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E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Facebook Social Ads Exposed

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Title: Facebook Social Ads Exposed

"Social Advertising on Facebook - will it really work for you?"

"Learn the Secret to Creating Social Ads on Facebook That Will Net you Facebook Fans - And Profitable Sales"

Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,

You may or may not frequently use Facebook... but I'm willing to bet you you've been just too busy to seriously think about Facebook ad creation.

Now, I know that's a bold statement to make, but it's based on solid research and fact.

People (and that includes marketers like you and I) often just use Facebook for one or two incredibly common reasons:

  • To have fun and connect with friends
  • To network your business

But there's a third use for Facebook... one that big companies like Coca-Cola and Nike quickly discovered (after using teams of paid experts to help them promote their brands). And while it's true that you will have to use different strategies, many of the principles remain the same.
So... have you ever seriously considered social advertising on Facebook.

Now, you've already got a handle on social networking. And you promote your business on Facebook and Twitter (almost) every day.

So Why Should You Pay to Actually Advertise on Facebook?

What real advantage will that give you?

The answer may shock you, because... may not give you any advantage at all!

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Category: E-Marketing

Indispensable Internet Marketing Newbies Guide

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Title: Indispensable Internet Marketing Newbies Guide

Step-by-Stp Manual On Getting Started Online!

The secrets behind being an Internet Idol and Inspiring Others!

Dear Friend,

There are 2 elements involved in attaining a magnet personality. The first is your ability to draw in people. The second is your accessibility, the extent to which others perceive you as being open. Together, these 2 qualities create a positive attitude, one of the top traits of a master marketer. Together, they influence how magnetic you are for your business.

You've probably heard of a person having a magnetic personality. If something or somebody is magnetic, the object or individual has an extraordinary power or ability to attract.

The truth is:

If You Do Not Know How To become an Internet Idol and and have a magnetic personality you are spinning your wheels!

Fear is the number one reason people don't start conversations--fear of rejection, fear of inadequacy and fear of looking foolish. But practice will make this fear fade. The more you start conversations, the better you become at it.

If you have no idea how to be a magnet or self confidence it will be difficult to achieve any type of success.

But, you can discover how to dominate the internet and become an internet idol. I have the perfect manual available for you right here!
(Read on to find... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

How To Outsource Anything To Anyone

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Title: How To Outsource Anything To Anyone

10 Tips On How You Can Find The Right People To Build Your Business For You!

Gone are the days of the 'one-man show'. If you really want to get things done, you must leverage on a team of people. This ebook will teach you how to find all the best people to build your business and your profits for you!

Table Of Contents

  1. Why Outsource?
  2. What Kinds of Jobs Must Be Outsourced?
  3. Finding Professionals to Outsource Your Work to
  4. Getting Professionals from Online Jobsites
  5. Selecting the Right Person
  6. Outsourcing and the Money Equation - Deciding How Much to Pay and How
  7. Outsourcing Milestones and Escrows
  8. The Three Rs that Keep the Outsourcing Tide Flowing - Ratings, Reviews and Relationships
  9. Getting Your Job Done
  10. Taking Outsourcing to the Next Level - An Important Step in Online Business Evolution

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing, For Authors

eBook Promotion for NEWBIES

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Title: eBook Promotion for NEWBIES

Advanced Pricing Strategies You MUST KNOW to Profit !

Internet. Business. Profit.

Let me ask you a question. The last time you launched your own product to sell online, or even offline, how did you come to a conclusion about what price you were going to be selling at?

At a guess, I'd probably say you looked at the competition to see what they were charging. While this is a good start, it's far from the whole picture, and you're fumbling in the dark if you looking at competition is the only factor you're taking into account.

Did you know you can double your sales volume by doubling your price? I've done it myself, and I'll show you how!

Table Of Contents:

Overview of Pricing

  • The Bigger Picture
  • Pricing Strategies: Getting Started
  • Pricing with Regard to Competition
  • Rule 2: Wowing through Price Is a Bad Move
  • Rule 1: Premium Products Sell at Premium Prices
  • Don't Be Afraid
  • Increase Sales by Presenting Choices
  • Times Are Changing
  • Rewards for Customers Equals More Cash for You
  • Banning the Word Cheap
  • Trials and Lead Generation
  • Value Added

Overview of Added Value

  • Cut-Off Dates
  • Adding Value Explained
  • Limited Numbers Done Right
  • Testimonials - But
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

Pay Per Click Marketing for NEWBIES

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Title: Pay Per Click Marketing for NEWBIES

Definitive manual to making money on autopilot !

The key to success with AdSense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site.

You will discover 2 factors that will make you or break you and successfully use them.

While all the basics are covered to ensure proper start - you will get access to 5 advanced techniques to maximize your earnings and make people click those ads, without any suspicion from Google.

Get access to secrets of using other people's info to skyrocket your earnings and much, much more!


The Internet has now become an important medium for product and service advertisements. Almost every company that can afford print, radio and TV advertisements have also ventured into placing ads on the Internet.
But with millions of websites out there being visited by millions of computer users, how can you make sure that your ad can be seen by your target customers and that your lead s will be followed by thes e users? Here are a few tips.
Place an ad on the websites frequent ed by your target customers. Before doing this, you need to define who will be your target customers. Placing an ad on sites that they usually visit will increase the possibility that your ad will gain the attention and will be

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

Mailing List PayChecks

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Title: Mailing List PayChecks
How To Write Your Own PayCheck Every Week With A Targeted Opt-In Emailing List

This .pdf manual leads you through the entire publishing process - from concept to delivery - for any sort of newsletter, ezine, or special report you want to create and deliver by email.

You'll also learn the exact steps to take to build your mailing list quickly and on full automation, with a minimum of hassle for you.


Welcome and thanks for your interest. In this manual you will discover how to:

1 Create your own successful E-zine (or newsletter) where your subscribers are interested in what you have to say, and they have every reason to listen to you.
With so many E-zines out there, you have to have an edge of your own. Forget the "standing out of the crowd" mentality. Because not only it is nearly impossible, I think that getting people to listen to what you have to say is more important, having looked that each of us can easily subscribe to any E-zine of our choice at the click of the button for free.

In this manual, I show you how you can have your own "fan club" or "cult" and they are definitely better than having just any sort of mailing list, because you would have people take your words rather than from someone else, even though the messages may be similar.

2 Make your money from several ways possible with your mailing list!

I describe to you several ways on how you can make your money from your E-zine (your E-zine IS your mailing list). No, there are

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

Profit Pulling eBooks

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Title: Profit Pulling eBooks
Author: Jimmy D. Brown
How to Launch Your Own Fleet of eBooks That Pull in the Profits for YOU!

Dear Friend,

Well, as I just finished putting my 7 month-old baby boy to sleep for his mid morning nap, I thought I'd check my email. Guess what? Ten new orders. A cool $300 since about 3 hours ago when I first checked my email today.

Not a bad profit considering I spent the morning bouncing little Junior on my knee
instead of working the grind like everyone else I know.

You see, I didn't even need to get up this morning and do all of the "marketing" stuff that seems to be on everyone's mind today. I just let my automated profit pullers do the work for me.

Oh, you'd like to hear more about that, huh? Especially how YOU can setup the *exact* same system I use to generate your own automated profits! Am I right? Read on...

How YOU Can Launch Your Own Free Profit Pulling e-Books That Explode Your Profits Like a Fireworks Display

Let me start by sharing an honest-to-goodness *real* figure with you. During the past six months I have earned over $31,000 that came in DIRECTLY because of my free e-Books. Now, that's not to mention additional orders the customers purchased after their initial purchase. That is based on tracking sales generated exclusively by offers inside the e-Books.

Now, what's important to you right now isn't what I've made, but rather what you want to make. So, let's cut to the chase. You can now duplicate the exact system I use for creating these e-Books and launch your own successful e-Book

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Category: E-Marketing

How to Gain and Retain More Customers

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Title: How to Gain and Retain More Customers
Author: James Yuille
A Plain Language Action Guide

The simple four-step process that transformed a struggling small business owner who had sold nothing in eight months to selling $30,000 a month overnight...and how it can do the same for you...

"How To Gain And Retain More Customers - plain language manual" in which you'll find why people don't buy and how to fix it along with an expose of classic customer service bloopers typically made by businesses like yours. I guarantee that you'll cringe at the silliness of these all-too-often repeated mistakes.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing, How To, E-Business

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Reviewed by Chris Efird on 2017-09-09
My Rate 4
The book covers the majority of all the basic e-marketing information, and does a good job explaining the information

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-29
My Rate 3
this book is fun to read i like the conversation its helping to,,thats why i love ebook so much a lot of sense

Reviewed by Abhay Bhati on 2017-05-25
My Rate 4
best book on building squeeze pah
ges whch ultimately leads to conversion like crazy. . it helped me alot. . thank u

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Title: Top Tips for Building Website Landing Pages That Convert Like Crazy
Author: Dave Wedge

How to build a list of email subscribers that can then be marketed to by follow up email. This ebook contains examples and a step by step process.

This is now proven to be the single best way of building online business. Selling cold from the page is becoming more and more difficult.

Usually referred to as a Squeeze page, this type of landing page is designed specifically to capture a visitor's email address and gain them as a subscriber.

This provides a long term opportunity to build a relationship and create trust by showing your value and providing an insight to your business and your knowledge.

Such a relationship makes selling a lot easier as many of your subscribers will become fans who will happily purchase what you have to offer. Very often they will recommend you and pass on your details to friends and family.

All leading online marketers practice this approach, there is a well used phrase in the Internet Marketing world that "The money is in the list", but first you have to start building that list.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (3.66 after 3 votes)
Category: E-Marketing, Internet, SEO and Promotion

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Reviewed by Nick on 2009-03-17
My Rate 5
useful book

Reviewed by on 2009-01-29
My Rate 5
very useful

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Title: Easy SEO Guide
Author: Helen Filatova

This detailed step-by-step guide leads through the entire Search Engine Optimization process in simple steps. It provides valuable information for website owners and webmasters to incorporate SEO and promote their websites.

With this detailed step-by-step Search Engine Optimization guide you can promote your website! Do the Search Engine Optimization and search engines will LOVE your website!

Easy SEO Guide: Table of Content"

SEO steps
Keyword Research

STEP 1 Choose basic keywords
STEP 2 Expand your keywords list

Domain Name Registration

STEP 3 Choose your domain extension
STEP 4 Brainstorm your domain name
STEP 5 Check the availability of potential domain names
STEP 6 Register your domain name

Getting Your Site Indexed Before You Launch It

STEP 7 Choose a host
STEP 8 Create a "Coming soon" web page
STEP 9 Get some external links to your website

Website Structure

STEP 10 Website structure

File Structure

STEP 12 CSS and JavaScript

Page Optimization

STEP 13 Title tags
STEP 14 Meta tags
STEP 15 Headers and headlines
STEP 16 Navigation links
STEP 17 Content
STEP 18 Graphics
STEP 19 Internal links
STEP 20 External links

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