E-Marketing ebooks

Diane Hughes' Secrets To An Ezine Empire
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(priced for $15.95 or less).
Title: Diane Hughes' Secrets To An Ezine Empire
Author: Diane Hughes
Dear Internet Marketing Friend and Colleague,
Ever hear of Diane Hughes? She the "Pro" of the ProBizTips ezine who is raking in what she so authentically refers to, as an "amazing" income, with just a free ezine and the time tested know-how for forming and building online relationships that effortlessly turn idle subscribers into feverish buyers.
How does she do it? What have been her money-increasing strategies over the past 5 years of online entrepreneurship? When was it a good time to make the move from offline employment to online empire builder? Where can you get the products to sell to your ezine subscriber base? What does it take to keep at it even when the going can sometimes get tough? How can you benefit from making a name for yourself on the net and what are the ways to set up money-making networks that just keep on generating more and more "amazing" revenue for your online own cash-flow success?
All this and more can be discovered in our recent live, listen and discover, audio interview with the PRO, herself.
Listen to Diane's words of wisdom as she explains the ins and out of ezine marketing as an expression of her personal mission to show others that if she can do it, so can you!
See the interview transcript and be amazed, yourself, at how a small, quiet little free ezine targeting online newbies and internet marketing experts alike, turned into a 48K+ subscriber base of ready-made, ready-to-buy
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Reprint Rights Magic
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Title: Reprint Rights Magic
Author: Allan Wilson
Generating HIGHER profits with resell rights.
Why is it that some people seem to be able to almost profit at will from products with resell rights while others struggle to even make their first sale?
...because the marketers 'in the know' are implementing the proven strategies outlined in the Reprint Rights Magic course while the newbies are left floundering in a sea of mis-information...
I mean, some are VERY successful. But others fail miserably. Yet everyone has access to the exact same profit generating potential...
So why is it that people with the exact same opportunity have such a wide difference in results?
It all comes down to implementing a smart marketing system. You either know how to fully maximise the potential of the resell rights business...
...or, you don't.
Now You Can Discover Amazing Yet So Mind-Boggling Simple (why didn't I think of that) Techniques that I Guarantee if You Implement Them You WILL Earn Much, Much More Money Then You Are Now...
In Reprint Rights Magic, you'll learn how to maximise the huge profit potential from resell rights... You get the chance to put to work the exact same proven resell rights marketing strategies the big boys use to generate huge profits...
Inside the Reprint Rights Magic course, you'll learn...
- How to Use... Click here to read the full description!

Quick-Turn Marketing Exposed
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(priced for $27.00 or less).
Title: Quick-Turn Marketing Exposed
Author: Dan Lok, Terry Telford
No Fluff! No Filler! No Boring Pointless Stories! Just 100% Practical, Rock-Solid, Ready-To-Use Tactics And Strategies Guaranteed To Pump Massive Amounts of Cash Into Your Bank Account!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to have new customers on tap 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, without having to spend a lot of money, there's a brand new eCourse (just published) that has the most astonishing secrets you will ever learn anywhere.
I'm literally shocked at what he revealed (and you're gonna find out 'exactly what' in just a second).
Why am I so amazed by what this eCourse offers? Because the man who created is a living, breathing, certified, self-made success story!
How successful is he? Well, consider this:
- His strategies and techniques have helped hundreds of small businesses, in 39 different industries!
- He's the known as the World's First Quick-Turn Marketer with an unsurpassed success in the competitive world of buying and selling, with a proven track record of selling over $17.3 million dollars of merchandise and services!
- His efforts often increases his clients' sales by double, triple... even as much as 417%!
- He's the author of many best-selling ebooks, including Forbidden Psychological Tactics and Underground Sales Letters and the publisher of Million Dollar Copywriting Secrets of the World's Greatest Copywriters.
- Multi-millionaire, best-selling author,

The No Cost Marketing Report
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: The No Cost Marketing Report
Author: Jimmy D. Brown
How to Promote ANY Product or Service On A Zero-Dollar Budget No Matter Who You Are!!
Dear Friend,
Do you remember how excited you were when you first decided to start your own business online?
How much you looked forward to marketing your products and services to the Millions of Internet users with "Free Advertising"?
But after a few months of trying Free Advertising methods that just plain don't work you probably go so fed up that you gave up on the idea of getting Free Traffic.
The problem is that there is so much information about Free Advertising that it's hard to know what works and what doesn't.
For the first time ever, Jimmy D Brown one of the web's leading marketing guru's is making his special "No Cost Marketing Report" available in e-Book format with 100% free master reprint rights.
Regardless of who you are or what you are marketing, Jimmy GUARANTEES you this report will show you how to quickly and easily sell more. A lot more.
You can download it within a few minutes.
Here's what you'll learn into "The No Cost marketing Report"
- An easy-to-follow 6-step formula for selling 300% more of your product in 3 days than you did all month.
- The secrets to "microwave marketing" - you pop your advertising into a machine, press the "start" button and in just a few seconds - voila! - the door swings open and out pours a hot helping of sales.
- How to get

Blogging Made Easy
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(priced for $4.95 or less).
Title: Blogging Made Easy
Author: Bob Bastian
- Blog Responsibilities & Etiquette
- Creating & Publishing Your Blog
- Blogs & Journalism
- Blog Reviews
- 2 Blog Case Studies
Introduction To Blogs
A few months back, at the ITEA conference I saw this guy sitting next to me typing constantly into his wireless laptop. He was making notes on what the speakers had to say, was finding relevant links and then hitting the send key - instantly updating his Web site. No sooner the site was updated; he would get responses back from readers around the globe. He was a Blogger.
About Blogs
Several years ago, surfers started collecting information and interesting links they encountered in their travels through webspace. As the time passed they started creating logs of the information they collected and soon they started creating their own web logs. The web logs enabled them to update the information and links as often as possible. This was what the guy in the conference was doing. Improvements in Web design tools have certainly made uploading and updating easier for them.
Blogs are more permanent than posts to an online discussion list, more dynamic than older-style home pages. They are more personal than traditional journalism, and definitely more public than diaries. A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary site. So,

Subscriber Boost
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Subscriber Boost
Author: Timothy Love
There are hundreds of ways to generate traffic to a web site. But. . . what happens after they have bought? Sure, it's good that you made a sale, however, doesn't it make good sense to have the buyer return again and again?
Of course it does. You can have a great looking site and a terrific product. But it just makes good business sense to have a mechanism in place that will insure the viewer returns to buy more.
Making that first sale is just the beginning.
Knowing how to have the customer return is where an opt-in list becomes crucial. Subscriber Boost teaches you how to build an opt-in list by creating an automatic sales machine that will generate repeat sales over and over again.
Discover how the author uses methods to subscribe over 1000 people month after month. It isn't complicated. You can discover how to start from ground base zero and build an opt-in list guaranteed to generate a healthy income.
Here are just a few hot topics you will discover from Subscriber Boost:
- Get them on top of whatever else you're generating - Free
- Two simple programs that generate 5 - 30 new subscribers a day
- How to capture email addresses from the subscriber's browser
- How to offer "free" ads
- Get the "actual" address and improve subscription rates
- An awesome method to generate new subscribers!!
- Never pay for advertising again
- How to"barter" for free... Click here to read the full description!

Discover How To Write Killer Ads
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Discover How To Write Killer Ads
Author: Michael Corcoran
Does Internet marketing drive you crazy?
Tired of wasting your money and/or time placing ads that never get noticed?
Want to know the real secret to writing ads that pull like a powerful locomotive, sending box cars packed with people racing to your website?
Then listen very carefully.
To write an ad that pulls like a freight train requires just a little know-how and imagination, that's all. Anyone can do it... even you! It's easy when you implement what I'm about to show you.
There are so many gifted ad writers on the Web to discover from. Top marketing guru's such as Jay Abraham, Cory Rudl, Mark Joyner, and Joe Vitale, to name a few, all studied and mastered the fine art of ad writing (writing killer ad copy).
Tip: Do a search on the Net and see the expert ad copy of these masters. While you're reading their sales letters, put on a special set of glasses and ask yourself this, "what makes this sales letter so good?" If you continue to ask yourself that question, you can't help but learn the magic keys to their success.
One thing that you'll notice when you are reading their letters, is a secret they use to sell their products like crazy. Their secret weapon is...

Build Your List
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(priced for $49.95 or less).
Title: Build Your List
Author: Simon Hodgkinson
Grab This Video Enhanced Crash Course In Email Marketing And Discover The Real Secrets To A Lifetime Of Maximum Profits!
Dear Friend
To survive on the Internet, promoting your web site and even making sales is not enough! If you'd like to see bigger and more consistent profits, there is one more thing that you absolutely must do right now!
You can increase your profits dramatically and lower your marketing costs at the same time, by adding just one simple technique to your marketing efforts!
Almost every major 'player' on the Internet uses it. Companies like Microsoft, Amazon.com, Yahoo and all the marketing gurus are using email marketing for one simple reason....
... It works!
And it generates profits immediately and consistently!
If you're using some marketing techniques right now that are producing good results for you, you can super-charge those techniques by adding email marketing.
This Is A Crash Course Designed To Help You Get Started!
Every business needs a low cost way to reach targeted customers. Email marketing is by far one of the most effective and inexpensive methods of advertising available to you.
There are right ways and wrong ways of doing email marketing. As you go through this special, video enhanced course , you'll discover the fundamentals for making your campaigns a success.
If your new to Internet Marketing or if you've already tried to build a... Click here to read the full description!

10 Steps To Killer Web Copy
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Title: 10 Steps To Killer Web Copy
Author: Alex Mandossian, Louis Allport
Finally - Copywriting Guru Alex Mandossian Reveals His Proven Tactics For Writing Web Copy That Creates A Flood Of Sales
Dear Internet Friend,
On the internet -- words sell.
Not pictures. Not fancy graphics, Flash, or web design.
Look at the people making great money selling online ... they write strong copy that hypnotizes you to see every word, and whip out your credit card.
The problem is, most people don't know how to put down the right words ... in the right order. And until you do, chances are you won't make any money online.
That's unless you have the budget to spend thousands of dollars on a professional copywriter.
Do you?
Let me be 100% honest with you... I didn't make any money ... in any kind of marketing ... until, I learnt to copywrite. It's as simple as that.
And do you know what really turned it around for me? Listening to the right people. Listening to people who had made millions of dollars in sales with just their written words.
For learning that, I had two mentors. And one of them was Alex Mandossian.
Introducing Alex Mandossian ...
Perhaps you haven't heard of Alex. He's not one of those internet 'celebrities' (yet). When actually he's probably a lot more qualified than many to be considered a marketing guru.
Here's why...
Over the past twelve years, Alex has made him and
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

The 30 Minute Marketing Miracle
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Title: The 30 Minute Marketing Miracle
Author: Louis Allport
REVEALED! The Incredible Secrets Of A Rebel Australian Copywriter Who Turns 'Do-Nothing' Ads Into Money-Making Machines In Less Than 30 Minutes!
Dear Internet Friend,
If you've ever wondered how to turn your marketing into a money-sucking machine, then this is most important message you will ever see.
Here's why...
When was the last time you actually saw a so-called "marketing genius" in action? When have you seen someone truly solve marketing problems on the spot?
Think about it: How many "gurus" have you witnessed actually doing their job as a consultant?
Unmasked! The secret process used by the world's best copywriters to turn any ad into a goldmine!
The truth is ... virtually NO marketing consultant ever lets you see them in action. They hide behind their polished presentations and tightly edited ebooks and courses ... and expect you to take their word for it that THEY are "geniuses at work".
Well, how valuable would it be to see how the brain of a true marketing genius works? How important would it be to your business ... and to your results ... if you were to see how a brilliant marketing mind takes common problems and solves them in a matter of moments?
If you did, wouldn't it make it so much easier to handle your own lack of customers? If you saw how a professional went about solving
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