Finance ebooks

Credit Score Confidential
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Credit Score Confidential
The Secret Of Boosting Your Credit Score is Finally Revealed!
Who Else Wants To Boost Their Credit Score --- to Repair Financial Damage Constantly Hanging Over Your Head?
Does this Scenario Sound Familiar to You?
They're smiling but they don't trust you.
A polite nod here, a chuckle there. Meanwhile they're anxiously waiting for your credit report. You now
your credit score is hurting your chances of getting the loan -- that's why you had to admit to some small financial mistakes in the past.
As you leave the office with that sick feeling telling you you've already lost, they state the inevitable,
"We'll let you know."
Less than perfect credit is not a permanent situation.
If you've made financial mistakes in the past (and who hasn't?) it's not too late to start repairing your
credit today.
When you know the little tips and tricks you can use to convince the credit bureau's you're trustworthy.
.. you can leave the loan officer's chair confident that the deal will have a happy ending.
It's all about knowing how to play the credit game. And you can play the game like a master with...
"Credit Score Confidential --- Secrets Revealed to Improve Your
Ebook Type: PDF

Repair Your Credit
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Title: Repair Your Credit
If you're wanting to discover about boating...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
"You Are Going To Get An In-Depth Look At One Of The Most Remarkable Credit Manuals There Is Available On The Market Today"
It doesn't matter if you are just for the first time looking at building credit, this manual will get you on the right track to a great score.
Dear Friend,
Are you wanting to buy a house or a new car?
Do you or someone you know have bad credit or no credit at all? If so, pay close attention!
There's finally an original new ebook created just for people like you!
And, if you really want to know the facts about credit, this ebook is definitely for YOU!
This Isn't Like Some Unrealistic Manuals On Credit That You Can Find In Any Store..
...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!
This ebook covers everything there is to know about boating and it's understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "Repair Your Credit"!
It's like having your very own credit expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to!
You'll uncover a wide array of tips, including how to repair your credit today!
I myself was stuck in a dead end job... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

How To Work With A Tax Attorney
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Title: How To Work With A Tax Attorney
Let's face it, Everyone of us has to pay taxes. No truer thing was said than the quote above. Taxes are very easy to manage when you are employed, and the company you work for handles paying your taxes for right out of your salary before you can even get you're hands on it. In most cases you will even get money back come tax time.
But what if you are a business owner, or have a small side business that you have to generate extra income?
This is where many people can easily get themselves into hot water and not even realize it until it is just too late. You do not have the benefits of having your employer, and his/her accounting department basically handling every aspect of keeping you're tax payments current.
A complicated task for the everyday citizen, to say the least....
This is where you need a good tax attorney. But, who the heck knows where to start looking? For most people a tax attorney is for big business, or large settlement cases only, but that simply is not true. This manual will give you all of the information that you need to make the right decisions on seeking, hiring, and utilizing the right tax attorney for you're particular situation.
Here is what is included in the comprehensive manual:
- Kinds of Tax Attorney
- What is a Tax Attorney?
- The Assistance a Tax Attorney Can Provide
- Hiring a Tax Attorney Earlier or Later
- Things
Ebook Type: PDF

Economic Recession An Overview And Comprehensive Case Study
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Title: Economic Recession An Overview And Comprehensive Case Study
Economic Recession An Overview And Comprehensive Case Study
Is The Economic Recession Weighing You Down? Know How To Become The Fittest To Survive During The Tough Times
Secret To Stay Recession-Proof!!!
Economic Recession - 'An Overview And Comprehensive Case Study'
Dear Friend,
There has been much said and discussed about the economic slowdown of the economy and the credit crunch. Recession has affected almost every sector of business, slowing down the profits and increasing debts. And this in turn took its toll over the common man and his day-to-day life. Company close downs, job losses, layoffs, salary cuts....are common during an economic recession.
The other day I heard an incident where a man and his wife committed suicide because they both lost their jobs. It moved my heart to see how the pangs of economic recession is making lives of people miserable as the big companies continue to closedown, layoff their employees or sometimes ask their employees to take a salary cut back.
What's The Answer To Recession?
To survive in the recession, you need to be the fit and strong. So, what the secret to be the fittest among the rest? In order to help small business and common man understand, comprehend and survive in the time of an economic recession, I have
Ebook Type: PDF

Your Guide to Debt Relief
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Your Guide to Debt Relief
Your Manual to Debt Relief
Is there a way to get out of debt without getting a second job or having to increase your work load? Can the average Joe or Jane pay off their bills in a short period time? What about that mortgage or car payment? Could you pay those off as well?
If you thought the answer was NO, you'd be wrong. The answer is YES!!!
You may not be able to dine on champagne and caviar and it will require some discipline but you can do it without having to cut out all of your fun and extra-curricular activities.
All you need is education, and "Your Manual to Debt Relief" is just what the credit doctor ordered! The first thing you need is a plan and then the discipline to stick to the plan.
It's not that difficult and is actually pretty simple. Anyone can do it and you can get started right away! There are actually only three things you need to get started:
1. Know how much you take home each month
2. Know how much you owe and what are the monthly payments
3. Your own copy of "Your Manual to Debt Relief"
You have probably heard the phrase, "bad things happen to good people." Every year there are more good people who experience bad things especially where it concerns finances.
Many young adults graduate from school facing massive debt in student loans, not to mention the normal expenses incurred in just living... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Debt Relief Method
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Debt Relief Method
It's true! You can escape the choke-hold of debt and live out your less time than you think!
"Never-Before-Seen Debt Relief Method Kills Your Credit Card Debt Quickly and Easily - And Makes All Previous So Called "Debt Ellimination" Methods Obsolete "
Dear Friend:
If you answered yes, then the Debt Relief Method may be the solution you've been searching for.
This system can help you eliminate credit card debt. It takes a lot of will, discipline, courage, and help to slay the debt monster.
Here Are Some Of The Warning Signs That You Might Be Piling Up Too Much Credit Card Debt!
- You're charging because you don't have the money...
- You can't pay off the bill in full each month...
- You're health is beginning to suffer...
- You can only pay the minimum amount due...
- You're fighting with your spouse or family over money...
- You're turned down for credit...
- You're living paycheck to paycheck...
- You're considering a loan because the monthly payment is a struggle...
- If you or your spouse lost your job, you'd be in financial hot water...
If you're like the average American family, you may owe thousands of dollars in credit card debt.
This debt continues to generate outrageous finance charges each month dragging you deeper and deeper in the hole!... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Fundraising Basics
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Fundraising Basics
See how easily you can run a successful fundraiser for your organization!
The Most Successful Fundraiser You've Ever Had Or Your Money Back!
Now any organization can get the support they need.
Are you in charge of setting up a fundraiser for your non-profit organization? You're not used to doing "business" dealings, and suddenly everyone's relying on you to bring in some much-needed cash.
The clock's ticking and it's time to start getting prepared.
You need to come up with a plan. What type of fundraiser should you have? Who do you contact to make it happen? And what do I need to start doing today.
Anyone can run a successful fundraiser when they have the right information. When all the need-to-know information is packed neatly into one must have report, you can't lose!
I guarantee your next fundraiser will be the biggest success your organization has ever had. All you have to do is check out my manual...
Fundraising Basics - How To Get All The Money You Need For Your Non-Profit!
Greetings Friend,
Give me 45 minutes and I'll have you ready to start raking in donations like a pro!
Whether you want to put together a bake sale, ebook sale, lottery... or you have no clue what to do for your fundraiser, you can start learning how to pull off... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

The Truth Behind Government Grants Exposed
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: The Truth Behind Government Grants Exposed
If You Want To Take Concrete Steps Towards Getting A Grant, And Want To Know Step-By-Step Exactly How To Do it, Then Learn...
"...The Truth About Government Grants, The Grants That You Qualify For And Exactly How To Write The Perfect Grant Application That Will Have A Real Chance Of Getting Approved Every Time You Send It In!"
If you want to stop fantasizing about getting approved for a government grant and want to get serious about it, this letter is for you.
Dear Friend,
You and I have heard it all before, the man with the funny jacket on late night TV telling us that the United States government gives out over 30 Billion dollars in grants every year. And if we want any of that for ourselves, all we have to do is send him some money and all our money problems will be over.
I don't know about you, but that sounds a little bit too good to be true.
The truth goes something like this: while the US government does grant over 30 Billion dollars a year, you do not qualify to receive most of that money.
Most of that 30 Billion goes to non profit organizations such as:
- City or township governments
- County governments
- Independent school districts
- Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
- State controlled institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits other than
Ebook Type: PDF

15 Ways To Save Money
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: 15 Ways To Save Money
15 Ways To Save Money
Every day we are bombarded with messages telling us how to save money. Zero percent down, half off and two for one are commonplace announcements blasted at us through television, radio and billboards.
As relentless as these commercials are the reality is that very few of these solicitations will actually save us money.
Quite the contrary, they are designed as a call to action to grab your credit card and spend, spend, spend!
Can you spend wisely and have more savings? Yes, you can. But, you need to train yourself to be a disciplined buyer and discover to become an intelligent saver.
"15 Top Ways to Save Money" is just what you need to identify those areas that can really save you significant money. Discover:
- How to save on auto loans
- How to save on insurance
- How to save on mortgage loans
- How to save on gasoline
- How to save on credit cards
- How to save on car repairs
- How to save on home heating and energy
- How to save on home improvement
- How to save on phone service
- How to save on discount furniture
- How to save on major appliances
- How to save on clothing
- How to save on vacations
- How to save on groceries
- How to save on prescription drugs
When you buy on sale, you usually are saving more but
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF

Auction of To-day
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Auction of To-day
Author: Milton C. Work
Table Of Contents:
- Table of Hands in which the No-trump Declaration is Doubtful.
- The Bid of One No-trump.
- When to bid Two No-trumps.
- Table of Doubtful Hands illustrating Exception.
- Exception to the No-trump Rule.
- Suit Declarations.
- The Two Spade Bid.
- Various Ideas of the Two Spade Bid.
- The Three Spade Bid.
- When to bid Three in Either Royals or Hearts.
- When to bid Two in Either Royals or Hearts.
- The Two Bid in Diamonds or Clubs.
- Table of Hands in which a Trump Declaration is Doubtful.
- How to declare Two-Suit Hands.
- When to bid No-trump.
- Bidding over One Spade.
- When to make a Trump Declaration.
- The Bid of Two Spades.
- The Double of One Spade.
- Table of Spade Bids.
- How Second Hand should bid after an Offensive Declaration.
- The Bid of Three Spades.
- The Shift.
- How to Bid against Two or Three Spades.
- When to Bid Two No-trumps over One No-trump.
- When to Bid No-trump over a Suit.
- When the Dealer has shown Strength, and the Second Hand
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