Fiction ebooks
Title: In the South, the Wheel of Fire – The Fourth Book of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc
Short description: Before they become events, revolutions exist in the minds of men; and it is therein that they survive long after their political demise. Such is the nature of ideas, but when one is brought up Graecian, an idea never comes alone: she is the property of a goddess and the reflection of an archetype; she looks like a star, a precious stone or an element; she becomes a certain woman - one grows up with her. Such exchanges are not without provisions. Gods incarnate, demigods, reincarnate; and the civil servants of revolutionary states reinvent themselves by their own means: ambiguity, dissimulation and a knack for weathering logical contradictions.
About the series: In the South, the Wheel of Fire - The Fourth Book of Evlampia is the fourth book in the tetralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.
This e-book is available for purchase for $8.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.
Short excerpt from Chapter 1 - Permanent revolution and revolving permanence: I. One morning in the summer of 1789, the 15th of July, the benevolent King Louis woke up to tumult of the street. The previous day had been recorded by the unfortunate monarch as yet another undistinguished sunrise,... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: North, Far North of Gethsemane, God Spared a Tear for the Promised Land – The Second Book of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc
Short description: Discussions between an emperor and a heresiarch run predictable courses: the one's curiosity will slowly but surely give way to suspicion, the other's audacity will eventually grow uninhibited to outright encroachment. Bit when it becomes evident to both of them that the reasons for their encounter are not simple and that the outcome of their deliberations is not for them to decide, they resort to extraordinary measures: one puts on a disguise to find facts, the other reveals secrets in order to better serve a secret faith.
About the series: North, Far North of Gethsemane, God Spared a Tear for the Promised Land - The Second Book of Evlampia is the second book in the tetralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.
This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.
Short excerpt from Chapter 1: It must have been Hippocrates who first recorded, centuries ago, the influence that external conditions exert on character and breeding, and how significantly they contribute to the long and arduous shaping of a political conscience. (a) Having lived too early, the famed physician did not enjoy the opportunity, amply afforded to our generation, to... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: East, A Mighty Gale Is Blowing – The First Book Of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc
Short description: When M.E. de Valois was appointed private secretary to the living legend of politics Prince Talleyrand, little could he have guessed about the purpose of his work. His employer called the work "the mysterious strength of legitimacy," but others had already described it as "the present mystery of lawlessness." Its regime was one of curious ambitions. It claimed clarity and justice as its reasons, but ambivalence was its fashion and duplicity its condition; and while allegiance was its first command, treason appeared to be its rite of passage.
About the series: East, A Might Gale Is Blowing is the first book in the tetralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.
This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and/or MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.
Short excerpt from Chapter 1 - Tale of a civil servant: Names, names of all sorts, and their legitimacy and relevance are my trade. Their examination had always absorbed a great deal of my working time, and now that I retired, it remains a source of occasional surprise. A demanding but thankless calling it is, as names these days are known to be able to move mountains, and yet too little attention will be spent on their... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: “Go West,” They Told Themselves and Took to Troubled Waters – The Third Book of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc
Short description: No one sets out to test the borders of sanity, no one wants to challenge the limits of fate; but it happens, and when one arrives there he seldom realizes it. One say, measure, proportion and reason have suddenly evaporated; resolve has given way to abandonment. And it turns out it was surprisingly easy: a few years of disturbed sleep, a season of postponed happiness, a line of unheeded signs - and one false step.
About the series: "Go West," They Told Themselves and Took to Troubled Waters - The Third Book of Evlampia is the third book in the tretralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.
This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.
Short excerpt from Chapter 1 - A day like a thousand years: Saturday, the twenty-seventh of August 1922, on Saint Poemén's Day, a Turkish army began marching unto Smyrna. Days before, the last Greek regiment had been ordered out. The French, Italian and British Allied Forces stationed in Smyrna had already made sure there would be no escape routes - and where was one to go anyway? The bloodiest week of the twentieth century was about to begin; another one followed, and then another. These were
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-09-01
My Rate 5
i love to have this book now,,its good to read,, its very addicting,
Reviewed by oscarsan on 2009-09-23
My Rate 4
i just naturaly luved the book
Reviewed by Alfred on 2005-06-26
My Rate 4
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Title: Ensouled!
Author: Luisa Green
Ensouled! relates a life experience to a high truth - we have to grow in self-love.
In the author's own words -
Lisa's greatest longing is to love and be loved. She is a desperate seeker. Lisa loves easily and loses herself completely in a relationship. The experience frustrates her very much and she feels lost and confused.
Lisa is a love addict. Her experience teaches her that she has to grow in self-love and learn to value who she is.
Lisa's story is very candid and compelling! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
"The one true love is self-love; there is no other love."
"A good story about an ultimate truth we all need to practice."
Rating: (4.33 after 3 votes)
Title: The Heart of Tarkon - Book 1 - The Centre Vale Trilogy
Author: S C Meakin
Humans encounter Beings of Planetary proportions - Great Makers who are the initiators of life on every World.
An epic fantasy tale of courage and daring, sacrifice and loss, immense powers have to be released in order to fulfil The Great Maker's Plans and usher in a new era of peace.
A shadow of the past has to be faced, taking the form of an evil entity of vast scope and power - The Planetary Dweller. Men of power tremble in its presence, but someone has to challenge it and undo its wicked intent.
Read Book 1 of The Centre Vale Trilogy - The Heart of Tarkon for FREE!
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-24
My Rate 5
this book has good story of horror ,fiction having various topic in it
keet Shoot
The Adventures of Jesus
The Three Dollar Phoenix
Who Killed Coach?
Reviewed by Sandra J Myers on 2014-07-28
My Rate 5
Loved this story give it 5 stars. The ending was unexpected and was glad to see you can fight crime. The three veterans got together and ended the bribery taking place in the hood. Was sorry the little boy got involved thou.
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Title: Fish Farm
Author: W. Sautter
Jack loses his job, his pension and his way of life when Tyron Inc. collapses. He suspects that James Wheeler, Tyron's
CEO has drained millions from the company thereby causing its failure. Jack seeks revenge and gets more than he bargains for.
If you can predict the ending you can have the ebook for free!
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See the video trailer - 'Fish Farm - A Violent Vindication' at You Tube
More Books by Walt
- Skeet Shoot
- The Adventures of Jesus
- The Three Dollar Phoenix
- Who Killed Coach?
- Sticks- A Golfer's Tale
- The Blood of Judas - Vampires of the Third Reich
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by Abhi Shelke on 2015-02-04
My Rate 4
This book is nice one othere books. this book basis on crime and all
Reviewed by Soumya Mukherjee on 2015-01-20
My Rate 4
“It’s all your fault!”
The first line of the book is the theme of this dark disturbing novel on abuse. It is a love story. But this is no chic lit. It is a feminist story. But this is no political treatise. It is a protest story. But there are no ranting polemics.
Jyoti Arora’s second book, the self published Lemon Girl, a slim 168 page story of the destructive power of these words, which puts the onus of crime on the victim, and the spiralling self destructive vortex that can change a bubbling spirited girl into a guilt ridden masochist with suicidal tendencies.
The protagonist is Nirvi, with whom, like the hero and co narrator of the story Arsh, I fell in love. What looked like yet another college romance soon took a stark turn, and the protagonist’s narrative, a look into the tortured mind of a psychologically damaged victim bent on self destruction, sounds uncomfortably real.
A true to life ending would, in nine cases out of ten, be with the pointless and painful end of the victim. But Jyoti has, much to my relief, chosen the tenth. There is light at the end of the tunnel, in the form of love, the hope of which gives Nirvi ( a play on Nirbhaya?) the courage to live, and proclaim; “It is NOT my fault!”
This is a story of the gen Y, of techies and call centres; smart phones and blogs, of gaming and clubbing; of living together and anti corruption movement, but with the ancient shackles of conventional attitudes regarding gender roles, sexuality and morality still ruling their lives.
I do not wish to reveal more of the plot and urge the readers to do so themselves, ordering the book on Amazon or Flipkart, or order it at your friendly neighbourhood bookshop at about Rs 250 or less. It would be worth your time.
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Title: Lemon Girl
Author: Jyoti Arora
Lemon Girl is a thought-provoking story about a girl who becomes victim of a sexual crime. She gets even more shattered when she is made to bear the blame for the incident. This breaks her down psychologically. She rejects her real self and transforms into a submissive parasite who is totally devoid of self-respect and acts as a glamourous but voiceless doll made to be played about by men.
But the true love of one man helps her to get over from the forced guilt, find her true self, re-discover her lost self-respect and dreams and assert that what happened to her was not her fault.
Despite being based upon a serious social issue, the book keeps a balance between poignancy and entertainment and has a very pleasing and heart-warming love story.
The book has been beautifully woven around the themes of abuse of women, the injustive forced upon the rape victim by Indian society and the effects of all this on the victim. The novel has brilliant display of psychological trauma of such victims.
Lemon Girl is well written, fast paced and has superbly drawn, realistic and likeable characters.
Rating: (4 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by Tolulope on 2011-01-17
My Rate 5
Very intresting and shocking yet a true revealation
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Title: This Blue Ball: A Weblog Novel
Author: Wayne V. Miller
From an unearthly distance, earth seems blue - but not where we stand. Life seems predictable because we live backwards, always seeing into and repeating the past, but sometimes the future surprises - and sometimes you surprise yourself. This novel tells of a contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence and illuminates the tragic confluence of a handful of lives though this alien light.
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Reviewed by Rachel Honn on 2015-10-30
My Rate 5
Hooked!! Loved the story the characters awesome (well the leading lady Emily is a baby at times) but the book is very well written. And leaves you wanting to know more for sure! Looking forward to the next!
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Title: Heku : Book 1 of the Heku Series
Author: T.M. Nielsen
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
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