People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves.
Oliver Goldsmith

E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Resale Rights Profits

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Title: Resale Rights Profits
Author: Allan Wilson
I'll Show You How To Set Up A Successful Resale Rights Business From Start To Finish

I Just Don't Tell You What To Do - I Take You By The Hand With Pictures and Video Tutorials To SHOW You HOW To It!

From the desk of Allan Wilson

Re: Generating OUTSTANDING profits with resale rights.

I surveyed my newsletter subscribers with the following question.

What things related to Internet marketing do you want to discover more about?

The overwhelming reply was...

Every e-book you see tells you WHAT to do but not how to do it... Please SHOW us step by step HOW to do these things!

Well my friends Resale Rights Profits is the first in a series of ebooks that will indeed SHOW you what to do...

In Resale Rights Profits, you'll not only learn how to maximise the huge profit potential from resale rights products... You get tutorials for every step in the process. ...

Inside this 74 page instructional guide, you'll learn all of the following...

  • Places to buy different types of resale rights products - Including the advantages and disadvantages of each and traps to look out for.
  • My real life success story and how I'm working at home as a full time Internet marketer selling products with resale rights - Learn the most important thing you MUST do if you are going to succeed in the resale rights business.
  • YOU NEED A WEBHOST - I show you the webhost I use however you can also find webhosting FREE when you get resale rights from the right... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

How to Write Profit Pulling Reports

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Title: How to Write Profit Pulling Reports
Author: Jimmy D. Brown
"How to earn thousands monthly with your own free reports..."

Learn the same techniques used by the "gurus" to promote

Dear eMarketer:

It all began about a year and a half ago with a free report entitled, "How to Sell 300% More of YOUR Product in 72 Hours Than You Did All Month."

I was a complete unknown then. I wrote the above mentioned report to promote my new membership site, the Profits Vault. That single report has been downloaded over 20,000 times and has generated an estimated $100,000 in profits in less than 18 months.

And that's ONE report.

Now, that may or may not impress you. But, this will for sure. I have put together a short, 35 page course detailing exactly how to do this yourself. No, I can't guarantee your report will be downloaded 20,000 times and you'll earn $100,000 in profits, but I CAN show you *exactly* what I did in step-by-step detail... you can use the exact same system that I did in creating your own free reports.

You're about to discover the two most important things about free reports...

  • How to reap incredible profits from them.
  • How to write your own *exclusive* free reports.

In Profit Pulling Reports, here is what you will learn...

  • How ANYONE can write their own outrageously profitable free reports regardless of their education or experience. You don't need any special writing skills and you don't need any expertise. Heck, I'll even shown you one way to get... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

The Underground Secret Twitter Manifesto Exposed!

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Title: The Underground Secret Twitter Manifesto Exposed!
Author: Dean Shainin

What is the Underground Secret Twitter Manifesto going to do for YOU...

"You'll Learn How To Tap Into One Of The Most Powerful Viral Traffic Machines Online And Make More Money Than You Ever Imagined Using Twitter Marketing Secrets To Ethically Get Free Targeted Traffic On Auto-Pilot"!

And I Fully Guarantee... My Simple Results Producing Methods and Proven System Will Make You More Money... Generate Swarms of Pre-Qualified Targeted Twitter Traffic To YOUR Site...And Give You The Power To Quickly Get Thousands Of Followers Right Here...Right Now!"

"And If You Put My Proven System Into Action Without Making At Least 500% Return On Your Investment Within 45 Days...I'll Give You 200% Of Your Money Back...Plus I'll Let You Keep The Entire System For Free."

Dear Online Marketer,

  • Are you struggling to build a decent targeted list of subscribers while others do it quickly with ease?
  • Are you sick and tired of wasting your hard-earned money on PPC, CPA, CPM, CPL, classified ads, banner ads, co-registration leads and other expensive advertising costs?
  • Are you trying to master the finer aspects of several social networking sites that take too much time, too much experience and too much ridiculous trial and error?
  • Are you repulsed by sites like MySpace and many others that have become big SPAM machines for
... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

42 Killer Marketing Articles

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Title: 42 Killer Marketing Articles
  1. "My 3 "Must Use" Secrets for Big Fat Subscriber Lists"
  2. "The Story of the Hypnotic Writing Monkey"
  3. "3 Proven Ways to Make Your Newsletter Make You Money Today"
  4. "Why Some Ads Fail Miserably While Others Succeed Wonderfully"
  5. "The Hypnotic Power of Confusion"
  6. "The Secret Behind Million-Dollar Ads"
  7. "What do People Want Online? It's not what you think it is"
  8. "This is Barely Legal... But You Can Still Get Away With It"
  9. "Learn a Master Wordsmith's Secret for Turning Everything You Say into Wealth, Well-Being and Personal Success"
  10. "How to Use Other People's Money for Your Business"
  11. "Nothing is Secret Anymore!" - The Confessions of a Millionaire Information Broker"
  12. "I Almost Flunked English But Went On To Make Millions of Dollars Writing Sales Copy"
  13. "The Easiest Way to Write Anything"
  14. "The Triggers of Success: How to Trigger a Successful Sale through the Power of Psychological Triggers"
  15. "Don't be the Best...Be the First!"
  16. "Killer Copy: Words That Are Like Magnets to Money"
  17. "Narrow Your Focus and Broaden Your Sales"
  18. "How to Instantly Double the Response of Any Ad, Letter or Web Promotion"
  19. "What is Guerrilla Marketing?"
  20. "The E-Factor: Two Ways to Instantly Get More Back from Every Promotion"
  21. "Seven Steps For Creating Successful
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Success 101

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Title: Success 101
Author: Liz Tomey
Guide To Super Success!

Discover How To Be Successful With Anything You Want To In Your Life In Just 30 Minutes A Day!

No matter what goal you are trying to achieve in life, being successful with your goal is very important to you. If it weren't you would have never set your goal, right?

Success comes in all shapes and forms. You could want success in your job, in your marriage, in the raising of your children, or anything else that you can imagine.

Being a success is very important to you and to myself also.

Seven years ago, I was 19 years old and had dropped out of college. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I'd known since I was a small child that I wanted to work for myself. I did NOT want a boss. I think at 19 years old, none of us like the idea of having a boss, but I wanted my own business.

I started setting small goals for myself so that I could start my own business. After reaching these goals, I started feeling a since of success.

Seven years later, I am still setting goals and reaching them, and I have reached my goal of starting my own business. I am successful in my business, and the feeling I get from that since of success can't be expressed in words.

My path to success has been a very long and hard one, and I'm sure you are traveling this same long and hard to path also.

Becoming successful wasn't easy and every day I strive to be more successful in not only my business, but in my marriage, in the

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Category: E-Marketing

Blog Biz for Beginners

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Title: Blog Biz for Beginners
Author: John Williams

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Blogging. . .But Didn't Know What To Ask!

That just about sums it up for most of us, doesn't it? The first time I saw the word "blog" I thought it was some kind of a rerun of the old Steve McQueen movie, "The Blob."

Just as the caption says, if you have limited experience online, there's a good chance that you may be clueless about blogging.

Does all that "scary" language set your teeth on edge like fingernails on a blackboard? Code, RSS, Feeds, XML. Can you feel your heart start to beat just a little bit faster and sweat begin to accumulate on your brow?

If that's the case you may be thinking, "I've got a web site, why do I need a blog?" While you don't necessarily need a blog, you might want to reconsider if you have any interest at all in building your business and even making more sales.

More sales, huh? That got your attention, didn't it? It's a fact that blogs are improving the bottom line and generating additional sales for the people who own them.

Blog Biz For Beginners is a dream come true for those who want to create a blog but just plain didn't know where to begin.

John has included an audio interview with Jason Cain.

Just in case you don't know, Jason has been blogging since 1999 and is the author of the original ebook on making money with a blog. He teaches marketers how to blog and bloggers how to make money.

You get a lot of... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Sequential Magic

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Title: Sequential Magic
Author: Allan Wilson
Discover How to Unleash the Unlimited Profit Generating Power of Sequential Autoresponders!

Generating OUTSTANDING profits with sequential autoresponders.


What seperates successful online marketers from the also rans?


Effective follow up. Otherwise known as email marketing with sequential autoresponders.

I'm not just talking about mediocre stuff here...

No Sir...

The invention of sequential autoresponders is the best thing to happen since sliced bread... Well at least for Internet marketers anyway!

...However there is a problem that needs to be solved.

What's The Point In Owning a Porsche If You Don't Know How To Drive It?

In Sequential Magic, you'll learn how to maximise the huge profit potential from sequential autoresponders... You get the chance to go full throttle with our easy to implement autoresponder marketing system and unleash the huge money making potential that this form of marketing provides. ...

Inside the Sequential Magic course, you'll be amazed by the following...

  • 3 Surefire Ways to Put Your Sequential Autoresponders to Work and Generate Automated Multiple Streams of Income.
  • Learn Exactly What a Sequential Autoresponder is and Why You Must Use Them For Your Online Business Success.
  • Learn the Seldom Used Yet Knock-Out After Sales Strategy Guaranteed to Delight Your Customers and Have Them Writing You Glowing Testimonials.
  • Learn How Using Sequential
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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

How I Sell Thousands of Products From Home Using the Net

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Title: How I Sell Thousands of Products From Home Using the Net
Author: Marlon Sanders
Here's why I'm willing to share my secret...

Dear Friend,

If you'd like to sell products like crazy from home using your PC -- without spending life's savings -- this report may be the single most important one you'll see this year.


Because I've sold hundreds of thousands of dollars of products and services using my computer, an Internet connection, my brain and common software.

My fixed overhead is low since I work at home. And the profits can be mind-blowing, considering that other people do my most of marketing and advertising for me.

Plus, since people around the world buy products from me, I'm diversified in case my country's economy goes to pot.

But enough about me.

This is about you. And how you can copy my system of selling products from home using your computer, common software -- and your brain.

Do you have a homebased business? Have you thought about starting one? Do you have a product or service to sell? Then this could be the answer you're looking for. It has been for many others.

I'm truly touched by all the letters we've received from around the world from people who have been helped by our information. We literally have over 200 pages of published, documented testimonials for our products.

You can see a few in the red sidebar.

As you can see, people get enthusiastic when they talk about my information and systems. Why? Because there is nothing more exciting than

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Category: Business, E-Business, E-Marketing

Building A Virtual Corporation

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Title: Building A Virtual Corporation
Looking Big Time on a Small Time Budget

How Can A Minimum-Wage Paid Success Seeker Transform Into The Owner Of A Six-Figure Business...

...With As Little As A Phone And A $20 Internet Connection?"

Buckle Up... You're Seconds Away From Being Spoon-Fed Tons Of Valuable, Earth-Shattering Virtual Corporation Secrets!

If you're anything like me you want answers. Real, no fluff, no filler no BS answers. Grant me the simple favor of reading this message and you will leave this website knowing a lot more than you ever imagined!

Dear Friend,

I'm assuming you already know that more and more businesses are adapting to technology and converting to online selling methods, right? Today, no company is successful without understanding that going virtual is vital in creating a dynamic, profitable venture.

But Wait, Let Me Ask You This...

How is it possible... that someone who worked in a factory with the reading ability of a 12 year old... can kick total butt in business and embarrass a hoard of guru's by making a six, even seven-figure track record - without even having a company building?

How is it possible... that "wannabe" successful entrepreneurs are using shoestring budgets to transform their small, one-man home businesses into internet company's that carry the feel of respect, authority and trust -- and the profits to match?

Sounds too good to be true? You bet! But the fact

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Category: E-Marketing

eBartering Tactics

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Title: eBartering Tactics
Author: Laksman Veeravagu
Will You Trade A Goat (or Two) for Your Website?

How To Get Anything You Want Without Paying A Dime...

OK, so maybe that is a little far fetched. But, I think you get the concept. The art of bartering has been around for centuries. In fact, we still barter every day. The only difference is the medium of exchange. We use paper money, coin or "plastic."

Kids trade baseball cards, radio stations trade ads with television stations and people in service industries exchange their services often. A plumber needs his house painted and a painter needs a new bathroom installation.

What you probably don't know, is that bartering is being done every day on the Internet. Maybe you are a terrific graphic artist, but just don't seem to be able to string a few words together to write a solo ad.

Somewhere online, there is a struggling copywriter who needs graphic work done on his or her website. All you need to do is find them. That's where we come in!

eBartering Tactics arms you with a full arsenal of how to tap in and take advantage of this lucrative technique. Laksman will literally grab you by the shoulders, give you a shake and explain how you too can cash in on this method of getting everything you need. . .free!

These tactics have nothing to do with typical "Internet marketing" mumbo-jumbo. He gives you real-life, practical solutions to your every day challenges.

What if you really could take your God given talents and exchange them for tangibles that you would

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