E-Marketing ebooks

97 eBay™ Success Secrets
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Title: 97 eBay™ Success Secrets
Author: Bryan winters
Are you ready to discover how to be an eBay Powerseller?
Here are 97 tips to help you build profit and success on eBay.
You'll find yourself referring to them time and time again.
Dear Friend,
For just a moment, try to comprehend the power of the Internet. Every day, there are millions of people from around the globe "surfing the web."
People run their business from the Internet, search for love, research succulent recipes, plan vacations, and best of all - they SHOP! People that shop are always looking for a bargain, not just any bargain, but something spectacular.
The most popular public auction site, eBay, is where people gather to find anything from dishes to jewelry to houses and just about everything in between. Last year there was even a mother sold on eBay!
You can purchase amazing original artwork from China, have it signed by the artist, and shipped directly to your home. Perhaps you are trying to find 12 yards of Toile to reupholster your couch. You might even be looking for a new lawnmower or different power tools. The great news is that eBay has it all!
The other side of buying is the selling. Anyone can sell anything on eBay. Open an account, list your product, and wait for the bids to start coming in. There are secrets to being a power seller on eBay. While it is true that anyone can sell, to be successful, you need to know the inside secrets. One woman made over $250,000 last year on items
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Defend Your Domain
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Title: Defend Your Domain

Instant SEO
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Title: Instant SEO
Author: Justin Richards
Introduction... let me introduce myself to you
Please let me first introduce myself. My name is Justin Richards and I'm a 22 years old man living in the Birth place of country music (TENNESSEE).
Considering that you're reading a "ebook" you may think I'm a writer... but I'm not... and that's why I'll ask you from the very beginning to bear with me and with any mistakes that may occur...
In fact I'm a SEO engineer - one of those people that stand behind any page that appears in the first place when you make a search for a competitive keyword on Google or Yahoo.
Now that I presented myself let's talk a little bit about you... But... better not... because in fact I already know you...
Don't understand me wrong... I'm not a magician and I don't know for FBI either... So I don't know if you're white or black, man or woman, young or old, single or married or any other details of this kind...
But what I know is the reason why you are here...
You have a web page and you want to make money with it.
A few time ago you decided that you can sell a great product or a great service on-line... that will help you earn lots of cash.
And for that you built a gorgeous looking page; upload it on the web and wait for customers to come and make you hear the sound of money.
But a few weeks passed and only scatter customers visited the site... and your estimations proved to be wrong.
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Author: Michael Kimble
An amazing collection of killer advertisings and order pulling sales letters that have generated thousands of dollars in pure profits. Now available for you to see, adapt and model on your own business.
Can you use the one simple (but jealously guarded) secret that direct response marketers use, to skyrocket your income through the roof?
The answer is YES, if you know what their secret is!
Would you like to know one simple secret that can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams? If so, then pay close attention- because this may be the most important message you will ever see.
Here is why: have you ever wondered what it is that separates mail order millionaires from people who struggle day to day... just to make ends meet? Do they have a special talent, connections in high places, or were they just born rich? The truth is... none of the above! They just know a secret. One simple secret.
What is this secret- one that you too can use to bring in as much money as you want as fast as you want? What is it they do, that ordinary people don't? Quite simply,
They Steal!
Yes, you see it right- they steal. But, they do it in a perfectly legal, perfectly ethical fashion, in a way that allows them to make as much money as they want... while working only a few short hours each week.
How can they (and you) do this- and do it in a perfectly legal way?
I'ts pretty simple.... Click here to read the full description!

25 Most Frequently asked questions on being a web master
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Title: 25 Most Frequently asked questions on being a web master
Author: Pam Renovato
- What will I put on my site?
- Why do I need a web site?
- How long will it take to build my site?
- What are the best color choices for my site?
- What is the best software program to build my site.
- What kinds of graphic files can I use on my sites?
- How can I create my own graphics for my site?
- What kind of graphics are appropriate?
- How do I make hyperlinks to other sites?
- How do I upload my site?
- How can I make files downloadable from my site?
- Do I need my own domain?
- Is web hosting expensive?
- Where should I register my domain?
- Do I need to discover sophisticated programming skills?
- Should I discover CGI and Java Script?
- What are CGI and Java Script?
- What are some of the best ways to send traffic to my site?
- Should I use banner exchanges?
- How do I submit to search engines?
- How do I get other sites to link to me?
- How much time should I devote to maintenace?
- How much time will it take to promote my site?
- Is this really something I want to get into?
- Any other advice?

Insiders Secrets To Flea Market Profits
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Title: Insiders Secrets To Flea Market Profits
Author: Bud Austin
One Man's Story About His Journey Pursuing The American Dream
Bud Austin started out in life by doing what "convention" dictated. He studied hard, graduated from college and entered the well respected realm of a noble profession. He became a classroom teacher.
In the early 80's Bud started to question his chosen career path. He began staring out the window daydreaming about the world outside the classroom. He wanted to travel. He wanted to broaden his horizons. He wanted to live "the good life."
And, most important, he wanted to do it before life passed him by. The problem? How was he going to accomplish it? He had no experience at making money outside of his job.
He took stock of what he liked to do. He liked to travel so he began to explore different options for earning an income while he did what he liked to do. He created a list and after checking out the pros and cons of each option, it hit him. Flea Markets!
Bud spent the next two years educating himself. He visited flea market after flea market, studying the ins and outs. What to sell. How to sell it. What not to sell and how to avoid it. He set up his first booth at a flea market close to home and used it as a training ground.
He spent weekend after weekend studying the process. He observed the successful marketers and sought them out. He picked their brains then applied what he learned. After two years of trial and error, hours and
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Alex Mandossian Secrets
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Title: Alex Mandossian Secrets
Author: Alex Mandossian
An Exclusive 80 Minute Interview With Top US. Marketing Consultant Alex Mandossian -- Who Takes Home 5-Figure Cash Profits Every Month From Just One Info-Product!
Dear Internet Friend,
Imagine 5-figure cash profits flooding into your bank account every single month ... even while you're sunning yourself at the beach.
Sound good? Well, here's more ...
I recently had the good chance to interview Alex Mandossian in-depth about his marketing success, and how you can apply his tips 'n' tricks to have even more success in your own business.
"Okay, who's Alex Mandossian?" you're asking.
Here's who ...
- Alex Mandossian is considered one of the top ten freelance direct marketers in America today and owns one of the largest marketing libraries ever assembled ... with over 1,800 rare ebooks and volumes dating back to the 1800's
- During the past 12 years, Alex has helped his clients generate over $183 million in sales from TV spots, infomercials, QVC and Home Shopping Network, national retail catalogs, space ads in Parade Magazine and USA Weekend, direct mail, Web marketing, and of course, postcards.
- Here is what Internet Multi-Millionaire Mark Joyner of Aesop.com had to say about Alex:
"Alex Mandossian makes things happen - fast! I was first introduced to him on a Monday afternoon and by Thursday morning one of his marketing ideas put an extra $12,500 into my bank account. This guy has... Click here to read the full description!

eBay Pirates
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Title: eBay Pirates
1 Intro
1.1 What is eBay?
2 How the Pro's operate
3 Appearance is Everything
4 What to buy and sell?
5 Beating other bidders
6 Forget the Post Office
7 Conclusion
8 Resources
9 Free Online Auction Software
1 Intro
How is it so many people are making a killing buying and selling products on eBay? We're not talking about the person who simply wants to get rid of their golf clubs because they're sick of seeing them in the corner; we're talking about the pirates of eBay, those individuals who make a very profitable living selling products on eBay. In this eBook, you will learn the techniques the pro's use and how you can adopt these techniques yourself in no time flat!
To get you started down the right path, take a look at the below tips. We'll delve into more detail on each of these items throughout this ebook.
- Try to avoid counter-bidding. This strategy can raise prices unnecessarily. The more demand there is for a product the more the price will go up.
- There are literally thousands upon thousands of products being auctioned off at any given time on eBay. The best strategy is to wait until the auction is near its end before bidding and the snipe the item in true pirate fashion! (more on this later)
- On eBay, the payment exchange is left up to the buyer and seller. Whenever possible, use a credit card because it

How To Create Hot Information Products!
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: How To Create Hot Information Products!
Author: Louise Slavnic
Just about every marketing site you visit plays you the same tune. You have to have your own product to be successful online! Sound familiar?
If you have been struggling with trying to come up with your own product to sell, stop right now!
Exploring how to create your own information products has never been easier
Everything you ever wanted to know about creating your own cash producing information product is crammed into the pages of this sure fire winner!
Many marketing sites online tell you to create your own product, but precious few of them actually show you how! It gets downright confusing when you start to think about:
- How will I create it?
- What shall create?
- Will my product sell?
- Where do I begin?
If you are absolutely clueless about what to create, how to do it and will it sell, you need a mentor and How To Create Hot Information Products is just what the doctor ordered to skyrocket your personal success!
If the whole idea of creating your own information product has you quivering in fear. . .
If you think that you couldn't possibly have anything of value to share. . .
Or if you are afraid that you can't master the language barriers, have no fear!
Learn the real truth about creating your own information product!
Have you ever wondered why information is so popular as a product? Part of the reason is that it
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A Cheap And Easy Guide to Self-publishing
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Title: A Cheap And Easy Guide to Self-publishing
Author: Wayne Perkins, Tom Hua
This e-Book is a complete manual that teaches step by step manual on how to publish your e-Books.
It includes where to find the most up-to date marketing information, how to sell e-Books without "talking and selling" anyone.
This e-Book includes many marketing techniques that require no marketing budget.
It also teaches you how to negotiate e-Book publishing contracts from your computer at home.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- What Do I Gain by Publishing e-Books?
- What Is an e-Book And Why Should IPublish One?
- How to Publish Your e-Book in Just One Day
- Marketing Your First e-Book with No Budget - Using Fingertip Marketing to Sell Your Ebooks
- What You Need To Sell e-Books from Your Website
- Setting Up Back up Systems
- e-Book and Internet Marketing Resources
- Publishing e-Books on e-Book Reading Devices
- A One Source Solution for e-Books, e-Book Readers, Paperbound Ebooks and More
- How to Turn Your e-Books into Bound Ebooks
A Cheap and Easy Manual to Self-publishing e-Books is a complete system that will allow you to publish your first e-Book and sell it over the Internet.
Be sure you participate in all of the marketing activities mentioned in the Marketing Plan section of the ebook.
You will achieve success when you follow the directions.
Here is what you need to... Click here to read the full description!
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