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Finance ebooks

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Category: Finance

Forex Trading Strategies

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Title: Forex Trading Strategies

"How to Be a Super Successful Forex Trader!"

Forex trading involves dealing in international currencies. Here, one can sell currency of one country to buy that of another. The trader deals in Foreign Exchange [Forex] at the most appropriate time to profit from the transaction. Good ability to forecast plays a vital role here. One may wonder how Forex trading can be such a lucrative earning opportunity since fluctuations in exchange is so little.

But remember, when done in big volumes, a minor change can mean a lot. There are many non-monetary advantages to it as well. Anyone who wants to deal in Forex can do so, since only the basic knowledge is required for it.

Pages: 37 

Table Of Contents

What is Forex Trading?

  • Four Main Types of Orders in Forex Market
  • Importance of Forex trading
  • Forex Trading Price Movements-How and Why Markets Move and

How to Profit

  • The Market obeys Scientific Laws
  • You predict the Forex expense trends
  • Business Can be made of News
  • Win the Competition
  • Actual Expense Trends
  • Be Imperfect but Never a Loser

Forex Traders: The Need to Be Objective

  • The Three Trend line Strategy
  • Forex Trading Tools

How to Win with Forex: The... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance

101 Powerful Tips for Legally Improving Your Credit Score

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Title: 101 Powerful Tips for Legally Improving Your Credit Score

The Secret Of Boosting Your Credit Rating - Finally Revealed!

Who Else Wants To Boost Their Credit Score To Repair Financial Damage Constantly Hanging Over Your Head?

They're smiling but they don't trust you.

A polite nod here, a chuckle there. Meanwhile they're anxiously waiting for your credit report. You know it hurt your chances of getting the loan when you had to admit to some small financial mistakes in the past.

As you leave the office with that sick feeling telling you you've already lost, they state the inevitable, "We'll let you know."

Less than perfect credit is not a permanent situation. If you've made financial mistakes in the past (and who hasn't), it's not too late to start repairing your credit today. When you know the little tips and tricks you can use to convince the credit bureau's your trust worthy... can leave the loan officer's chair confident that the deal will have a happy ending. It's all about knowing how to play the credit game. And you can play the game like a master with...

101 Legitimate Tips for Boosting Your Credit Score!

Greetings Friend,

If bad credit is holding you back, you can start nursing your ailing record back to health today with a few strategic moves.

We've all made our financial

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance

Credit Repair Strategies Revealed

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Title: Credit Repair Strategies Revealed

Are you falling off in Debt? Stuck in a bad Credit? Undergoing much hassle with those hard & frequent Credit Calls? ... Or maybe you are just now experiencing hard time to secure any loans for yourself? - Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read for today...

"Learn The Insider Secret Guide That Allows You to Repair Credit score, Enjoy Your Freedom To Get Approved On Any Loans You Wants Even If You Have No Credit Building Experience Or Suffering From Deep Negative Credit History!"

If You Have ever Wanted To Know How To Get Rid Of Bad Credit & Get Out From The Debt As Quickly As You Wish Then You Have Landed On The Right Place.

Dear Frustrated Debtor,

Are you in a debt currently? and...

Would like to get out of your bad debt as quickly as possible with the right steps you always wanted to seek for?

Then please keep reading on...

yeah, it's that important...

In today's society becoming more and more business oriented, establishing and maintaining good credit is much critical if you plan to do any of the following:

  1. Apply for employment
  2. Open a bank account
  3. Rent an apartment
  4. Setup an account with public service or the telephone company

As we all know that building a credit history is seems to be more

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance, How To

Surviving the Recession

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Title: Surviving the Recession

Survive the Recession, Discover How to Cut Costs and Win the Recession Game!

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you are aware of the current state of the economy. There doesn't seem to be an end in sight. It affects all of us either directly or indirectly.

This isn't something "new." We've been through this before. The only upside of our situation this time is that we now have more sophisticated ways to share information.

When faced with an economic crisis, either individually or collectively, our first inclination is to cut out luxuries. That's a pretty obvious step to take. It's just the first step, however. Sometimes we are so close to a problem we just can't "see the forest for the trees."

The first thing to understand is that you are in this by yourself. There are no magic bullets or safety nets poised to soften the landing when you fall off the cliff. You have to look out for you and yours because no one else is going to do it.

There are steps you can take to minimize the effects on your finances. You just need to know where to begin.

We believe we have the answers to your questions about where to begin your quest on fighting the recession monster. "Surviving the Recession" is just what the doctor ordered to cure your recession ills.

You've taken the first step just by reading this page.... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance, Green Products, How To

Go Green - Save Green

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Title: Go Green - Save Green

125 Ways To Save Money ... and Still Be Green!

Go Green - Save Green
Make A MASSIVE Difference...

The Dalai Lama put it best when he said, "We have a responsibility to look after our planet. It is our only home."

Unfortunately, most Americans still think Kermit the Frog was right when he said, "It ain't easy being green." But Kermit wasn't talking about the environment - he's a frog, green in color, and besides, he isn't even real!

Our planet is warming up and many scientists believe we humans are the cause of the heat. This causes the Greenhouse Effect. And it just keeps getting hotter and hotter and hotter...

"As if that isn't enough, the whole globe is suffering an economic downturn like we've never known before."

Is there no hope?

There's plenty of hope. YOU can do something about it - and save some of your hard earned money too! Kermit the Frog was wrong - it's easy being green, and it's easy to save money at the same time!

This ebook saves you money and you can still be green...

"Back In The Good Old Days Everyone Was Green" - Life was simple then.

They didn't travel on huge jumbo jets, they didn't run around the country in gas-guzzling motor

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance, Forex, Investing

Insider's Guide To Forex Trading

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Title: Insider's Guide To Forex Trading

If you're going to start making big money with forex trading...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

You're About To Discover The Secrets To Raking In Massive Amounts Of Cash Forex Trading, No Matter How Much Time You Have Had To Prepare!

It doesn't matter if you've never had any past forex trading experience or education, This manual will tell you everything you need to know, without spending too much brainpower!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on forex trading in the near future? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough ebook created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to have the most successful, forex trading career that will bring a smile to your face, then this ebook is definitely for YOU!

I myself have forex traded for 5 years, but it wasn't easy my first two times! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive ebook on forex trading!

This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Ebook On Forex Trading You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This ebook... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance

Personal Finance Guru

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Title: Personal Finance Guru

"Learn How You - Or Anyone - Take Control Of Your Finances, Set Your Money To Work For You And Enjoy A Happier Life!"

Whether You're Making A Few Hundred Dollars Or A 5 Figure Income Per Month, Discover How You Can Keep Most Of Your Money At The End Of The Month Using Super Simple Financing Methods!

Dear Friend,

Buried in a mountain of bills and debt before your eyes? Not having enough money for yourself at the end of the month? Need better finance management so you can finance your child(ren)'s college education and get all the wonderful things that you want in life?

By now, you definitely realize that it's not really how much money you make, but ultimately how much money you keep.

It's a crying shame - quite a number of highly paid executives, CEOs and officers today keep almost as much money as the janitors who clean the office building at the end of the month, even though their monthly salaries print 4 to 5 figures.

The culprit: horrible finance management!

"Well, Here's Something You Really Need To Know..."

I'm not surprised if you're not convinced by this fact because after all, most people are conditioned to (sub-consciously) think that financial advisor's businesses are OTHER PEOPLE's finances.

This is a valid fact, no doubt, but I'd like you to quickly indulge me in this brief... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance

Bad Credit: Absolute Truth the Credit Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

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Title: Bad Credit: Absolute Truth the Credit Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

How Anyone Can Establish, Manage, Repair and Erase Bad Credit Without Losing $1,000's to Credit Repair Company!

Do you want to know how to establish credit, maintain, manage, and fix it when it's broken? May be what you want is a better living that is free of harassing phone calls from creditors.

Or do you want to know how to get out of bad credit debt, avoid overspending, clean up your credit report and establish good credit? If your answer is yes - then this will be the best message you ever read this year.

Today we now live in credit world where credit is now a necessity for almost every consumer, but it's quite unfortunate that thousands upon thousands of people (possibly including you) are rejected for credit almost every day.

Most often it's usually because they have poor credit history or bad credit. It may even be because of error on your credit report being circulated in the credit market. If you are in this condition too it's not your all your fault and you are not alone. All you need is to read my latest ebook.


"Bad Credit: Absolute Truth the Credit Industry Doesn't Want You to Know."

If you are in need of rebuilding your credit history and equity, believe a creditor has wronged you, or your want to get out of debt now this ebook will open your eyes to hidden truth credit card

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance

How to Achieve Your own Financial Independence

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Title: How to Achieve Your own Financial Independence

"High Power Tips That Guarantee Financial Freedom!"

In the 21st century the concepts of time and money are being redefined. ''Financial Freedom'', is one such term that has gained much importance in the changing financial scenario.

''Financial Freedom'' means the freedom from continuous financial responsibilities through a planned management and allocation of assets. It frees a person from back-breaking work by giving him a steady source of income for life.

One must not think that a financially free person is also debt free. However, his prudent asset management ensures that his debts do not become a burden but only a part of his over-all expenses. In this way, his debts do not hinder his long term financial goals.

Financial freedom cannot be equated with being rich. One must not forget that surplus wealth requires constant supervision. In the long run, a rich man's obligations do not make him ''financially free'' in the true sense.

Thus, financial freedom maybe defined as a lifestyle that blends expenses and income according to the individual preference. This makes ''financial freedom'' a more possible and convenient state of being.

Pages: 36

Table Of Contents

What is Meant By Financial Freedom?

  • Achieving Financial Freedom
  • Financial Freedom is Time Freedom

Realities of

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Finance

The Ultimate Salesman

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Title: The Ultimate Salesman

"Learn With This Step By Step Manual How To Perfect The Art of Being A Good Salesman!"

Revealed Below: The Top Tactics To Conquer All Your Fears and Seal The Sale When Approaching Your Customer"

Are YOU The Ultimate Salesman?

Dear Fellow Salesman:

Are you frustrated and tired of facing rejection? Do you hear "no" more than you hear "yes"? Do your sales pitches sound as worn out as you feel giving it? Maybe you're just getting started in sales and you'd like some direction and pointers on how to make slam-dunk sales.

I am of the opinion that a sales career is the best line of work. Whether you need to add more spunk to your pitch, or you just want help getting a firm footing in your new sales career, I can help you.

Are You Memorable? Do You Make A Lasting Impression On Each And Every One Of Your Customers?

Regardless of what product you sell, there is a key ingredient that must be factored into the equation to secure each sale. You must sell yourself, not just the product! Most people buy a product simply because they liked the salesman-NOT necessarily because they wanted the product!

People will remember you years from now if you are unique. If you walk through the door with the same hum-drum message coming from every other salesman, chances are you'll not only... Click here to read the full description!

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