Restlessness and discontent are the necessities of progress.
Thomas Alva Edison

Fiction ebooks

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Category: Fantasy, Fiction, Horror

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Title: Sheep's Clothing
Author: Elizabeth Einspanier

Thanks to his New York education, Dr. Nathaniel "Doc" Meadows has always been a skeptic when it comes to the old ghost stories of the frontier. He strongly prefers the logic of his medical practice, and saw no reason to give these tales any creedence. This changes in a hurry, though, when he offers his aid to a gravely-injured half-Sioux gunslinger named Wolf Cowrie. Cowrie brings some terrifying news with him: three vampires have moved into the small town that Doc has grown to love, and they are feeding on its population.

Wolf has his own reasons for hunting the sinister Russeau and his female companions. Russeau stole away a woman that Wolf had planned to marry, turning her into another of the foul creatures. Doc, meanwhile, is understandably terrified by the prospect of facing down blood-sucking demons, but he has vowed to protect the people of Salvation from any ailment--even one that is supernatural in origin. Doc needs to get over his skepticism in a hurry if he is to save the town of Salvation from a slow death.

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Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Category: Fiction, Novels, Young Adult

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Title: Broken Voices
Author: Winona Rasheed

Broken Voices is a young adult fiction read, a novel. Turn the pages and meet Ella Rose Abbott who is not your typical high school student.

Enrolling into a new school in Washington DC,  brings about a lot of challenges as she tries to keep a secret hidden from her peers. She is different, even though she appears normal on the outside, looking like the rest of the 9th grade students in her class; However, her inability to speak and hear brings out the bullies around her, making her Freshman year in high school  uncomfortable.

This book deals with peer pressure, bullying, being handicapped, social issues, teenage drama, and new friendships, which Ella Rose learns to cope with.

In the privacy of her home and when she is  around the only person she trust at school,  she can be herself with her handicap as she speaks with her hands and her broken voice.

Fitting in becomes an issue when she has to read lips and use sign language to communicate and when she stands up to her worse enemy.


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Category: Fiction, Horror

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Title: Wet Linda: A Novel of Liquid Horror
Author: Paul Parducci

Publisher: Dark Canyon Press

Actor/Filmmaker Paul Parducci's first novel explores both Body image and Consumerism in modern American Suburbia.

Mandy Helger an overweight and awkward eighteen year old moves to a new neighborhood for her Senior Year.
The social environment is a brutal and the painfully self-conscious teen decides to transform herself through exercise.
She finds her outlet at a mysteriously unused community pool.

Over the days and weeks Mandy sheds weight and gains confidence as she learns the horrifying reason why the pool has been abandoned and comes under the direct control of the disturbing and violent force that exists there.

If you are looking for a Horror novel that isn't afraid to explore deeper themes along with its chills then this one is for you.

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Action, Fiction, Novels

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Title: Loyal To A Degree
Author: Horst Christian

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Ebook Type: OtherVideo Included,
Category: Action, Fiction, Thrillers

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Author: David Carl Mielke

AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK! Over a three day period, coordinated bombings have destroyed six American iconic landmarks, killing and injuring thousands, staggering the economy and triggering riots in cities across the nation. One of the targets is the world's largest cruise ship that is destroyed by a hijacked airliner. Former FBI agent SHARON RICHARDS is on board with her husband and twin sons. Sharon's family is killed but she miraculously survives and vows to avenge their murders. Lacking adequate proof and restricted by constitutional law, the government seems helpless to prevent further bombings. In a strange quirk of fate, Sharon is recruited by the President of the United States to penetrate a suspected mosque housing a home-grown terrorist cell and gather evidence. But time is running out before the next round of devastating explosions. Sharon must act outside the law to save the country from unbridled anarchy and total economic collapse. If she fails, it could be the END OF AMERICA!

Author's Note: AMERAGEDDON is a story that could be eerily prophetic. According to a recent national poll, over 70% of Americans think that an incident like 9-11 or worse will occur within the next two years. The question is: ARE WE READY? 

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Category: Fiction, Romance, Young Adult

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Title: Life, Love, and Surviving High School
Author: Ann Herrick

Becca would like to skip right over high school and avoid all the first dates, first loves, first failures and whatever other scary firsts she might encounter.

She worries that she might lose the friendship of her three BBFs and has practically sworn off guys. But on the very first day of school she sees Brent and suddenly she's lovestruck. Problem is, Brent has a long-time girlfriend, Claire--not that Becca would ever get up the nerve to talk to him anyway.

Meanwhile, Colt finds herself working with Colt on everything from study sessions to the school paper, and develops a comfortable friends-only relationship with him. Her relationship with her friends, however, is getting more complicated, especially when Randi confides that she is thinking of doing "It" with Justin, who just happens to have a very jealous girlfriend.

One day Claire offers Becca a special gift--and that changes Becca's whole outlook.


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Category: Fiction, Romance, Young Adult

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Title: My Fake Summer Boyfriend
Author: Ann Herrick

On summer vacation, as a favor Katie decides to pretend she is a girlfriend of Alex for the summer in order to protect his job. With a background of summer sun, they develop a friendship that is on the verge of turning romantic, when who should arrive but Nicole Kendall, Alex's old girlfriend. In three days, Nicole ruins Katie's relationship with Alex. In retaliation, Katie feigns interest in Logan, Lisa's handsome older brother.

Katie soon finds out that not being totally honest in a relationship can cause problems she had not dreamed of.

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Category: Adventure, Children, Fiction

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Title: The Adventures of Fawn: Book 2 The Ona Pendulum
Author: Al E. Boy

     Fawn, the precocious young daughter of legendary reindeer Comet and Vixen, is off to the rescue with her gang of friends. The Ona Pendulum, a magical device which keeps Santa, the elves and reindeer alive and going strong...even though they're hundreds of years in grave danger of being destroyed. Christmas 1849...and any other Christmases with Santa in them may never happen if they cannot save the day.

    Time is of the essence as Fawn enlists the help of her snow rabbit friend, Bunny, and her father, Barney, Doctor Mary Weather, and an assortment of other companions. 

     But before they can set off on their mission, the rescue team must first learn the real story of how Kristoff Kringle became Santa Claus. Via Wajic's magical 'Wall of Ice' they'll witness how he went from being a toy maker in the Kringle family's workshop with his father, Kort, and brother, Karl, to become the icon of Christmas the world has known and loved for centuries.

     They'll learn about the Ona Pendulum...and the Rua Ondos...magical shooting stars which fell to Earth on the very first Christmas centuries ago. They'll learn about good elves like Atch, Frobble, and Good King Patch, and not-so-good elves like Princess Berlinda, her mother, Berzda, the Princess' servant Traelleon.

     And they'll have to use that information to save the Santa, the elves and reindeer...and... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fiction, Law and Legal, Mystery

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Title: Poetic Justice
Author: Lori James

This novel has a little something for everyone. There's murder, mystery, romance and something for pet lovers, too.

A single mom and a stray cat turn a Homicide Detective's life upside down. When Detective Mark Stevens is called to a murder scene, he meets the victim's sister Beverley Ramsey. As time goes on he begins having feelings for her. But he's determined to remain professional. His heart has been closed for many years due to being hurt in the past.

With the help of his street cop sidekick Juan Estevez and a stray cat he names Buddy, his heart begins to open.

As the frustrating investigation comes to a close, an arrest is made.  A trial begins.  Did Detective Stevens fumble the case? Is the right person on trial?

The trial is overseen by a tough judge. The prosecutor is just a little too big for his britches. The feisty, female, defense attorney is not to be taken lightly.

If you like trial watching and want a peek into the lives of high powered attorneys, this novel is for you.

 Note from the author: Poetic Justice is a murder mystery with a romantic twist. I hope you enjoy visiting with these characters as much as I did.



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Category: Animals, Fantasy, Fiction

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Title: An emperor for the animals
Author: Prince Bradford

The birds, fishes and animals have been having a series of meetings. They are concerned that too many of their members have been made extinct or are under the threat of extinction. They believe that directly or indirectly man is to be blamed. The decision is take that in order to preserve their species man must be made extinct. They would in tourn set up their own government with prime ministers, presidents, kings and a supreme ruler to be over these leaders, an emperor. At a meeting of the animals Theldon the donkey reminded the animals that there is a man, The Prince of Shalom, who is the son of King EL Olam that care should be taken not to harm in any way. An alternate option is presented to wait on King El Olam to set up the State of Utopia. This suggestion is taken back to the birds and the fishes. The fishes are willing to accept the suggestion but the birds plan to double cross the fishes and animals. Zhroster the Eagle sided with the fishes and animals and inform the animals and had the fleas and lice betray the birds plans to the animals. Soon there are two groups because some animals agreed with the bird to go ahead and make man extinct while the other group is willing for King El Olam to set up the State of Utopia.

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