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Garden ebooks

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Category: Garden

House Plants

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Title: House Plants

Table Of Contents:

  • Indoor Plants For Indoor Design
  • Your Indoor Garden
  • Is It a Houseplant If It's Outdoors?
  • Growing Potted Plants
  • Starting From Scratch: Seeds and Cuttings
  • Choosing a Pot
  • How To Feed Your Houseplant
  • Water, How Much Is Right?
  • Proper Care For Your Houseplants All Year Round
  • How To Grow a Healthy Palm Tree
  • Caring for Tropical Plants
  • Spider Plants, Practically Indestructible
  • How To Care For Sansevieria
  • How To Care For Bamboo
  • The Braided Money Tree
  • Pitchers, Fascinating Carnivores
  • Proper Care and Feeding For Jade Plants
  • Houseplant Diseases and How To Treat Them
  • Indoor Garden Pests

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Garden

The Planting & Caring for Your Rose Garden

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Title: The Planting & Caring for Your Rose Garden

"Who Else Wants to Discover the Amazing Secrets to Growing Beautiful Roses Anytime, Anywhere - No Matter What Your Experience Level?"

New eBook Reveals Tips, Tricks & Techniques You Can Use to Consistently Grow Gorgeous, Healthy Roses with Ease!

Dear friend,

Roses are a great addition to anyone's life, home or yard. They add color and beauty and they smell great, too!

Roses are also a symbol of peace, love, and friendship and they have come to represent great taste and ever-lasting love. Unfortunately, growing roses successfully has always been difficult ... until now that is!

Why is now different? I invite you to keep reading to find out!

So Are You Ready to Experience the Sweet Smell of Rose-Growing Success?

Over the years, roses have acquired a reputation as being one of the most fragile and time-consuming flowers you can attempt to grow on your own.

They often catch diseases and other times can wilt and die for no apparent reason ... but now anyone can quickly and easily learn how to grow these beautiful, elegant flowers just like a professional horticulturist.

Here's why:

Introducing "The Planting & Caring for Your Rose Garden" eBook!

At last, here's your chance to discover the techniques the experts use to consistently grow beautiful... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Garden

How to Attract Butterflies to Your Garden

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Title: How to Attract Butterflies to Your Garden

If You're Looking To Dramatically Increase The Number of Butterflies That Linger Around Your Beautiful Garden, This Might Be The Most Important Page You Read All Year!

It Doesn't Matter If You Haven't Gardened A Day In Your Life, Or If You've Been Doing It For 30 Years!
We Show You All The Secrets You Need To Attract Butterflies To Your Garden... Guaranteed!

Dear Butterfly Enthusiast,

The beauty of a butterfly is not enjoyed or appreciated as much as it should be. These gorgeous fluttering creatures flit about without a care in the world, and all they want to find is a good place to eat, rest, and relax. Not unlike us humans!

No matter what kind of gardening experience you have, you can attract butterflies to your garden and enjoy the gorgeous simplicity of Mother Nature's gift to us.

"Butterflies are self-propelled flowers"

- R.H. Heinlein  

Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.

- Nathaniel Hawthorne

Human beings are constantly in pursuit of beauty and truth. There is little as beautiful as a butterfly alighting onto a flower and nothing as truthful as its amazing simplicity.

Cultivating a butterfly garden will enhance your spirituality

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Category: Garden


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CINERARIAS.-The plants intended for large specimens must receive their final shift, and be allowed sufficient space to expand their foliage without interfering with or injuring each other. The side-shoots to be tied out.

EPACRISES.-As some of them will be preparing to burst into flower, a little arrangement may be necessary in tying them out to display their spikes of bloom more advantageously.

FUCHSIAS.-If wanted early, the plants that were first put to rest should be selected, and be fresh potted, cutting back the roots, beginning with a small-sized pot; to be shifted into larger when the roots have extended to the outside of the ball. Place them in a nice moist temperature of 50° by day and 40° by night.

HEATHS.-To be looked over, and the dead and decaying leaves removed. The most forward in bud-such as the Vestitas, Vernix, Vasciflora, Aristata, Beaumontia, and many others, to be tied out, and arranged for the season.

PELARGONIUMS.-When large specimens are wanted, tie out the branches at equal distances, and down as near to the rim of the pot as possible. Air to be given at

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Garden

The Secrets For A Lush Garden

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Title: The Secrets For A Lush Garden

How To Make Your Garden As Your Neighbor's Envy!

Warning: Don't Blame Us If Your Garden Ends Up Being The Favorite Outdoor Modeling Spot For All The Photographers In Town...!

Learn How You Can Groom The Best Garden In Town, That Wins The Admiration Of Friends, And Envy Of Your Neighbors...No Matter What Your Experience! Discover Some Little-Known, But Highly Effective Gardening Tips And Tricks That Will Make Your Garden An Attraction For All...!

Finally! You Can Now Instantly Discover The Secrets To Groom The Most Beautiful Garden In Your Neighborhood! Our Tips And Tricks Will Save You Tremendous Amounts Of Time, Effort And Money, Making Gardening A Truly Exhilarating And Satisfying Experience!


Valuable Information About Everything You Want To Know About Creating And Maintaining Lush Graden.

Dear Friend,

Have you ever longed for a lush garden? Have you ever wondered about the secrets of successful gardeners who can grow fruits and flowers so easily? As the e-Book "The Secrets For A Lush Garden" will inform you, a green thumb has nothing to do with it. All you have to do is follow the tested and proven gardening tips and techniques as set forth in this amazing gardening e-Book.

These Are Some Of The Tips You Will

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Category: Food, Garden

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-27
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this Book"Ultimate Aquaponics Home System as by this u can learn to imagine a Garden Where Theres No More Weeds or Soil Pests, No Tilling or Cultivating, No Fertilizer Spreading .

Reviewed by Rajesh Rao on 2010-07-11
My Rate 5
We have undergone this information, and we are very much impressed resulting into to order this auaponic home system for our multi acr farm.

Reviewed by Susanne Friend on 2009-06-20
My Rate 1
They came on a farm tour (we are the "family on the island of Kona") and this is probably stolen information. At the very least, the comment about our "spending five minutes per day" in our system is RUBBISH. Take all reference to us out of your literatur

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Title: Ultimate Aquaponics Home System
Author: John Fay

"Break-Through Organic Gardening Secret Grows You Up To 10 Times The Plants, In Half The Time, With Healthier Plants, While the "Fish" Do All the Work..."

Imagine a Garden Where There's No More Weeds or Soil Pests, No Tilling or Cultivating, No Fertilizer Spreading or Compost Shredding, No Manure Spreading or Irrigating, and No Tractor Shed Required...

And Yet... Your Plants Grow Abundantly, Taste Amazing, and Are Extremely Healthy. Here's How It Works:

Here's what you'll find in-side the eBook... and the many benefits you'll enjoy with Aquaponics

  • Step-by-Step Instructions! Start Yours Today!
    Inside the eBook you'll find everything you need to make your own aquaponics system, including diagrams, explanations and instructions, every-thing is step-by-step, anyone can do this.
  • Up to 10 Times More Plants!
    With aquaponics you place plants closer together on a float system above the water, therefore it fits 10 times more plants in the same space! The roots of the plants are always in nutrient rich water and there's no over-crowding!
  • No More Watering!
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Rating: (3.66 after 3 votes)
Category: Garden

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Reviewed by nancy battistello on 2010-11-14
My Rate 1
I paid on line for the clementis fertlizer recipe and books for a total of $21.55, tp this date I have not received anything in eithermy e-mail or mail, although my account has been debited for this amount. Is this a scam??

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Title: Forceful Insecticides & Fertilizers: Home Made Formulas
Author: Don Barton

John Perez, professional gardener, finally reveals his Secret Recipes (strictly here only and nowhere else) and why he always refused to sell them to Multinational Companies.

If you'd like to obtain a great lawn, without breaking your back every weekend, without spending a fortune and without poisoning your kids, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.

Here's why:

  • You'll learn the best ways to protect your plants, your trees, your pets and your family. (Realize that it's for very good reasons that more and more cities are BANNING the use of commercial insecticides and fertilizers).
  • You'll eliminate forever the need for COSTLY insecticides and fertilizers...FOREVER!
  • You'll discover the long-lasting pest-resistant natural insecticides that work faster than commercial brands.
  • You'll be also guaranteed to avoid expensive professional pest control services; you'll know what it takes!
  • You will find out how to deal effectively with pet damages (this will save you hours of work).
  • Without this key knowledge your lawn development is almost on hold, his quality decreases with time and it loses value.
  • Without this key knowledge you'll always get minimal results.
  • At last, you'll learn how to deal effectively with wicked weeds for FREE.
  • You will discover John Perez's best insecticides that SAFELY eliminate insect infestations FOR
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Rating: (1 after 1 votes)
Category: Food, Garden

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Title: The Complete Grape Growers Guide
Author: Danie Wium

How many ways do you, the "home grape grower" know how to "SUPER CHARGE" your grape vine? To be perfectly honest, I think there's ONLY ONE available on the Internet and you've just stumbled on it!

Would you like to go through all the trial-and-error, the failure and disappointments, and the lost time and money -- just so you can figure out these growing grape shortcuts by yourself? Or would you like to save yourself a bunch of money, time, and frustration by learning from someone who has already been through all of it -- so they can just hand you only those methods that really work, the stuff that can have your grape vine in production quickly and easily!
You see, the biggest lesson I've learned in the grape growing business is that TIME is your most valuable asset. And time is something we don't always have!
I'm willing to share these shortcuts and techniques with you, if you're willing to invest in your grape vine, and in yourself, so that you can start growing the Ultimate Grape Production "Machine"!
The ball is in your court.
All that remains is you deciding whether you want to own the most perfect grape vine and produce the best quality grapes there is and experience the joy of producing your very own grapes from your grape vine which most people can only DREAM about.
And if you think that there is really an easier way for the the home grape grower to succeed in growing grapes, then all I can say is "sweet dreams my friend"

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Category: Garden

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Title: Orchid Secrets Revealed
Author: Mary Ann Berdak

"How to Grow Breathtaking Orchids - Even If You've Never Raised One Before!"

Long-Lost Resource Resurfaces and Reveals the Secrets to Growing Perfect Orchids Every Time

Here's Just a SMALL Sampling of What You'll Discover In This Amazing Resource...

  • Discover the 3 capacities of the labellum - and why they are critical to your orchid's survival
  • Learn why your pods might just contain over 186,300 seeds for propogation!
  • Just starting out? This could very well be the perfect orchid for you.
  • Learn the amazing prediction Darwin made about Xanthopan morgani praedicta
  • If you're working with small pots, then this little "trick" will keep them from crashing to the floor.
  • Apartment dwellers love (and need) this special "case".
  • Discover the common mistake everyone makes about epiphytic orchids - and how to avoid it!
  • How to tell the difference between monopodial and sympodial groups (and why the difference is important to your future as an orchid grower.)
  • Put an end to a popular myth about sun
  • True or False: A Cattleya's old dry bulbs are dead. FALSE! Learn how to discover the new life that's waiting for you.
  • This is the #1 problem you're faced with when transplanting orchids to civilization
  • Think all orchids offer nectar to insects? Find out why this common misconception is false and the REAL trait all orchids
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Garden, Home

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Title: 101 Home Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide
Author: Becky Mundt

These are the Home Cleaning Secrets The Home Cleaning Industry doesn't want you to know!

STOP Black Mold, Mildew, Algae and Bacteria!

"Who Else Wants To STOP Black Mold, Mildew Algae and Bacteria From Destroying Their House... Growing under Carpets... Creeping Up Basement Walls... Shedding Potentially Toxic Spores and Debris into the Air You Breathe... Without Spending a Fortune or Turning Their House Into a Chemical Waste Dump?"

Here's just a taste of what's you'll discover:

  • Three quick and easy steps to keep your kitchen completely free of dangerous bacteria AND toxic chemicals once and for all.
  • The safest and easiest way to make sure your veggies stay fresh and crisp, even works on fresh made salads!
  • The only scientifically proven way to completely eliminate Skunk Odor! On the dog, your clothes, or even sprayed in or around your house.
  • The number one reason you should seriously consider giving up the use of chlorine bleach permanently. (And why you aren't hearing about it!)
  • The absolute best way for you to keep linens bright and long lasting for years to come! (This tip works for your prized wedding dress too!)
  • How to restore brightness and color to fabrics, and re-whiten those dull greys! (It also helps your fabrics last longer!)
  • How to remove stains like wine, chocolate, sauces and even mustard from fine fabrics. And what *never* to do no matter what... Click here to read the full description!

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