Finance ebooks
Title: Cracking The Millionaire Mind
Author: Steve G. Jones
How a small group of ‘hidden millionaires’ are unleashing windfalls of wealth into their lives… even when they start off overworked, underpaid and deep in debt!
The most controversial wealth-getting system ever published.
You’re about to discover:
- The real reason so many “stall” and never attain a better lifestyle.
- How the millionaire-minded think about compensation… and why it makes all the difference.
- Discover the dead-simple formula behind every windfall millionaire.
- The paradox of vulnerability: How to gain strength through your perceived weaknesses.
- This belief is killing your earning potential. Here’s how to get rid of it immediately.
- Increase your income immediately by AVOIDING this common, knee-jerk behavior.
- How lazy millionaires create passive income streams.
- The truth about making money with your passions. (You’re going to love this!)
- There’s one specific situation when you shouldn’t listen to anybody… even Dr. Jones. Pay close attention to this section.
- Why some make money without effort while others constantly struggle.
- The secret of the “spiral”, and how to use it to your advantage.
- Do this ONE THING every day and WATCH your finances swell!
- Inflame your hidden brilliance… and attract money and opportunity like a moth
Title: Credit Card Debt Survival Guide
After a lot of research and some learning experiences, I discovered that if you can knowledgably frustrate debt collectors and collection attorneys, they do not want to work harder to collect from just you. They are paid on commission. They are motivated to focus their energies on the thousands of other non-resistant consumer debtors assigned to them.
In the Credit Card Debt Survival Guide You get
- Links to debt forums and authoritative websites to reassure you that these are the best practices for fending off debt collectors and collection attorneys,
- Sample debt validation letters and follow-up written communications to frustrate debt collectors and collection attorneys
- How to respond in writing to debt collectors and collection attorneys to avoid being involved in a court case
- The specific wording of phrases that need to be in a debt validation letter and its follow-up, all ready for you to copy and easily customize to your situation.
- How the sources of debt collection—original creditors, junk debt buyers, collection agencies and collection attorneys—differ and how to adjust your written communications accordingly
- The best practices for dealing with debt collectors and collection attorneys
- Debt collector lies and deceptive actions to be ready for
- How to respond to a credit card debt summons, if necessary
- How to find the right kind of help in online debt
Title: Learn How To Beat The Money Debt Trap
I'll show you how to use my new and totally different approach to managing money, staying out of debt, taking control and getting the best out of your finances and your life.
You can turn your finances around if you want to if you take the proper action and I'll help you do it.
First, I want to talk about your self imposed limitations to change and getting out of debt like:
- denying who really is holding you back from change (it is you, isn't it?)
- making excuses about why you can't change
- not giving yourself the courage and fortitude you need to have in order to change
The reason you are in debt is because of your own actions -- combined with your negative thoughts and feelings about money, having wealth, enjoying financial prosperity and ultimately how much you feel you deserve to be happy in life.
I'll show you how to come up with a pay-off plan to know how much you can reasonably pay off on your bills each month.
I'll give you tips on how to help work with and stick to your new budget.
I cover what to do if you slip up (it happens to everyone so don't sweat it) and how to reward yourself for sticking to your budget and putting money back in your pocket.
I've also added an entire section on how to find new and fun to do sources of extra income -- to help ensure you get those debts paid off and more money back in your pocket.
Make Debt Pay Off into Easy to Understand
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:
Title: Wealth Master Interviews
Author: Dr. Joe Vitale, Dr. Steve G. Jones
“Two Of The World’s Most Successful Hypnotists Let You Eavesdrop As They Reveal The Secrets They’ve Used To Become Insanely Rich..Guaranteed”
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the secrets you will discover within this video series:
- How to transform a negative thought that would other wise hold you back into a positive catalyst for success.
- Five simple and easy things that you can do each that program your mind to attract positive things.
- How to inspire yourself to become wealthy even if you have idea how to begin.
- How you can use hypnosis to increase the confidence, motivation and focus needed to generate unlimited wealth.
- The secret technique used to change your mind set into something that serves you positively and helps you attract success rather than holding you back.
- The key to staying focused in your financial goals so you don’ fall off track.
- The biggest obstacle that prevents people from achieving wealth and how to overcome it.
- A simple exercise that you can begin doing today to reduce stress so you can think clearly about achieving success.
- A powerful technique that shows you how to align your intentions with your financial goals so you begin attracting money into your life right away.
- How to use hypnosis to reprogram the subconscious mind to generate wealth.
- How to easily influence your wealth building... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: Video
Reviewed by Satish on 2016-03-15
My Rate 4
As somebody mentioned it is not important how much money you make what is important is how much money you save. This decides the success of an individual in financial perspective. Many youngsters not aware of nuances of debt management fail to manage their high interest paying debts for instance credit cards thus ending up in a financial mess. This book Managing Your Debt is a starters guide for those in employment, business or service who needs to manage their cash inflows and outflow.
Reviewed by Satish on 2016-03-15
My Rate 5
As somebody mentioned it is not important how much money you make what is important is how much money you save. This decides the success of an individual in financial perspective. Many youngsters not aware of nuances of debt management fail to manage their high interest paying debts for instance credit cards thus ending up in a financial mess. This book Managing Your Debt is a starters guide for those in employment, business or service who needs to manage their cash inflows and outflow.
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Title: Managing Your Debt
Author: Solution Loans
When life challenges us it can be easy to get into debt, sometimes these debts seems unmanageable and cause stress. Dealing with these debts and reducing the stress is vital. We have a guide to managing your debt inlucding advise of how to make a budget, how to prioritise your debts, why not to avoid your creditors and why it is important to be honest with them and yourself and you will also information about debt management plans.
If you are in debt or planning to take out a loan and are in fear of getting into debt and managing this, then this is the guide for you. You can manage your debt by understanding the options available to you or preparing in advance. The most important thing to do is be honest with yourself, knowing what you owe and to who is extemely important when coming up with a solid debt management plan.
Take control of your debt today by taking a read of this debt management guide, take the time to further investigate the options given in the guide to ensure you are choosing the right plan for you and the amount of debt you have.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.5 after 2 votes)
Reviewed by Eleanor McPherson on 2009-02-02
My Rate 5
Just read it. Simply written, but tells it like it is. Very useful for me in understanding where I have gone wrong.
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Title: Dr. Dave's Uncommon Financial Advice
Author: Dr. David Shafer
This year, once again, millions of Americans are taking a look at their retirement accounts and wondering what went wrong. Increasingly, since the 1980s, individuals are left to manage their retirement plans on their own. Outside of government employees, workers are left without the old defined pension retirement plans, depending instead on 401K/IRA deferred tax accounts. These plans are almost always funded with a mix of mutual funds. Employers and the government have decided that this combination (401K/IRA/403B tax deferred accounts funded with mutual funds) is the best way for people to save for their retirement. But is it? What is the actual rate of return workers get from their mutual fund accounts? How much actual tax savings does an individual achieve using one of these accounts? Finally, what are the actual results of workers managing their retirement accounts?
Dr. Dave's Uncommon Financial Advice answers these questions and more. Exploring how people really create wealth, it explains how people can build real, lasting wealth, in order to create a comfortable retirement for themselves and their family.
Dr. Dave's Uncommon Financial Advice provides valuable information for everyone interested in planning for retirement or who is growing concerned about their financial future. If opening your retirement account statements is becoming a painful endeavor, or if you don't even have a retirement account you need to read this ebook.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by Wendy Bower on 2016-05-03
My Rate 5
excellent report. details about Latino immigrants and alternative financing available to them is invaluable resource
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Title: U.S. Latinos: The Need for Fair and Navigable Financial Options
Author: W. Martina Bower
2016 Report:
Currently, over 11 millions undocumented Latino immigrants reside in the United States and that population is increasing exponentially. A long with being one of the fastest growing populations in the nations, Latinos are now officially the largest minority group in the United States.
Many Latin-American Immigrants work low-wage jobs in order to support themselves and their families, and lack of legal status makes it difficult for them to access safe, affordable loans. In the U.S. Hispanics account for the highest population in California, Texas and Florida. Though financial resources for Latino borrowers in these areas are groing, there is still rampant discrimination and exploitation of Latino brorowers occurring on the part of lenders, landlords, and other services, particularly in urban areas.
With such a glaring economic disparity, it is clear more work needs to be done in providing viable financial solutations for the Latino population.
Data is presented fromt he Pew Hispanic Trends Project, 2016.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by James Eaton on 2015-04-30
My Rate 5
The book helped me a lot, I learned a variety of things about saving money and making money.
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Title: How To Save Money Through College: How To Work, Save And Still Pass Finals
Author: James Eaton
How To Save Money Through College: How To Work Save And Still Pass Finals is an information packed ebook. It focuses on inspiring readers to save money through college, by being frugal. you will learn how to cook your own food, use credit cards wisely, eat healthy food, use all the free entertainment that the college offers, live healthy to prevent medical expenses from occuring. You will learn how to stay positive,no matter what happens in order to stay focused on the goal at hand. We all understand that college is not a walk in the park, and that you are going to deal with obstacles along the way. When in college you must believe in yourself, most of all. Everything starts with a dream, also staying in contact with your parents or loved ones is of vital importance, this you will learn. you will also aquire the knowledge to become a student worker,even though working and studying at the same time may not seem simplistic. This fantastic work will help you yield results for your efforts in lesser time.
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by naome Dominguez on 2017-09-30
My Rate 3
This book breaks down the most used and important terms that I have found.
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Title: What Really Makes Money A to Z Guide
Author: Paul Caskie
This Free Ebook is a collection of all the methods and ideas of websites and money making products i have reviewed on my website www.knowl8dge,com
The A to z guide will hopefully be able to show you something that could earn you some extra cash...
The idea range from different gambling method ...such as arbitrage and matched betting to trading and ivestment markets as well as a few original ideas..
Most of the idea are the bases from some of the world best selling money making system, Work from home opertunitys or second income streams ...
As well as full explanations of the method i have also recomended some products and idea to help you get started ...
This book is really a comprehencive guide of every thing i have learned running my original site knowk8dge and its follow up
There are contact details includes in the book and i would be happy to discuss any of the methods listed within....
I run my sites full time and am more than happy to pass on my advice and discuss products and ideas that anyone has
hope you like it
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (3 after 1 votes)
Title: Fighting Foreclosure
Author: HomeRun Homes
Foreclosures have been gripping the country, and if you're one of those affected by them, you need to educate yourself so that you do not get bamboozled and swindled into losing your home or losing more money.
Ebook Type: PDF
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