • The art of springing-up correctly is exposed. And you're taken by the hand and shown step-by-step how to master springing-up yourself.
  • How to re-button ANY chair or settee...once the mysterious art of buttoning and pleated buttoning is made easy (and simple) for you.
  • 2 different styles and shapes of chaise lounge and a step-by-step ebook on how to upholster them both.
  • The 3 different styles of spring seated chairs and how you should replace the webbing in all three of them. You'll also discover the key to getting the exact degree of elasticity in your webbing. (Hint; This secret separates the professional from the amateur upholsterer.)
  • Need to protect your antique furniture? Then here's step-by-step instructions on how to measure your chairs and make your own slip covers which fit them exactly.
  • How to know how many yards of material you'll need for a particular job and how long the task will take you. Now you'll know exactly how much material you'll need for any upholstery job.
  • And many more upholstery insider secrets, tips and techniques you won't find anywhere else.
  • Pillow edge... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Green Products, Hobbies, Home

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Reviewed by PRASHANT KUMAR on 2009-10-22
My Rate 1
it is true that i m intrested in ur project,but u r asking a huge amt of money before satisfying me. showing an email as proof is not enough. i m a student .by reading ur words i m satisfied but plz satisfy me practically.

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Title: free Energy Options Create Electricity In Your Own Backyard!

"Reduce Your Home Electric Bill To $0 Dollars Every Single Month By Building Your Own Solar And Wind Powered Generators Right In Your Own Backyard (It's Easy To Do)!"

With my step-by-step instruction ebook, you can eliminate your electric bill completely by generating your own electricity, even if you have ZERO technical skills and have never done anything like this before!

Introducing : Free Energy Options!

I've engineered the Free Energy Options system to be simple, straightforward, and easy-to-use. In fact, if you can't set up your own renewable energy solution for less than $200, we'll refund 100% of the purchase price.

My step-by-step ebook will show you how to build your own Solar Power System AND Wind Power System regardless of your technical prowess -- I mean ANYONE can do this!

Here's a peek at what you may experience as someone that applies my step by step instructions found in Free Energy Options:

  • The money you save with Free Energy Options will be yours to spend or save and will add up to thousands of dollars saved over time!
  • Your electricity bill will be greatly reduced, if not completely eliminated -- in fact, you
... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (1 after 1 votes)
Category: Entertainment, Hobbies

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Title: Displaying Your Collectible Houses
Author: Elizabeth Dinger

How To Display Your Dept 56® Collectible Houses .....

  • Have You Ever Dreamed Of Making Beautiful Displays But Then Just Couldn't Do It?
  • Are You Display Challenged?
  • Are You At A Loss For New Ways To Set Up Your Dept 56® Displays?

If you agreed with any of these statements, then you are at the right web site.

Displaying your Dept 56® collectible houses in beautiful and memorable displays is now quite simple ......

Introducing "Displays by Number"

Elizabeth Dinger, the author of the popular Display Tips for Collectible Houses, has written another best seller - Displaying Your Collectible Houses - Displays By Number.

Her Creativity Shows!

Many have commented on how life-like her displays always look and how mesmerized they are as they just stand there and gaze. Taking in everything in her displays is always a joy!

As such, many wish they were creative enough to make displays similar to hers.

That Time is Now Here!

Forget about all those flat and dull displays. By following her plans you can now create eye catching and memorable displays because this new ebook will show you everything you need to make beautiful displays.

This ebook was written with you in mind. We want you to be able to create these exquisite displays in your own home so every attempt was made to document as many details as... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Hobbies

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Title: Scenery Layout Train Construction Ideas

Here's a brief summary of what you'll get in Scenery Layout Train Construction Ideas

  • Wiring for DCC or single locomotive operation (diagram included)
  • Wiring for DC with multiple locomotives (diagram included)
  • Wiring a Micro Layout (operational plan included too!)
  • Which industries work best on model train layouts
  • When to use insulated rail joiners
  • What you need to know about switching layouts
  • What rolling stock and motive power to use
  • WAYS to shape a hill and construct a creek (photos included)
  • Tricks to make the layout seem bigger than it really is
  • The very best below track level scenery ideas
  • The surprisingly simple way to add rust streaks
  • The clever idea to create the illusion of unloading grain
  • The NO-COST and LOW-COST fun ways to make natural looking scenery for your model train layout
  • The BIGGEST mistake when choosing track plan
  • The BEST way to maintain electrical connection to the tracks
  • Techniques to build a mountain and forest in low relief
  • Techniques for planning an urban layout, country layout, and one with a single large industry
  • TECHNIQUES to fix the track to the baseboard or underlay
  • Step-by-step techniques for building a ½ Relief Building and 4 Tower Silos (photos included)
  • Secrets of building low relief scenery... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Hobbies

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Title: 303 Model Railroading Answers

Here's a SAMPLE of the 303 questions answered in 303 Train Model Railroading Answers

  • No Mess Way Of Ballasting Track
  • Loco Front Bogie Derails
  • Yard Construction and Design
  • Wiring of Turnouts
  • Wiring of Turnouts
  • Wiring Two Transformers
  • Wiring Turnouts Insulated Frogs
  • Wiring Turnouts Insulated Frogs
  • Under Table Switch Machines
  • Under Table Switch Machines
  • Turnout for Medium Size Layout
  • Transformer Output Problems
  • Train Motors Power Supply
  • Track Structure Placement
  • Track Cleaning Problems
  • Street Lights Causing Problem
  • Signals and Terminus Stations
  • Rusting Track Problem
  • Program DCC Long and Short Address
  • Program DCC Long and Short Address
  • Problems Soldering Track
  • Problem with code 100 track and switches
  • Powering Remote Electric Switches
  • Powering Remote Electric Switches
  • Power Failure at Points On Layout
  • Power Continuity On Model Train Layouts
  • Outer And Inner Track Switching
  • Oiling Locomotives
  • Multiple Accessory Hook Up
  • Multi-Level Model Train Layouts
  • Model Train Track Dead Spots
  • Model Train Layout Space Problems
  • Model Railroading Software Preferences
  • Loss of Power to Tracks
  • Locos Not Climbing Inclines
  • Locomotive Motor... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Entertainment, Hobbies

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Title: How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy
Author: Warm Regards

REVEALED: Insider Secrets of a Professional Automotive Designer

"How To Draw Amazing Cars ... "

Here's Just a Small Taste of What You'll Discover When You Download Your Copy of How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy Today:

  • The single most important thing to do when starting to draw side views 
  • The professional tools and materials you're likely to already have lying around the house ... and the ones you need to take your drawings to the highest level 
  • What the most common mistakes are when drawing perspective and how to correct them 
  • How to overcome the biggest stumbling block for most people when drawing cars 
  • Why copying and tracing can help your drawings and the most important thing to remember when doing it 
  • Everything you need to know about drawing wheels in perspective so you have them looking right each and every time 
  • The 3 key categories of car design that lets you quickly and easily define the overall shape of your car drawing 
  • The secret tip the pros use to produce amazing drawings 
  • Detailed step-by-step analysis of drawing examples so you can see what the pros look out for 
  • The key principles you must know to get your car looking right first time every... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Entertainment, Hobbies

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Title: Theme Party Secrets
Author: Danielle Stewart

"How To Throw Killer Theme Parties Your Guests Will Go Crazy Over Each and Every Time!"

. . . Whoever Has Given A "Dud" Theme Party Obviously Has Never Heard About This . . .

Here's just a small sampling of what you will discover:

  • Tips on how to create a party that won't be considered tacky or too "over the top" (Isn't it nice to show off your great flair for entertaining?)
  • How to have as much fun planning the party as it is to be a guest there!
  • How to easily decide on a theme from the many party ideas provided (And be relieved knowing the party will be different and much more fun.)
  • A step-by-step "formula for success" about where to begin and how to put it all together (Helps keep you nice and relaxed before and during the festivities.)

You'll find all types of exciting tips. From how to select and plan a theme. . . to where to find the supplies you'll need. From how to decide what the best games or activities are for your guests . . . to how to encourage everyone to dress up!

  • Time-saving methods so you can cut your party planning time in half, yet still throw a killer party
  • Theme party ideas for all budgets (you don't have to be rich to throw a memorable theme party)
  • The truth about party games that will make all the theme parties you throw full of laughter and good times
  • The Anatomy of a Party -- a step-by-step ebook to planning it all, from... Click here to read the full description!

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