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E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Marketing

Mail Order in the Internet Age

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Title: Mail Order in the Internet Age
Author: Ted Ciuba
It's All About Money. . .Lots of Money!

1 Phone
1 Fax
1 Computer
In Less Than 1 Hour!

It's a pretty good bet that if you are reading this, you need or want money. The real truth is that you don't have money problems, you have solution problems. You got the problem. . .the solution is here.

If you've been chasing that illusive pot of gold from one useless, re-hashed, online opportunity after another, it's doggone well time you put on the brakes and take a listen to a master!

It's also a pretty good guess that if you are reading this, you've probably spent dollar after gut-wrenching dollar trying to find the "secrets" to fame and fortune.

Well you're about to trip over that rainbow and fall right in to your very own pot of gold. It's a sure bet that you will come away from reading this spellbinding roadmap to riches armed with every bit of knowledge, power and, yes even magic, necessary for you to amass untold riches for yourself.

A Match Made In Heaven!

There's a model that's been around for years, generating untold riches for those smart enough to be involved. Mail order has been around for decades.

Take the basic mail order concept, stir in a little technology, ad a dash of desire and 'voila, you've got your solution! It's called direct response marketing.

You see about it every day. Information products are the key to wealth online. As Ted says,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Web Sales Letters Supreme

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Title: Web Sales Letters Supreme
Author: Richard Stooker
You're Just One Gold Web Sales Letter Away From a Million Dollars

The Biggest Names in Internet Marketing Want to Write YOU Checks

Dear Friend,

Yes, it's true. The biggest names in Internet Marketing are ready, able and *more* than willing to write you checks -- every month.

  • Marlon Sanders . . .
  • Yanik Silver . . .
  • Mark Joyner . . .
  • Cory Rudl . . .
  • Jonathan Mizel . . .
  • Dr. Ken Evoy . . .
  • Terry Dean . . .

YOUR personal, customized Gold Edition of Web Sales Letters Supreme can be the key to your unlocking profits that are limited only by the effort you put in.

The bigger the checks, the better. These gurus would like nothing better than to write you a fat 4 figure check each and every single month.

How would you like to earn those fat 4-figure checks while you eat, sleep, play with your kids, watch a movie or anything else?


Not without work at the beginning. You and I both know that in this life you don't get something for nothing.

You've come to this web site because you have either bought or been given my latest ebook, Web Sales Letters Supreme. If you've had a chance to see it already, you know it's a terrific primer on how to write web sales letters.

Not only do you get the nuts and bolts, textbook material and prospect sales psychology which goes into the making of a web sales letter that gets the sale, it has 38 prime examples of web sales letters

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Web Marketing Explained

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Title: Web Marketing Explained
Real tips and advice from the Internet's best marketers!

"40 Successful Internet Marketers Explain Step-By-Step How They Make Money On Line."

Need More Traffic? Sales?
Get Help From The Pro's!

Proven tips from real people, making real money on line!

Dear Friend,

Right now, people all over the world are making money on line via their Web Sites and Ezines, and I have managed no less than 40 of them to reveal their personal success tips with you...

... so keep reading if you want to find out how they do it!

No matter what you sell on line (E-books, software, or affiliate programs), your business will only become profitable if you know the basics of Web Marketing!

You may have the coolest web site in the world, a site that impresses and entertains... but if you don't know how Web Marketing works, you will never make ONE SINGLE CENT from your site.

The truth is, most people are totally confused and puzzled about Web Marketing...

... and no wonder...

There are thousands of "wannabe" guru's out there, telling you they have the "Secret To Making Money"... but all they want is your money...

However, don't panic :-)

Marketing on line is not as difficult as you may think. Really, it's not!

Anyone can do it, and there's no need to waste your money on expensive marketing sessions, training classes, or "guru" video's...

... it all comes down

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Traffic Jam Formula

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Title: Traffic Jam Formula
Author: Graham Hamer
Does YOUR Web site have an Inferiority Complex?

Discover The Amazing TrafficJam™ Formula that DRAGS VISITORS TO YOUR SITE like a ten ton magnet!
nhsi4k1z... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Your eBook Daily Marketing Plan

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Title: Your eBook Daily Marketing Plan
Author: Wayne Perkins, Tom Hua 
Best Selling Title from Amazon.compThisisadetaileddailye-BookMarketingPlandesignedforaperiodoffourweekstohelpyoutomarketyoure-Bookson-linebrPerformjust3marketingactivitiesperdayandyouwillbegintoseethebestpossibleresultswithin60daysorlessnbspppbTableofContentsbppbMondayWeekOnebppOpen3newfreee-mailaccountsSearchonthemajorsearchenginesunderfreee-mailandyouwillfindatontochoosefromYouneedoneaccountforyourbusinessoneforsearchenginesubmissionsandyouneedonetojoine-maillistsanddiscussiongroupsYoumayevenneedmorefreee-mailaccountsifyouwanttomeasurethesuccessofpromotionsyoudowithyourebooksppSignupforafreeautoresponderTakethebestchapteroutofyoure-BookandloaditintothenewautoresponderppFind3mailinglistownersande-maileachofthemofferingtosendafreechapterfromyournewe-BooktooffertheirlistmembershipGivethemoneofyournewe-mailaddressesasareturnaddressppbTuesdayWeekOnebppCreateanewsreleaseandsearchonyournewsgroupsande-maillistswithe-BooksasthesearchwordandfindgroupswhereyoucansendyourreleaseppSendoutanewsreleasetoannounceyoure-BooktoyourlocalandregionalnewspapersSendthemtoasmanyeditorsasyoucanfindForexamplesendanewsreleasetoalocalnewseditorafeatureeditorandaebookrevieweditorppConduct... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Leap Ahead

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Title: Leap Ahead
Author: Tom Hua
Unique Approaches That Accelerate Your Business!

A Chronicle Of One Man's Meteoric Rise To Internet Fame and Fortune. . .and How You Can Do The Same!

Unless you've been hiding under a rock somewhere, you have no doubt heard his name before. Especially if you are reading something that lists the top marketers on the Internet.

Mention the word "ebook" and one name automatically comes to mind. Tom Hua! Many marketers have come and gone since he first revolutionized the information industry. Many have tried to emulate him, but there is only one genuine article.

If you wanted to discover how to become successful in the online information industry, who would you rather hear from? A "copycat" or the guy who pioneered the system?

It's a "no-brainer," isn't it? Of course you want the straight scoop and now you have the opportunity to do just that. Get the "whole enchilada" from the bona fide leader of the pack! Now, you can discover the secrets to his success and apply them to your own efforts.

Learn the humble beginnings of this info product genius and discover how he overcame the same struggles you are faced with every single day in your online business.

He tells you in his introduction:

  • "I know that I could achieve great results in just a few weeks rather than several months, if I ever had to start from scratch again because, today, I have these proven techniques."

That's because Tom has proven results that what he did works! He goes on to... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing


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Title: Webvertising
Author: Terry Dean
Discover How to Write Online Ad Copy That Sells!

There are hundreds of ways to generate traffic to a web site.   But. . . what happens when the traffic arrives?

You may have a beautifully designed web site.  Your product might be awesome.   None of that is important unless you have a killer sales letter.  

Writing a killer sales letter is one of the most important keys to online success.  But, many people don't know where to start.  Do you?

Knowing how to promote your web site is just the beginning, you need sales copy.

Learn this NEW system developed entirely to combine content and sales copy for awesome online promotions.  Some of what you will discover is:

  • Feel confident you're hitting the mark
  • Find the answer to how long your copy should be
  • Educate Your Prospects into taking action
  • Learn how to justify the purchase
  • How to write interesting web copy
  • Create lasting value
  • How to outsell awesome copy with an average offer
  • Why is research important
  • Create An Irresistible Offer
  • Discover the value of giving the best right off the bat
  • How to create dozens of headlines
  • How to make your site "sticky"
  • Where is the proof?
  • Grabbing the readers attention
  • Learn how to build credibility
  • Discover what is the most important
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Internet Marketing Secrets Unleashed

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Title: Internet Marketing Secrets Unleashed
Author: Simon Macharia
You'll Never Do Business the Same Way Again!

Nor will you ever lose another coin on the internet again.

This E-Book will completely change you do business. It is going to turn you into a constant money-making machine. In the Ebook, you will discover:

  • How to make your website really SELL. And overwhelm you with nothing but pure profits!
  • How to capitalize on PROSPECT/LEAD CAPTURE, and convert every prospect into a PAYING customer, regardless of the nature of your online business.
  • How to literally drive insane traffic for free.....and over 1 million visitors EVERY DAY without paying a coin.
  • 20 unique ways to promote your site.... And get your site noticed all over the internet.
  • How to drive a CONSTANT flow of traffic to your website endlessly..... and keep them coming back for more!
  • How to use the power of direct email promotion to create a jam of traffic to your website.....And earn endless profits by keeping your sales flowing in 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
  • How to make a self-promoting FUNCTIONAL website that really clicks! ...and learn The power of CGI/java scripts, and which ones EVERY webmaster should have!
  • How to Spice Up your pages for the search engines.... And get your website spidered by the search engines.
  • How to get your site listed in Yahoo! ....And appear on Yahoo! search in as little as 48 hrs! This information alone has been selling on the internet like a hot
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Achieving Lift Off!!

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Title: Achieving Lift Off!!
Author: Allan Wilson
Discover The Fast Road To Starting and Succeeding With An Online Business... The SENSIBLE Way

We cover such topics as:

  • Take The Short-Cut To Success With Reprint Rights
  • How To Make Your Own E-books
  • Maximise Your Profits From Affiliate Programs
  • Two Horror Stories About Webhosting and How You Can Avoid Them
  • How To Create Your Own Website
  • Learn How Easy It Is To Have A Third Party Merchant Account
  • You Must Build An Email List and Follow Up Your Contacts
  • You Must Use Pay Per Click Search Engines
  • You Must Have Good Customer Service
  • How To Discover More About Internet Marketing
  • Free Traffic Generators To Get You Started
  • Action Plan If You Are Completely New
  • We Present a Summary of All The Expert Advice
  • Action Plan For The More Experienced
  • We Reveal the Best Multi Level Marketing Programs

We discuss the main problems faced by business owners today...

  • I Don't Have My Own Product
  • I'm Not Getting Enough Traffic
  • I Don't Have Enough Time
  • How Do I Determine The Right Pricing Strategies?
  • I'm Suffering From Information Overload
  • I Need Funding
  • Where Can I Get Best Value For My Marketing Dollar?
  • How Do I Find A Solid Income Producer?
  • I Lack Marketing Ability

Plus Learn How Some Of The Biggest Names On The Internet Got Started and Sit Up And Take... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Black Belt Web Marketing

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Title: Black Belt Web Marketing
Self - Learning Guide and Planning Manual

Discover by doing, active involvement. That's the uniqueness of " Black Belt Web Marketing ". After completing the exercises in each lesson, you will have a thorough understand of how to dramatically increase web traffic and a comprehensive, well organized Web Marketing Plan for doing so.

"New Action Plan Lets You Stop Working Too Hard And Finally Start Getting Results From Your Web Site..."

Would You Like To:

  • Get More Sales?
  • Get More People To Your Web Site?
  • Stop Wasting Time On marketing That Doesn't Work?
  • Work Smart Instead Of Work Hard?

Hi, I've got some groundbreaking news about selling anything on line. If you've ever tried to run a web business, you know how hard it *usually* is to get visitors to your site...and make sales!

Well I've got great news, that's all changed since I started using Black Belt Web Marketing, and you're not going to believe how quickly you can start pulling in floods of targeted and qualified visitors to your site...once you put Black Belt Web Marketing to work for you!

It seems hard to believe that within only a week or two, you could possess the knowledge, resources, and have a comprehensive plan for dramatically improving traffic to a Web site, any Web site. And more importantly, you'll have an action plan for getting it done. Action! It's what makes Black Belt Web Marketing so unique.

You see, Black... Click here to read the full description!

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