Restlessness and discontent are the necessities of progress.
Thomas Alva Edison

E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Marketing

Ebay Video Auctions

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Title: Ebay Video Auctions
Author: Chris Owen
Add Video to your EBAY Listings. ...and what's more it's FREE!

If you want to take your Ebay auctions to the next level, why not add video? This ebook will show you step by step how to do it.

This ebook shows you the 5 stages of adding video to your auctions. Includes links to FREE video editing software.

Many years ago, in the early days of eBay, listings comprised of simple text adverts. As time and technology progressed, photographs and hyperlinks were also added. In today's listings you will find an array of different techniques to grab your attention. Flash banners, that annoying pop-up wizard and even sound are becoming the norm.

Today more and more people own some sort of video camera, even if it is only on their mobile (cell) phone, so why not enhance your listings with video? If people knew how easy it was then I'm sure more would do it. I'm going to show you step-by-step how to add video to your eBay listings. They might charge you if you want to put more than one photo in your listing but adding video won't cost you another penny!

Imagine the advantages this could have. If you are selling a car, instead of showing some photos taken from various angles, why not take your prospective buyer on a guided tour of your car? They could even go on a virtual test drive - hopefully with somebody else filming whilst you drive!

If you were selling a musical instrument, instead of just a photo, you could actually play a few bars of music to demonstrate how it sounds.

I'm sure

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Mining Gold From Ebay

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Title: Mining Gold From Ebay
Author: Michael Rasmussen, Jason Tarasi
How To Earn A Serious Income With Online Auctions

Finally Revealed: The secrets insiders use to earn the big bucks with online auctions!

Give Me 30 Minutes And I'll Have You Ready To Start Your Own eBay Empire, Sell Dozens Of Items Each Day And Claim "Superseller" Status!

Who Else Wants To Start Raking In eBay Profits With The Tips, Tricks, And Tactics Only The Pros Use?

You Don't Have To Be A Salesman To Master Selling On eBay!

Looking to get your share on the billions of dollars being passed around on eBay? After you click the button below, I'll share all my secrets for getting you started selling today. Click now or keep reading...

Dear Internet friend,

Thousands now make a full-time income from their own business who never thought they could!

Their secret isn't in who they know, a college education, or finding investors. Their secret equalizes the playing field between people just like you and big businesses who USED to have a strangle hold on the market.

The magic tool that allows anyone a chance to make a full-time income from home? eBay!

You may have heard of eBay before. But can you really make a living from online auctions? Yes, it's possible! In my report, I'll reveal...

  • How a commercial fisherman found a ebook in an antique shop (for $15) and quickly turned around and sold it on eBay for $198,000!
  • How a couple in Wyoming is raking in a whopping $600,000 a year off eBay!
  • How a man from
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

How to Outsell Other Resellers and Become a Super Affiliate

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Title: How to Outsell Other Resellers and Become a Super Affiliate
Author: Jimmy D. Brown
Easy Ways To Gain An Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition No Matter What Program You Are Promoting...

Dear Affiliate Marketer:

Let's face it. Not all affiliates are earning high commissions. In fact, very few are.

How would you like to become one of them?

It's not a trick question. How would you like to become a top-selling affiliate for whatever program you choose? I'm serious when I tell you that YOU - yes YOU - can begin earning high commissions no matter what affiliate program you are promoting.

More on that in just a minute.

Let me give you some startling facts about my own affiliate program and the resellers who promote it...

  • 5% of my affiliates earn about 80% of the commissions paid.
  • 10% of my affiliates earn commissions every pay period.
  • 20% of my affiliates earn commissions at some point.
  • 80% of my affiliates either earn *very* little commissions or no commissions at all.

These are some mind-boggling statistics and, in talking with others, they seem to be the norm for MOST affiliate programs. So, I became a detective after finding these numbers. And I found out why the top-selling affiliates are getting all the sales.

And I'm going to share it with YOU. In How to Outsell Other Resellers and Become a Super Affiliate, you will discover everything I found out about how the top affiliates get it done. You'll learn things like...

  • The *exact* reasons why the top-selling affiliates in any program are so
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Category: Business, E-Marketing

Instant Product Profits

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Title: Instant Product Profits
Author: Simon Hodgkinson
Discover The Easy Way To Instantly Generate Hundreds Of Hot Selling Digital Products

And Squeeze Out 100% Maximum Profits Every Time!

Dear Fellow Marketer,

If you're promoting and selling any kind of digital product online then this information is especially for you. . . .

. . . In the next few minutes I'll reveal the number one online marketing 'MUST DO' strategy that can literally make or break your online success. . . this information will effect your online profits FOREVER!

In this brand new report 'Instant Product Profits' I'm going to show you step by step how to:

  • Create Instant Products With The Minimum Of Effort.
  • Generate Hundreds Of Hot Product Ideas That Will Sell.
  • Add MASSIVE Value To Your Products and Increase Your Profits In Just Minutes.
  • Legally Protect These Killer Products From Would Be Thieves.

Introducing . . .

"Instant Product Profits"

By the time you've finished reading this incredible report you'll have the ability to churn out product after profitable product and in less time than you ever thought possible.

Here are just some of the amazing secrets you'll learn:

  • An Amazingly Powerful Way To Create Hot Products From Simple Ideas.
  • The Little Known Online Resources With Valuable Free Content.
  • How To Use Public Domain Works Without Any Risk.
  • A Really Simple Technique To Improve The Attractiveness And Perceived Value Of Your Products That Will Get Your Customers
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Category: E-Marketing

Ebay Entrepreneur kit

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Title: Ebay Entrepreneur kit
If you want to Start Selling On Ebay This is a must have Instant Download!

This e-book is one of the fastest selling informational e-books to hit ebay™ and websites in a long time!

So you want to sell on ebay? Quit your job? Become an ebay™ entrepreneur our e-book has all the tools for you to get started instantly!

This e-book is not filled with free information that can be found on ebay's auction site it is filled with answers to questions that people are dying to find out!

Did you ever search on ebay™ and wonder where do these guys get all this stuff for so cheap?

Have you sat in front of your computer wishing you could sell on ebay™ but you didn't know what to do or where to go to get the goods?


Let us tell you exactly what you are going to discover with this extraordinary download!

What you are going to see are secrets, tips and basically all around help to get you started selling and making money on ebay™ today!

Our First section will tell you the Power Sellers Secrets to creating a Professional Auction Template and we have provided you with 2 software programs included with this purchase for you to be able to create your own auction ads for free. People viewing seller's auctions probably think they have a professional create their ads. Not True. We'll have you making a Professional Auction Ad yourself or you can simply use the software we provide you with free of charge! But either way you will discover and know exactly how people

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Building a Blog Empire For Profit

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Title: Building a Blog Empire For Profit
Who Else Is Interested In Gaining Total Financial Freedom in 30 Minutes a Day Or Less?

What if I told you that you could achieve total financial freedom in a short 30 minutes a day? Would you want to know more? Who wouldn't, right? See on for details...

Now You Can Easily, Make Money Using The Information That You Already Know By Posting It To A Blog!
Follow the simple steps outlined in Building a Blog Empire for Profit and people will come from all corners of the world to see the knowledge and opinions you have to share!

Everyone has some specialized knowledge that thousands would find valuable. Building a Blog Empire for Profit will show you how to generate unbelievable cash-flow while doing something that you feel good about!

Dear Friend,

Right this minute thousands of people just like you are realizing their dreams. They don't struggle to pay their bills each month or worry about the rising cost of everything, and they don't sacrifice what they want for what they can afford - because they can afford everything they want!
Imagine yourself in a new car, dining in expensive restaurants whenever you want, buying expensive gifts for your friends and family, taking luxury vacations and being treated with the respect you deserve. It's a great image, isn't it? And it's absolutely right in front of you!

Imagine living the good life, every day, all the time, and having the time to enjoy it all.

Isn't it your turn to grab a large chunk of the money pie?


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Category: E-Marketing

Simple Guide To Setting Up Your Own Blog

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Title: Simple Guide To Setting Up Your Own Blog
Author: Tracy Yates
Attention Blogger™ Beginners: Building Your First Blog Just Got Simplified!

"STOP Wasting Your Precious Time and Energy Searching for the Simple Answers You Need"

Learning how to set up your own blog using Blogger™ cannot get any easier than this! Our step-by-step manual will have your new blog up and running in as little as 20 Minutes, even if you have never 'blogged' before!

Don't believe it? Here's a True Story.

One day as I was banging away on the keyboard just as I had done everyday for the past month trying to create an all new e-book, my oldest son took an interest in what I was doing. This is remarkable, considering the fact that my son is 17 and usually could care less what was going on with me, as most teenagers are more concerned with what's going on in their own little universe.

At any rate, I had begun searching Blogger™ looking at different information and other blogs. Noticing this, my son asked if he could set up his own blog, and of course I said yes. With that, he asked then if I could help him as he knew very little about computers, hard to believe I know, and knew even less about blogging.

This gave me a wonderful idea. What if I could create a step-by-step blogging manual that not only could help my son, but possibly help anyone else that needed the same type of manual?! So I set to work and came up with a 21 page manual that explained in plain english every single step involved when setting up a new Blogger™ account.

To my surprise, my son followed it,

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Unlimited Product Ideas

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Title: Unlimited Product Ideas
Author: James Jackson
How To Get Product Ideas Every Day Of The Week!

"Powerful Product Brainstorming Methods That Will Allow You To Generate 7 New Profitable Product Plans Every Single Day Of TheWeek Without Fail - Anywhere & Anytime You Want!"

If you've ever wanted to get a little sneaky peak at how someone else's online business works for once, even if it's to see if you're doing things in the right way, now's your chance. Here's what I did last week and what this means for you. Watch closely though, blink and you'll miss the point.

Bear in mind at least half of my time is spent on the more creative side of online business, who knows why, I just like that bit the best. So here I am at 2pm browsing around other marketers sites to check out what's hot and what's not (as you do) and bam, out of the blue a brand new product idea hits me. Here's the kicker..

Ok fast forward 60 minutes. From the blank piece of paper sitting in front of me, and that one single idea I had an hour ago, I've mapped out and planned four separate products ranging from free through to $900 price tags that I know for sure will sell, I'm writing two of them at the same time, recording another and my programmer has been briefed about the fourth ready to get building. There's more though...

"I Do This At Least Twice
A Week Out Of The Blue!"

Just think, what could you do with four new product ideas twice a week that only take you an hour to conceive and start building? I'll assume if we're on the same... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Secrets of the Super Bloggers

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Title: Secrets of the Super Bloggers
Author: Doug Champigny
How much MORE WEB SITE TRAFFIC and MORE MONEY would YOU make if your knew the...

Yes - It's True!

Right this very moment, Internet Marketers are Branding Themselves Better, Attracting a Bigger Following, Building their Web Site Traffic, Increasing their Sales and MAKING MORE MONEY ONLINE through the magic of the newest technology - RSS & Blogs.

Welcome, Fellow Internet Marketer!

So, you're looking to discover the Secrets of the Super Bloggers, eh? Can't say as I blame you - so far I've gotten new sites indexed overnight, built traffic to all of our dozen+ web sites, raised our link popularity and increased our sales, earnings and affiliate program signups - all through the intelligent use of RSS, Blogs & Pings...

Yet I probably know less about Blogs and Blogging than any of the other authors in the Secrets of the Super Bloggers compilation. You see, I saw all these benefits in less than a month after starting the Marketing Domination Blog... That's how amazing, how incredibly effective these secrets are! But you better hurry...

Remember when all search engines were FREE, and simply submitting your web sites got you listed QUICKLY? Gone. Then it wa FFA pages - they brought in a TON of free traffic, built links to your site, and added to your mailing list like crazy. Tried one lately? Safelists were an online goldmine - for a while... ***SIGH***

Every new technology does what you need - at first. Then slowly more and more discover the secrets, and by the time the herd has caught

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Bloggers Guide To Profits

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Title: Bloggers Guide To Profits
Author: Michael Rasmussen, Jason Tarasi
Discover The Little Known Secrets To Making Money With Your Blogs

Limited Time Offer: Give Me 1 Hour And I'll Teach You How To Shift Your Business Into 5th Gear With The Untapped Power Of Blogs!

Who Else Wants To Harness The Power Of Blogging To Mass-Market Your Sales Message To Thousands Of (Loyal) Readers Who Build Your Sales Base From The Ground Up?

Surprising Truth : Smart Business Owners Are Using Blogs To Promote New Ventures, New Products, Establish Customer Relationships And Make Lots Of Money In The Process!

If You're Not Blogging After You Leave This Site, You'll Hate Yourself Later.

Ready to find out how you can supercharge your business with blogs? Click on the button below to guarantee yourself a copy of my tell-all report. Click now to get started or keep reading...

Dear Internet friend,

What's the secret weapon of major companies like Google and Microsoft?

Million dollar marketing campaigns? Creative CEO's? Cutting edge technology far ahead of their competitors? Maybe.

But if you want to know their newest secret weapon for building a customer base of millions of loyal users (that costs hardly any money to do), let me tell you...

  • The secret weapon that sprouts profitable relationships with your customers...
  • The secret weapon that gets customers passionate about your brand...
  • The secret weapon that can turn a faceless, scary company into a business with the human and comforting touch...

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