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E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Marketing

Introducing Social Marketing Secrets!

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Title: Introducing Social Marketing Secrets!

'They' Call It Web 2.0 But I Call It...

The New Way To Bring Loads Of Targeted Traffic To Any Site And Generate A TON Of On-Demand Cash Flow!

If you've never heard the terms 'Web 2.0' and 'Social Networking' then you have either been living in a cave for the past six months, or you are brand new to Internet marketing. The good news is whether you are familiar with these terms or not you can begin today (as in right now!) to break into the future of profitable Internet marketing and jump three steps ahead of your competition!

You could be...

  1. An experienced marketer looking for new ways to grow your business.
  2. A total newbie who hasn't earned your first dollar.
  3. Or anywhere in between!

The powerful information I want to share with you can shed new light on Web marketing, regardless of your current experience level or the amount of income you are generating with your existing business model.

Introducing Social Marketing Secrets!

Take the mystery out of what many expert marketers are calling "the future of Internet marketing"! This easy to understand report is loaded with exactly the kind of information you need to launch your own Social Marketing campaign or improve your existing Web 2.0 strategy.

You'll learn...

  • Why
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Category: E-Marketing

Targeted Traffic Machines

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Title: Targeted Traffic Machines
Author: James Jackson
"How to Quickly, Easily, And Cheaply Get A Continuous Stream Of Targeted, Responsive Traffic to Your Niche Websites and then Turn Them Into Loyal, Repeat Buyers! "

How to generate traffic even if you don't want to publish a newsletter. A regular newsletter does take time and effort to publish. I'll show you how to totally get around that problem.

  • How to find huge pools of targeted traffic waiting to buy from you, and easily get them to become your customers!
  • The most important thing you should do before you go out looking for traffic. Miss this step and you'll join the 95% of marketers who are just not making money.
  • How to get other marketers to see your product, and offer, as the best one that they will want to promote to their customers! Set yourself apart from the rest of the folks pitching their offers to the big boys!
  • How to find affiliates that will thank you for giving them the chance to promote your product.
  • A magical secret that reveals exactly how to design all your joint venture offers so you increase your chances of striking a deal with just about anybody!
  • Learn a simple technique that will get a lot more people to display your articles and reports on their sites. Even if they are getting articles from many other marketers.
  • Unlock the mindset behind my strategies and discover to multiply your efforts exponentially! Get much more by doing much, much less.
  • How to take advantage of the highly-targeted traffic from search engines without ever getting listed with them! (I don't even bother listing my sites with search engines anymore. It's
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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Creating an Online Business 101

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Title: Creating an Online Business 101

Don't spin your wheels and waste your hard earned cash on ANYTHING...until you read the definitive guide to success online!

Creating an Online Business Has Never Been Easier...IF You Know Where to Begin! Order Today!

Don't spin your wheels and waste your hard earned cash on ANYTHING...until you read the definitive guide to success online!

The Total Guide To Creating an Online Business

Here's 2 Good Reasons to Start an Online Business:

1) It requires no expertise, no special skills and even no merchandise in many cases!

Online businesses allow you, the owner, to succeed in a setting where everyone is equal, regardless of their prior knowledge. You don't need to have a physical product, which means it can be easily run by a SINGLE person (meaning no employees to worry about).

2) Freedom to do whatever amount of work you want, whenever you want.

Unlike a regular job or business, online businesses can be run from your house...and at any time you choose to work on it. You don't need to clock in, you don't need to worry about being late...and best of all, you dictate when and how much free time you have!

Here is just a taste of what you will learn inside this guide....

  • What kind of business should you start? It may
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Category: E-Marketing

101 Steps To Success

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Title: 101 Steps To Success
Success . . . It means different things to different people.

Most people want to be successful in life.
The question is, what is success?

For example, a person that owns their own oil changing service for vehicles might set their level of success at servicing 50 cars a day while someone who loves music might consider success as cutting their own CD. In addition, success does not always have to involve money. Success could be getting a good grade in a difficult class or learning how to bake the perfect chocolate cake.

Regardless of what your specific idea of success is, there are ways to reach or even surpass your goals. In 101 Steps To Success, we have put together 101 steps that you can use to reach your own personal idea of success. These are ways to better yourself as a person, proven methods you can apply to reach success.

Success comes in all different shapes and sizes with one common denominator. Success is important and it takes work to reach. There are goals set and then the hard work begins to reach those goals. That is why we have assembled this manual, to make your journey to your success easier. For only 17.00 you can get what is essentially a road map to success. Order 101 Steps To Success now and get started down your road!

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Category: E-Marketing

Advanced Selling on Ebay

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Title: Advanced Selling on Ebay
Author: Timothy Ash
How You Can Become A Part Of The Amazing eBay Phenomenon

Announcing A Little-Known Revolutionary Secret That Will Allow You To Finally Succeed And Cash In on eBay!

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have a knack for turning eBay into their own personal cash cow? Is it frustrating to hear about one more success story from someone selling on the popular auction site?

Well, wonder no more. "Advanced Selling on eBay" is just what you need to finally succeed in your own eBay business. This is not just one more stale treatise on how to sell your junk. Not hardly.

"Advanced Selling on eBay" is exactly what the name implies. It is an advanced guide that takes you through the insider secrets to turning eBay into your own personal money tap that you can turn on and off at will.

Here's what you will learn inside:

  • Should I Get My Own Website and Also Use EBay?
  • Should I Open an Ebay Store?
  • Building Your Mailing List
  • How Do I Calculate eBay Fees Quickly?
  • How to Email Your List About a New Product.
  • More Sales and Less Profit per Item
  • What Should I Send My Customers After the Sale?
  • How Should I Submit My Website to Search Engines?
  • Can You Advertise in Your Own Auctions?
  • Can I Get Shipping Supplies for Free?
  • Should I Overcharge on Shipping?
  • What's With all the Hype About eBay Express?
  • What should I do about an unpaid item?
  • Where, Online,
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Category: E-Marketing

Resale Rights Empire

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Title: Resale Rights Empire
Everything You Need To Profit From Resale Rights - Plus A Huge Vault Of The Latest Resale Rights Products!

In A Hurry? Take A Look At What's Inside "Resale Rights Empire!"

1. Advanced Resale Rights Strategies ($Priceless) - The hard hitting strategies, tricks and closely guarded secrets that will enable you to take any resale rights product and turn it into a highly profitable cash generating asset that will keep paying you for years into the future.

2. Resellers Top Secret Toolbox ($283 If Purchased Outside This Package) - The 10 tools and resources that the elite resellers have been using to make an insane amount of cash with each and every resale rights product that comes their way...and how you can join them in under 24 hours from now! Don't even try and sell resale rights products without these little known profit exploding resources.

3. The Resellers Secret Vault ($229 Value)- An entire VAULT of high quality products with resale rights that you can download and sell within a few minutes. You will simply not believe what's included in this section.

Dear Friend,

Resale rights products have absolutely exploded over the past year - and with good reason. You see, we live in a time known as the information age - and there is a recent trend that has just started that you simply MUST know about...

"People are paying $29, $49, $97....even $1,500 for premium information that satisfies their needs, wants and desires"

Do you think I am joking? I assure you that I am not - by the time you're

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Coupon Codes

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Title: Coupon Codes
Your Secret Weapon for Saving Money Online!

I'd like to share a little-known secret with you...

Saving Money by Shopping Online is Sweeping the Nation!

Dear Friend,

You are paying too much of your hard earned money for virtually everything you buy for yourself and your home. It seems as if the price of everything has gone sky high, doesn't it? Have you been trying to economize by staying out of the mall? Well, guess what? You don't have to deny yourself the nice things you want any longer. Clothes, shoes, jewelry, ebooks, cosmetics, towels and sheets, toys for the kids, electronics... all the things that make the world a little nicer place to be can be yours for much less than you have been paying for them.

And no, I'm not talking about buying someone's used items off of eBay. I'm going to tell you how you can get the same new, name brand, quality merchandise that you see whenever you go shopping at a huge savings... sometimes for as much as 90% off the normal retail price. And I'm going to explain how you can purchase these items while you are relaxing comfortably at home... at 2 AM if you so desire! Then, in a few days, your selections will be efficiently delivered right to your front door.

That's right! No fighting traffic on the freeway to get to the mall - no crowds of people to deal with after you get there! No bored sales clerks who are unable or unwilling to answer any questions you may have about the item you're looking for. No

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Category: E-Marketing

How to Buy Things for Pennies at Auctions

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Title: How to Buy Things for Pennies at Auctions
Author: Don Lapre

Info Reports From Self Made Millionaire!

Understanding the Basics of Auctions #1 Inspect Before You Buy

How do you ensure that what you buy at an auction is indeed a bargain? By inspecting any merchandise you intend to bid on beforehand and by doing a little research. Let's say you're looking for computers, but you know very little about computers, you would be wise to get out the phone ebook, turn to the yellow pages and start calling computer dealers. You might have to spend a couple of days doing this, but the payoff will come when you save big dollars simply because you did some research before bidding. Everything that's sold at an auction is not a bargain, and it's never a bargain if you paid too much in the first place.

Most auctions will allow you to examine the items going up for bid prior to the auction and you'll want to be sure to take advantage of this. Arrive early and thoroughly inspect (as much as is possible) any item(s) on which you intend to bid. Remember - all sales are final.Whatever you buy at an auction cannot be returned. All items are sold "as is."

Table of Contents

  • About the Author
  • Understanding the Basics of Auctions
    • Research First
    • Inspect Before You Buy
    • Don't Lose Control
    • Get There Early
    • Have a Plan
    • Don't Be Afraid to Ask
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Category: E-Marketing

Brainstorming for Your Product

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Title: Brainstorming for Your Product
Author: Teresa King
Internet Money Revealed - Volume 1

In Brainstorming for Your Product , Teresa teaches you how to tap into your own mind to find the little to big money maker inside your brain. You'll be amazed what you will learn when you apply the techniques to brainstorm your own product!


It is a fact that many people get all excited when they jump on to the Internet.

I was one, and I'm sure you are no different. Six years ago, I began my adventure on the Internet. I just wanted to get into chat rooms and start chatting. I did!

However, I saw opportunity after opportunity everywhere that I surfed and I, like you, wanted a piece of that pie!

The question was - how in the world was I to get it? For me, learning was expensive and I didn't have the funds. However, I have learned a valuable lesson and that is:

When people want something bad enough, they go out and get it.

If you have a plan like the one in this ebook, and I'm telling you it will work, then you do what you must to achieve it.

If you have to beg, borrow, sell things at yard sales, hawk your furniture, work overtime, or do odd jobs, you must set your mind that you will do just that.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)


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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

One Month to Your Own Online Business

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Title: One Month to Your Own Online Business

Tired of Slaving Away From 9-5?
Laid off? Need Extra Cash? Medical Bills?
Is the Recession Raining On Your Parade?
Why not start your own website?

Start Your Very own Online Internet Marketing Business In Less Than One Month!

These strategies for setting up an internet marketing business quickly will have you up and running your own virtual money making machine faster than any bank could ever foreclose on your house.

In fact, you might find it embarrassing that you have so much extra cash while your friends and colleagues still struggle to make ends meet!

Dear Budding Netpreneur,

Just what exactly is a netpreneur? That is a hybrid of two words.--

Net, which is short for the internet


Entrepreneur, which is the term used for a resourceful business person.

If you are thinking of opening an online business, then that is exactly what you will be doing. You will be using your intelligence, innovation and personal skills to make money on the internet.

What if I told you that you can quit your job and that you could work in your housecoat from anywhere in the world?

What if I told you that you could have a lucrative online business thriving within thirty days from now, allowing you to pay off your credit card debt, quit your job or buy your

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