E-Marketing ebooks

Facebook 'Birthday Cash' Method
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Title: Facebook 'Birthday Cash' Method
Make $50+ A Day With "The Birthday Cash Method"
Getting Started
I am going to dive straight into this method and show you the blueprint on how to make money from the Birthday Cash Method.
Now as you know everyone has birthdays. Since we were kids to our dying day we all have a chance to celebrate our birthdays. This is one day which gives each of us a chance to feel really "special" and loved by our loved ones.
This method involves cashing in on Birthday's by getting people to fill out your CPA offer for you.
So the first thing to do is head over to Facebook.com and open a brand new Facebook account - with a female name.
Now when it comes to creating your Facebook account make sure you use an authentic name that does not sound spammy or anything.
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Exploiting Clickbank for Fast Profits
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Exploiting Clickbank for Fast Profits
Discover the Secrets of Selling and Publishing on ClickBank!
Selling Other People's Information Products is a Significant Way to Make A Lot of Money Online Fast ...
Finally a how-to-manual exists that teaches you how to exploit Clickbank and it's money-making potential from every single angle!
Create generous affiliate commissions for yourself whilst at the same time getting others to generate them for you too!
Discover how the richest people in marketing "work" the Clickbank system by reading and following the step-by-step rules set out in this groundbreaking and very analytical e-Book...
Exploiting Clickbank for Fast Profits
Discover how to promote your product, attract targeted traffic and land the big sales numbers that you have always dreamed of as an affiliate publisher or marketer!
Dear Fellow Internet Marketer!
You just can't be in any online business today without somehow stumbling across Clickbank.com, which is by far one of the largest and biggest product network sites on the net.
At any given time this monster-mall of affiliate products is offering over ten thousand items
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PLR Godfather
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: PLR Godfather
"Learning About PLR Godfather Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"
Insider Tips To Be The "Don" Of PLR!
Dear Friend,
'To bring in revenue, drive content and pick up subscribers utilizing PLR you need to take a step back from the gang, and get intelligent, while sustaining confidence 'Content makes cyberspace go round.....and if you are an net marketer that means you have to produce the material, or pay somebody else to produce it for you. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that increase your effectiveness and save hours everyday!
The truth is:
If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At PLR Godfather!
You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and with PLR? It's because they don't know that depending upon the 'license' that's issued with the PLR product, you are able to utilize the material in assorted ways - sell them to others as 'end users'. Or sell them to others to sell on again (resell or MRR), or you are able to break them up and utilize the material is different ways.
Which brings us to
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Internet Marketing Pitfalls!
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Internet Marketing Pitfalls!
"Internet Marketing Could Be The Answer To You Problems... Or A Huge Headache If Done Incorrectly!"
Learn All The Internet Marketing Pitfalls
And Lean How to Avoid Common Internet Marketing Mistakes That Will Kill Your Online Business!
Dear Friend,
If you have a look at the shape internet marketing has gotten in to you will see that it's deteriorated into a pitiful mess in some cases where the bulk of marketers are pressured to hassle their candidates like a piranha, biting as though are starving.
However, you must know that what internet marketing is NOT about is aggravating your friends and relatives to buy your products or listen to you try to recruit them for your business opportunity.
The truth is:
If You Do Not Know How To How to Avoid Common Internet Marketing Mistakes You Will Kill Your Online Business!
You know why most internet marketers have a tendency to fail? It's because they bank on their name list a bit much. If I were you, the 1st thing I would do is to get rid of that list of phone numbers you are currently holding on to.
The definition of insanity is - doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results (this phrase is ironically echoed again and again in internet marketing circles!)
The day you stop acquiring new leads, your entire
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Viral Marketing Made Easy
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Viral Marketing Made Easy
"What Does A Little Snowball, An Avalanche, And A Closely Guarded Secret Have To Do With Your Website, Your Visitors And Your Bank Account?"
In the next 2 minutes and 17 seconds you're going to learn how to use the snowball effect to double, triple, quadruple, oh heck, you're going to create an avalanche of traffic that grows so fast you'll hardly be able to keep track of your sales. You may want to call your bank manager and warn him to make more room in the vault for you.
If you've been hanging around the internet marketing community, you've no probably heard of viral marketing. It's certainly not a new concept. In fact it's been around since the Stone Ages. Back then we just called it word of mouth, or I guess back then it was more of a grunt, but either way, today we define viral marketing as
Viral marketing [vahy-ruhl] [mahr-ki-ting] - marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness, through self-replicating viral processes...
Source: Wikipedia
OK let's get down to brass tacks. Viral marketing is one of the most popular buzzwords in the internet marketing community. It's also one of the most misunderstood and misused marketing tactics around.
Done correctly, viral marketing can amass millions of visitors, members, and customers for your website. Done wrong and your website traffic stats
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Website Flipping For Cash
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(priced for $3.95 or less).
Title: Website Flipping For Cash
"Who Else Wants To Learn How To Buy & Sell Websites For Profit -- All From The Comfort of Your Home?"
Dear Friend,
If you are interested in learning everything there is to know about how to quickly and easily find websites to buy and sell for profit, then this is going to be the most important information you'll ever read...
Recently, a new breakthrough in website flipping was discovered and reported in an amazing new e-Book called Website Flipping For Cash.
It's amazing, because it covers nearly every bit of information you've ever wanted to know about how to buy and sell websites for profit, plus more...
Just imagine being able to easily find websites you can buy for cheap and sell for double, even triple the amount.
And you could do this from the comfort of your own home - wouldn't that be great?
Yes, you could make a full-time income buying and selling websites. Lots of people are quietly doing it already. It truly is possible, but you just need to know how.
That's what this brand new amazing e-Book on website flipping can help you do - plus you can....
You Can Buy and Sell Websites Quickly & Easily
Because, every bit of this e-Book is packed with the latest cutting edge information on buying and selling websites... Click here to read the full description!
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It's Your Niche
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Title: It's Your Niche
Learn How To Conquer Your Market
Dominating your market is easy when you have a formula for conquering your niche. Follow this solid business system and turn your competition to dust.
Hi there, you're listening to Terry Telford from www.thebusinessprofessional.com, and today we're extremely fortunate to have Marc Gamble with us. Marc is a business development consultant both on and offline. He's helped approximately 250 businesses over the last ten years to increase their profit margins and increase their results in marketing efforts. Marc's time constraints, being one man with only 24 hours in a day, led him to create an extremely powerful course called "Monopolize Your Marketplace." We're going to talk to Marc about his course a little bit, but for the most part, we're going to pick his brain about how we can take advantage of putting together a marketing package that's going to make us a leader within whatever industry we're in.
First, I'd like to welcome you, Marc, and thank you for taking the time to be with us today.
Terry, thank you so much for the invitation. This is conversation has been a long time in coming. I definitely appreciate it. Timing is everything and I think the time is right now. Let me just back up; I appreciate the great introduction. The "Monopolize Your Marketplace,"
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eBay Auction Tools and Secrets
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: eBay Auction Tools and Secrets
- Getting Started On eBay As A Buyer
- Getting Started On eBay As A Seller
- eBay Selling - The Opposite Of Buying
- Bidding On eBay
- What Turns Off A Prospective eBay Bidder Or Buyer?
- Things To Watch Out ForWhen Bidding On eBay
- Three eBay Bidding Strategies
- Tracking The Bidding Process
- What eBay Auction Tools Can Do For You
- Your Listing's Image Is Important
- What Does It Cost To Sell At Auction?
- Using HTML To Link To Images And Descriptions
- Using HTML To Add A Video To Your Listing
- Using HTML To Improve Auction Listings
- How Best To Describe An eBay Auction Item
- Tips On Writing Descriptive Text
- Tips On Writing The Title For Your Auction Listing
- Using Keywords In Auction Listings
- Tips For Getting The Most Bang For The Buck
- A Tip For Describing An Unusual Item
- Tips For Buying And Selling Art On eBay
- Save By Fixed Price Searching
- Selling Cell Phones And Smart Phones On eBay
- Selling Antiques On eBay
- Handy eBay Bidding Tools
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Content Flipping Profits
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Title: Content Flipping Profits
Work for an Hour or Two ... Get Paid for a Lifetime!
"Who Else Wants to Learn How to 'Flip Content' for Instant Cash Profits?"
Dear friend,
Have you heard of flipping real estate? That's where you buy a property cheap, fix it up and sell it for a quick profit.
Well, it may surprise you to discover that you can do the same thing with content on the web!
It's true.
Just follow a few simple tips and you could easily turn old private label rights (PLR) e-books and articles into instant PayPal cash.
And who doesn't love INSTANT CASH?
It's Time You Discovered How to Flip Content For Instant Cash ... & Lifetime Income!
Ask most Internet marketers today about PLR content and you're likely to be swamped with negative responses.
Here are two of the most common PLR complaints heard today:
- PLR content is pretty much useless unless you already have a large list to advertise it to
- The same PLR content is being sold all over the Internet so your competition is way too strong to make any real money with it
Well, guess what, these are both very valid complaints.
But what if I told you that you could easily repackage PLR content into new products and content sites that prospects would be practically lining up and begging you to let them buy?
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Ironclad Psychology For Internet Marketers
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Ironclad Psychology For Internet Marketers
" Learning About Ironclad Psychology For Internet Marketers Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"
Discover about the blueprint for building a successful brand online!
Dear Friend,
The true world of business may be relentless. Success is rewarded. Errors are penalized. The benefit is that it keeps you realistic. You can't settle for helplessness, laziness, and bad ideas, or your business will bomb. There's a huge chasm between an thought that sounds good and an idea that really gets carried out and succeeds under real life conditions. Anybody can muster up good ideas, but most individuals can't successfully follow through with them.
Some individuals can't handle the pressure of running their own business. They worry about the hazard of failure. They're viewing it from the improper angle though. That risk is exactly the point. Risk is what helps you grow. It makes you stronger. An entrepreneur who dreads risk is like a muscleman who's afraid of barbells.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the blueprint for building a successful brand online!
The truth is:
If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Ironclad Psychology For Internet Marketers!
You know why most people have a tendency to not... Click here to read the full description!
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