People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves.
Oliver Goldsmith

E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Marketing, Internet, Programming

Easy Flash Banner

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Title: Easy Flash Banner
Make FLASH Banners In Seconds

" Here's How You Can Create Your Own Eye Catching, Attention Grabbing, Flash Banners For Your Web Site For FREE ! "

Q: Would you like add these click inducing flash banners to your websites but just don't know a thing about working with flash?

Well now you don't have to. . .

. . . Just download your Free copy of Easy Flash Banner and you can get started right away.

Creating visually appealing banners will take you less than a minute - And even better it's 100% FREE!

How Does It Work? You simply enter the text, add in your own image and type in the link you want to send visitors to when they click your banner. Then just copy the project files to your website folder and insert the created code into your site's html. Your Done!

How Do I Get This For Free? Easy, just fill out the form below and I'll send you the link to download the software for free in your email. Fill in the form now to get your copy and you'll be making your own flash banners in the next few minutes.

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Internet Money Revealed

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Title: Internet Money Revealed
Author: Teresa King
If You Can Click Your Mouse You Can Make At Least $900 Per Month Without Really Trying . . . and it isn't another Internet Marketing Program!

Before you give up on Internet Money and throw in the towel you need to listen up. YOU CAN make a good income online. It doesn't need to be untold riches but what if you could make an extra $900 a month?

Do you have any idea what a difference an extra $900 a month could mean in the life of the normal person currently working a 9 to 5 job? Or, the stay at home Mom? Or the wannabe stay at home Mom?

The truth is we live in pretty precarious economical times. Forget about the national debt and what is happening to the global market,

What is happening to YOU?

It's getting harder and harder to stretch that dollar when its value is shrinking day to day!


Here's a question for you:

Did you know there is NO ceiling on Internet Wealth? Unlike a job where you look to the highest paid worker and you say to yourself, "that's the top, that's as far as I can go in this field, and that's the most money I can make."

  • You can make money sitting at home
  • You can turn your computer into a Sales Machine
  • How much you make will be up to you!

Award Winning Author and Internet Guru, Teresa King, talked with 179 people on the telephone between August and November.

She spoke with people who were brand new on the Internet. She spoke with people who are still trying to figure out how to make money on the Internet after... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Million Dollar Emails

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Title: Million Dollar Emails
New Resource Reveals The Amazing Secrets Behind The Net's Most uccessful Email Campaigns

The Greatest Collection of Moneymaking Emails Ever

Dear Internet Friend,

It's amazing!

The power of email marketing is truly the "killer app" of the Internet. If you dropped me anywhere in the world with just a dial-up connection, I guarantee that within 24 hours I could generate an immediate cash surge for you.


Just by sending out a simple email.

It's true. And it doesn't matter if your business is online or off. Simply put, once you know the secret of using email marketing - it's literally like having the power to create cash on demand. Imagine, anytime you need more money, you just hit SEND!

Click...Send...Make Money!

Frankly, I didn't believe it either until I witnessed results like these from my own email marketing campaigns:

$9,188.00 in profits in 72 hours
$15,558.81 in less than 3 weeks
$15,400.00 in 14 days
No wonder I love email marketing and who wouldn't when you consider all these incredible benefits:

  • Low cost. No printing, no postage, no mail house charges. Email is nearly free to send out!
  • Instant Results. Minutes after sending out your email campaign you can start seeing responses and orders.
  • Testing on the go. How fast do you want to see results? Instead of waiting weeks for responses and test results - you'll have them in hours. Now, you can make smarter decisions sooner.
  • High... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Auction Strategies

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Title: Auction Strategies
Author: George Roberts
Discover How To Grab Your Piece of the eBay Pie!

Your Blueprint for Success

Is there anyone left in the world who hasn't heard of eBay? What a phenomena it's become.

There is also tons of information available that will teach you "how to unlock a virtual goldmine of profits using eBay as your vehicle to fame and fortune."

Auction Strategies is not one of them. We don't tell you that you'll become an overnight success pulling in piles of cash buying and selling on eBay.

What we can tell you is that eBay can be a great part-time income and can even grow to become your primary income.

But, in order for that to happen, you need to do your homework and employ sound business practices.

That's what you will discover from Auction Strategies. Let's explore just a few:

  • How to carefully select products
  • eBay will not "create instant wealth" as some claim
  • Why NOT to buy those "wholesale sources" lists.
  • How to crunch the numbers
  • How to stand out from the crowd
  • Be a member of the community

George will also share the personal tools that he uses to operate his successful eBay business.

If you are looking for a no nonsense, down to earth, realistic manual to doing business on eBay, Auction Strategies is an absolute must for your digital library.

No hype, just good, solid "how to" information." There is tons of money to be made on eBay. Thousands do it every day and... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

10 Steps To Explosive Product Launches

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Title: 10 Steps To Explosive Product Launches

Listen In As I Show You Step By Step The Methods I Use To Successfully Launch My Online Products To An Audience That I Can Guarantee Will Buy From Me..
- And Discover How You Can Get Access To Them Too

You know, back when I first started out in online marketing in mid 1999, there was always one thing that amazed me about this business. This is it: I'd wake up in the morning, and on checking my mail I'd see an ad for a product that would claim that they're only selling 500 copies before pulling it off the shelf forever. I'd think nothing more of it, go about my daily business, then wake up the next morning and check my mail again.

What I found never failed to shock me.

This $500 product they were only selling 500 of before pulling off the shelf forever had already sold 250 copies! Now in my naivety I did wonder if they were serious about this or it was just a marketing ploy. Several years down the line however, on meeting these marketers and actually seeing this in action..

I now know this is a fact.

My next plan of action was to find out how they were doing this. Was it simply through a bunch of joint ventures? Maybe it was because they were already established and they have a huge list to promote to I thought.

I was even more astonished at what I found to be true.

It wasn't their big lists that were

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

AutoResponder Magic

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Title: AutoResponder Magic
The Ultimate Collection of Winning Autoresponder Messages To Put Your Web Site on Autopilot!

Announcing A New Resource That Can Help You Put Your Web Site's Sales On Autopilot!

A Massive Collection of Winning Autoresponder Messages to Model, Copy and Swipe

Fact: A recent study conducted by Sales and Marketing Executives International concluded that 81% of major sales are closed after the fifth contact.

Fact: 80% of people who inquire about a product or service will buy it within one year of their initial inquiry. However, more than 90% of the time, they don't buy from the same company that they made their initial contact with.

Dear Internet Friend,

What's the quickest and easiest way to massively increase your web site's profits?

If you said, "Get more traffic" - you're dead-bang wrong!

By far, the easiest and most cost effective way to dramatically increase your bottom line is simply increasing your follow-up efforts.

That's right. The startling truth is unless you're constantly and systematically following-up on prospects, you are literally throwing away wads and wads of cash!

  • The problem: How to continually and automatically follow-up with interested prospects?
  • The answer: Sequential Email Autoresponders.

In case you've never heard of autoresponders let me briefly explain how they work...

The Inside Scoop on 'Autoresponders'

Email autoresponders work like

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Website Conversion Secrets

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Title: Website Conversion Secrets
Author: Ewen Chia
How To Make Your Website Sell Like Crazy!

"What If I Told You That You, Yes YOU Can Increase Your Profits by 100%, 200% or Even More Than 1287% Without Working Any Harder? Would You Let me Show You How To Do It?"

Give me 7 minutes and I will reveal the 40 most common pitfalls well-meaning entrepreneurs like you fall into when trying to create a money-making site. It's a shame for YOU to not be living the lifestyle you desire... when you can do it so easily...

Dear Friend,

My marketing buddies think that I'm crazy because I want to practically give away the same methods they use to create money-sucking sites... all just to prove a point. In a couple of minutes, I will make you feel so excited that you will want to scream.

You see, I would like to share a concept with you that few people understand...

You can make many times the profits you are making now without paying one extra penny in advertising or hunting for extra traffic. It's easy if you make a few changes on your site's "ad copy"...

Here are some of the things you can discover:

  • A dirty little trick "stolen" from offline copywriters and how to adapt this to your website. Do this correctly and the visitors will be so involved in your site they won't even think of clicking away!
  • The one common online practice that can easily backfire and actually cost you sales. You will discover how to do this the right way so that you make more profits.
  • The 11 points you... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Ebay riches report

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Title: Ebay riches report
The "One-Step To eBay Riches" Power-Report!


Congratulations on obtaining this very powerful report. The one step technique that you are about to discover is a highly unknown, yet incredibly powerful way of making far more sales, getting more bids and building a highly targeted customer list...all rolled into one.
If you put it into practice you will see some startling results.


That's all you have to do. Offer a "free gift" that is highly complimentary to your product that would be of huge interest to your potential bidders.
Why does this work so well? Because you're offering something that is of high perceived value to the bidder (maybe even higher than the price of the actual product) completely free. How could the bidder not take it up? He's looked at other auctions in your category - some even selling the exact same product but only yours offers this unique information product that comes along with the purchase. Suddenly he wants the info-product almost more than he wants the actual product (I have had emails from customers who have told me the only reason they bid for the product was the info-product that came with the auction!).

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Category: E-Marketing

How to create killer mini sites that sell like crazy!

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Title: How to create killer mini sites that sell like crazy!
Author: Alpha del Bosque
An amazing new report shows you the secrets behind successful mini sites!

A deep down dissection of the most successful mini sites on the web and exclusive access to my
9-block formula for creating killer mini sites that sell like crazy!

Dear internet friend...

I'm already taking heat from some "web marketing gurus" for revealing this information here. But you know what? I don't care!

Their secrets have been hidden long enough and in my opinion it is about time that someone actually showed *you* the exact steps to create a mini-site that makes mega-bucks... sites like the ones those gurus are using to build their online empires every passing day.

In case you're still not familiar with mini-sites, let me give you a brief explanation of what they are and what they can do for you...

An insider-look at mini-sites:

Mini Sites are simple (but powerful) one or two page web sites that sell a product -- usually, an infoproduct. These apparently harmless sites, when done correctly are unstoppable money-making machines.

If you've been on the net some time and if you're interested in the topic of "online marketing", I'm sure that you've seen some of the sites I'm talking about... and chances are you even bought from several of them. Right? Yes, that's how powerful they are...

Actually, mini-sites are in my opinion "the perfect web business". And how couldn't it be if...

  • Mini-sites allow you to test your marketing on the
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Pay Per Text Marketing

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Title: Pay Per Text Marketing
Author: Troy Pentico
Finally, You Can Promote Any Affiliate Program Online... Build An Enormous Opt-In Mailing List... And Stop Giving Away The Leads You Worked So Hard To Generate

This Explosive Marketing System will Increase your ability to follow up with your affiliate web site visitors by 100%!

Dear Friend,

In just a few minutes you'll see exactly how you can use the Pay Per Text Marketing System to generate more leads and sales. All of the ground work has been done for you. The only thing you need to do is insert your own contact information and ads into the Pay Per Text Code and you're all set. It just doesn't get any easier than that! Folks, lets face it if you are not performing follow ups with the visitors to your website you are not maximizing the sales potential of your products and services. Not everyone is ready to "buy" on the first visit.
But, if you capture their contact information you are giving yourself the ability to answer any further questions they may have or offer more information about the product or service that may not have clicked with them the first time. If you are not doing this or you do not have the ability to do it you are wasting valuable time and money advertising a program that will do nothing for your pocket ebook if you do not close the sale on their first visit!

Affiliate Programs are one of the "hottest" methods of making money on the Internet and they continue to grow in popularity every day. They give you the ability to take your share of the profits in some of the fastest selling products and services on the Internet.

For many years I have

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