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E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Marketing

Copywriting Gems

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Title: Copywriting Gems

Copywriting Gems: 100 Amazing Advertising Tips!


1 Turn your ad into an article. It could be a story, or how-to article. This will lead readers into your ad without them knowing it's an ad. They'll already be interested when they get to your sales pitch. For example, you could start your ad, "Once upon a time..." or "Free Report! How to....".

2 You could upsell to your customers. When they're at your order page, tell them about a few extra related products you have for sale. They could just add it to their original order. For example, you could say, "Our new ebook would make a nice edition to the report. Just click here to add it to your order. It's only $15 more."

3 Tell your customers if they refer four customers to your web site, they will receive a full rebate of their purchase price. This will turn one sale into three sales. You could also offer them other things in return for referrals like free ebooks, free software, coupons, discounts, etc.

4 When you sell a product, give your customers the option of joining an affiliate program so they can make commissions selling your product. This will multiply the sale you just made. For example, just imagine how many sales you could have with 1000 affiliates selling for you. It could eliminate ever buying any paid advertising again!

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Category: E-Marketing

Internet Marketing Starts Here

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Title: Internet Marketing Starts Here

With " Internet Marketing Starts Here", you will learn the exact methods to routinely make four figures every single month. No other ebook opens up a business so completely to show you the nuances that make the difference between making money and creating frustration.

"Sack Your Boss And Write Your Own Paycheck By Following The Proven System Written By The Guy Who Made It!"

From Your Name

I don't want to brag or anything, but I've made a lot of money online.

With a little bit of help, I pretty much taught myself Internet Marketing and I've been making money online ever since.

Sound surprised? Well, you shouldn't be. Internet Marketing isn't difficult to learn and it isn't difficult to do correctly.

I learnt it out of necessity, which they say is the mother of all inventions.

When I graduated high school, my parents were so proud of me. They promised me long ago that if I did well in school, that they would figure out a way to send me to any college I wanted. I studied hard and got into the school of my dreams and even though my parents could barely afford it, they held up their end of the bargain and found a way to send me.

As soon as I got to college, I realized that I was going to need more money than what my parents could afford to survive. With all the drinking, dating, socializing, eating and school books that were necessary, I knew that I

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Category: E-Marketing

Profit Funnel Ideas

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Title: Profit Funnel Ideas

Cool Low Ticket, Mid Ticket and High Ticket Product Ideas That You Can Create And Profit From!


The Profit Funnel Plan
A quick overview on how a successful Online Business Profit Funnel looks like - and how you can model your Online Business after it!

Low Ticket Product Ideas
Earn your prospect's trust quickly at LOW risks and HIGH volumes with these amazing low ticket product ideas that you can quickly and easily develop for your own!

Mid Ticket Product Ideas
Make more money from your repeat customers, establish substantial credibility and expand your product empire!

High Ticket Product Ideas
The true vehicle to massive riches as used by TOP Internet Marketers and Online Gurus from around the planet!

In Closing: What Is Your Ideal Profit Strategy?
How to put these ideas into action for maximum results!

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Category: E-Marketing

The Guerilla Marketer Within

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Title: The Guerilla Marketer Within

The Shocking Truth About Guerilla Marketing Exposed. Finally...

Explode Any Business For Little or No Money Guaranteed!

Dear Friend,

Pay Per Click, Banner Ad's, Pop-Up's, Mailing Lists, Newsletters. The way you can advertise your business or website is endless. What do all of these have in common? They cost money.

Often, they cost a lot of money in the long run and especially now a days provide very little or no return on investment. You'll pick up a handful of "guides" on how to maximize these various marketing tactics and you'll walk away feeling cheated. So...

How much are you spending every day, week, month and year on advertising? Anything over $1 a week is just plain nuts and you'll soon see why. You must be skeptical but give me a couple minutes of your time and you'll be glad you did.

I am not in the business of lying, I'm in the business of Internet Marketing. Specifically I am in the business of showing other people how I achieved and achieve immense success in this "game".

For little or no money there are countless ways you can explode your business and or traffic to your website in not time at all. It's not a gimmick, it's not hype, it's not creative copy writing...

It's Guerilla Marketing, and I'm Going to Get You Going!

Lucky for you the days of packing up your VW van and... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Resale Rights Secrets

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Title: Resale Rights Secrets

Your Step By Step Manual To Making Money Online With Resale Rights

The e-commerce technology has brought about a revolution in selling intangible goods on the internet, such as resale products, reprint rights, and resale rights which have become an extension of the activity itself. These intangible goods include ebooks, software articles or digital art which can be purchased through credit or debit cards. These facilities have encouraged access to products through the internet. Each and every company or an individual puts in their efforts to resell products and rights.


  • Your Essential Manual To Purchasing Resale Rights
  • Your Step By Step Manual To Making Money Online With Resale Right s
  • Where You Can Find Resale Rights Products
  • Thinking Of A Home-Based Business - Think Resale Rights Products
  • What You Need To Know Before You Decide To Purchase Resale Rights
  • The Biggest Home Based Business Opportunity - Sell Free Resale Rights Products
  • The Art Of Buying Quality Resale Rights
  • The Basics Of Setting Up A Resale Rights Business
  • The Answer To All Your Website Traffic Woes
  • Resell E-books For Profit - A Great Way To Make Money
  • The Advantages Of Selling Resale Rights Products
  • Resale Right Products - An Expert's Manual To Making Big Profits
  • Make Money Online With Resale Rights
  • Profiting From... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Niche Marketing Magic!

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Title: Niche Marketing Magic!
Author: Teri Champigny

What Exactly Is Niche Marketing?

You've probably heard of affiliate marketing, Internet Marketing, article marketing, and even forum marketing - but what in the world is niche marketing? Niche marketing falls under the category of Internet marketing. Internet marketing is any type of marketing that is done on the Internet. Niche marketing, however, can be done both online and offline.

Niche marketing is essentially the act of targeting a very specialized group of consumers. Look at the topic of weight loss. Weight loss is a market, but it is not a niche market. Within the weight loss market, there are numerous niches. For instance, low carb diets are a niche, as is low calorie dieting, exercise equipment, and vitamins and supplements. These are niches.

The concept of niche marketing is to market to a tightly focused group of people, as opposed to mass marketing to an entire market or industry. Because niche marketing is so incredibly focused, the competition isn't nearly as fierce. This doesn't mean that there isn't any competition - it just means that there isn't as much.

Historically, it has always been nearly impossible for a small business to compete with a major corporation. While the Internet opened things up massively, and put more businesses on equal footing, it was still hard for small home businesses to compete with corporations or more established traditional businesses. But with niche marketing,

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Category: E-Marketing

Ebay Powerseller Guide

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Title: Ebay Powerseller Guide

If you're set on greatly increasing your odds at becoming the Powerseller you know you really are...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

Who Else Wants To Discover How To Write Listings That Easily Sell Your Items, Find Items That Sell Like Hot Cakes, And Discovering What Sells And What Doesn't Sell In A Few Short Hours?

It doesn't matter if you've never used Ebay a day in your life, or you're the best salesman in the world... This Ebay Powerselling manual will help you not only get BETTER, but make you feel more like the Powerseller that you really are!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on Becoming a better Ebay seller or simply want to ? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough ebook created just for people just like you!

And, if you really want to get the best results possible without putting in countless hours in at the local library, then this ebook is definitely for YOU!

I myself have been selling on Ebay 5 years now, but it wasn't easy for me when I first started! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the Definitive Manual To Becoming A... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Triple Your Conversions Instantly

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Title: Triple Your Conversions Instantly
28 Ways to Skyrocket Signups and Sales Conversions Almost Overnight

"You're About to Learn 28 Power Packed Secrets to Convert Visitors Into Buyers...and They Work Like Magic!"

If you have a website that sells anything, or you're thinking of launching one, this is probably the most profitable message you'll ever read.

There are millions of websites on the Internet trying to sell everything from simple products to lifestyle hopes and dreams, but only a very FEW of these are actually profitable "winners" while the majority are lucky to make any sales and are dead on arrival.

So what is it that separates the winners from the losers?

For your website to generate sales and profits, it needs to do just two things. It must draw traffic to the site and - most importantly - it must convert visitors into buyers.

Getting traffic is simple enough--you can even just buy it--IF your site generates enough sales to make it profitable to do that.

Converting traffic into sales is the real challenge--and the single factor that separates the BIG money makers from marketers who struggle.

So HOW do you maximize sales conversions and skyrocket your profits?

We've studied some of the most profitable websites and spoken with marketers who see "Notification of Payment Received" over and over everyday in their inboxes, and there are 28 stealth tactics they use to achieve mind blowing... Click here to read the full description!

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Cash Sucking Sales Letter Secrets

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Title: Cash Sucking Sales Letter Secrets
Author: Liz Tomey, John Hostler

"Learn The Simple And Proven Step-By-Step Methods And Techniques To Creating Hypnotic Sales Copy That Turns Visitors Into Eager To Buy Paying Customers!"

All you have to do is follow the easy to follow methods and techniques outlined in this straight to the point, no BS manual and your visitors will go from suspicious readers to trusting, eager to buy customers at the blink of an eye...

Dear Friend,

Does your sales copy suck? I mean, does it really, really suck so bad that you can barely squeeze out a sale from 1000 visitors to your website? If it does, don't worry - this is why you're here, and I'm happy to tell you your problems can be fixed because you came to the right place...

First of all, let's talk about the extreme importance of good sales copy...

Now, let's say you have a $97 product and a decent sales letter up on your website that converts visitors to buyers at 1%. Let's also say that you drive 3000 unique visits to your website a month, so at 1% you would be making $2910 (minus advertising costs and expenses).

That's not bad! But after a while you get bored with that number and decide you want to double your income. Now there's three ways you can do that:

  1. You could try driving double the traffic to your website and see what happens (this is not always easy, as traffic does not
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Niche Marketing Words And Phrases That Sell Like Crazy!

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Title: Niche Marketing Words And Phrases That Sell Like Crazy!

8,605 Niche Marketing Words And Phrases That Sell Like CRAZY!

Dear Friend,

This e-book is a massive collection of MAGIC words and phrases that will grab your prospect's attention, INFLUENCE them to visit your web site and PERSUADE them to buy your product!

Here are some examples:

  • never been released
  • magical
  • first rate
  • I know you're skeptical...
  • awesome
  • incredible
  • I'll personally guarantee...
  • mind rocking
  • outrageous
  • ... Click here to read the full description!

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