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Finance ebooks

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Title: Money-Saving Tips from a Stay-at-Home Mom
Author: Melanie Casey

Would you like tips for raising a family on one incom?. Of you answered yes, this ebook could do that! It shows how to cut your grocery bill in half and save money when cleaning, cooking, gardening and on household bills. There are also tips for creating a budget and getting out of debt.

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Category: Finance

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Title: Rapid Wealth Building Methods
Author: Dwight Anthony

FREE Blueprint offers quick and easy ways of building wealth on your own terms. Wealth Building, although harder than frivolous spending, is able to be attained. The highest net worth individuals know this and so should you. Make sure to grab this highly valuable ebook that can help get you there.

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Category: E-Business, Finance

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Title: A comprehensive introduction to Binary options.
Author: Danny Archer

This is a free ebook dedicated to introduce you to a new financial asset: binary options. Indeed, binary options are more and more popular among traders because they are as simple as lucrative. It is the only financial asset that allows you to reach a 400% return rate.

The Author, Dany Archer has a long experience in the finance universe and he's sharing for the first time his experience with everyone through this 9 pages ebook dedicated to binary options. He discovered binary options a few years ago and decided to share his knowledge with new traders in order to help them to understand how to invest in binary options online.

From the binary options brokers to the different kinds of options, this ebook describes everything.

Enjoy it.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Education, Finance

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Title: The 18 Types of Outsourcing Service Bangladesh - We Helps to Choose the Right Service?
Author: Enroute International Limited

There are many fifferent types of outsourcing services. Some common ones are information technology (IT) outsourcing, human resources (HR) outsourcing, and business process outsourcing (BPO). Each type of outsourcing service has its own benefits and drawbacks. Enroute outsourcing can help a ccompany reduce its IT costs, while HR outsourcing can help a company save on employee benefits costs. However, BPO can be more expensive than other types of outsourcing services.


Outsourcing has become a popular way for organization to reduce costs, imporove efficiency, and focus on heir core business. While Outsourcing can offer many benefits, it is important to choose the right type of outsourcing service to ensure that the organization get the most value for their money. There are 18 types of outsourcing services, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Get the most out of your outsourcing services. Learn about the different types of outsourcing services and how they can benefit your business. Find the right outsourcing company for you.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance, Forex, Investing

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Title: Macro to Micro Volatility Trading - Kindle Edition
Author: Mark Whistler

Macro to Micro Volatility Trading is for serious traders and professionals navigating Forex, stocks, options, or futures markets daily. Within Macro to Micro Volatility Trading, readers will see how and why traditional understanding and concepts of "volatility" within markets are often flawed. In addition, traders will see how and why volatility is not something to be afraid of; rather, why an understanding of volatility truly provides trading opportunity and signals on an intraday and swing trading basis. See how and why prices trading away from the mean is not dangerous or indicative of a reversal, as mainstream statistical thought would have us believe. Instead, trading "away from the mean" specifically indicates when and where prices are trending, providing short and long-term signals for traders to profit from. Moreover, traders will learn how to use an advanced understanding of volatility to decipher when and where uncertainty has stepped into markets, and when and where mean reversion is commencing. Many traders fear "lateral chop"; however, even within stock market and Forex volatility, lateral trading is truly one of the greatest opportunities to knock off series of profitable trades. When uncertainty persists, prices return to one place, which savvy traders will learn to identify and profit from. Macro to Micro is not for traders seeking an "easy red line crosses blue line" signal. Macro to Micro Volatility Trading is for serious traders and professionals who... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Education, Family, Finance

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Title: The Simple Guide to Saving Your Home!
Author: Maryann

Countless Americans are stuck in Loan Modification Hell! Our country is experiencing THE worst housing crisis ever! Yet...our media is strangely quiet about what is happening each and every day.....Americans getting kicked out of their homes by Wall Street.

I fought the big banks and was able to SAVE MY HOME and obtain a loan modification. I wrote a ebook to help others. My ebook is no-nonense, easy to read and conversational. It will help you understand WHY you can't trust that customer service representative at the bank and HOW to save your home and UNDERSTAND YOUR OPTIONS.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Finance, Investing

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Title: Rewriting the Rules: Telling Truths About Women And Money
Author: Diane Bourdo and Hallie Kraus

"Women lack confidence in their financial decisions."

Sound familiar to you? It's just one of the many stereotypes that have long-defined conversations about women and money. For decades, these stereotypes have conditioned all of us to believe that women aren't interested in investing. That they don't have the knowledge needed to handle their finances independently. That finance is a "man's world."

But the truth? These are complete myths - at least, that's what the research says. It tells us that women are the primary breadwinners in almost half of American households and control about 60% of the nation's personal wealth - a number that's on the rise. And what's more, 70% of major financial decisions are made by women, while 85% of consumer spending is controlled by women.

In "Rewriting the Rules: Telling Truths About Women and Money," authors Diane Bourdo and Hallie Kraus put these myths to rest once and for all. From the confidence gap to risk awareness, Bourdo and Kraus talk about the relationship between women and money in an unapologetic, unabashed way. At its core, the book is designed to address the unique challenges women face, encourage them to venture outside their comfort zone and empower them to recognize the strenghts they already possess, in finance and beyond.

In each of the myths they explore throughout the book, Bourdo and Kraus make powerful observations, share new perspectives and provide recommendations to inspire real,

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Finance, How To

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Title: The KANJItrader Method

The Fibonacci Sequence is an ancient pattern that occurs naturally throughout the natural world!

This powerful new manual shows step-by-step the PROPER application of this ancient strategy to financial markets.  

Easily the greatest path for low risk and massive profits.

You will see:

  • How to determine the direction SHIFTS in markets
  • When to apply the Fibonacci Sequences, and to which charts
  • Why trailing stops are a LOSING proposition
  • How to ride a trade wave to the maximum profit


Conventional wisdom has much to say about the business of trading.  You have probably heard things like:

  • Trading is difficult
  • Trading requires a large capital
  • Trading takes years to master

The KANJItrader Method will show you that this is not necessarily so!  You will find out what really works year after year, decade after decade.  While this book introduces the KANJItrader BASIC Method, it is NOT  basic manual about the FOREX or financial markets.  This is probably the most valuable e-book you will find in your lifetime!


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance

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Title: Personal Loans Ebook

Did you know a personal loan is unsecured meaning that it does not require the borrower to put up a form of security as a guarantee for the lender. The lender bases a decision on whether the borrower will be able to repay the loan. Personal loans are available from a wide range of lenders, applicants are not restricted to the traditional High Street banks. 

So how do personal loans work, should you apply for a personal loan, what are the downsides? These are all questions that we look into and more from the Payday Loans Ebook. This is a perfect guide for those looking to take out their first personal loan or for someone that may need more information on the subject of personal loans. 

This Ebook also lets you know how much you could get for a personal loan and what the rules are from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and what the pay back scales are and how these work. 

In any money borrowing circumstance make sure you understand the rules and the implications this may have on you and your credit rating. 

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Real Estate, Finance, Nonfiction

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Title: How to Get a Mortgage Home Loan Online
Author: R. Smirh

Thinking about buying a home or refinancing a mortgage? This ebook provides easy to understand, yet detailed FAQs and information about how to get a mortgage to buy a home or refinance an exisitng home loan. Learn about the mortgage loan process and get answers to specific questions about real estate financing.

Regarding a home purchase, there are many online calculator tools that can give you a general idea of the home price range that you can afford, but did you know that real estate agents and home sellers place more value on a pre-approved buyer's purchase offer when compared to the same price offer from a buyer who has not been pre-approved by a mortgage lender?

Before you refinance your home, it is important to know how the home refinancing process works, what questions to ask mortgage lenders, how to research the available loan options, and determine whether or not mortgage refinancing will provide a financial benefit to justify the time, effort and expense involved in the process.



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