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Andre Maurois

Garden ebooks

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Category: Animals, Garden, Hobbies

Bee Keeping

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Title: Bee Keeping
Learn How to Keep Bees Successfully

Dear Friend,

Beekeeping can be a fascinating hobby or you can turn it into a lucrative business. The choice is yours. You need to know some basics to help you get started. The equipment needed to be a beekeeper. Where can you find the equipment you need? The best location for the hives. You can't just put bees in any spot. What needs to be considered when picking the location for your bees?

The best place to get your bees. How do bees come in a package? Or do you have to catch your own? What are the challenges of beekeeping? What are the special needs of the bee that will ensure a good honey crop? Will there be a return on my investment into beekeeping? You want to discover to be a beekeeper. You want to master the art of making honey. It is important to have the correct information needed to start your new hobby. Without information we would all be floundering in the dark.

Knowing where and how to start will prevent you from making costly mistakes. Where do you find the information you need to get started in beekeeping? When you do find the information, there are 10 different ebooks to read?

How can you get it all in one place?

You want the information to be easy to read simple to understand and all in one place. You need:

An easy to read summary...
And Beginner's Beekeeping Bible

With the Beginner's Beekeeping Bible you can discover to become a beekeeper. It will teach you the things you need

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Category: Garden

The American Gardener

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Title: The American Gardener
Author: William Cobbett

If you think people are born with a green thumb, THINK AGAIN!

I used to have a brown thumb. I tried raising all sorts of plants, and no matter what type of plant it was they ALWAYS died!

I tried planting rose bushes, and before the beauties could even bloom the bushes had become dried sticks without a touch of green.

I tried planting corn, squash, beans and all sorts of vegetables and my garden didn't even produce a single kernel. Not even enough food to feed an ant. Believe me, I am sure that the ants and bees were laughing their heads off at me as they searched for food elsewhere. They sure weren't finding anything to eat in MY YARD!

I figured maybe because I was living in Georgia, where red clay was a problem then I would try potted plants instead. I tried flowers, and they died. A friend suggested that I try growing a cactus, so I did, the cactus died. HOW CAN YOU KILL A CACTUS???

Someone else suggested that I try an Aloe Plant, because these things were indestructible. A friend gave me an aloe plant and the poor thing was dead within 3 months. Needless to say my friends quit suggesting things for me to grow. One even told me that if I got a fake plastic plant, with my luck, it would probably die too!

I so desperately wanted to see a little lively green plant growing happily in my home. I wanted fresh vegetables for my table. All I found instead

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Category: Garden

Understanding Orchids

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Title: Understanding Orchids
Author: Terry Ploughman
The Ultimate Gardeners Guide to Cultivating Orchids

Exotic, mysterious and rare, nothing compares to the beauty of an orchid. Is it any wonder it's the favorite amongst the first corsage of choice worn on the shoulder or wrist of beautiful young women?

Are orchids a part of your life? If not, would you like them to be?

Treasured for their beauty, did you know that there are more than thirty thousand known species? Perhaps you are the lucky recipient of an orchid plant. Do you know how to care for it? There are different care instructions depending on the species and variety.

As delicate as they are, growing orchids isn't that difficult if you have the proper instruction. In fact, turning an orchid growing hobby into a business endeavor isn't all that impossible either, if you know how.

Enter "Understanding Orchids" The Gardener's Complete Guide to Growing, Drying and Selling Orchids.

If you have any questions whatsoever about orchids, you'll find the answer in "Understanding Orchids." Take a look:

  • Orchid Species - Common Types of Orchids
  • What Makes An Orchid An Orchid?
  • Basic Culture of Orchids
  • Orchids for Beginners
  • Growing Orchids - Beginner's Advice
  • The Right Orchid for You
  • The Easiest Orchids to Grow?
  • Buying Tips for Orchid Plants
  • Tips for Growing Orchids Successfully
  • Growing Orchids at home
  • Provide the Perfect Environment
  • Growing Orchids in a
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Category: Garden, Home

Lawn Care

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Title: Lawn Care

"The Secret of A Great Lawn Without Needing a Professional - You Can Do It And I Can Show You How!"

A Great Looking Lawn Doesn't Have To Cost Hundreds Of Dollars Or Require The Use Of A Professional Lawn Care Service. All You Need Is This Incredible Book!

Dear Homeowner:

I know what it's like to take pride in your home. From the moment I moved into my very first home, I spent a lot of time considering the shape of the lawn and what I could do to make it look better.

As I stood on my new front porch, I saw clumps of grass that didn't match the rest of the grass, dandelions, and weeds. It was just grass - it wasn't a lawn. I had visions of a beautiful green carpet lying out before me as I looked out over my "kingdom". What I saw was much less than that.

But I knew I could change that if I wanted to - and I really wanted to! I started doing research and was simply overwhelmed at the vast amount of information on the Internet alone regarding lawn care and landscaping. There wasn't anyplace that put it together for me in one place. I thought my dream was dead.

Then I Found This Book!

From the moment I read it, I knew I had found the answer to all my lawn care questions. In fact, I loved it so much; I obtained the rights to it and am now eager to share it with you. There's just no other

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Category: Garden

101 Tips For Growing And Enjoying Your Own Great Roses!

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Title: 101 Tips For Growing And Enjoying Your Own Great Roses!
Are You Ready To Make Your Garden The Envy Of All Of Your Neighbors With Beautiful Roses?

Well are you ready?

Roses are arguably the most beloved flowers in the world. They symbolize love, friendship, and sympathy with an elegant beauty.

They're also known for being one of the most fragile and time-consuming flowers you can attempt to grow on your own. Roses can catch diseases like they can sway in the wind, right?

Why take the time to learn to grow these beautiful, elegant flowers?

Because they are beautiful elegant flowers! Plus the rumors are not all true - any gardening enthusiast can successfully grow gorgeous, healthy roses with just some reliable information...

...and a little tender loving care as well.

If you want to make your garden come alive with the beauty of the worlds most beloved flower - well then you need...

101 Tips For Growing And Enjoying Your Own Great Roses!

Greetings Gardening Enthusiast,

Give me 20 minutes and I'll give you all the expert advice you need to start growing your own gorgeous, healthy roses right outside your front door.

If you are an admirer of roses, you can become the envy of friends, family, and neighbors with some expert gardening advice.

It is true - roses have a reputation for being hard to grow and maintain. And some roses are harder to grow then others.

So let me clear up the rumors for you right now:

If you are not an experienced gardener, you should NOT grow hybrid teas

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Category: Garden, Home

How to Build a Fence

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Title: How to Build a Fence

" Are you looking for the quickest yet best way to build a beautiful fence surrounding your most elegant property, on the smallest shoestring budget?"

Hello There,

My name is Alex I'm coming to you today to talk about my experience fences, the biggest problems with fences is no one ever realizes how much work goes into these small structures around your property. However, I have produced the best ebook on the market to teach you all about fences, why to get a fence, how to build a fence, hiring a professional etc.
My ebook is called FEN 101 ~ How to Build a Fence, I cover every aspect to fence building and throughout the ebook we target a shoestring budget. This is for those who don't want to drop a couple thousand dollars on a simple fence. Come take a look at what is inside with me.

Inside the ebook I break up the topic of fences into many chapters,

  1. Hire a Professional or Do It Yourself Job
  2. Do I really need a fence?
  3. What Type of Fence Should I Install (Fence Types)
  4. Installing the Fence (The Specs)
  5. Tools Needed to Get Started
  6. Additional Good Ebooks

These chapters were designed to give you an easy read away from all the engineer talk. Below I will briefly explain what is inside each chapter.

Do I really need a Fence?
Obviously, this would be your first question

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Category: Garden

101 Gardening Tips

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Title: 101 Gardening Tips

101 Tips to Have a Fabulous Lawn and Garden


Lawn and Garden Care Tips

1. Remove the debris
- One of the best things that you can do to get your lawn in shape for the coming season is the remove any debris; such as branches and rocks that may have accumulated over the winter. Not only will this help give your grass room to grow, but it will also prevent safety hazards once mowing season begins.

2. Do not over fertilize with nitrogen - Traditionally, many people would prepare their lawn with high amounts of nitrogen-based fertilizer in the spring. Unfortunately, this often leads to a significant amount of damage to the grass. If you are going to use nitrogen, be sure to wait until you have mowed at least a few times before you fertilize with nitrogen and wait until there will no longer be frost on the ground.

3. Use controlled-release fertilizers - If you are going to use a fertilizer in the spring, then you are best to look for one that contains nutrients that are released slowly over time, rather than all at once. You should also consider fertilizing over time, so that you help your grass to grow slowly rather than all at once.

4. May 1st is a good date to start weeding out crabgrass - In most areas of the country, crabgrass does not start to root until around the middle of May. Therefore, if you are going to apply an

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Category: Garden

Organic Gardening

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Title: Organic Gardening

Beginners Manual to Growing Your Own Organic Vegetables

Add delicious organically grown vegetables to your diet today...

Growing Organic Vegetables Explained!

Dear Friend,

I'm sure you, like many people, have been trying to find a way to eat healthier so that you can live healthier. There are many fad diets available today that do not always produce the desired results. One of the only ways people today can live a healthy lifestyle is to eat only healthy foods.

Many of us have researched eating organic vegetables and the many benefits that come with having a diet that includes organic vegetables. The problem is that most of us do not know how to include organic vegetables into our everyday diets without spending a large amount of money. I'm sure you have compared the price of organic vegetables with non-organic vegetables more than once. I know I have.

Still, the decision to avoid organic vegetables in favor of non-organic vegetables is a hard choice to make. Organic vegetables usually taste better and overtime can cleanse the system and help promote weight loss, lower blood pressure, and even lower cholesterol. Plus, organic vegetables do not contain potential harmful chemicals that are often found in the insecticides and weed killers used to help grow... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Garden

51 Tips for Greenhouse Gardening

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Title: 51 Tips for Greenhouse Gardening

Do you love gardening? Thinking about getting a greenhouse?

51 Tips for Greenhouse Gardening can help!

Dear Friend,

Greenhouses can be a very fulfilling investment. This ebook is designed to give you some great ideas about how to start an awesome greenhouse garden.

In this ebook you'll learn...

  • Why start a greenhouse
  • Types of greenhouse structures
  • Controlling the temperature in your greenhouse
  • Where to put your greenhouse
  • What type of coverings to use

Find all these tips and more! Start that greenhouse garden today!

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Category: Garden

Worm Farming

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Title: Worm Farming

Do You Want To Discover More About Green Living That Can Save You Money?

Learn How To Create A Worm Farm From Scratch!

Dear Friend,

Recycling has caught on with a more people as the years go by. Well, now there's another way to recycle that may seem unconventional at first, but it can save you money down the road. Plus, you get to help out the environment at the same time! Recycling by composting with worms is something that is different for a lot of people. You can do that by making your own worm farm.

You're probably thinking, "Why in the world would I want to create a worm farm?" Well, worm farming for a lot of people is considered a hobby. However, when they find out the benefits that come with doing it, they get pumped up and really get serious about it. More people are embracing green living and are seeing the results. So, why don't you join them?

Worm farming can show you a new way of enriching soil. And if you are a plant lover, you can use the soil with your plants so they will be healthy. In addition to that, you can use the compost in your garden. Do you want to know why this is a good concept? Because when you mix the compost with the soil, you end up with an organic mixture. People know that organic items are better for you than those with all of those toxins.

Using the compost with worms will help you to have a better quality of soil because of the

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