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Oscar Wilde

E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Marketing

The Internet Entrepreneurship Survival Guide

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Title: The Internet Entrepreneurship Survival Guide

Master The Backwoods Of Internet Entrepreneurship - All Distilled Into A Single Most Powerful Guide!



  • Joint Venture Marketing Leverage
  • Group Leverage
  • Traffic Leverage
  • Labor Replication
  • Safe Rule of Thumb for ANY Business Endeavor
  • Due Diligence
  • One Chance on the Merry-Go-Round of Life


  • Compelling Copy
  • What's In It For Me?
  • Delivery Is Everything
  • Honing Your Copy Writing Skills
  • Getting Your Reader's Attention
  • Practice
  • Personalize and Be Specific
  • The Naked Truth

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Category: E-Marketing

The Internet Marketer's Guide to Article Marketing

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Title: The Internet Marketer's Guide to Article Marketing

ATTENTION: Anyone Selling Anything Online...

"Learn How To Get Hordes of Free Traffic, Free Publicity and Increased Sales From Simple Articles"

Here's An Essential Manual You Need To Take Advantage of This Powerful Free Source of Traffic and Build Quality Backlinks...

Dear Visitor,

One word - traffic. If you just had enough of it could you imagine how much more you'd be able to make? or how many subscribers you'd be able to mail out to?

You've tried several traffic methods with no success:

  • Wasting time advertising using traffic exchange sites with poor responses
  • Spending hundreds even thousands of dollars on Pay-per-click without getting the return on investment you expected
  • Spending money on banner advertising without getting the results you wanted
  • Learning everything you know about SEO and trying to "figure out" how to get your sites on the top of the search engines. One day your site is on the first page and the next it disappeared.

It's painful and frustrating! I know. I was in the same boat until I found a reliable source of traffic.

Not only is it reliable, but it's highly targeted, builds quality backlinks for your sites and gives you a steady flow of visitors...

The secret source? Simple - Articles.

It's a Traffic Tactic You

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Category: E-Marketing

How to Write Lead-Pulling Squeeze Pages on the Fly!

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Title: How to Write Lead-Pulling Squeeze Pages on the Fly!

Master the Skills of Crafting Your Own Web Page that Sucks Fresh Leads Like a Vacuum... Without the OFF Switch!

"The Money is in the List". But did you know that one of the most effective methods in list building you should master your skills on is creating your own Squeeze Page?

A Squeeze page is a simple web page that does nothing else but convert your visitors into subscribers for your opt-in mailing list.

This 27 page manual shows you how to create your very own Squeeze Page and takes you behind the simple yet ingeniously designed system to online riches as used by some of the leading Internet Marketers and Direct Response entrepreneurs in the world!

Introduction to Squeeze Pages

Before you begin the attempt to build a successful list or create a powerful sales page, you will want to start with a rigorous introduction to Squeeze Pages.

In stark contrast to undifferentiated, unfocused home pages, Squeeze Pages focus specifically on capturing leads for a newsletter or making sales for a specific product - and make no attempt to give visitors a different option.

Another common word that is often used to describe Squeeze Page, is "squeeze page" (or "lead capture page" in some circles). A squeeze page is a page designed to get names and email addresses. Usually, however, a squeeze page is usually a

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Category: E-Marketing

Ultimate Dirty Internet Marketing Tricks Volume 3

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Title: Ultimate Dirty Internet Marketing Tricks Volume 3

Attn: A Limited Amount Of These Reports Will Ever Be Sold Due To The Secrets Revealed Inside. . .

"Learn Why Most Internet Marketing Gurus NEVER Want You To Read The Contents Of This Eye-Opening Report That Will Sky Rocket Your Profits"

Dear Frustrated Internet Marketer,

Have you been struggling to make more money with your Internet Marketing strategies?

Or, do you spend waaaaaaay too much buying other Marketers products?

Well, I have the perfect solution to help you out on both levels!

The Ultimate Dirty Internet Marketing Tricks series were built on the above frustrations by "spilling the beans" on some of the most used, crafty Marketing tricks that help the "big guys" lift the money straight out of your wallet. And the tradition has continued on with the next volume.

Learn exactly what these dirty strategies are so that you can recognize them before you whip out your credit card. And save yourself money. However, if you are indeed an Internet Marketer, you can discover all about these dirty tricks and begin using them to. . .

  • Make Your Customers Take The Action You Desire
  • Increase Your Online Profit Margin
  • Make Money From "Making Money"
  • Build Your Own Money Making Mailing List

And Much More!

By downloading your own copy of Ultimate Dirty Internet Marketing Tricks:

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Category: E-Marketing

FaceBooking Craze For Internet Marketers!

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Title: FaceBooking Craze For Internet Marketers!

Why Internet Marketers Should Use FaceBook, How It Can Help Grow Your Business And How To Get 500 Friends In 30 Days! 

In marketing circles, there is a great deal of talk about FaceBook. FaceBook is a social networking site that came quietly into the Internet scene in early 2004 and at that time, it was geared towards college students only.

Friends and 'soon to be' friends can be located with their email, by region or city, by profession, by their school, or numerous other options. Once a person has joined your circle of friends, you can interact with them by sending them messages or leaving notes on their profile, which is essentially called 'writing on one's wall'.

A lot has changed in 4 years and now anyone over the age of 13 can open a free account at FaceBook and start interacting with others. Today, there are more than 80 million people using FaceBook.

Since FaceBook has become open to non-college students, some of the most famous Internet Marketers, including John Reese, Mike Filsaime, Willie Crawford, and Edmund Loh have found that the social networking site is more than just a way to connect with old friends and to meet new friends, it can also be used as a valuable marketing tool.

'FaceBooking' can boost your business in the relationship area and connect to your customers and potential partners on a personal level - you will learn all these in FaceBooking Craze For

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Category: E-Marketing

Forum Marketing Secrets

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Title: Forum Marketing Secrets

Building Your Online Presence with Forum Marketing

Table of Contents

  • Forum Marketing Online
  • Why is Forum Marketing Effective?
  • Forum Marketing Etiquette
  • Getting Started with Forum Marketing
  • Make Your Presence Felt through Forum Posting
  • Regular Participation
  • Only Post High Quality Content
  • Steps to Successful Forum Marketing
  • Forum Marketing Can Become an Addiction
  • Importance of Forum Based Market places
  • Forum Based Market Places - It's More Than About Making Quick Money!
  • Before You Post Your Offer
  • Making Your Offer in a Forum Based Marketplace
  • Spend Time on the Forums
  • You can utilize forums daily in various ways:
  • Why Should Post an Offer in a Forum Market Place?
  • Price testing
  • To Develop Products and Improve on Them
  • Management of Your Offer
  • Tips about Your Forum Based Market Place Offer
  • How Can You Leverage Your Business with a Forum Based Market Place Offer?
  • #1 - Thank Your Buyers
  • #2 - Build Your List
  • #3 - Construct your Database Carefully
  • #4 - Make an Offer with your Upsell
  • #5 - Please Follow up
  • #6 - Bridge Your Way
  • #7 - Testimonials
  • #8 - Consolidate your Affiliate Army
  • #9 - Locate Joint Venture
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Category: E-Marketing

21 Tips To Viral Marketing Success!

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Title: 21 Tips To Viral Marketing Success!

"Make Money & Explode Your Traffic With Viral Marketing!"

"Never Before Told Secrets About Viral Marketing REVEALED!"

Dear Friend

There are so many people who seem to suddenly strike it rich with their online business with little or no time or effort on their part. Isn't it frustrating when they go on vacations, buy a new car or start renovating their home? Why can't you be one of those people?

You can!

By harnessing the power of viral marketing and applying it to your own Internet based business, you can build a profitable business on which you can collect thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in revenue!

Have you ever wanted to be your own boss? Have you ever wanted to forget about schedules and work around your own schedules? Are you tired of being stuck on a shift you hate or working with people you don't like? It's all possible, without an expensive education or lots of time and money. You can even do it from the comfort of your own home!

Isn't It About Time You're In Control Of Your Own Destiny?

Understanding the basics of viral marketing and how to make it work for you makes it easy to build a profitable online business. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars on a business model or franchise and you don't have to take out

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Category: E-Marketing

Forget The Hype

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Title: Forget The Hype

Don't do things the hard way!

Read this ebook and discover from MY mistakes.

Dear Friend,

Internet marketing is a huge business. Where do you begin if you want to be an online marketer? Tough question, huh? There are lots of ways to begin your way on the bumpy journey. Just make sure you are aware that it WILL be a bumpy ride..

Note: Maybe you've already started the journey, possibly even been burnt a few times? This e-book will give you insightful tips on how to avoid scams, shams and spam BEFORE parting with another penny of your hard-earned cash!

You will also discover about:...

  • choosing a domain
  • building a website
  • email marketing
  • website promotion

and MUCH more....

The life of online marketers is filled with ups and downs. Some people seem to have it all, and others have nothing and get burnt badly. Which one do you want to be? I'm guessing it's the 1st one right? Otherwise you wouldn't have even read this far..

Building and promoting a website actually IS NOT the easiest thing in the world to do if you're new to all of this, despite what you may have heard. How do you discover HTML? How do you find a website host? What about choosing a domain name? Did you know that your domain name can have a huge impact on your business?

Read about 3 essential skills EVERY marketer must

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Category: E-Marketing

A Stealth Marketing Tactic That Guarantees Results!

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Title: A Stealth Marketing Tactic That Guarantees Results!

"One Ultra-Resourceful, Underutilized, Low Cost - Never Known To Fail - Stealth Marketing Tactic - Guaranteed To Increase Your Traffic And Sales In 10 Days Or Less!"

I'm really excited to have you here with me sharing in this information because I truly believe - without a doubt - that this "all meat and no fluff" e-course can literally change your financial future.

Having said that however, you need to understand that in order to change your future, you have to start by taking some sort of action.

That's why it's imperative that you realize right from the start that you can't just read this course... that won't do you any good.

You have to put the information I'm about to share with you into action.

Action produces results!

Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to discover some new skills over the next few days and then put those new skills into action?

You are?

Good... then let's get crackin' and start makin' some moolah!

So... what is this stealth marketing tactic that's guaranteed to bring more visitors and more profits in for your business?

Well, it's a closely guarded secret that very few marketers are willing to share.

It's the power of article promotion!

You see, one of the most effective ways you'll ever learn for bringing more traffic to your

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Category: E-Marketing

The Art of Selling Shovels To A Hungry Market

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Title: The Art of Selling Shovels To A Hungry Market

Learn The "Who's", "What's", And "How's" Of Successful Online Product Creation & Selling For Big Time Bucks

Discover How You Can Make Every Product A Giant Success, Over And Over Again With 5 Secret Profit Pulling Methods!

Dear Struggling Internet Marketer,

Have you ever thought to yourself....

"Geeze, I'm never gonna make big bucks online....Everything I've tried just ends up costing me more money and doesn't give me any profits in return....I think I'll just give up now and save myself years of aggrevation."

I know just how you feel.

I've been there myself. Many times.

Until I discovered "The Art of Selling Shovels".

Selling Shovels isn't a revolutionary concept.

It's actually quite an aged concept. But, just as with a great wine, the Selling Shovels concept only improves with age. And of course new technology doesn't hurt to push it into the right direction either ;-).

And inside The Art of Selling Shovels, I will fully explain the entire concept in easy to understand language. Plus, I will also hand over 5 tried and true "Shovel Hunt" Methodologies specifically designed to help skyrocket your earning potential by leaps and bounds.

Sound too good to be true?

Well, it isn't.

Okay, you may be skeptical. And you may not

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